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2019版高二英语上学期第三次月考试题 (IV)第卷(选择题,共100分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What does the man like best?A. Noodles. B. Hot dogs.C. Pizza.2.What does the man ask the woman to do?A. Go to the south.B. Retell the name of the city.C. Spell a word.3 How many people lost their lives in the plane crash? A.224.B.242.C.2.4.Why doesnt John go to work today?A. Hes too tired to go to work.B. He lost his job.C. Its the weekend.5.What does the man like about the movie?A. The actor. B. The pictures.C. The director.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6.Where are the two speakers talking?A. In the library.B. In the classroom.C. In the bookshop.7.What does the man need?A. A menu.B. Small talk. C.A newspaper article. 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8.What will the man do tonight?A. Read a book.B. Have a foreign language class.C. Give a speech.9.Why does the man read the speech so many times?A. He is very nervous.B. He still has something wrong each time.C. He is trying to stay calm.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10.Whats the relationship between the two speakers?A. Classmates.B. Roommates.C. Workmates.11.Where is the table?A. Its next to the cups.B. Its in front of the sofa.C. Its behind the puter.12.What will the woman do next?A. Arrange her new office.B. Buy some new furniture.C. Move into the new office.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13.Why is it so hot in the mans apartment?A. The house is too old. B. The man has lived there too long.C. The air conditioner is not powerful.14.When is the rent due?A. In July.B. In September.C. In November. 15.Whats the difference between the new apartment and the old one? A. The new apartment is due soon.B. The new apartment has central air conditioning. C. The new apartment has the powerful window air conditioner. 16.How does the man bear the heat?A. By moving home.B. By using the powerful window unit.C. By opening the windows and turning on an electric fan.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17.When could the students go home?A. At the fourth weekend.B. On every Saturday afternoon. C. On every Sunday afternoon.18.What would the students do when they needed something from home?A. They went home for it.B. They phoned their parents. C. They waited until the time to go home.19.What time did the speakers mother usually arrive at the school gate?A. Before 12:00. B. At about 12:20. C. At about 13:00.20.Why was the speakers mother late that day?A. She was in her fifties.B. She didnt receive the call.C. The bus was stuck in traffic.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A,B,C,D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项目涂黑。Pick Your OwnFancy some fresh fruit and vegetables? At Parkside Farm we grow a wide variety of delicious summer fruits and high-quality vegetables for you to e and pick your own. Why not pay us a visit?About usOur family has been farming at Parkside Farm since 1938. Although we no longer keep fields of wheat and other crops. We started growing strawberries for Pick Your Own back in 1979. Since then, we have made the Pick Your Own area larger and we now grow about 20 different crops.Opening timesThe season starts in late June, but opening hours are variable the first week. Please ring our message line to check. From July onwards, we are open Tuesdays to Saturdays from 9 am to 5:30 pm (last entry 5 pm). Opening hours are variable on Sundays. Mondays CLOSED.Crop calendarSome crops may be in limited supply at certain times, so always ring the message line for daily updates before setting out.Strawberries: early June to mid-October Blackcurrants: early July to mid-AugustRaspberries: mid-June to mid-August Redcurrants: mid-July to mid-AugustBlackberries: mid-July to mid-October Plums: mid-July to early SeptemberPricesThere is a minimum charge of 3 for each adult or child who enters the Pick Your Own area. This means that every person has to spend at least 3 on Pick-Your-Own fruits or they will charged this amount when they leave.Strawberries: 4.49/kg Blackcurrants: 4.79/kg Raspberries: 6.39/kgRedcurrants: 4.79/kg Blackberries: 5.39/kg Plums: 2.99/kgFind usParkside Farm is in the Enfield of London, north of the city centre.For more information , please call our message line on 020 8367 2035 or check our website: .parksidefarmpyo.co.uk.21. What do we learn about Parkside Farm from the text?A. It doesnt open on Mondays.B. It sells fruit and vegetables online.C. Its situated in the south of London.D. It has a small Pick Your Own area.22. If a family of three buy 1 kg of strawberries and 1 kg of plums on the farm, they should pay_.A. 6B. 7.48C. 9D. 16.4823. What is the main purpose of the text?A. To instruct people how to grow crops.B. To tell readers how to pick fruits.C. To advise people to grow cropsD. To attract visitors to pick fruitsBArt museums are places where people can learn about various cultures. The increasingly popular “design museums” that are opening today, however, perform quite a different role. Unlike most art museums, the design museums show objects that are easily found by the general public. These museums sometimes even place things like fridges and washing machines in the centre of the hall.People have argued that design museums are often made use of as advertisements for new industrial technology. But their role is not simply a matter of salesits the honouring of excellently invented products. The difference between