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。十二、动词的语态知识清单知识1 被动语态的构成 知识2 被动语态的用法知识3 主动语态和被动语态的转换知识4 被动语态的注意事项语态是动词的一种形式,表示主语和谓语动词之间的具体关系,分为主动语态和被动语态两种。主动语态表示主语是谓语动词所表示的动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是谓语动词所表示的动作的承受者。知识1 被动语态的构成被动语态的基本结构是“be+动词的过去分词”。几种常见时态及情态动词的主被动语态结构(以do为例)见下表:时态主动语态被动语态例句主动语态被动语态一般现在时do/doesam/is/are+doneWe clean the classroom.The classroom is cleaned by us.一般过去时didwas/were+doneHe made the kite.The kite was made by him.现在进行时am/is/are+doingam/is/are+being doneShe is walering flowers.Flowers are being watered by her.现在完成时have/has+donehave/has+been doneJim has finished the work.The work has been finished by Jim. 续表时态主动语态被动语态例句主动语态被动语态一般将来时will/shall+dowill/shall+be doneThey will plant trees tomonow.Trees will be planted by them tomorrow.过去进行时was/were+doingwas/were+being doneShe was wriling a letter this time yesterday.A letter was being written by her thi8 time yesterday.过去完成时had+donehad+been doneJim had flnished the work.The work had been finished by Jim.过去将来时would/should+dowould/should+be doneHe said he would make a kite.He said a kite would be made by him.含有情态动词can/may/must+docan/may/must+be doneI can find him.He can be found by me. 1.各种时态的被动语态 (1)一般现在时的被动语态一般现在时的被动语态的构成是“am/is/are+过去分词”。He is loved by all his pupils.他受到他所有学生的爱戴。The little boy is called Alva.小男孩叫阿尔瓦。Is King Lear written by Shakespeare?李尔王是莎士比亚写的吗?例 What a beautiful factory! I want to work in it.Well, workers _ very much here.A.need B.are needingC.are needed D.will need解析 句意:多漂亮的工厂啊!我想在里面工作。哦,这里非常需要工人。工人们是“被需要”,所以选C。答案 C (2)一般过去时的被动语态一般过去时的被动语态的构成为“was/were+过去分词”。I was brought up by my aunt.我是由姑姑带大的。The letter was written in Spanish.这封信是用西班牙语写的。例 Many accidents _ by careless drivers last year.A.are caused B.were causedC.have caused D.will cause解析 根据题干中的last year可知空格处应该用一般过去时,又由题意可知应用被动语态,故答案选B。答案 B(3)一般将来时的被动语态一般将来时的被动语态的构成为“will/shall+be+过去分词”。shall主要用于第一人称I,we;will可用于各种人称。I shall be giVen a chance to play in this game again.我将获得再一次参加比赛的机会。When wilI the work be firushed?工作什么时候完成?例 Dont worry. Your package _ here until you come back , so enjoy shopping here.A.will keep B.has keptC.will be kept D.has been kept解析 package与keep(存放)之问是被动关系,应用被动语态;又因时问状语从句用的是一般现在时,主句应用一般将来时,故用一般将来时的被动语态,故选C。答案 C(4)现在进行时的被动语态现在进行时的被动语态的构成为“am/is/are+being+过去分词”。The school library is now being blult.学校图书馆现在正在建设中。Is the accident now being looked into?这起事故现在正在调查中吗?例 A new cinema _ here now.trhey hope to finish it next month.A.will be built B.is buildingC.has built D.is being built解析 句意:现在一个新的电影院正在被建,他们希望下个月能完工。由now可知表示现在正在进行的动作,应用现在进行时;“cinema”和“build”之问是被动关系,要用被动语态,故速D。答案 D(5)过去进行时的被动语态过去进行时的被动语态的构成为“was/were+being+过去分词”。The car was being fixed when you meant to drive it away.当你要来把车开走时,车正在修理。The hall was being built last year.Im not sure if it is completed.这个大厅去年正在修建,我不清楚现在完成了没有。