2018-2019学年高中英语Module3ForeignFood写作园地-介绍中西方文化差异外研版选修8 .doc_第1页
2018-2019学年高中英语Module3ForeignFood写作园地-介绍中西方文化差异外研版选修8 .doc_第2页
2018-2019学年高中英语Module3ForeignFood写作园地-介绍中西方文化差异外研版选修8 .doc_第3页




Module 3 Foreign Food写作园地-介绍中西方文化差异感悟范文假如你的美国笔友Tom要来中国学习,他向你询问中西方餐桌礼仪差异方面的问题,请根据以下要点写一篇文章,词数120个左右。要点:1在餐桌上,西方人各自食用一份食物,而中国人共同分享。2在西方,喝饮料时,最好只喝一小口。在中国,一口气喝干是礼貌的。3在中国,不把盘里的菜吃完,意思是主人准备了足够分量的菜。4无论你在哪个国家,最安全的办法是记住这句谚语:入乡随俗。范文Im glad to hear that you are ing to China. You asked me about the table manners between China and the western countries. Now let me introduce it to you.The main difference between Chinese and Western eating habits is that in the West everyone has their own plate of food while in China, the dishes are placed on the table and they are shared by all the guests. In the West, youd better take only a sip, while in China, it is polite to drink all at once. In China, leaving some food on the plates means that he has served plenty of food. No matter which country you are in, the safest way to remember is the proverb: When in Rome, do as the Romans do.In addition, in the West, when you are invited, you should arrive on time, while in China, youd better arrive a little later. Whats more, youll have to learn to use chopsticks.I am looking forward to seeing you.Yours sincerely,Li Hua技法讨论本模块的写作任务是介绍中西差异,属于说明文,旨在对中西方文化差异进行描述。写该类文章注意以下几个问题:1时态:使用一般现在时。2要注意各要点不可遗漏,不能脱离主题,还可以适当发挥,增加一些其他细节。3介绍中西文化差异要分清层次,先主要后次要,并注意使用好过渡词。黄金表达1Im glad to receive your letter, asking for the differences between Chinese and Western table manners.2In China, youd better do sth., while it is considered impolite in the West.3It goes without saying that .4Whichever country you are in, remember that .亮点分析:亮点一:本文用简明、精确的语言介绍中西方餐桌文化的差异,要点齐全,结构清晰,层次分明。亮点二:文中使用了表语从句,形式主语,让步状语等高级句式,增添了文采。亮点二:动名词的使用,使句子结构复杂多样。类文演练假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Tom来信向你咨询中西方餐桌礼仪的差异,以避免与东方人吃饭时出现尴尬局面,请根据下列要点写一封信。1西方人准时到达;中国人总是晚一些;2西方人的餐具为刀叉;中国人用筷子;3吃饭过程中西方人总是保持安静;中国人总是聊天;4餐后西方人吃甜食;中国人常喝茶。_联想词汇1. 准时_答案:on time2. 晚一些 _答案:a little late3. 做是礼貌的 _答案:it is polite to do sth.4. 是常见的 _答案:It is mon for sb. to do sth.连词成句1. 在你们国家,你应该准时到达;而在中国,你最好晚一些到达。In your country you are supposed to _ while in China, you _.答案:arrive on time; had better arrive there a little late2. 在中国,吃饭聊天是很常见的_ for the Chinese to _ family and friends while _.答案:It is mon; talk with; having dinner连句成章_答案:Dear Tom,Im glad to receive your letter, asking for the differences between Chinese and Western table manners.First, in your country when invited to a banquet, you are supposed to arrive on time, while in China, you had better arrive there a little late. Besides, Westerners are used to eating with a knife and fork, but instead, the Chinese eat with chopsticks. So you should learn how to use them. Thirdly, Westerners dont make a loud noise during meals, which they think is rude. But it is mon for the Chinese to talk with family and friends while having dinner. Finally, after the banquet, tea is usually served in China, while in your country, you know dess


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