



2013高考英语二轮总复习阅读理解精选(16)及答案ahello. its one of the first words we learn as babies, yet its one of the last ones we think to use as adults . thats unfortunate, because saying hello is more than just saying helloit is recognition of anothers worth. how might the world changehow might we changeif we mastered this word? to find out, i spent one month saying hello to every person i met. heres what ive learned. it can boost (促进) productivity. in one of the few studies ever done on this subject, allan all day, an assistant professor of special education at oklahoma state university, had middle school teachers greet their students individually each morning. this exchange of greetings raised the kids productivity. school went from impersonal to personal, and that resulted in more class participation and better grades. environments influence friendliness. one study found that people in the city were less likely to shake hands with a stran ger than those in the countryside. and researchers say, pleasant environments generally encourage more smiles and hellos than unpleasant ones. my experience was similarly. whatever the reason, my urban hellos were answered far less often than my rural ones. similarly, people in vacation spots , like the jersey shore, were far friendlier than those hurrying work downtown. its a form of universal health insurance. its impossible to say hello without smiling. and smiling has been shown to lower blood pressure, relieve stress and boost happiness. apparently, a smile creates a similar effect in the recipient (接受者).so maybe we can make the world a better place by saying hello to each other. after a month of doing it, i feel lighter and more connected and i have a better sense of well-b eing.56what can be inferred in paragraph 1?athe first word we learn as babies is hello.bsaying hello is recognition of anothers worth.cadults are not willing to say hello.dthe writer spent a month saying hello to every person.57the underlined sentence in paragraph 2 probably means .astudents can get higher scores in tests because they greet their teachers every daybthe exchange of greeting s made more students participate in the classcthere is more class participation and better grades in private schoolsdteachers and students got friendlier so that the students became more active in learning and scored higher in tests58according to the passage, smiling can have the following effects on health except .alowering blood pressure breducing stresscincreasing happiness dimproving intelligence59whats the wr iters purpose of writing the passage?ato advise us to say hello more often.bto tell us saying hello can boost productivity.cto prove that environments influence, friendliness.dto tell us saying hello is a form of universal health insurance.bnew zealandwhat can you see?mountains, volcanoes, rivers, lakes, waterfalls, forests, beaches. both islandsare mountainous. in fact, only 30% of new zealand is flat.the maoriswhen the maoris first arrived in new zealand, they lived in villages and wereexcellent fishermen, hunters and farmers. about 50 years ago many maoris started to live and work in the large cities and took jobs in government, industries, medicine and education. they are proud of their culture and are determined to keep many of the customs which are part of their way of life.who can you meet?most people live on north island. eighty-five percent of new zealanders are “ pakeha ” (“white men”), which means their “great grandfathers” came from europe. ten percent are maoris. the maoris came to new zealand from the polynesian islands probably around the tenth century. the “pakeha” started to arrive in new zealand from europe about 200 years ago as farmers and traders.fact box: new zealandposition: south of the equator (赤道); nearestneighbor: australia, 1600 km away.size: two main islands north island andsouth island: together they are 268,680 sq. km.population: 4 millioncapital: wellingtonlanguages: english and maori60which of the following is a fact about new zealand?a. 20% of the population being maoris.b. there are four million white people.c. it lies about 1,600 km south of the equator.d. nearly 1/3 of the country being plains.61the countrys population is mainly made up of . .a. the white people and the polynesiansb. the white people and the “pakeha”c. the maoris and the white peopled. the maoris and the polynesians62how many years ago did the white people begin to live in new zealand?a. 1,000 years .b. 200 years .c. 85 years .d. 50 years .63what do the maoris value most in life?a. living in small villages.b. developing farming skills.c. keeping their own culture.d. taking up government jobs.ci remember the first time that i was extremely happy. i was about 8 years old when for the first time, there was a computer in the classroom. i remember that my teacher that my teacher allowed each student to take turns playing various educational games on the computer. one day, i found the source code for one of these games. without knowing or being taught any programming language, i was able to figure out some portions of the basic code. anyone who knows a bit of programming can tell you that i just give myself an infinite (无穷大) number of lives in the game, so i could continue playing forever. this was also my first introduction to algebra (代数), and i didnt even know it at the time . this was a defining moment in my life , for the first time that i can remember, i was quite happy because of what i was learning and what i was able to do . as a result, i became enthusiastic for the rest of my life about self-learning and computers , and i was quite happy doing them , too.ive noticed that people who are truly content with life are enthusiastic in what they do. this enthu siasm, along with good health, is the key to being happy . it also leads to self-confidence and fulfillment in life. too , it may also lead to success. wealth, and