例 Trees _ here this time last year.A.were being planted B.plantedC.were planted D.were planting解析 句意:去年的这个时候这里正在植树。this time last year是过去的时问点,应用过去进行时;又因为“Trees”与“plant”之间是被动关系,应用被动语态,故选A。答案 A(6)现在完成时的被动语态现在完成时的被动语态的构成为“have/has+been+过去分词”。The work has been finished.工作已经做完了。All these products have been tested.所有这些产品都经过了测试。Has the sports meeting been put off until next Frday?运动会推迟到下周五了吗?My goal has been achieved.我实现了目标。例 David, turn off the TV _ no one is watching it.But it _ off already! The music is from the radio.A.so that;has been turnedB.when;has turnedC.if;has been turnedD.because;has tumed解析 句意:戴维,如果没人看电视就关掉它吧。电视已经关掉了!音乐是从收音机里面传出来的。so that为了;when当的时候;if如果;because因为。由句意可知第一空用if;第二空由it(the TV)与turn off之问是被动关系,可知应用被动语态。答案 C(7)过去完成时的被动语态过去完成时的被动语态的构成为“had+been+过去分词”。The room had been broken into before we came.我们来之前有人闯进过这间屋子。The story had been introduced to me for 30 years when I realized it was so important to me.我知道这个故事30年后才意识到它对我如此重要。(8)过去将来时的被动语态过去将来时的被动语态的构成为“would/should+be+过去分词”。My sister would be taken care of by Grandma.我妹妹将得到奶奶的照料。He said that a new school would be budt the next year.他说第二年将建一所新学校。2.情态动洲的被动语态(1)肯定句式:主语+情态动词+be+过去分词Such work can be done in an hour or so.这项工作可以在一个小时左右做完。The computer must be repaired now.电脑必须立刻修理。(2)否定句式:主语+情态动词+not+be+过去分词Anything here cant be touched.这里的任何东西都不能碰。Such problems oughtnt to be ignored.这些问题不容忽视。(3)一般疑问句式:情态动词+主语+be+过去分词Shall dogs and cats be taken into this park?狗和猫允许带到这个公园里吗?Can the report be handed in atthe end of the week?报告本周末交可以吗?(4)特殊疑问句式:疑问词(不作主语)+情态动词+主语+be+过去分词或疑问词(作主语)+情态动词+be+过去分词Where can the garbage be deposited?垃圾放在哪里?Who might be elected president of the university?谁可能被选为这所大学的校长?例 Treenagers should _ to take care of them-selves from a young age.A.educate B.be educatingC.have educated D.be educated解析 句意:青少年应该从小时候就被教导自己照顾自己。本题考查情态动词的被动语态,即“情态动词+be+过去分词”,故选D项。答案 D知识2 被动语态的用法1.不知或不必挺及动作的执行者不知道或没必要提到动作的执行者是谁时,常用被动语态。Three people were injured三人受伤。The building was burned down.大楼烧毁了。When will the result be announced?结果什么时候宣布?The little boy was nearly drowned.小男孩差点淹死了。The book was published in 2000.这本书是2000年出版的。2.强调动作的承受者当强调动作的承受者,将承受者作为谈话的中心时用被动语态。这类句子常有一个by引导的短语说明动作的执行者,有时也可没有。This poem was written by Whitman.这首诗是由惠特曼写的。These children were well tended by neighbors.这些孩子是由邻居精心照料的。The plan was successfully carried out.这个计划成功实施了。Many houses were destroyed inthe war.很多房子都在战争中毁坏了。3.动作的执行者很模糊当动作的执行者是泛指时(如people,one等),常用被动语态。It is believed that the work will be completed successfully.人们相信这项工作将会圆满完成。The song is said to be very popular abroad.据说这首歌在国外很流行。He is suspected of robbing the bank有人怀疑他抢劫银行。The letter has been opened.这封信有人拆开过。4.出于礼貌,避免说出动作的执行者有时出于礼貌,不便提到动作的执行者,此时用被动语态。动作的执行者有可能是别人也有可能是自己。The window was broken this morning.今天早上窗玻璃让人打碎了。My diary has been browsed.我的日记让人看了。I have been told many times not to make noises.有人多次告诉我不要吵闹。It is hoped that such things would not happen again.希望这样的事情不再发生。5.