the window of a department store and the showcase in a design museum is that the first tries to sell you something, while the second tells you the success of a sale.One advantage of design museums is that they are places where people feel familiar with the exhibits. Unlike the average art museum visitors, design museum visitors seldom feel frightened or puzzled. This is partly because design museums clearly show how and why massproduced products work and look as they do, and how design has improved the quality of our lives. Art museum exhibits, on the other hand, would most probably fill visitors with a feeling that there is something beyond their understanding.In recent years, several new design museums have opened their doors. Each of these museums has tried to satisfy the publics growing interest in the field with new ideas. Londons Design Museum, for example, shows a collection of massproduced objects from Zippo lighters to electric typewriters to a group of Italian fishtins. The choices open to design museums seem far less strict than those to art museums, and visitors may also sense the humorous part of our society while walking around the exhibits.24. Showcases in design museums are different from store windows because they _.A. help increase the sales of products B. show why the products have sold wellC. attract more people than store windows D. do show mor technologically advanced products25. The author believes that most design museum visitors _.A. know the exhibits very wellB. dislike exhibits in art museumsC. do not like massproduced productsD. are puzzled with technological exhibits26. The choices open to design museums_ . A. may fail to attract more visitorsB. are not aimed at interesting the publicC. are not as strict as those to art museumsD. may fail to bring some pleasure to visitors27. What is the best title for this passage?A. The nature of design museumsB. The forms of design museumsC. The exhibits of design museumsD. The choices open to design museumsCOne early morning, I went into the living room to find my mother reading a thick book called Best Loved Poems to Read Again and Again. My interest was aroused only by the fact that the word “Poems” appeared in big, hot pink letters. “Is it good?”I asked her. “Yeah,” she answered. “Theres one I really like and youll like it, too.”I leaned forward. “Patty Poem,” she read the title. Who is Patty? I wondered. The poem began:She never puts her toys away, Just leaves them scattered where they lay, 散乱的The poem was just three short sections. The final one came quickly: When she grows and gathers poise, 稳重 Ill miss her harum-scarum noise, 莽撞的 And look in vain for scattered toys. 徒劳地And Ill be sad. A terrible sorrow washed over me. Whoever Patty was, she was a mean girl. Then, the shock. “Its you, honey,” My mother said sadly. To my mother, the poem revealed a parents affection when her child grows up and leaves. To me, the “she” in the poem was horror. It was my mama who would be sad. It was so terrible I burst out crying. “Whats wrong?” my mother asked.“Oh Mama,” I cried.“I dont want to grow up ever!”She smiled.“Honey, its okay. Youre not growing up anytime soon. And when you do, Ill still love you, okay?”“Okay,” I was still weeping. My panic has gone. But I could not help thinking about that silly poem. After what seemed like a safe amount of time, I read the poem again and was confused. It all fit so well together, like a puzzle. The language was simple, so simple I could plainly understand its meaning, yet it was still beautiful. I was now fascinated by the idea of poetry, words that had the power to make or break a persons world. I have since fallen in love with other poems, but “Patty Poem” remains my poem. After all, “Patty Poem” gave me my love for poetry not because it was the poem that lifted my spirits, but because it was the one that hurt me the most.28. Why was the writer attracted by the book Best Loved Poems to Read Again and Again?A. It has a meaningful title. B. It was a thick enough book.C. Her mother was reading it with interest. D. Something on its cover caught her eye.29. After her mother read the poem to her, the writer felt _ at first. A. sadB. excitedC. horrifiedD. confused30. The writers mother liked to read “Patty Poem” probably because _. A. it reflected her own childhood B. it was written in simple language C. it was posed by a famous poet D. it gave her a hint(暗示)of what would happen31. It can be concluded from the passage that “Patty Poem” leads the writer to _.A. find her eagerness to grow up B. recognize her love for puzzlesC. discover the power of poetry D. experience great homesicknessDIn many countries, authority(权威) is seldom questioned, either because it is highly respected, or because it is feared. Because rank has been important in certain societies for a long time, people have been trained never to question those in authority. For example, children are not expected to question their teachers in school. It may be considered improper for young businessmen to suggest ideas that differ from those of older, more experienced members of the business.In other countries, including America, children are trained to question and search for answers. When a child asks a question, he will often be told to go to the library and find the answer for himself. By the time students reach the age of 14 or 15, they may be developing exciting new ideas in all fields of science and arts. To encourage such creativity, there are many national prizes offered to students every