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附录 1 译文 Ansys 分析基本过程 由于高压釜体在工作时温度升高,在约束的作用下,其内部产生了热应力,因此在单元类型的选择时,应考虑到所选取的单元类型是否能满足热分析处理的要求。其次,考虑到设计的高压釜体壁厚较大,不能选用壳单元类型进行分析,否则可能会由于高压釜体沿壁厚各参数过大而导致错误的结果。 在釜体下部,由于受内表面压力和底部轴向自由度的限制,其变形量很小,从釜体底部往上,由于未限制釜体沿径向的自由度,变形量逐渐增大,但由于在釜体上部,与上盖连接处法兰的壁厚较大,其变形较小,从而使得釜体变形最大处位 于釜体中上部,最大变形量为 0.1712mm。对于应力的分析,主要分析的是 Von Mises 应力。 Von Mises 是一种屈服准则 ,屈服准则的值通常被称为等效应力。 Ansys 后处理过程中 “Von Mises Stress”通常被称作 Mises 等效应力,它遵循材料力学第四强度理论 (形状改变比能理论 )。第三强度理论认为最大剪应力是引起流动破坏的主要原因,如低碳钢拉伸时在与轴线成 45 度的截面上发生最大剪应力,材料沿着这个平面发生滑移,出现滑移线。这一理论比较好的解释了塑性材料出现塑性变形的现象。形式简单,但结果偏于 安全。第四强度理论认为形状改变比能是引起材料流动破坏的主要原因。结果更符合实际。一般脆性材料,铸铁、石料、混凝土,多用第一强度理论,考察绝对值最大的主应力。一般材料在外力作用下产生塑性变形,以流动形式破坏时,应该采用第三或第四强度理论。压力容器上用第三强度理论(安全第一),其它多用第四强度理论。von mises 等效应力就是一维屈服应力在多轴应力状态下的表达。 热 -结构耦合作用下其应力分布不同于各自单独作用下的情况。釜体内部应力最大值位于釜体底部内表面圆角处,主要是热应力的作用;随着位置的升高,其应力有所增 加,这主要是受结构应力的作用。釜体内部应力最大值为420.023MPa,小于 35CrMo 材料的许用应力 = 586MPa。 机械工程发展趋势: 发展工程机械是国民经济建设的重要装备,在装备工业中占有举足轻重的地位。中国工程机械行业 2007 年的销售收入为 2 223 亿元,位居世界工程机械行业第二位。从 2001 年到 2007 年,年均增速超过 24%。出口额从 1998 年的2.24 亿美元增长到 2007 年的 87 亿美元, 10 年间增长了 37 倍,中国的工程机械行业在全球同行中占有重要位置,产品已出口到欧美等工程机械强国,正在 向“ 制造大国 ” 和 “ 制造强国 ” 迈进。 但是,与国际先进水平相比,中国工程机械的整体水平尚有差距,部分产品在国际主流市场上处于二、三流产品的地位;中国工程机械企业与大型工程机械跨国企业集团相比,竞争力还比较弱。在迈向工程机械制造强国的征途中,发展的形势将更严峻、面临的挑战将更大。 面临的形势是经济与市场的全球化、竞争的白热化以及需求的个性化与便利化、相关利益主体的多元化、科技发展的高速化,这就要求我们科学、准确地预测未来,快速应对,只有这样才能保持已形成的优势并赶超先进。 人文关怀、可持续发展成为行业科技创新的 理念工程机械作为人自身能力的延伸,一直与人类文明进步共同发展。随着科学技术的进步,人类对生活质量的不断追求以及对尊严的重视,为工程机械发展提出了许多新的课题。中国工程机械行业顺应需求,重视加强微电子技术、信息技术、光电技术、新材料技术与机械制造技术之间的结合、融合,促进产品向多样化、智能化、绿色化等领域攻关与创新。 智能化和产品规格延伸彰显人文关怀工程机械产品的应用空间随着人类对生活品质日渐增长的需求而逐渐得以拓展,已由原来的建筑、筑路、水利电力、矿业等传统领域向城市狭窄施工场所、山区丘陵地区的农业施工场所 及在货栈、码头、仓库、舱位、农舍、园林、园艺、建筑物层内和地下工程作业环境,及大型、特大型施工工程和矿山拓展。因此,要求工程机械逐步向两端延伸,即微型化与大型化、特大型化。大型、特大型工程机械产品随着大型、特大型工程的不断增多,市场需求量不断增长。它们具有研制与生产周期长、科技含量高、附加值高的特点,代表了一个国家或一个重要企业工程机械制造水平,这些产品多被发达国家的几家跨国公司垄断。 另一方面,为了提高生产效率,减轻劳动强度,改善劳动条件,尽可能地用机械作业替代人力劳动成为一种发展趋势,为适应这种工程作业 环境使用要求,小型及微型工程机械的需求将迅速增长。微型产品不但其外形尺寸受到具体约束,同时其外观形态、色调等方面的设计愈来愈体现了与自然、环境的融合,更彰显了对人性尊重的人文关怀。 其次是同一产品由单一功能向多功能化、柔性化方向发展,即在通用产品的基础上增加模块化的功能部件,实现产品功能的多样化;或通过全新的模块化设计、制造以及不同模块之间的柔性化组合,实现功能多样化,传统意义上的工程机械产品种类划分将受到挑战。工程推土机应向微型、小型与大型、特大型等两端延伸,开发适应如湿地、沙漠、灌木丛等不同工况要求的, 多功能、多用途、高效节能的产品以及相应的辅助功能模块。装载机应开发斗容量大、发动机功率大、掘起力大、倾翻负荷大、牵引力大、废气排放少的大型环保产品和可装载、可抓物、可侧卸、可起重,经济性好的一机多用型产品(如破碎机)。 工程挖掘机要延伸发展大型液压挖掘机、微型挖掘机、无人驾驶液压挖掘机、遥控水下挖掘机、水下推土机、水下挖沟机。 轮式起重机要开发技术先进、可靠性高、寿命长、施工质量好而且新技术含量高的一机多用型的多功能产品等。通过工程机械的信息化、智能化,可以提高工程机械各种故障的自我诊断和修复能力,降低施工 人员的劳动强度、提高工作效率和工程质量。在一些特殊工况下,如高温、严寒、高空、辐射、水下和地下等工况,可以代替施工人员进行智能化、高质量施工。操作系统的自动化控制与远程控制、施工的精确定位与控制、故障诊断与监控等技术在工程机械上的应用将会越来越普遍。应用机电液一体化技术、电子计算机技术、监测控制技术以及这些技术的集成技术开发的装载机、挖掘机、筑养路机械、叉车、混凝土搅拌运输机械和起重机等新型工程机械产品将会不断出现。 19 世纪下半叶,机械工程成为一门独立学科。分解趋势在 20 世纪中期(第二次世界大战结束前后) 达到最高峰。由于机械工程的知识总量已扩大到远非一个人所能全部掌握,不能统观和统筹稍大规模工程的全貌和全局,并且缩小技术交流的范围,阻碍新技术的出现和技术整体的进步,对外界条件变化(如新技术、新材料和新产品的出现、材料与半成品的供应及价格变化等)的适应能力很差。因此,从 20 世纪中、后期开始,机械工程又出现了综合的趋势。人们更多地关注基础理论,拓宽专业领域,合并分化过细的专业。 工程技术的发展在提高人类物质文明和生活水平的同时,也对自然环境起破坏作用。 20 世纪中期以来,最突出的问题是资源,尤其是能源的大量消耗和对环境的污染。未来,机械新产品的研制将以降低资源耗费,发展纯净的再生能源,治理、减轻以至消除环境污染作为重要任务。 附录 2 英文参考资料 Ansys analysis of the basic process As the autoclave body temperature rises at work , within the constraints of the role of its internally generated heat stress , and therefore the choice of the cell type , you should take into account whether the selected unit types to meet the requirements of the thermal analysis process. Secondly , considering the design of the autoclave wall thickness greater choice of housing unit types can not be analyzed , it may be due to the autoclave body along the wall thickness of each parameter is too large and lead to erroneous results. In the lower part of the reactor body , due to the axial inner surface of the pressure and the bottom limit freedom , the deformation is small, upward from the bottom of the kettle , the kettle because no limit freedom in the radial direction , the amount of deformation increases, However, due to the upper body in the kettle , wall thickness and the cover flange connections larger , the smaller the deformation , so that the maximum deformation kettle kettle located at the upper part of the body , the maximum deformation is 0.1712mm. For stress analysis, the main analysis is the Von Mises stress . Von Mises yield criterion is a yield criterion value is often