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2013届高三一轮总复习考点提升训练英语试题集(八)一、单项填空 21(2011北京模拟)he was so stubborn that no one could _ him to go there. a. forbid b. stopc. keep d. prevent22.(2011银川模拟)how long do you think the terrible snow will _ ? sorry, i didnt listen to the weather forecast. a. get through b. cast downc. fade out d. keep up23. 【2012届广西桂林市、崇左市、百色市、防城港市高考联合调研】33you are so excellent.i dont understand what you mean saying that.abybforcofdin24. the hotel was nice; the weather was hot; the beaches were beautiful. _ id say it was a great vacation.a. anyhow b. altogetherc. somehowd. nevertheless25.【2012届贵州师大附中高三年级检测】9. it _ unusual courage and determination to make the break with his family. a. tookb. neededc. spentd. shared26. the match was cancelled because most of the members _ a match without a standard court.a. were objected to having b. objected to havec. were objected to haved. objected to having27. (2011温州模拟)some classmates are against my plan while the majority are _ it. a. in view of b. in favour ofc. in honor of d. in memory of28. - have your working conditions improved?- no, _ than before, im afraid. a. no better b. a little better c. not worse d. no worse29. _ restoration of ancient architecture, the chinese government has invested a large sum of money on it.a. in case of b. in favor of c. in terms of d. in honor of30. the genes of the cloned animals are so arranged that it cant_ such a disease, so it soon died. a. overlookb. resist c. existd. withdraw31. fitness is important in sports, but of at least _ importance are skills.a. fair b. reasonable c. proper d. equal32. im after a watch as _ gift to my daughter, _ one looking nice but not expensive.aa; the ba; 不填 cthe; the d不填; a33. the chairman thought _ necessary to invite professor smith to speak at the meeting. a. that b. it c. this d. him34. word came _ chinas first spacewalk was a great success. a. that b. what c. which d. when35. he came to love sports, he became much stronger than before.a. shortly after b. after shortlyc. before long d. shortly三、完形填空 i watched as my little brother was caught in the act. he sat in the corner of the living room, a 36 in one hand and my fathers hymnbook(赞美诗集) in the other. hearing my father coming, my brother 37 it slightly. he sensed that he had done something 38 . i saw he had 39 my fathers new book and scribbled(乱写)on the first page in pen. now, 40 at my father fearfully, we 41 waited for his punishment. my father 42 his book, looked at it, and then sat down without saying a word he was a clergyman and the holder of several degrees. for him, books were knowledge, and yet, he 43 his children. instead of 44 my brother, he sat down, 45 the pen from my brothers hand and wrote in the book himself, “johns work. 1959. aged three.” the years and the books came and went. our family 46 what all families go through. we 47 knew our parents loved us and that one 48 was the book by the piano. from time to time we 49 open it, look at the scribbles, read my fathers expression of love and feel 50 .now i know that through this 51 act my father taught us how every 52 in life has a positive side-if we are 53 to look at it from another angle. but he also taught us about what really matters in life: 54 ,not objects; tolerance, not judgment; love, no anger. love is at the very 55 of a family.when thinking about these, i smile and whisper, “thank you, dad. ”36atoybknifecpendcup37atorebcoveredcwipeddthrew38awrongbimportantchelpfuldgreat39aborrowedbstolencopeneddread40aglancingbstaringccomingdlaughing41aallbeithercbothdeach42apicked upbmade upcput updwrapped up43aadmiredbneededchateddloved44apunishedbtrustingchelpingdpraising45amovedbtookcbroughtdrobbed46aspentbexperimentedcsuffereddexperienced47aseldombalwayscneverdsometimes48aproofbresultceffectdimpression49amightbshouldcwoulddcould50aexcitedbencouragedcsurpriseddfrightened51arapidbsuddencharddsimple52aeventbproblemctroubledaccident53aforbiddenbchosencprepareddforced54amoneybpeoplecbeliefdspirit55acornerbmouthcbottomdheart四、阅读理解 athe state of colorado has four of the best parks out of the 58 national parks in the united states. the parks have some of the best scenery of all the national parksblack canyon (峡谷) of gunnison national parkthis park offers the most breathtaking views from up in the mountains into the canyons below while exploring the canyons, you will find that the walls drop nearly straightdown into the narrow valleys of the snake-like rivers belowvisitors are offered more than 100 camping sites, and a lot of bird species and many animals are native to the arearocky mountain national parkit is the only national park in the north central region in the state of coloradoelevations in this park are anywhere from 8,000 feet to 14,259 feet at the top of longs peakwhile traveling throughout this park you will notice two very different climates because of the difference t-he upper peaks of the rocky mountains make. you can enjoy 359 miles of hiking trails, a lot of places for camping, horse-back riding and beautiful scenery. mesa verde national parkthis is probably the most interesting national park, offering a fascinating trip back in time to 600 ad up to 1300 adthis park was declared a protected national park in-1906 because of the cliff dwellings (住所) that were found throughout the area, which were once-home to american indiansmany of these dwellings can be walked through, while you imagine what each room may have been used for so many years agogreat sand dunes (沙丘) national