当动作的执行者不是人时,多用被动语态The window was blown open by wind.窗户被风吹开了。The whole village has been washed away by the flood.整个村庄都被洪水冲走了。6.科技文献中为了客观地描述事物及其变化过程应使用被动语态The film is coated with light-sensitive chemicals,which are changed by the different shades and colors of light.胶卷上涂有一层感光的化学物质,这些物质随着光的不同色度与颜色的变化而改变。7.在新闻报道中使用被动语态可以体现新闻的客观性The West-East Gas Pipeline Project was kicked off on July 4,2002,a big event in the nations West Develop-ment Campaign.西气东输工程于2002年7月4日全线开工,这是国家西部大开发战略的一件大事。8.有些动词习惯上只用于被动语态He was born in this city.他出生在这个城市。知识3 主动语态和被动语态的转换1.主动语态变被动语态(1)要将主动句里的宾语变为被动句中的主语,若主动句中的宾语是人称代词,要将宾格变为主格。(2)把主动句中的主语变为被动句中的宾语,主格变为宾格,并由by引出。(3)谓语动词变成相应的被动形式。主动语态:动作执行者+谓语动词主动形式+动作承受者。被动语态:动作承受者+谓语动词被动形式+by+动作执行者。Sam planted the tree last year.(变为被动语态)The tree was planted by Sam last year.Bruce writes a letter every week.(变为被动语态)A letter is written by Bruce every week.2.带双宾语的谓语动词变为被动语态带双宾语的谓语动词变为被动语态时,既可以将间接宾语转化成主语,也可以将直接宾语转化成主语。若将间接宾语转化成主语,则保留直接宾语;若将直接宾语转化成主语,则保留间接宾语,且在被保留的间接宾语前加上介词to或for。She gave me a book.(变为被动语态)I was given a book by her.(间接宾语me变为主语)A book was given to me by her.(直接宾语a book变为主语)温馨提示间接宾语前带恼的动词有:bring, give, send. show,pass,take,lend,post, teach,write. throw,hand等。间接宾语前带for的动词有buy, cook,findget,makesave等。3.短语动词变为被动语念许多由不及物动词构成的短语动词相当于及物动词,可以有宾语,也可以有被动语态。The children have been takengood care of.这些孩子得到了很好的照料。温馨提示短语动词是一个不可分割的整体,在变为被动语态时,不能丢掉构成短语动词的介词或副词。We should speak to the old politely.(变为被动语态)The old should be spoken to politely.例 In many places in China, the old over 90 _ not only by their family but also by the govern-ment.A.is taking good careB.are taken good care ofC.is taking good care ofD.are taken good care解析 the old与tuke good care of为被动关系,take good careof为短语动词,在变为被动语态时不能丢掉介词,故选B项。答案 B4.带复合宾语的动词变为被动语态宾语加上宾语补足语一起构成复合宾语。变被动语态时,只把宾语变为被动句的主语,宾语补足语保留在原处,成为主语补足语。I heard Jane playing the piano in her room.(变为被动语态)Jane was heard playing the piano in her room.She told us to follow her instructions.(变为被动语态)We were told to follow her instructions.温馨提示在see,watch,hear,notice,make等动词后作宾语补足语的动词不定式都不带to,但变成被动语态后都要带上to,这时不定式为主语补足话。也就是说,不定式作主语补足语时不存在省略to的问题。We aften hear him play the guitar.(变为被动语态)He is often heard to play the guitar.例 If you see the cartoon film, you will _ laugh.A.be made B.be made toC.make to D.make解析 make sb. do sth.使某人做某事,其被动结构为sb.be made to do sth.,故选B项。答案 B5.含有情态动词的句子变被动语态若主动语态中谓语含有情态动词,在相应的被动语态中通常应保留该情态动词,其结构为“情态动词+be(或be的适当时态形式)+过去分词”。Everyone must know this.This must be known by everyone.The boss may have sent her to work elsewhere.She may have been sent to work elsewhere by the boss.知识4 被动语态的注意事项1.主动形式表被动意义(1)open, lock,write, read, sell, clean,wash,cut,burn,drivepeel等词作不及物动词时,它们的主语为物,可用主动形式表被动意义。This kind of shirl sells well here.这种样式的衬衫在这里很好卖。This shirt washes well.这件衬衫很耐洗。The car drives well.这辆车很好开。This orange peels easily.这个橘子很容易剥皮。(2)look,sound,taste,smell,feel等系动词用主动形式表被动意义。Uniforms look ugly on us.