高考英语一轮复习 Unit19 指导课时作业A卷(含解析) 北师大版.doc_第1页
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unit 19 a卷一、单项填空1(2012安阳月考)there was more than _ rain and snow last year,so some parts of the country have been flooded this spring.aextrabefficientcpermanent dadequate2(2012吉林模拟)people read newspapers and magazines in order to keep themselves _ of what is going on in the world outside.aconnected bknowncupdated dinformed3(2012枣庄模拟)he didnt _ to what i said because his mind was on something else.ahold on bcatch onctake in dget over4(2012福州模拟)elephants have their own way to tell the shape of an object,_ it is rough or smooth.a不填 bwhetherchow dwhat5we should try to take right measures to _ the success of the undertaking.amake bbe surecprevent densure6(2012滁州模拟)im sorry i cannot _ to work here for more than a year.aguarantee bensurecconfirm dconserve7_ the activities might seem childish,in reality they require a lot of strength and determination.awhen bascwhile donce8the _ of air and water makes it impossible to live on the moon.apresence bminimumccircumstance dabsence9the reply was little _ that it was not worth our consideration.abad bto the purposecterrible dfor the purpose10soldiers are trained under conditions that closely _real army inspection of prc on national day in beijing.asimilar bresembleclike dcompare11the little boy was allowed to go swimming _ he kept near the other boys.aprovided that b in casecnow that dby the time12you cant see through the telescope until it is _ to your eyes.aadapted badoptedcappealed dadjusted13the house was so low that the young man hit his head and was _ for several minutes.aunconscious bcautiouscanxious dcurious14some kinds of animals can take on the color of their _.aconditions benvironmentcsurroundings dsituation15he expressed his approval _ the suggestion that the school be established immediately in the quakestricken area.aon bwithcto dof二、完形填空(2012南昌模拟)it was in my high school science class.i was doing a task in front of the classroom with my favorite shirt on.a _1_ came,“nice shirt,”i smiled from ear to ear.then another voice said,“that shirt belonged to my dad.gregs mother works for my family.we were going to _2_ that shirt away,but gave it to her _3_.”i was speechless.i wanted to hide.i _4_ the shirt in the back of the closet and told my mum what had happened.she then dialed her _5_ ,“i will no longer work for your family,”she told him.that night,mom told my dad that she couldnt clean anymore;she knew her lifes _6_ was something greater.the next morning she _7_ with the personnel manager at the board of education.he told her that without a proper education she could not teach.so mom decided to _8_ a university.after the first year in college,she went back to the personnel manager.he said,“you are _9_,arent you?i think i have a _10_ for you as a teachers assistant.this opportunity deals with children who are mentally challenged with little or no chance of _11_.”mom accepted the opportunity very _12_.for almost five years,as a teachers assistant,she saw teacher after teacher give up on the children and quit,feeling _13_.then one day,the personnel manager and the principal _14_ in her classroom.the principal said,“we have watched how you _15_ the children and how they communicate with you and admire your hardworking _16_ over the last five years.we are all in agreement that you _17_ be the teacher of this class.”my mom spent more than 20 years there._18_ her career,she was voted teacher of the year.all of this came about because of the _19_ comment made in the classroom that day.mom showed me how to handle _20_ situations and never give up.1a.noise bvoicecsound dtune2a.get btakeccarry dthrow3a.otherwise banyhowcinstead dactually4a.settled bpushedcstored dstuck5a.teacher bemployercdirector dadviser6a.purpose bencouragementcachievement dvictory7a.went bmetcworked dstayed8a.visit bcontinuecattend dprepare9a.serious bfortunateccareful dresponsible10a.career bdutycposition dpart11a.learning bjudgingcobeying dimagining12a.patiently beagerlycsuccessfully dskillfully13a.upset bfrightenedcguilty dashamed14a.looked up bwent upctook up dshowed up15a.believe bprotectctreat dreceive16a.spirit bintentioncaction dattempt17a.must