江苏省徐州市铜山区汉王镇九年级英语《9A Unit2 Grammar1》教案.doc_第1页
江苏省徐州市铜山区汉王镇九年级英语《9A Unit2 Grammar1》教案.doc_第2页
江苏省徐州市铜山区汉王镇九年级英语《9A Unit2 Grammar1》教案.doc_第3页
江苏省徐州市铜山区汉王镇九年级英语《9A Unit2 Grammar1》教案.doc_第4页




课题:9a unit2 grammar1 课型: new 第 课时 总第 课时教学方法presenting and practice, task-based approach教具multi-media computer 教学目标1. to learn how to use “would ratherthan” and “prefer to” to express preferences.2. to learn to talk about people with indefinite pronouns like “someone / somebody, anyone / anybody and no one / nobody”.3. to learn to talk about things with indefinite pronouns like “something, anything, nothing and none”.重点:1.use would ratherthan to express preferences.2.use prefer to to express preferences.难点:to enable the students to use the sentence patterns freely.测评内容及学生活动设计前置测评new phrases. (翻译下列短语) white._2. i would rather sing than dance._3. she preferred walking to jogging._4. sandy talked so much about herself that she didnt listen to anyone else._5. i coloured the birds blue so that you will feel more peaceful._6. would you like something to eat? no, thanks. im full._7. i tried to find some food in the bag, but they found none._8. none of us like(s) the idea of going fishing at the weekend._ (no.1 ss finish1-9 on bb, no.2 ss finish1-8. then exchange to check the answers.自学内容grammar(i)目标to use would rather than to express preferences.活动设计(一)自学内容guide1. revision try to recall the use of “would rather than ” according to the sentence learnt in comic strip and reading parts.(recall the use of the learned useful expression.)guide2. grammar a1. look at the pictures and try to make sentences with “would rather than ”.(look and try to make sentences.) themselves.5.work out the rule.answer the questions with “would rather than”guide3. grammar b1.show the structures to the students.2.look at the pictures and key words to make new sentences to present “prefer to ”.(look and make new sentences.)3.make a conclusion according to the sentences.(learn the conclusion.)4.go through the exercises together.grammar(i)目标to use prefer to to express preferences.活动设计(二)guide4. extension activitywhat kinds of shoes do you like better, the leather shoes or the sports shoes? i like the leather shoes better. that mean, i prefer the leather shoes to the sports shoes, or i prefer buying the leather shoes to buying the sports shoes. compare these photos,make sentences: i prefer the black dress to the red dress. i prefer the white skirt to the white trousers. i prefer the jeans to the jeans shirt. after a days shopping, i felt too tired to move. i told myself next time, i prefer staying at home to going shopping. we can also use preferto” to express preferences. (look at the pictures and talk about the favourite things.)guide5. practice the class1, grade 9 students are going shopping. find out what they prefer according to the pictures on pages 32 and 33, then make the sentences with preferto”.check these are the results of the shopping mall survey. complete the sentences using prefer or would rather.most grade 9 students 1 skating to bowling, however, grade 7 students 2 go bowling than skating. the survey also showed that students from beijing 3 go shopping at the weekend than on weekdays. half of the students said they 4 chinese food to western food. the girls 5 go to the cinema than watch tv, but the boys 6 watch tv than go to the cinema. most students 7 listening to pop songs to singing karaoke. they also 8 wearing jeans to formal clothes. all students 9 taking the bus to walking.达标测评必做题do more consolidation exercises.(1) 我宁愿呆在家也不出去。i prefer _.(2) 他不愿在那个地方工作。he would rather _.(3) 超市离得太远了。the supermarket _.(4) 我们放学后去打篮球吧。lets _ after school.(5) 你想吃些面条吗?do you _?选做题1.i like watching tv at home, but i like going to the cinema better. i _ _ _ to the cinema than _ tv at home.2. you like drink some water or juice at the cinema?i like drinking juice, but i like water better.i _ _ _ water _ juice.3.妈宁愿吃米饭而不吃面条。4.ao li said she would rather _ join us. 【09无锡】 a. did not b. to not c. not d. not to我们除了


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