3-外文翻译-电动道路清扫车清扫系统 干式清扫车.doc



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电动 道路 清扫 系统 设计 CAD 图纸 说明书

本科生毕业设计 (论文)外 文 翻 译原 文 标 题Dry cleaning the car译 文 标 题干式清扫车作者所在系别作者所在专业作者所在班级作 者 姓 名作 者 学 号指导教师姓名指导教师职称完 成 时 间2017年3月 译文标题干式清扫车原文标题Dry cleaning the car作 者Andre.Robert译 名安德烈.罗伯特国 籍美国原文出处美国学术出版社 Road sweeper is a new type of efficient cleaning equipment that combines road cleaning, garbage collection and transportation. Simple said is change his costume or dress on special automobile chassis road cleaning function of sweeping vehicles, vehicles in addition to the chassis engine, also equipped with a pair of engine, four brush sweep by the hydraulic motor drives the work, with fan, dustbin, tanks and other equipment. The new model can be a complete surface cleaning, the road road teeth cleaning, the road road teeth cleaning and cleaning the sprinkling water on the ground after work and so on, is suitable for various climate and dry pavement cleaning job.Cleaning the car typeGenerally, it is classified according to the way of walking, method of operation, or dust removalA hand-propelled sweeper and a hand-held sweeperA self-propelled sweeperPure scavenging car4, sweep sweeping carPure suction sweeperDry cleaning carWet cleaning carAll-smoking sweeping carThe dry cleaning car is introducedDry cleaning the car is a new type of road sweeper, not without a brush spray, all air assignments, by aerodynamics, by experts identified the domestic leading technology, and with independent intellectual property rights, development, and developed by luoyang chi windmill industry co., LTD., the production of road jie brand series vacuum sweeper all airflow, brush, spray, without a dust, without secondary dust, road clean vacuuming the widespread use of car will greatly reduce the content of particulate matter in the air, thoroughly solved the problem of the dust pollution is serious, is a modernized new sanitation product environmental protection, energy saving, the environmental protection technical indexes of this product is higher than the national industry standard.Pure suction sweeperPure suction road sweeper is a new high-tech product that is no secondary dust pollution and function superior to traditional sweeper. The vehicle adopts the principle of negative pressure pure absorption by the dust collection system, a dust collecting box, secondary dust collection box, dust collection system, hydraulic system, this sheng dust removal filter cartridge, and electric control system of walking system, etc, with high dust collection range, the net absorption rate, no secondary dust suction, and outlet no dust emissions, high working efficiency, etc. Is the preferred product for sanitation clean and material recycling. Suitable for the industrial and mining enterprises that produce dust, high concentration and high density of dust and dust; The rapid cleaning and cleaning of urban elevated, fast roads and tunnels; Cleaning and cleaning of main street, high grade highway and highway.The dry cleaning car is introducedDry cleaning the car is a new type of road sweeper, not without a brush spray, all air assignments, by aerodynamics, by experts identified the domestic leading technology, and with independent intellectual property rights, development, and developed by luoyang chi windmill industry co., LTD., the production of road jie brand series vacuum sweeper all airflow, brush, spray, without a dust, without secondary dust, road clean vacuuming the widespread use of car will greatly reduce the content of particulate matter in the air, thoroughly solved the problem of the dust pollution is serious, is a modernized new sanitation product environmental protection, energy saving, the environmental protection technical indexes of this product is higher than the national industry standard.Multi-function all-suction cleaning carMulti-functional total suction sweep road car is to use the patent technology development of new products, it has changed the past the traditional method for cleaning the car plate rolling brush brush sweep, but all adopt the airflow to finish the homework, using air movement mode to hoard dust and garbage collection, so the efficiency is very high. This product can reduce dust pollution effectively, improve air quality, reduce the amount of particulate matter in air, and improve peoples living environment.Why do you need to use a sweeping carThe traditional answer: sweep the road to clean the floor, wash the floor to wash and dry all kinds of ground.The professional answer: the road car can not only solve the problem but also make more profit for the user.The sweeping car can solve the following problems:People live in a dusty environment with health problems;Environmental indicators required by state laws or local regulations;A problem caused by premature excess of the road due to dust or garbage;The product of the production workshop is contaminated by dust;The problem of dust pollution of fixed or moving machines