bwouldcmight dshould18a.at bduringcon dwith19a.worthless bthoughtlesschopeless dhelpless20a.challenging bdifferentcdangerous dstrange三、阅读理解(2012郑州质量检测)why is it that students in less popular majors sometimes find it easier to get a job?simple.its because they are out there in the“blue ocean”,a relatively untouched area.the term was created by chan kim and renee mauborgne,two professors who use it to describe less crowded parts of business and industry with little or no competition.it contrasts with the“red ocean”,which is already saturated,competitive,and crowded with people or companies providing the same services or producing the same goods.according to these two authors,the primary goal of business is to enter the“blue ocean”or create a new market.this is done by creating what no one else has.business must come up with creative things that are useful and affordable and reduce unnecessary costs.so customers get what they want for less and sellers get a higher return on their investment.when these two are combined,its a catalyst(催化剂)for the blue ocean market.mcdonalds is a popular example.traditional restaurants have waiters,table settings,menus,and a certain type of service.mcdonalds,however,was different.it did away entirely with waiters and table service,and kept the menu limited.but in its number of locations,speed,overall quality and child friendliness,mcdonalds did far better than traditional restaurants.in this sense,one can say that mcdonalds was a totally different concept in eating out.it met the blue ocean demand.1according to chan kim and renee mauborgne,“blue ocean”means“_”acrowded parts of business and industry with little competitionbnew markets which are full of competitioncnew companies offering different services from old onesdcertain untouched markets with few competitors2the underlined word“saturated”in para.2 probably means“_”acarry out according to an unusual methodbarrange in advancecbe unable to take any moredbe different from the old market3mcdonalds success lies in_.aits being different from traditional restaurantsbinventing a unique business with few competitorscits advanced operation and managementdits best overall quality and services4for a website providing information and services for new mothers,finding the“blue ocean”means“_”aoffering something other websites haveboffering the best information and servicesccreating a new market to help the website stand outdlooking for a unique position in the marketplace参考答案与解析课时作业(三十七)unit 19a卷一、单项填空1解析:more than adequate过多的;extra额外的;efficient有效的;能干的;permanent永久的。答案:d2解析:句意:为了使自己了解外部世界所发生的事情,人们读报刊杂志。keep rmed of sth.“把某事告知某人,使某人了解”。答案:d3解析:句意:他没有领会我说的话,因为他在想其他的事情。take in“理解,领会,记住”;hold on“抓住不放,继续”;catch on“学会”,catch on to sth.“理解某事”;get over“克服”。答案:c4解析:句意:大象有自己的办法来辨别物体的形状,不管这个物体是粗糙的还是光滑的。whether.or.引导让步状语从句。答案:b5解析:句意:我们应该努力采取正确措施,以确保这项事业成功。make作“使”解时,后接复合宾语;be sure后接名词作宾语时要加介词of;prevent防止;ensure确保。答案:d7解析:句意:尽管这些活动可能显得有点孩子气,但实际上它们需要力量和决心。while显然,尽管,表示两种情况的对比说明。答案:c8解析:句意:因为没有空气和水,所以在月球上居住是不可能的。absence缺乏,符合句意。presence存在;minimum最低;circumstance情形。答案:d9解析:由that从句可知,前面应是“回答一点也不中肯”;to the purpose中肯的,符合句意。答案:b10解析:句意:战士们正在北京接受训练,其情形与中华人民共和国国庆阅兵十分相似。空格处应该使用动词,所以首先排除a项,c、d两项不合语意。答案:b11解析:考查连接词。句意:如果有别的男孩子在身边,这个小男孩是可以游泳的。provided that 如果,条件是;in case 以防;now that 既然;by the time 到时间为止。答案:a12解析:句意:你把望远镜调节到适合你的目光之后,你才看得见。adjust表示“调整,调节”。答案:d13解析:句意:那房子太矮,那年轻人撞了头,好几分钟没有意识。unconscious“失去知觉的,没有意识的”。答案:a14解析:surroundings指周围具体的、物质性的环境。答案:c15解析:句意:他赞成立刻在地震灾区建设学校的建议。express ones approval of sth.意为“对表示赞成”,符合句意。答案:d二、完形填空解题导语:作者的委屈让母亲觉得受了侮辱,她毅然辞掉了手头的工作,克服种种困难去大学深造。面对一群智障孩子,她没有放弃,用自己的敬业精神感动了学生和领导。她的自强不息,也让作者受益匪浅。1解析:此处指的是人的声音,所以用voice。下一句中的another voice也是线索提示。答案:b2解析:根据上一句中的内容可知他们原本打算把这件衬衣“扔掉”,但是后来(做了个顺水人情)给了作者的母亲。答案:d3解析:他们没有把衬衣扔掉,“而是”给了作者的母亲。答案:c4解析:作者受到别人的冷嘲热讽羞得无地自容,显然对衬衣产生了逆反心理,于是把衬衣“随手放”到壁橱的后面。答案:d5解析:根据第二段中的内容可知作者的母亲是在给别人当雇工,所以是给她的“雇主”打电话。答案:b6解析:她不堪让孩子受委屈,于是辞掉了眼前的工作 ,因为她知道自己人生的“目标”远比给别人当雇工伟大。答案:a7解析:结合上下文可知应是meet with,表示“与会面”。她当时还没有被对方接受,因此后两项不正确。答案:b8解析:根据上一句中的内容可知她没有受过高等教育,但是迫于工作的需要,她决定去“上”大学。答案:c9解析:结合语境可知她虽然已经成家,但是为了工作仍然不惜克服各种困难去上大学,这种“认真的”态度博得了对方的好感。答案:a10解析:根据本句后半部分提到的助教可知是一个“工作岗位”。答案:c11解析:她从事的是教育行业,面对的是精神不太正常、“学习”有困难的孩子。答案:a12解析


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