



八年级下册 Units78一、单项填空 ( ) 1. Mr Jiang, as _ elderly man, took part in the Special Games for _ elderly. A. a; the B. an; the C. an; an ( ) 2. is necessary _ you _start training a few months before the walk. A. This ;for ; / B. It ; for; / C. It ; for; to( ) 3. When all his money _, he had to return home. A. ran out B. has run out C. was run out ( ) 4. The _of new inventions should be to make life easier, not to make it harder. A. rules B. subjects C. purposes( )5. Mum, can you give me some advice on how to behave myself at the table? Well, I do have some advice. _, please keep quiet while eating. A. In all B. Of all C. Above all( )6. Dad,I was the first to reach the top of the hill. Good job, Mary. Im of you. A. afraid B. proud C. tired ( ) 7. The government should stop them from _ trees in the forest. A. cutting down B. putting down C. taking down ( ) 8. Did you go to Jacks birthday party? No, I _. A. am not invited B. wasnt invited C. havent invited ( ) 9. What do you think of the TV play?Oh, Ive never watched _.Its wonderful. A. a good one B. the better one C. a better one ( ) 10. The foreigner can speak English, he can speak French _. A neither B. as well C. also ( ) 11. I am sorry for having kept you waiting so long outside. _. A. It doesnt matter B. Id love to C. No problem ( ) 12. Our teacher was _ to spend a lot of time _ the thing to us . A. enough patient ;explain B. patient enough ;explaining C. patient enough;to explain ( ) 13.Please speak louder. My grandfather is a little _. Sorry. I _ . A. blind; do B. disabled; wont C. deaf; will ( ) 14. The volunteers really provided the athletes with support. Exactly. _ they helped make the event! A. What a great success B. What great success C. How a great success ( ) 15.How many letters have you got from your online friends since last year? _. Were just chatting with each other when were free. A. Nothing B. None C. No 二、完形填空请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。Have you ever had problems in your life and didnt know how to be happy? If so, you will find the book“ Being a Happy Teenage” 16 . In the book, the 17 , Andrew Matthews, tells us how to 18 a happy life and he also gives answers 19 the questions of teenagers.The book 20 about many subjects, such as problems with parents, friends or teachers. The book says we should stop being 21 with others and learn to forgive. The book teaches us some skills. For example, you can turn 22 you have learned into pictures to make your memory better. Many teenagers think that happiness comes from a good exam result or praise from other people. But you can still be happy 23 there are no such “good ” things. Success comes from a 24 attitude( 态度) . If you can learn 25 problems, you will have success in the future. Some school students have such problems as being too tall 26 too short. But Matthews says that happiness comes from thinking in a positive( 积极的) 27 . If you are tall, 28 you will be a basketball _29 ; if you are short, your clothes and shoes take _30_ room in your bedroom! This is Matthews most important lesson: you choose to be happy!( ) 16. A. useful B. useless C. meaningless ( ) 17. A. teacher B. doctor C. writer ( ) 18. A. like B. meet C. live ( ) 19.A. about B. to C. of ( ) 20. A. speaks B. tells C. talks ( ) 21. A. happy B. excited C. angry ( ) 22. A. which B. what C. how ( ) 23. A. before B. if C. until ( ) 24. A. good B. bad C. poor ( ) 25. A. to B. from C. with ( ) 26. A. but B. and C. or ( ) 27. A. road B. way C. class ( ) 28. A. maybe B. surely C. properly ( ) 29. A. worker B. actor C. player ( ) 30. A. less B. more C. most 三、阅读理解Sometimes the easiest way to get somewhere is on the back of a bike.More and more people are using cars in many places in Africa today. However, things are different in Malawi(马拉维). Bikes are the most popular in this African country.Bike riding is a way of life in Malawi. People use them to carry heavy things. They also use bikes to carry people, including tourists. These years, taking a “ bicycle taxi” to travel around Malawi has become quite popular among tourists from all over the world.If you go to Malawi, you will find a lot of bike taxis waiting on the sides of the roads. The riders make the bikes comfortable for passengers to sit on. You can jump on a bike taxi and get around at a very low cost.Alice is a 21-year-old student from Canada. She enjoys the special bike riding a lot. “I really like the bike taxi,” she says. “Its easy and cheap.” Alice usually pays just $1 for going shopping in town.28-year-old Panjira Khombe began to ride a bike taxi two years ago. The young man enjoys this job. “I used to make boats for a living, but thats a hard job. Being a bike taxi rider is easy for me and I dont mind carrying heavy people,” he says.( ) 31. In Malawi _ are the most popular way for people to get somewhere. A. cars B. bikes C. trains ( ) 32. Bikes are the most popular in Malawi because _. A. they are cheap and easy B. visitors dont like taking taxis C. they travel faster than cars ( ) 33. From the passage we can learn Panjira Khombe thinks that_.A. going shopping is easy B. making boats for a living is difficult C. riding a bike taxi is cheap ( ) 34. Which of the following is True? A. A tourist can get around Malawi at a very low cost on a bike. B. More and more people are using bike taxis in many places in Africa today. C. People in Malawi only use bike to carry tourists.( ) 35. The best title of the passage may be “_”.A. Bike Riders B. A Special Country C. Bike Taxis 四、完成句子36. 他小学毕业后通过电邮继续与同学保持联系。He _ his classmates by e-mail after he left the primary school.37. 我们每人应该准时上交一篇关于这部影片的评论。We each _ abo


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