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第四单元Tariffs may be used simply to obtain revenue. In some developing countries, revenue tariffs provide an important part of the governments income. Often, however, tariffs are protective, and are designed to carry out a particular economic policy. They may help to reduce a balance of payments deficit or to protect an infant industry against strong international competition from older corporations. A revenue tariff will always provide some protection, and a protective tariff will produce some revenue. Therefore, it is difficult to distinguish between revenue and protective tariffs form economic evidence alone.When a tariff is imposed on an import, the direct impact on price is to raise it by the amount of the tariff. Market factors, however, can modify this effect. Hence, the final price increase due to a tariff may be less than, equal to, or more than the amount of the tariff. In contract, the impact of a quota on price is much harder to predict. The effects are particularly uncertain with goods which are not produced at all domestically. For instance, many countries do not have their own car industry, so that an import quota can cause a considerable shift in automobile prices.征收关税可能只是为了获得收入。有些发展中国家,财政关税在其政府收入中是很重要的一部分。然而,关税又经常具有保护性质,用来贯彻一项特定的经济政策。它有助于减少国际收支逆差,或保护新生工业在国际竞争中顶住来自老资格公司的强大挑战。财政关税总能提供某种保护,一项保护关税会产生一定的收入。因此,单就经济实效而言,很难区分财政关税和保护关税。对某一进口商品征收关税时,对价格的直接影响就是把它提高到加上税额的水平。然而,市场的因素可以缓和这种影响。所以,因关税而引起的最终商品提价可能低于税额,或与税额相等,或者高于税额。不过,在许多情况下,最终的提价合理地接近税额。对比之下,配额对价格的影响更加难以预测。如果产品根本不是本国制造,其影响就特别地无法确定。例如,许多国家没有汽车工业,所以一项进口配额会使汽车价格出现相当大的波动。第五单元One way an organization can find staff for job vacancies is to recruit outside the company. It may opt to put an advertisement in a newspaper or magazine which gives a short description of the job and invites introductory letters form applicants. Since the company would not desire applicants who do not have a good profile, it is important that an application form sent to a prospective applicant should request clear information about such things as the applicants age, qualification and work experience as well as references from other individuals who know the applicant well. This information assists the companys management in making a final decision on those applicants they can short-list for an interview.The staff conducting an interview together are called an “interview panel”, who, prior to the interview, carefully review the job descriptions, personal specifications and applications. To help the panel in their selection, an interview assessment form is often used during the interview when each applicant is checked according to a number of criteria indicated on the form.企业组织找人补充空缺的办法之一是向公司以外招聘。它可以选择在报纸或杂志上登广告,提出简要的工作情况介绍并征集应聘者的自荐信。由于公司不会录用个人材料不佳的申请者,因此向有希望的应聘者寄发包括诸如年龄、资历、工作经验等简明信息的申请表,并向了解应聘者情况的有关人士征求参考意见是很重要的。这些信息有助于公司主管部门缩小面试人员名单以最终做出录用决定。主持面试的工作人员称之为“面试小组”。他们在面试之前要仔细审阅工作情况介绍、人员特长要求和应聘者的情况。为了帮助面试小组做出选择,在面试中经常使用面试评定表以根据表上的若干标准对应聘者进行考评。第六单元Observing laws can help investors to gain the protection of the government which is the most powerful and dependable guarantee. But as no key can open every lock, codes can only deal with specific hazards. So it is necessary for personal experience and expert advice to make up for the weakness. Personal experience and expert advice include past performances, professional education and training, and communication with policy makers, facility owners and users. For years, personal experience and expert advice have been widely used in managing risk and have proved to be very useful and practicable. During the process of designing Shanghai Pudong Airport in 1995, a coastologist, after careful investigations and scientific analysis, came up with the suggestion that the airport should be built on the seabeach instead of behind the sea wall.Later this suggestion proved to be practicable and saved 360million yuan. With the emergence of new computer-based tools new methods of managing risk are continuously coming out universities and research laboratories into general application. To achieve better safety and more benefits at reasonable costs people should also improve their self-qualities continuously to keep up with the technique development. In addition, both the government and the public should not only adopt a risk-based approach but also be fully prepared to deal effectively with potentially severe risks.遵守法规可有助于投资者获得政府的保护,这是最有力和最可靠地保证:但正如没有一把钥匙能开启所有的锁一样,法规只能够应付某些特定的风险。这需要靠个人的经验和专家的建议来弥补不足。个人的经验和专家的建议包括过去业绩、职业教育和培训、政策制定者及各种设施的所有者和使用者之间的沟通等。多年来,在风险管理中,个人的经验和专家的建议已得到广泛运用并证明是十分有效可行的。 1995年在设计上还浦东机场的过程中,一名海岸学家在详细调查和科学分析之后提出建议:机场应建在海滩上而不是海堤后面。这一建议后来证明是可行的,而且节约了3.6亿元。随着以计算机为基础的各种新工具的出现,新的风险管理方法不断地走出大学和研究实验室,投入到广泛的运用中去。为了在合理支出的基础上获得更高的安全性和更多的效益,人们也应提高自身素质以不断跟上技术的发展。以外,政府和大众不但应采取一种基于风险的方法,而且也应做到充分准备以有效地对付各种潜在的严重的风险。第七单元Stock market investment gives you the unique opportunity to take a direct part in the growth and success of companies. When you buy shares in a company, it means that you actually own a portion of that company. As part owner, you benefit by receiving part of the profits or dividends and sharing in the growth of the value of the company.The company benefits by raising funds or capital when your shares and other shares are first sold. These funds are used to operate and expand the business.In general, share investments produce better returns than fixed interest investments, particularly when money is invested long term.Although there are rises and falls in the stock market, history shows that over the long term, the value of the stock market rises. In the US, which has a long history of deregulated stock market, the average real return per annum after inflation is approximately 10%.Direct investment in the stock market also gives you control over where you put your money. You decide which companies you want to invest in and when the time is right for you to see your shares. If you want to be in control, stock market investment is good option.Another attractive feature of stock market investment is the flexibility to change your investments when your personal circumstances change. For example, if you need money for a well-earned break, an extension on our house or your childrens education, all you need to do is sell your shares.Stock market investment allows you to follow your investment. Youll receive regular information form companies you invest in and can attend meetings. This enables you to gain a unique insight into the results and strategies of the organization and learn a lot in the process.Stock market investment also allows you to follow a particular interest you have. For example, you may have lived all your life in
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