



题型:选词填空、判断题、简/名、讨论题、案例分析(567)简答题:组织;管理的基本职能;战略管理;战略决策方向;计算;市场细分第1章 Introduction to Management and OrganizationsWhat is management ? The term management in this book refers to the process of using organization resources to achieve organization objectives through the functions of planning ,organization and staffing , leading ,and controlling .What is an organization ? An organization is a deliberate arrangement of people to accomplish some specific purpose . First , each organization has a distinct purpose .Second , each organization is composed of people . In summary ,the term organization refers to an entity that has a distinct purpose ,includes people or members ,and has some type of deliberate structure .简单了解传统的管理和新型管理的区别 P8 第2章 什么是有限公司,什么是无限公司;公司与非公司的区别第3章 Corporate Culture and EnvironmentWhat is corporate culture ? The set of underlying values and norms shared by members of an organization that form the foundation of the management system and of management and employee practices .Characteristics of culture : Underlying any corporate culture are guiding beliefs,the values that form the philosophical foundation for the corporations direction . (选) How culture is communicated P22-23 了解运营环境 P 26 环境: PESTL: Political , Economic , Social ,Technology ,Legal 第四章 Business Communication商务沟通的概念 Communication strategy : 1.managers 2.沟通的人 3.给予受众的能力Audience analysis : In addition to thinking about the objectives for a given communication , you need to determine who the audience should be, what the audience members know about you and the topic ,how they feel about it , and what sorts of appeals might work best . 1确定受众对象2确定谈话内容3谈话效果Message strategy and Channel choice 理解 P32 The managerial writing process :1 Developing ideas 2.Once you have the ideas ,you then need to organize them in a coherent form 3.This part of the process is sometimes referred to as drafting by writing experts 4.Once you have produced a draft , you ready to go back and edit the material in several different ways . 沟通方式:vertical(纵向) communication and horizontal(横向) communication;formal communication and informal communication . P41图第五章 Strategic managementStrategy is defined as a broad and general plan developed to reach long-term objectives . Organization Strategy can ,and generally does ,focus on many different organizational areas ,such as marketing ,finance ,production ,research and development ,and public relations . 战略制定五步骤:1.environmental analysis 2.establishment of an organizational direction 3.Strategy formulation 4.Strategy implementation 5.Strategy control 战略规划内容:P48 图5.1 要非常清楚波士顿矩阵的内容:P52 图5.4Strategy formulation : type : differentiation;cost leadership ;focus 同样适用于市场战略Strategy control : the last step of the Strategy management process ,consists of monitoring and evaluating the Strategy management process as a whole to ensure that it is operating properly .案例分析题 P55 女士刮毛刀第六章 Productions managementProductivity is an important consideration in designing ,evaluating ,and improving modern production systems .解释 Productivity = outputs/inputs .The higher the value of the ratio of outputs to inputs, the higher the productivity of the operation .运营战略的内容:Operation Strategy : capacity , location , product , process , layout , and human resources .Capacity Strategy : is a plan of action aimed at providing the organization with the right facilities to produce the needed output at the right time .Just-in time (JIT) means producing for sale and not for stock .TQM 概念 和P73 表6.2Business Process Re-engineering 流程概念 P76第7章 Marketing Management(名、简、计)(概)Marketing is essentially about marshalling the resources of an organization so they meet the changing needs of customers on whom the organization depends . As a verb , marketing is all about how an organization addresses its markets .There are many definitions of Marketing which generally revolve around the primacy of customers as part of an exchange process . Customers needs are the starting point for all Marketing activity . Marketing managers try to identify these needs and develop products which will satisfy a customers needs through an exchange process . The Chartered Institute of Marketing provides a typical definition of Marketing: “The management process which identifies , anticipates and supplies customer requirements efficiently and profitably ” .The Marketing management process : Analysis (Where are we now ?) Planning (Where do we want to be ?) Implementation (How will we get there ? ) Control(Did we manage to get there?)The Marketing Mix : “.a mixer of ingredients , one who is constantly engaged in fashioning creatively a mix of Marketing procedures and policies in his efforts to produce a profitable enterprise” .(4个p,4个c,4个s)The traditional Marketing mix has comprised the four elements of product , price , promotion and place . A number of authors have additionally suggested adding people , process and physical evidence decisions . There is overlap between each of these headings and their precise definition is not particularly important .市场细分 :demographic , geographic , psychographic , behavioral P87区分Type of products ,例如食物是C Consumer products : 1. Convenience goods (buy quickly and conveniently , such as newspaper ,magazines ,fast food ,soft drinks , cigarettes ) ; 2. Shopping goods (spend time comparing against on price ,quality ,suitability,style ,such as clothes ,automobiles ,furniture and major appliances); 3.Specialty goods (unique characteristics or brand identification,such as 一个年轻的女士出门可能只是为了买一个唇膏)How sets the price ? First of all , in a market economy ,buyers play a greater role in price setting than most people believe . Secondly ,supply and demand also interact in price setting in a market economy .(who)When marking this type of analysis , a chart is used to show total cost and total revenue , both depending on the total units sold .(计算如何进行产品定价)Break -even point(in units) = Total fixed costs / Price-Variable cost Pricing Strategy (判断)1. Skimming Strategy: introduction stage ,it can be priced high to make maximum profit and skim the “cream”of the market .2. Penetration Strategy : new product can also be priced low to attract customers.3. Loss Leader Pricing Strategy :can offer a few items which are priced at or under cost .4. Odd Pricing Strategy :also call psychological pricing such Strategy makes prices appear more acceptable or contain positive overtones to customers.5. Price Lining Strategy :group their goods into classes and reduce the number of prices . (概)Promotion:The promotional mix includes all activities related to advertising ,sales promotion ,public relations and personal selling .(分销概念)Distribution (or”placing”)of products involves the process of getting goods or services from producers to consumers . Products must be made available in the right quantity ,in the right location ,and at the times when customers wish to purchase them ,all at an acceptable price.第8章 Human Resources Management解释”HRM”: is the management of the various activities designed to enhance the effectiveness of an organizations workforce in achieving the organizations goals.(概)Job analysis : is the process of collecting and analysing information about the tasks, responsibilities and the context of the jobs .(概)Job description : are used in the recruitment process to set the parameters of the job .Training is work-oriented -organizations train their employees so that they can perform their work tasks effectively .Development is individual-oriented-it is more than just training .Training Methods :encompass the ways in which information ,knowledge ,skills,


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