高中英语 Unit 2 Healthy eating The fourth period教案 新人教版必修3.doc_第1页
高中英语 Unit 2 Healthy eating The fourth period教案 新人教版必修3.doc_第2页
高中英语 Unit 2 Healthy eating The fourth period教案 新人教版必修3.doc_第3页
高中英语 Unit 2 Healthy eating The fourth period教案 新人教版必修3.doc_第4页




unit2 healthy eatingthe fourth period language study一. 内容及其解析内容:“语言学习”(langurage study)包括词汇和语法两部分。1. 词汇学习强化学生对与本单元中心话题紧密相关的一些重要单词的理解和记忆。2. 语法学习将语法和功能相结合,通过对情态动词had better,should和ought to及其否定形式的学习、运用.强化“给予建议”这一言语功能项目的训练。解析: 本单元通过对情态动词had better,should,ought to及其否定形式的学习、运用。训练应用advise提出建议、劝告的交际用语二.目标及其解析目标: 1词汇学习(word study):培养学生用英语释义的能力和习惯。 2语法(grammar)学习情态动词 had better, should , ought to和表建议advise三. 教学问题诊断分析 这部分的语言运用形式丰富,建议教师继续发展“口语”部分的训练,从“问症就医”引到日常生活,进一步操练语法四教学过程设计(一)教学基本流程语言学习: 词汇- 语法-练习- 小结(二)教学情景step one:word studydo the exercise: word study on page5 and then check the answers with the students. 设计意图::通过学生记短语做练习总结出其含义,加深印象.师生活动:教师提问,学生做,教师总结.step two:structure (grammar) 语法详释first present the students the modal sentences with modal verbs and ask the students to make some sentences with them.1had betterhad better的意思是“最好”,后面接动词原形,表示说话人希望对方做什么。had better not则表示说话人希望对方最好不要做什么。egyou _ see a doctor你最好找大夫看看。2shouldshould通常表示劝告,建议,意思是“应该”。egyou_ keep your promise你应该履行诺言。3ought to(1)ought to常用来表示因为有责任、义务,而应该做某事,通常与should意思相近。egthe students _ obey the school rules学生们应遵守校规。 (2)ought to也常用来表示劝告或建议,意思是“应当”,“宜于”。egthere _ be more buses during the rush hours在上下班乘客拥挤的时刻,公共汽车应当多一点。(3)ought to还可表示猜测,意思是“理应”,“总应该”。e. g.if he started at seven,he_ be here now.要是他七点钟出发,这会儿总应该到了。4advise. advise sb.(not)to do sth. the doctor _ me to take more exercise. 医生建议我多做运动advise doing sth. we _waiting till the proper time. 我们建议等待适当的时机。advise sb. +that sb.(should)do sth.(从句中用should do的虚拟语气)i advised him that he _attend the meeting. 我劝他参加这次会议。z+x+x+k设计意图:学习情态动词的基本用法,掌握用于提出建议、劝告的交际用语step three. exercises:一.do the exercises: grammar(1) on page5 and then check the answers with the students.设计意图:学习用情态动词造句,掌握情态动词的基本用法。二. translate these sentences into chinese1. i advise you not to eat fruit that isnt ripe in the future. 我建议你将来不要吃不熟的水果2. oughtnt we to give him a chance to try? 我们难道不应该给他一个尝试的机会吗?3. i advise you to take a physical examination. 我劝你做一次体格检查。4. which side of mikes stomach hurts? 麦克的胃部哪边痛?5. his words hurt me/ my feelings. 他的话伤了我/我的感情。设计意图: 通过学生做英翻中练习进一步学习情态动词的用法。.师生活动:教师提问,学生做,教师总结.三.translate these sentences into english。1. 医生建议换换空气 the doctor advises a change of air. 2. 你现在最好不要回家 you had better not go home now3. 这机器没毛病。 theres nothing wrong/ the matter with the machine.4. .我劝你不要再吸烟了 i advise you not to smoke any more.5. 我认为我们最好请医生 i think wed better send for a doctor6 你应该邀请他参加舞会you should invite him to the party设计意图:通过中翻英学习情态动词的用法,掌握用于提出建议、劝告的交际用语师生活动:教师提问,学生做,教师总结.step four目标检测 完成下列句型:firstly, i think you ought to do secondly, youd better dothirdly, it is better for you to dofourthly, i suggest that you should do whats more, 设计意图:掌握使用情态动词hand better, should, ought to.对他人提出建议:配餐作业:基础题(a 组题).用适合的情态动词填空:(课本第74页语法题第一大题,答案见教参)设计意图:学习情态动词的应用二.巩固题( b 组题)1. 中译英:(课本第74页语法第二大题,答案见教参)设计意图:训练情态动词的综合应用能力2.单项选择1. what is more important, i believe, is to _ the plan youve made already. .a. take out b. act out c. p


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