parkthe great sand dunes national park lies in south central colorado, about 127 miles from pueblothis park has the tallest sand dunes in all of north america and has trails for hikingthe natural sandy beaches around the small rivers and lakes are good for swimmers56whats the most breathtaking thing in the black canyon of gunnison national park?athe animals bthe walls cthe rivers dthe camping sites,57in the rocky mountain national park, tourists may not be able to _ _ago sightseeing bboat cride a horse dcamp58if you are interested in history, you are advised to visit _athe rocky mountain national parkbthe black canyon of gunnison national parkcthe great sand dunes national parkdthe mesa verde national park59whats the authors purpose in writing this passage?apersuading people to visit colorado while in americabshowing people which park is the best of the four in coloradocintroducing the best four parks in colorado to peopledtelling people some traveling information in coloradobcaptain rfscott, the famous antarctic explorer, made two expeditions to the antarctic.his first expedition, in the ship discovery, took place between 1901 and 1904 and was half funded by the governmenton this trip, scott and his party anchored discovery in mcmurdo soundross island where they built a simple roomduring the winter they conducted astronomical observationsin june the sun cannot be seen from within the antarctic circle and it is dark 24 hours dayin the spring, the weather improved and scott, dr wilson and ernest shackleton set offtowards, the south polethey had some sledge (雪橇) dogs but didnt really know how to use them, so they largely pulled the sledges themselves, scott traveled slightly further, much further than anyone before but it was a terrible journey in 1910, he sailed on another scientific voyage to the antarctic, this time in the terra nova, originally a whaler (捕鲸舰)this second expedition had less government support and many schools made collections for the expeditionwhile scott was sailing south on his second expedition, he heard the news that the norwegian, roald amundsen (1872-1928), was going to antarctica and was likely to try to reach the south pole firstalthough amundsen was an experienced arctic explorer, scott was determined to get there firsthe headed to the south early in 191l, and set out towards the pole on november i from ross island during the second summer therehowever, on january 18, 1912 when they arrived, they found amundsen and his four norwegian companions had got there just over a month before themscotts men had been beatenon the way back, they encountered disaster and all of them diednear the end of the antarctic winter of 1912, their, bodies were found, their journals and papers were recoveredfollowing the news of his death, scott became a british hero, a status maintained for more than 50 yearsin the closing decades of the twentieth century, however, in a more skeptical age, the legend was reassessedfrom a previously unassailable position, scott became a figure of controversy, with questions raised about his competence and character60whats the passage mainly about?ascotts competitors on the scientific voyage to the antarcticbhumans expeditions to the antarctic in the 1900scscotts two expeditions to the antarctic,dscotts achievements in discovering the world61on the first expedition to the antarctic, scott and his party _adid scientific research bgot support from many schoolscreached the south pole dlearned how to use sledge dogs62what can we infer from the passage?ascott and his party encountered danger on the two expeditions to the antarcticbthe government didnt support scotts second expedition to the antarcticcamundsen tried several times to reach the south pole but he faileddscott didnt make special preparations for his second expedition to the antarctic63the underlined word unassailable in the last paragraph, means_ _aunclear bunconfirmed cunfortunate dundoubted cfailure, they say, is the best teacherwe learn and gain more confidence through trial and errorat one time or another we will encounter failureyou dont have to accept your failure if what you really want to achieve is successfor every achievement, there have been one or more failuresbut those who we call successful are those who refuse to accept failure and believe success is the other side of failurethe incandescent light (白炽灯) was invented after 1000 failureassuming he had stopped after he tried 100 times without the desired result, what would have been the result of such effort?any time you see products and new inventions, think in terms of failures that are not acceptedmoreover, everything in a microform today is a result of failure that is not acceptedany time your effort is not bring a desired result, you dont have to call it a failurecall it a chanllengewhat is the difference between the two? one is negative, and the other is positive; one motivates, and the other demotivateswhat you need is positive thinking and motivation to attain successfailure is an end thing; challenging is an open thingfailure means there is no way out, no altermative, but challenge is a question mark asking another way out of the situation, an alternative solution to the problem, the job at handkeep dreaming and moving; that is the solution to successa wise man once said if you cannot fly, runif you cannot run, walkif you cannot walk, crawl; just keep on movingif you fall down, you have to get up and start movingif not, other people will step on you to the way