in production workshops;The ability to bring greater profits (or savings) :The sweeping vacuuming system of sweeping cars is equivalent to about 6-40 times artificial;The level of 2, reduce dust pollution to the environment (to save time and money, reduce artificial cleaning of product appearance, cleaning and maintenance of mechanical equipment and periodic health work environment, etc.)Improve the efficiency of work and increase the motivation of the operator.A clean and tidy environment not only improves the image of the city, but also contributes to the construction of urban culture and the initiative of the citizens.The comparison between the mechanical and the manual1, work efficiency, the same homework area time is greatly shortened;The clean cost of the mechanical unit area is, to be sure, lower than the artificial cost.Clean effect, the machine can avoid the problem that the cleaner USES not average, the clean effect is not unified;4, safety performance, let clean workers in the safe environment (the traffic on the road is too much, and the safety of the self is not strong).Economic returns, for example, take a car for example, how much money it spent on the day it stopped using, the real price. In addition to the cost of investment, there are operational costs and labor costs.Sweep road car industry in China after decades of development, products from a single pure sweep type development to the present a variety of types, product performance and product quality rapidly improved, especially after the reform and opening up, by importing key purchased components to sweep road car product performance and reliability is greatly increased. But at present, the level of the road car in China is different from that of developed countries in other countries, especially in the reliability of the product. To improve the level of the sweep road car as soon as possible, reducing the gap with advanced countries sweep road car, meet the requirements of the sanitation department for road surface cleaning operation in our country, sweep road car production enterprise should choose an appropriate sweep road car research direction. With the development of the society, the progress, are no longer satisfied with the simple sense of vacuum sweeper, will from the perspectives of multifunctional, environmental protection, economy, to ask for more, call can satisfy the various needs of vacuuming car market. Is under such circumstances, the Chinese construction bureau of luoyang construction machinery factory and luoyang chi windmill industry co., LTD. Jointly developed with independent intellectual property rights of new multifunctional suction all sweep road car is now officially put on the market. The new model can be a complete surface cleaning, the road road teeth cleaning, the road road teeth cleaning and cleaning the sprinkling water on the ground after work and so on, is suitable for various climate and dry pavement cleaning operation, more suitable for square, roads, residential district, parking lot, wharf, airport, station, cement plants, power plants and other places clean dust removal.In order to avoid operation error, the control valve mainly distinguishes the main valve and the auxiliary valve. Then the two valve is, where is the main difference, the main valve driven by sweep road car chassis, vice valve power from the special function of the engine. The common engine of the road scavenging car has the north facing the wood, the jiangling, cummins. Main valve management chassis shell carriage tilt and carriages behind the back door of hydraulic pressure switch, the deputy valve management four brush to sweep road car (can be individually controlled one or all of the work) and suction cups.2, the engines secondary engine is different from the engine, but the average speed is around 1500 to 18003, according to the needs of work, generally can choose whether to take water spray dust function, general configuration generally take after water spray, also need to pay attention to the clear water tank of water is enough, clear water tank volume, working time may have difference.4, the road sweepers electromagnetism multi-channel valve pressure adjustment is normally on the overflow valve, the user can adjust the pressure appropriately to change the speed of the sweeping brush.5, additional sweeper can choose according to the road vehicle whether brush to brush on the left and the right to work at the same time, such as sweeping the road corner is only open one side of the brush rotation work here in the corner6, the dustbin of the scavenging car may have small dust deposits, and manual processing is required to clean up the dustbin.7, the distance from the sweeping car to the ground should be adjusted according to the condition of the road.The scavenging tube may often have dirt and mud, and it will need to be cleaned up regularly for better results.9, control the electrical parts of the box in order to use a more stable need to replace a piece.10, the sanitation worker should regularly check whether the functional areas are normalIn order to avoid the effects of foreign bodies in hydraulic oil on the normal operation of the electromagnetic control valves, the sanitation workers should check the hydraulic oil regularly.12, it is normal to check the limit device of the clutch power push rod of the engine.13, the time interval should be five seconds when the floor is converted14, when a hydraulic part of a road sweeper is not working properly, check the oil circuit before checking the circuit.