achievements.yes , success, wealth, or achievements can also bring some people happiness, yet know plenty of people who are unhappy. i know several people with successful businesses that are not happy with what they are doing. i know people who continuously buy themselves new toys, such as cars, computers, and televisions, yet never seem content for too ling. please remember that happiness is the journey of life, not the destination.64what is the secret to finding happiness in the authors opinion?asuccess and wealth. bgifts and self-confidencecknowledge and achievements. denthusiasm and good health.65the author mentions the happiness he experienced at age 8 to tell readers that .acreative thinking can change ones whole life.bthe basic code is not so difficult to learncbeing absorbed in something one loves makes one happydone can figure out any problem in life without others help66the underlined word “defining” in paragraph 2 is the closest in meaning to “ ”.acrazybdecisiveccommonddifficult67we can learn from the last paragraph that .awealth cannot bring people happinessbrich people generally feel unhappy nowadayscworking whole-heartedly matters more than achievements.done will feel unhappy once he gets what he wants.dspending beyond ones means is becoming a national problem for americans. borrowing has become so easy that it takes great willpower for people to refuse it. “i received a number of gold mastercard and gold visa card offers in the mail during the past two months,” said one computer engineer at at&t bell laboratories in chicago. “i got three of them in one day last week.” lenders are providing easy credit (信贷) for borrowers. many banks now offer every borrower a great variety of credit, a service once offered almost only to big companies. norwest bank minneapolis offers lending programs for cars and boats that can cut monthly payments nearly in half. carmakers, too, are lengthening easier terms. ford motor credit states that 45% of its recent lending has been for sixty months, rather than the thirty-six-month period that was usual before.the total consumer debt in the united states rose 173 percent between 1974 and 1984, as the debt for each man, woman, and child increased from $10,264 to $26,566. huge debt now is present in our economy at all levels. as a nation, we are more than $7 trillion in debt, and the total keeps increasing astonishingly.as we have overborrowed , so have we overspent. in late 1986, the share of after-tax income that americans saved sank below 2 percent for a short time, less than half the figure at which we saved only 10 years ago. americans now are buying from foreigners between about $50 and $100 billion more mercedes and toyotas, paris fashions, and tours to europe than the boeing 747s, agriculture machinery, or kansas wheat that the foreigners bought from america the country could not produce and pay for all the things it wanted.to make a long story short, we americans have serious problems in keeping down spending and keeping up personal savings it is high time for us american people to learn the basics of long-term money management.68. according to the author, what causes americans to overspend?a. buying a lot of foreign products.b. easy management of their debts.c. simple ways of borrowing money.d. getting more extra money than before.69. ford motor credit lengthens 45% of its lending to 60 months in order to _.a. help more americans to settle their debtsb. encourage people to buy foreign carsc. make better use of its moneyd. attract more customers70. according to the author, what can be a good way to deal with overborrowing ?a. teaching people how to manage money.b. advising people on what to buy.c. limiting the use of credit cards.d. reducing average incomes.71. in the passage, the author wants to tell us that .a. banks mustnt provide easy credit for borrowers.b. a healthy society has to learn to live within its means.c. peoples income determines their money management.d. government should prevent people from overborrowing.epeople are not likely to see an optimistic picture from traffic statistic. to help solve their traffic troubles and problems, some rapidly growing us cities have simply built more roads. but traffic experts say building more roads is a quick-fix solution that will not relieve the traffic problem in the long run. soaring land costs, increasing concern over social and environmental disruptions caused by road building , and the likelihood that more roads can only lead to more cars and traffic are powerful factors bearing down on a 1950-style construction program. the goal of smart-highway technology is to make traffic systems work at best efficiency by treating the road and the vehicles traveling on them as an overall transportation system. electronic check system, closed circuit television radio communication and other smart-highway technology can now be used at a reasonable cost to improve communication between drivers and the people who monitor traffic.pathfinder , a california-based smart-highway project in which a 14-mile stretch of the santa monica freeway, makes up what is called a “smart corridor ”,is being instructed with buried facilities in the pavement.not all traffic expert, however, look to smart-highway technology as the final solution to traffic jams. some say the high-tech approach is limited and can only offer temporary solutions to a serious problem.“it doesnt deal with the central problems of too many cars for roads that cant be built fast enough. it sends the people wrong massage,” explained michael renner. larson agrees and adds , “smart highways are just one of the tools that we will use to deal with our traffic problems. its not the solution itself, just part of the package. there are different strategies.” other traffic problem-solving options being studied and experimented which include car poo


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