制服穿在我们身上很难看。Mooncakes taste delicious.月饼尝起来很可口。The song sounds wonderful.这首歌听上去棒极了。例 The food looked bad, bul it _ OK.So we cant judge a man by his appearance.A.is tasted B.tastedC.was tasted D.tastes解析 由句中的looked可知用一般过去时,又因本题中taste为系动词,应用其主动形式袁被动意义,故选B项。答案 B(3)在be worth doing中,doing表被动意义。This book is worth reading这本书值得一读。The topic is well worth talking about.这个话题很值得讨论。The football match is well worffi watching.这场足球赛很值得观看。(4)want,need,require等动词表示“需要”,后面常可跟v.-ing形式表被动,相当于to be done。My bike needs repairing.=My bike needs to be repaired.我的自行车需要修理了。Your hau wants cutting.你的头发该理了。The room needs cleaning.这个房间需要打扫了o2.被动形式表主动意义常见的用被动形式表主动意义的词或词组有以下这些:(1)be sealed坐着,就座,相当于seat oneself。He is seated on a bench.(= He seals himself on a bench.)他坐在长凳上。Please be sealed,ladies and gentlemen !女士们,先生们,请就座!(2)be hidden躲藏,相当于hide oneself。He was hidden behind the door.(=He hid hirnself behind the door.)他藏在门后。(3)be lost迷路He was lost in the forest.他在森林里迷路了。(4)be dressed穿着The girl was dressed in a red short skirt.这个女孩穿着一件红色的短裙。3.被动语态和系表结构的区别(1)被动语态表示以主语为动作的承受者,而系表结构则表示主语的特点或所处的状态。二者形式相同,意义却不一样。The shop is closed at 9:00 pm.这个商店晚上九点钟关门。(动作)The shop is closed today.这个商店今天不营业。(状态)(2)系表结构中的过去分词常有固定的介词搭配,被动语态结构中则没有。Miss Wang is salisfied with us.(系表结构)王老师对我们很满意。(3)系表结构中的过去分词可以被副词修饰。Shes so womed about her exams.(系表结构)她非常担心她的考试。(4)系表结构通常只有一般现在时和一般过去时,而被动语态可用于多种时态。New products are being made.新产品正在制造中。The book has already been translated into many languages.这本书已经被译成了许多种语言。The meeting will be put off.会议将延期。以上三个句子是被动语态,而不是系表结构。4.不能使用被动浯怎的情况(1)主动句的宾语是相互代词each other或反身代词时,不能用被动语态。The man introducedhimself as Mr White.(主动语态)那个人自我介绍说他是怀特先生。Himself was introduced as Mr White.(误)They help each other study English.(主动语态)他们互相帮助学习英语。Each other is helped to study English.(误)(2)当主动句的谓语动词是表状态的及物动词时,不能用于被动语态。We will have a meeting.(主动语态)我们打算开一个会。A meeting will be had by us.(误)(3)主动句的宾语是不定式或动名词时,不能作被动语态中的主语。My brother enjoys watching TV.(主动语态)我弟弟喜欢看电视。Watching TV is enjoyed by my brother.(误)He asked to have atry.(主动语态)他请求试一次。To have a try was asked by him.(误)(4)宾语是谓语动词的同源宾语时,不可用于被动语态。They live a happy life.他们过着幸福的生活。A happy life is lived by them.(误)The girl dreamed a sweet dream.那个女孩做了个甜美的梦。A shreet dream was dreamed by the girl.(误)(5)宾语带有与主语有照应关系的物主代词时,不可用于被动语态。The old rnan broke his( = Lhe old mans) legs. (主动语态)那位老人把自己的腿弄断了。The old mans legs were broken by himself.(误)The girl shook her( =the girls) head.(主动语态)那个女孩摇了摇头。The girls headWas shaken by herself.(误)5.关于被动晤态结构的习惯用法表示“据说”、“大家相信”、“众所周知”等的句型,由“It is+believe/report/say/think/know.的过去分词”构成,现在这些句型已成为习惯用法。It is said that.据说It is reported that.据报道It is believed that.大家相信It is well known that.众所周知It is thought that.大家认为方法清单方法1 判断动作的执行者或承受者方法2 时态判断法方法1 判断动作的执行者或承受者对于被动语态,试题主要是让大家能够找出动作的执行者或承受者,这就要根据句子的意思进行判断,然后根据句子中的时间作出正确的选择。例1 Liu Xiang _ by his coach to train reg


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