(1) the reason that the circuit is partially abnormal may be: insurance disconnection, line connection looseness, line break(2) there may be reasons for the abnormal flow of oil: the oil pump failure, the breakdown of the tubing, the leakage of oil from the oil circuit, and the failure of the solenoid valve.Cleaning workOpen the control box and point the control valve to the secondary valve position2 start vice machine3 the clutch control button points to the closed position, and the fan starts to work4 point the dust box control knob to the descending positionThe left sweep or right sweep control button points to the descending position6 turn the left sweep or right sweep the control knob to the positive position (left pan clockwise, right hand counterclockwise)The left spray, the right water spray, and the rear water control knob point to the open positionSet the pump control button to the open positionThe car moves at the right speed and begins to sweepCleaning the endThe car stopped runningControl the pump control button, left spray control button, right water control button, and rear water jet control knob point to close position3 will sweep the control button to the middle position4 move the dial to the position of the liter and then point to the middle positionPoint the dust box to the top and point to the middle positionPoint the clutch to the position of the point, and then point to the middle position7 control the control key point to the middle positionClose the secondary engineTurn off the power of the control boxWaste dischargedOpen the control box and point the control knob to the main valve position2 start the main engine of the vehicleStep 3 on the clutchTurn on the oil pump clutch switch.Release the clutch at the appropriate speed6 position the back door control knob on the control box to point to the open position, and then point to the middle position in 5 secondsThe control button is pointed at the Angle of the carriage, and the control key points to the middle position at any time8 garbage cleaningWhen the garbage is cleared, the control button is pointed to the lower position, and the control button points to the middle position after the carriage returnSet the back door to the center of the lock, and then point to the middle position 10 seconds laterClean up the garbageStep on the clutch13 attach the additional pump clutch control button (inward push)Release the clutch at the appropriate speedThe control valve of the control box points to the middle positionTurn off the control boxBest environment for the type of scavenging carWet sweeping road, highway, road surface areaNo brush dry sweep road, highway, north cold outdoor workThere is a brush dry sweeping car, which is not normal, and it is the same as wet .道路清扫车是集路面清扫、垃圾回收和运输为一体的新型高效清扫设备。简单的说就是在专用汽车底盘上改装道路清扫功能的扫地车型,车辆除底盘发动机外,另外加装一个副发动机,四把扫刷由液压马达带动工作,带风机、垃圾箱、水箱等多种配套设备。这种全新的车型可一次完成地面清扫、马路道牙边清扫、马路道牙清洗及清扫后对地面的洒水等工作,适用于各种气候和不同干燥路面的清扫作业。清扫车类型 一般以行走方式、作业方式或除尘方式来进行分类,通常多以作业方式分类 1、手推式清扫车和手扶式清扫车 2、自行式清扫车 3、纯扫式清扫车 4、吸扫式清扫车 5、纯吸式清扫车(多功能全吸式扫路车) 6、干式清扫车(吸尘车) 7、湿式清扫车 8、全吸式清扫车 干式清扫车介绍干式清扫车就是一种新型道路清扫车,不用刷子不喷水,全部气流作业,靠的是空气动力学原理, 经专家鉴定国内领先技术,且拥有独立的知识产权,洛阳驰风车业有限公司自行开发、研制、生产的路洁牌系列吸尘车全部用气流,不用刷子、不喷水,没有一次扬尘、没有二次扬尘,路洁吸尘车的广泛使用将大大减少空气中可吸入颗粒物的含量,彻底解决了粉尘污染严重的问题,是一种环保、节能的现代化新型环卫产品,这种产品的环保技术指标高于国家行业标准。纯吸式清扫车纯吸式道路清扫车是一种“无二次扬尘污染、功能上优于传统扫路车”的全新高科技产品! 该车采用负压纯吸的原理,由吸尘系统、一次集尘箱、二次集尘箱、粉尘回收系统、液压系统、今盛除尘滤筒、电控系统及行走系统等组成,具有吸尘范围广、吸净率高、吸口无二次扬尘、出风口无粉尘排放、工作效率高等优点,是环卫清洁及物料回收的优选产品。适用于于易产生扬尘污染的多粉尘、高浓度和大密度的工矿企业;城市高架、快速道路及桥隧的快速清扫保洁;城市主干道、高等级公路及高速公路的清扫保洁。 干式清扫车介绍干式清扫车就是一种新型道路清扫车,不用刷子不喷水,全部气流作业,靠的是空气动力学原理, 经专家鉴定国内领先技术,且拥有独立的知识产权,洛阳驰风车业有限公司自行开发、研制、生产的路洁牌系列吸尘车全部用气流,不用刷子、不喷水,没有一次扬尘、没有二次扬尘,路洁吸尘车的广泛使用将大大减少空气中可吸入颗粒物的含量,彻底解决了粉尘污染严重的问题,是一种环保、节能的现代化新型环卫产品,这种产品的环保技术指标高于国家行业标准。多功能全吸式清扫车多功能全吸式扫路车是采用专利技术研制的新产品,它改变了以往清扫车用盘刷滚动刷扫的传统方式,而全部采用气流来完成作业,利用气流运动方式将粉尘和垃圾收集储存起来,因此效率很高。本产品可有效减少粉尘污染,提高空气质量,降低空气中可吸入颗粒物的含量,改善人们的生活环境。为何需要使用扫路车一、传统的回答:扫路车用来扫地,洗地车用来清洗并擦干各种地面。二、专业的回答:扫路车不仅能够解决困难还能够为使用者获得更多的利润。三、扫路车能够解决以下问题:1、人们生活在满是灰尘的环境中的健康问题;2、国家法律或地方法规要求的环境指标;3、由于灰尘或垃圾而造成路面过早过度的破损问题;4、生产车间的产品被灰尘污染的问题;5、生产车间内固定或移动的机器被灰尘污染的问题;四、能够带来更大的利润(或节约开支):1、扫路车的扫地吸尘系统相当于6-40倍的人工;2、减少灰尘对环境污染的程度(节约时间和财力,减少人工对产品外表的清洁, 对机械设备的清洁保养以及周期性的环境卫生工作等)3、提高工作效率,同时提高操作者的工作积极性;4、一个良好整洁的环境不仅提高城市形象,而且更有利于城市文化的建设及市民工作的积极性。五、扫路车机械与人工的比较1、工作效率,同样的作业面积时间上大大缩短;2、清洁成本,可以肯定的是机械单位面积的清洁成本比人工还要低;3、清洁效果,机械可以避免清洁剂使用不平均,清洁效果不统一的问题;4、安全性能,让清洁工人身处安全
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