referred to as the equivalent stress . After Ansys process Von Mises Stress is often referred to Mises stress , it follows that the fourth mechanical strength theory ( distortion energy theory ) . The third theory is that the intensity of the maximum shear stress is the main cause of the destruction of the flow , low carbon steel stretching occurs when the maximum shear stress as in the cross-section of 45 degrees with the axis of the slip material occurs along this plane , slip lines appear . This theory explains the phenomenon better plastic material plastic deformation occurs . Simple in form , but the results are somewhat safe . The fourth theory is that the shape change of the intensity ratio could be the main cause of the destruction of the material flow . Results more realistic. General brittle materials , cast iron , stone , concrete, multi-use first intensity theory to study the absolute value of the maximum principal stress . General Material plastic deformation under loads , when the flow in the form of destruction, should use the third or fourth strength theory . The third strength theory with the pressure vessel ( safety first ) , the other multi- fourth strength theory . von mises equivalent stress is one-dimensional expression of the yield stress under multiaxial stress state . Heat - structure interaction under stress distribution is different from the role of each individual case. The maximum internal stress within the bottom of the reactor vessel body surface fillet, mainly thermal stress; With the raised position, the stress increases, this effect is mainly affected by structural stresses. Internal stress maximum kettle body is 420.023MPa, 35CrMo material less than the allowable stress = 586MPa. Mechanical engineering trends: Development of construction machinery and equipment is an important national economic construction , occupies a pivotal position in the equipment industry. Chinese construction machinery industry in 2007 sales revenue of 2,223 billion yuan, ranking second in the world construction machinery industry . From 2001 to 2007 , an average annual growth rate of over 24 %. Exports increased from $ 224 million in 1998 to grow to $ 8.7 billion in 2007 , 10 years, an increase of 37 times , China s construction machinery industry occupies an important position in the global counterparts , the products have been exported to Europe, America and other construction machinery power , is to manufacturing and manufacturing power forward. However, compared with the international advanced level , the overall level of Chinas construction machinery are still gaps , some of the products in the international mainstream market in the position of the second and third stream of products ; Chinese construction machinery enterprises compared with large-scale construction machinery multinational conglomerates , competitiveness is still relatively weak . Towards construction machinery manufacturing power in the journey , the development of the situation will be more severe , the challenge will be even greater. Situation facing the global economy and market, intense competition and high-speed demands personalization and convenience , diversification relevant stakeholders , technological development , which requires us to scientifically and accurately predict the future, rapid response , the only way to maintain our competitive edge has been formed and catch up with the advanced . Humanities, science and technology for sustainable development of the industry as an innovative concept of construction machinery extend peoples own capacity , has been common development and progress of human civilization . With the advancement of science and technology, human constant pursuit of quality of life and the importance of dignity , engineering machinery development raised many new issues. Chinese construction machinery industry adapt to the needs , combined with emphasis on strengthening the microelectronics, information technology , optical technology, new material technology and machinery manufacturing technology between integration and promoting products to diverse , intelligent , green areas such as research and innovation. Intelligent and humane care product