year for their scientific discoveries and artistic acplishments.This interest in questioning and searching may be considered by some people as bad for young peoples manners, that young people lack respect for authority. This impression may be created when visitors notice young Americans asking questions and arguing with older people. However, this is because many Americans have a different attitude toward authority that may exist in other areas of the world. In a work or business situation, ideas are freely and openly discussed and argued. It is important to remember that it is the persons ideas that are being questioned, not the individual himself. The two are quite separate. The purpose of the searching, questioning, and arguing is to find the facts in a particular situation, and therefore a solution, so that the work of the business can progress in the most effective manner possible.As was mentioned earlier, you may notice the same questioning in social conversations. Although some individual may think that Americans are rude because of the direct manner with people, they are merely trying to learn more about your ideas.32. In many countries authority is seldom questioned for the following reasons EXCEPT that _.A. people are afraid of itB. people dont care about itC. people show great respect for it D. people are not trained to question those in authority33. National prizes are offered to students in America every year because _.A. the students of this age are very curiousB. the students are encouraged to develop their creativityC. the students may be developing exciting new ideas in all fields of science and artsD. the students often go to the library and find the answer to a question for themselves34. From the text we can infer that _ .A. young people lack respect for authority in AmericaB. questioning a person is impolite and his ideas as wellC. what matters is that the questioning of authority leads to an effective solution D. American young people always give the impression of being rude to others35. What is possibly the best title of the text?A. Bad Manners or Good Ways. B. Rude or Honest?True Americans.C. Questioning the Authority Is Impolite.D. Developing the Quality of Questioning.第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。How to Get Teenagers to Read Getting teenagers to read sounds like a hard task. The latest Xbox or PSP has got them addicted, or the homework seems to last forever. 36 Here is a guide on how to get your teenagers to read.37 You could look at their school homework timetable and work out which evening they have the least amount of work to do. Make sure that your teenager is not going to an out-of-school club that evening.Buy your teenagers a new set of books. Research the book lists for teenagers. The Chaos Walking Trilogy and The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy are suited for both boys and girls. If your teenager will never sit down to read a book, consider buying them an electronic reader like an Amazon Kindle Paperwhite to encourage them to read. Make sure that the electronic reader you buy can only be used to read. 38Seize opportunities. If they seem unimpressed then whenever you see them not doing anything constructive, encourage them to pick up one of the books you bought. If they say they dont want the book then take them out to buy some in a bookstore. 39Consider punishments. 40 This doesnt work for everyone but some people find that when your teenager messes up, you can tell them to go to their room and read. They might start to really enjoy the book.A. Dont be afraid of wasting money.B. Electronic readers are harmful to teenagers eyesight.C. Figure out what time is best for your teenager to read.D. If they still refuse then you could use reading as a punishment.E. But getting them to pick up a book is a lot easier than it sounds.F. Youre sure to pick out a book that they really want to read there.G. You know they could pretend to read and actually play video games.第三部分: 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 It was early one hot morning in xx when, acpanied by my mother, I was 41 wheeled to the taxi stand. Three weeks earlier, I had 42 my left ankle at home. Now, I was on my way to being 43 for an operation at the Philippine General Hospital.I was feeling 44 as Id never had surgery before and the thought of it 45 me. After waiting for 46 for more than 90 minutes, we were still standing there. It usually only takes a few minutes, but on this particular Sunday they would 47 us either already filled with passengers or 48 to take us. Perhaps they werent 49 to carry my 50 . My mother was starting to get frustrated as we were fast running out of time; our 51 was scheduled for 10:45am. Then a black SUV 52 and stopped in front of us. The driver, taking a look at us, said, “You two look like you could use a 53 !” He told us hed seen us earlier as he was taking his son to a 54 school activity. He was now returning home and saw that we were still there.With no questions asked, this good Samaritan weled us aboard and got us to the hospital. We arrived at 10:30 just in time. He refused any 55 , saying people should help one another. He left with a smile.I was finally 56 . A long recovery process and physical therapy(治疗) followed and now I am able to 57 again.To this day we have not 58 again this friendly driver who went out of his way, but his generosity towards us has 59 in our minds and taught me to keep watch for


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