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鲁教版八年级英语下学期期试卷一单项选择题(30分)( )1.In China ,people often call China University Basketball Association CUBA _.A at short B.for short C with short D .on short( )2.Grandma Wang often gives us _.A.good something to eat B.nice something eat C.something nice eat D.something nice to eat.( )3.Mum, could you buy me a dress like this?-Certainly,we can buy _one than this,but _ this.A .a better ,better than B.a worse ,as good as C.a cheaper ,as good as D.a more important ,not as good as ( )4.The smile on my fathers face showed that he was _ with me.A. sad B. pleased C. angry D sorry( )5-Mr Smith phoned while you were out.-Is that so? I _ him.A .am going to call B. phoned C.rang up D. give a call to ( )6.Hi, Carol. How was your trip to Disney world?-Hi, Alice. Oh, we _ a good time there.A .are having B. were having C. had D .have( )7.Look at those black clouds .It _ rain. Lets hurry.A .must B .will C .would D .is going to ( )8._wonderful music it is! I like Bethovens better than anybody elses.A .What B .How a C .What a D.How( )9.You dont look very _.Are you ill? -No,Im just a little tired. A .good B .healthy C .well D .better( )10.The computer games are very interesting. -_ dont play them too much,_ youll fall behind with your schooll work.A .But ,or B.And ,or C .Or ,but D .But ,and( )11.Lin Tao went to work on the farm last week,and _.A .his sister do so B .so did his sister C .so his sister did D .did his sister so()12. _ is the sweater? Twenty yuan. A. How long B. how many C. how much D.how old( )13.-You lent me some money a few months ago. -_?I dont remember lending you any money.A .Did I B .Did you C .Do I D. Do you ( )14.This machine is very easy to use._ can learn to use it in a very short time.A .Somebody B .Anybody C .Nobody D .Few people( )15.-Can you stay for dinner? -Id love to ,but I _go to the airport to meet my aunt.A .will B .would C .have to D .had better( )16.-Who taught your brother to play computer games? -Nobody. He learned all by _.A .him B .himself C .his D .he .( )17.I am looking for a house. Id like _ with a garden. A .one B .it C .that D .this( )18.-Didnt you and Oliver go to the football match last weekend?-Oliver did ,but I _ an important meeting in Beijing.A .am having B .had C .would have D .was having( )19.-Whose is that watch?Is it yours? -Im not sure.It _ be his.( )20. There _ a basketball match in our town tomorrow.A.is B. are C. is going to be D.am( )21. He decides to work _ than last year. A. more hard B. much hard C. much harder D. a little hard ( )22.The headmaster stopped _ to me because there was a call for him. A .talking B .to talk C .saying D .to say( )23Im sorry to trouble you . -_. A .It doesnt matter B .Thanks a lot C .Thats right D .Youre welcome( )24.Oh ,I _ my exercise book at home this morning. A. forgot B .fell C .left D .had( )25-Can you come to my party tomorrow? -_,but Ill fly to Hong Kong this evening. A .No problem B .Id like to C .Of course D .Certainly( )26.-I think it will be fine tomorrow. -_.Its so wet these days. A .I hope not B .I hope so C .So it is D .Thats right.( )27.-Have a good weekend! -_. A .Sure ,it will be good B .Im so glad. C .Of course ,no problem D .Thank you, too( )28. What are you doing? Im _ my bag, but I cant _ it. A. looking for, look for B. looking for, find C. finding, look for D. finding, find ( )29. What _ you _ to do when you _ high school? A. do, want, finish B. will, want, finish C. are, going, are going to finish D. are, want, are going to finish ( )30 .Ill let you know about it when I _ the news. A. will get B .gets C .get D. got二完型填空(20分)Many Chinese students find it difficult to learn English,but not Chinese,because Chinese is their mother language.Actually(实际上)Chinese is much more difficult 1 than English.Still some students in other countries can speak Chinese very well.If you didnt see them ,you would 2 them for Chinese .What 3 them succeed (成功)?“For me,conversation is the most helpful.I try to talk to others 4 Chinese.If you only listen to what others 5 ,youll be good at listening.But if you talk as much as you 6 ,you will find you can speak good English.,”Says Jenny Brown,an English girl now 7 at Beijing University.She is interested 8 Chinese and the history.She thinks that to learn a language ,one must try to know 9 about the county.Chinese is different from English, 10 we can use the same way in learning them. It is conversation.( )1.A learned B .to learn C .learn D .learning( )2.A .think B .find C .look D .take( )3.A makes B .asks C .let D .cause( )4.A .and B .by C .in D .of ( )5.A .speaks B.talk C .say D .to tell( )6.A .do B .does C .can D .could( )7.A study B .studies C .studying D .to study( )8.A .on B .in C .about D .to( )9.A .something B .anything C .nothing D .everything( )10. A .so B .and C .also D .but三、阅读理解(20分)阅读短文,然后根据短文内容选择正确答案A man was travelling on his way to another town when he saw a road sign which read,”No THROUGH WAY .PLEASE GO ANOTHERR WAY.”He looked ahead and saw nothing wrong at all.He decided to go on ,thinking the sign was a kind of a joke.After a while he saw a broken bridge and had to turn back.When he came to the sign again o the road ,he saw these words on its back side,”WELCOME BACK,YOU FOOL!”( )1.The road sign was put on the road in order to _.A .make people know that the ridge ahead was being rebuilt.(重建)B .telll people to be careful while crossing. C .tell people to go another way.D .make people know that there was nothing wrong withh the road ahead.( )2.Why did the man decide to go on when he saw the road sign?Because _.A .he didnt see the words on the road sign B .he thought the sign was a kind of a joke C .there was another way ahead D .he could cross the broken bridge( )3.The man had to turn back because _.A .he saw the words on the signs back side B .he didnt want to go to that town any more C .the bridge was broken D .he wanted to go home( )4.Whats on the road signs back side? _.A.Nothing B .No through way.Please go another way.C .Welcome back,you fool D .Both B and C.( )5.Which of the following was wrong?_.A .The words on the sign were written in capital letters(大写字母).B .There was something wrong with the bridge.C .The road sign was a kind of a joke D .At last ,the man had to go anther way. B)阅读短文,回答问题。It was a warm day ,warm for Apirl.People were walking around the Fair with their coats over their arms.The sun was bright,and there were little white clouds in the blue sky.The tree wore a light smile.At noon the Saturday crowd (人群)was very large.Adults (成人) were laughing ,children were crying,and everyone was having a good time. A thousand vendors(小贩)were selling ice cream,hot dogs,and cold drinks.It was a beautiful spring morningthe kind you want to last forever(永远).Later in the afternoon ,the sun was not so bright,the sky not so blue.The little white clouds were now large and gray.There was a drop here,a drop there then ten thousand noisy drops.People shouted and ran in every direction(方向)。There was silence,the blue sky ,and a rainbow(彩虹)1.Why were people walking with their coats over their arms?_.2. At what time was the crowd very large ?_.3. What was the weather like in the morning?_.4. Why did people shout and run everywhere ?_.5.Did the rain last long? _.四,单词填空(15分)A)根据句意和所给首字母填写句中所缺的词,使句意完整正确。1.People like Chinese food because food in different parts of China has different t_.2.I am w_ in English ,so I must work harder on it.3.The problem is too difficult to s_.4.My English is not good.Can you teach me how to i_ it ?5.There are many l_ in the big cities.People can borrow books from them.B)同意句转换6.You can play computer games. But you must finish your homework first.You _ play computer games _ you finish your homework.7. The girl is very


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