to their successwhat you call failure and abandon is what someone will continue with just a little additional effort to reach success64failure is the best teacher because_awhat people have learned from failure is the bestbpeople will know what failure is like after failurecpeople can learn a lot by trying various solutionsdnumerous failure are sure to lead to success65the author gave the example of the incandescent light in paragraph 2 in order to_ashow that success is the other side of failurebtell people their efforts will be paid off finallycadvise people not to waste their timedprove that every achievement is based on invention66what is the advantage if you regard a failure as a challenge?ayou will feel proud even if you fail many timesbyou wont fear failure and will be ready to accept itcfailure means pain while challenge sounds gooddyou will continue trying your best to succeed67in which part could this passage be found if it is taken from a magazine?a economy. b career. cculture. dwealth.di think that genetically modified foods should be bannedheres whywe have no idea of the real impact they have on our environmentwhile theres currently no hard proof that environmental damage is being done by genetically modified foods, there are a few worrying and suspect events that may actually be tied to these productsmost important is the sudden loss of huge numbers of bee hivesbees are necessary to the pollination process for soybeans and many other food cropsits entirely possible that the law of unintended consequences has caused the loss of these extremely important insectstheres also no real way to prevent cross contamination (交叉污染) between modified crops and natural cropswhen neighboring fields are planted with different varieties of computable(可共存的) plants, there is a virtual guarantee of some cross pollination between the fieldswe have no idea of the real impact they have on human beingsthere is already documented evidence that genetically modified foods may be the cause of higher allergy (过敏) rates in children, its impossible to guess v/hat other effects they may eventually causei suspect that most people have forgotten the serious health scare and complete failure that occurred in 1989 that caused death or health problems for hundreds of peoplethe product causing the problem was l-tryptophan, an amino acid; commercially produced l-tryptophan is developed through a bacterial fermentation processone maker of the supplement developed a genetically modified strain of bacteria which was capable of producing higher quantities of l-tryptophanunfortunately, the process broke somewhere along the line with the genetically altered bacteria creating an altered form of the chemical which had devastating effects on people who consumed itsince there is no way to predict these kinds or changes, its both foolish and dangerous to introduce genetically modified products into the food chain.finally, theres no need for genetically modified foodsmost companies that produce these products will send out statistics about higher output per acre or plants that are more tolerant to negative conditionsbut the truth is that the claims, while at least partially true, are mostly rhetoricthese companies are really just looking for a way to increase their bottom line profitsthey may not actually intend to, damage the ecosystem or create new health problems for peoplebut in my opinion its not nice to fool mother natureshe may offer up a variety of severe surprises in response 68whats the structure of the passage?69the sudden loss of bee hives may be due to _ .aenvironmental pollution from human beings bgenetically modified products ccross-contamination between modified cropsdcross pollination between the fields 70which of the following words best describes genetically modified foods?arisky bdeadly. charmful dhealthy71most companies advocate the genetically modified products in order to _ _aincrease their output bsolve health problems cearn more money dprotect the ecosystem einternet access and power outlets available in most cafes in thedeveloped world might reduce your productivitya typical tale from store managers is of customers who buy a single cup of coffee or tea and occupy a four-seat table for eight or more hoursa store full of these people turns the shop into a silence broken only by the tapping of keyboard keysin others, however, customers use the network briefly, and the turnover is highcafe owners have talked about their discomfort for yearssome cafes founders started turning off wi-fi (无线网络) on the weekendsthe experiment led to success, they saidpeople who otherwise avoided the cafe came in, and the place became crowded on saturdays and sundaysin the years since, hundreds of articles have appeared about similar cases in which a coffee shop turns off the signal, and sometimes blocks electrical outletsnick bilton, the new york times bits blog editor, was banned from reading an electronic book a few days agothe actual cafe in oakland opened last year with lapton-free weekendsthe owner, sal bednarz, wrote in an email, i think its fascinating that weve allowed technology to enter so much of our lives that it can feel like an affront (冒犯) when someone asks us to step awayfrom it for a short while dan drozdenko, the owner of the downbeat cafe in los angeles, says, “people come here because we dont offer itthey know they can get their work done and concentrated for tasks that dont require consta


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