



九年级英语中考交际英语专项复习 ( ) 1. You look very nice in dark blue. - _. A. I dont mind B. No, not at all C. Thats all right D. Thank you( ) 2. I won the high jump yesterday. - _. A. Its a small thing B. Thats all C. I hope so D. Congratulations to you.( ) 3. Waiter! - _? -I cant eat this. Its too sweet. A. OK B. All right C. Yes D. Pardon.( ) 4. Would you like some more? - _. Im full. A. Yes, please B. Id love to C. No, I wouldnt D. No, thanks( ) 5. Im going to Hawaii with my aunt this month for my holiday. - _! A. Have a good time. B. Best wishes to you. C. Congratulations D. Please go( ) 6. Your dress is just wonderful! - _. A. You are right, thank you. B. Thank you, and youC. No, no, yours is best D. Thank you. Im glad to hear that( ) 7. Excuse me! - _? - Are you Mr Smith? A. Who B. What C. Yes D. Me( ) 8. Ive got an offer in New York. Oh, _! But Im going to miss you. A. thats too bad B. Im sorry C. I beg your pardon D. thats great( ) 9. Thank you ever so much for present you sent me. - _. A. Please dont say so B. Its not so good, I think C. No, thanks D. Im glad you like it( ) 10. Arent you tired, Kate? - _. I like going shopping. A. Not at all B. Im so sorry C. Youre welcome D. Yes, of course( ) 11. Happy birthday to you! - _! A. Happy birthday to you B. Im very glad C. Thats all right D. Thank you( ) 12. I have passed the English exam. - _. Congratulations! A. Sorry B. Bad luck C. Come on D. Well done( ) 13. Youve given us a wonderful Chinese dinner, Mrs Huang. - _. A. Oh, Im afraid I didnt cook well B. Im glad you enjoyed itC. Its not necessary for you to say so D. It doesnt matter( ) 14. Could you come, please? I want some help. - _. A. Sure. Im coming now B. Youre welcome C. Yes, I could D. Thats right( ) 15. How is the weather today? -Its _. A. sunny B. Sunday C. June 26 D. Seven oclock( ) 16. Can you stay here longer? - _, but I have to be back tomorrow. A. No problem B. Im afraid not C. Id love to D. No, thank you( ) 17. Have a good journey home, David. - _. A. Thank you B. What a pity C. Well down D. Youd better not talk( ) 18. Hello. May I speak to Mike? - _. Please call back later. A. Wait a minute B. Hold on for a moment C. Speaking D. Sorry, he is out( ) 19. Shall we go skating tomorrow? - _. A. You are all right B. Its very kind of you C. Youre right D. Thats a good idea( ) 20. -_, please? - I think its about 5:


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