



新目标八年级上册unit13测试题一、 单项选择。( ) 1. did you do last weekend ? I did some shopping.A. Where B. What C. How( ) 2. Is there in todays newspaper?A. something new B. new anythingC. anything new ( ) 3. What nice weather it was! We decided . A. to go out B. go out C. going out ( )4 Look at the in the tree. Its singing over there. A. apple B. bird C. orange ( )5. How was your vacation? . A. Great. B. Thanks a lot. C. I see.( )6. do you read English newspaper? Once a week. A. How B. What C. How often( )7.Whats you favorite ? Animal World. A food B program C dance( )8.Her mother wants me her study English. A.help B to help C helping( )9.I think the best way English well is to use it more often. A. learn B. learning C to learn ( )10.We learn many subjects at school , Chinese, English ,math and so on . A. such as B look like C. are like( )11.Tom is than Sam. A taller B tall C tallest( )12.Lily is more outgoing Lucy. A. like B. than C as( )13.Jim gets up as as Mike. A. early B earlier C. earliest( )14.Lily looks the same her sister in some ways. A. as B in C like( )15.Toms bike is different Lilys. A in B from C on 二、补全对话。A: Long time no see. B: I went to Beijing on vacation.A: B: I went there with my parents.A: How was your vacation?B: A: B:Yes. I met a beautiful girl from the US.A: B:Yes.I visited the Great Wall and took a lot of photos. 选项:A. Did you meet any nice people?B. Did you do anything special?C. How was your vacation?D.Who did you go there with?E.What did you do there?F.Where did you go?G. It was wonderful. 三、阅读理解。AHello, my name is Anna. I have some friends. They are different, but I love them all. Jonny is different from me. She likes reading and she is quieter than me. I am taller and thinner than her. We both like English and math. Kelly and I are in the same class. She is taller than me and she is very beautiful. Kelly likes reading books. She doesnt care about anything when she is reading a book. She often tells me many new stories. She knows a lot.Cherry and I both like walking. We often go for a walk on weekends. I am quieter, and she is funnier. I think she is smarter than me. She is not as good at sports as me. However, we both enjoy going hiking.( )1. Jonny is than Anna. A heavier B quieter C shorter ( )2.Kelly and Anna are . A in the same class B in the same club C in the different class ( )3. likes reading. A Jonny B Cherry C Anna( )4. likes walking. A Cherry B Jonny C Kelly( )5.How many friends does Anna write about? A Three. B Two C Four BJack and Robert are sportsman, but they are different. Jack is a runner. Every morning he goes swimming for one hour. Then he does strength training(力量训练) and practices running. He likes fish, beef and eggs. He eats a lot of fruit and vegetables, too. He hardly ever eats junk food. Jack says he cant be fat, or he cant run fast. Robert is a sumo wrestler(相扑手)。He weighs (重) more than 150kg,because he eats a lot and sleeps a long time. Robert only has lunch and dinner every day, but he eats much. And he usually sleeps from the early evening to the next noon. He only practices in the afternoon. The training is usually very hard. These habits help him keep fat and be a good sumo wrestler.( )1.What does Jack usually do in the morning ? A Go swimming. B Go climbing C Play soccer( )2.Robert has a day . A breakfast and lunch B lunch and dinner C breakfast and dinner( )3. Jack is a . A runner B sumo wrestler C doctor( )4.When does Robert practice? A In the morning . B In the afternoon. C All day.( )5. Both Jack and Robert are . A sportsman B runner C teacher四、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. They (go) to the beach yesterday .2. Dont forget (close ) the door before you leave the classroom.3. It was warm and sunny , so we decided (walk) to the park.4.Do you want (come) with us?5. I often do some (housework) at home?6. Ten (percent) of the students did not go to the zoo last Sunday.7.Sam is as (tall)as me.8. Who is (short), Lily or Amy ?9.Mary has (long)hair than her brother.10.Tina is (outgoing) than Peter.五、选词填空。never usually go online junk food such as 1. How often do you get up before six, Linda? . I always get up at seven.2. After work, Susan likes to buy some beautiful clothes.3. Jim got lots of gifts on his birthday, a bike , a watch and so on.4. My mother tells me not to eat , because its bad for my health. 5. I love basketball. I play it with my friends after school.六、书面表达。 Tom 假期跟家人一起去北京度假了


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