specifications extension demonstrates the application of space engineering machinery products with growing human demand for quality of life and gradually be expanded , traditional areas has increased from buildings, roads, water and power , mining and other narrow construction to the city Agricultural construction site locations , mountainous and hilly areas in the warehouses , docks , warehouses, accommodation, farmhouse , gardens, gardening, building layers and underground engineering work environment, and the large, large construction projects and mine expansion. Therefore, the requirements of construction machinery gradually extended to the ends that miniaturization and large, oversize technology . Large, extra large engineering machinery products with large, extra large projects continue to increase, the market demand is growing. They have a long development and production cycles , high -tech, high value-added features , represents a country or a significant level of engineering machinery manufacturing enterprises , more than a few of these products were developed multinational monopolies. On the other hand , in order to improve production efficiency, reduce labor intensity and improve working conditions, human labor as possible alternative mechanical operations have become a trend , to meet the requirements of this project operating environment , small and micro construction machinery demand will rapidly. Micro products are subject to specific constraints of its dimensions , while its exterior shape , color and other aspects of the design reflects the growing integration with the natural environment , but also demonstrates respect for human humanistic care . Followed the same product from a single function to multifunctional , flexible direction , an increase of modular functional components on the basis of generic products , product features diversification ; or through the new modular design , manufacturing, and different modules flexible combinations, to achieve functional diversification, construction machinery product category in the traditional sense will be challenged. Engineering miniature bulldozer should extend both ends of small and large , extra large , etc., developed to adapt to different conditions , such as wetlands, deserts, bushes and other requirements , multi-functional, multi-purpose, energy-efficient products and the corresponding auxiliary function modules. Loader bucket capacity should be developed , engine power, breakout force , tipping load, traction, less emissions and can be loaded with large-scale environmental products , can grasp objects , you can side discharge , can be lifting , economy good use of a machine -type products ( eg crushers ) . Excavator works to extend the development of large hydraulic excavators, mini excavators, hydraulic excavators unmanned , remote underwater excavators, bulldozers underwater , underwater trencher . Wheeled cranes to develop advanced technology, high reliability, long life, good quality of construction and the new high -tech type of a machine multifunction products. By construction machinery information, intelligence can improve the ability to self- diagnose and repair all kinds of construction machinery failure, reduce labor intensity of construction workers , improve work efficiency and quality of the project . In some special conditions , such as heat, cold, high-altitude , radiation, such as underwater and underground conditions, construction workers can replace intelligent , high-quality construction . Operating systems automation and remote control, such as the construction of precise positioning and control, fault diagnosis and monitoring technology in mechanical engineering will become increasingly common. Application of hydraulic integration technology, computer technology , monitoring and control technologies and integrated technology development of these technologies loaders , excavators, road building and maintenance machinery , forklifts, concrete mixing transport machinery engineering machinery and cranes and other new products will continue to emerge. The second half of the 19th century , became an independent mechanical engi


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