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Module 3 Things around usUnit 1 SeasonsTasks in this unit:Begin an interaction by talking about seasons.Language focus:1. Using nouns to identify seasons. e.g., spring, summer, autumn, winter2. Using adjectives to express how people feel. e.g., warm, hot, cool, cold3. Using predicative adjectives to describe conditions. e.g., Spring is warm. Summer is hot. Autumn is cool. Winter is cold.4. Using the simple present tense to state facts. e.g., I see/smell/drink .Language skills:Listening1. Identify the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciation. e.g., spring, summer, autumn, winter2. Understand the key pattern. e.g., Spring is .3. Understand the characteristics of seasons.Speaking1. Use modelled sentences to communicate with other students.2. Pronounce the key words correctly. e.g., spring, summer, autumn, winter, warm, hot, cool, cold3. Use the key pattern to introduce oneself e.g., Spring is warm.4. Maintain an interaction by providing informationScheme of work:PeriodCore contentsExtensionMaterialsGrammar andexpressionsVocabulary1Spring is .Summer is .warm hotspring summerSB: pp. 27 and 282In Spring, I see .I smell .In Summer, I drink .autumn wintercool coldAutumn is .Winter is .SB: pp. 26 and 29WB: pp. 26, 27, 28 and 29, Parts A, B, C, D and TaskModule 3 Things around usUnit 1 SeasonsPeriod 1Language focus:1. Using nouns to identify seasons. e.g., spring, summer2. Using adjectives to describe conditions. e.g., warm, hot,3. Using the simple present tense to state facts. e.g., Spring is warm.Learning skills:Listening1. Identify the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciation. e.g., spring, summer, warm, hot2. Understand the key pattern. e.g., Spring is .3. Understand the characteristics of seasons. e.g., Spring is green.Speaking1. Use modelled sentences to communicate with other students.2. Pronounce the key words correctly. e.g., spring, summer, warm, hot3. Use the key pattern to describe seasons e.g., Spring is green. Spring is warm.Materials:Students Book 1B, pp. 27 and 28Cassette 1BFlashcards 1B(spring, summer, warm, hot)Wall picture 1BProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-task PreparationActivity 1To elicit the names of the seasons, show the pictures of spring and summer to the students and ask them what they see.Activity 2Show the pictures of people in spring and summer to the students. Elicit the adjectives from them and have them say what season it is.e.g.,T: What can you see?S1: I can see flowers.S2: I can see a rabbit.T: Yes. In spring, you can see many flowers and animals. Look, its spring.e.g.,T: Its green. Its warm. Its spring. Its red. Its hot. Its summer. Spring . Warm. Summer . hot. Understand?复习以前学过的知识,为后面的学习伏笔。TaskprocedureActivity 1Activity 2Ask the students to say the following rhyme.Activity 3Ask the students to do a quick response in groups of three.Activity 4Show the wall picture fo Students Book page 28 and ask the students to talk about the seasons in pairs.Show the flashcards to the students and ask them to repeat after you. Then flash the cards and have them respond quickly.e.g.,Spring, spring, spring is warm.Spring, spring, spring is green.Green and warm, spring, spring, spring.Summer, summer, summer is hot.Summer, summer, summer is red.Red and hot, summer, summer, summer.Then have the students say the rhyme in groups.e.g.,S1: Spring.S2: Spring is warm.S3: Spring is green.e.g.S1: Spring is green. Spring is warm.S2: Summer is red. Summer is hot.根据图片或媒体,在语境中听懂他人对季节的简单描述,理解不同的季节里,气候特点,着装特点和人们的活动特点。Post-taskactivitiesActivity 1Book page 28Activity 2Show the picture of summer with ice cream, beach, etc. to the students. Ask them to use these cues to talk about summer in groups.Show the wall picture of Students Book page 28 and ask the students to talk about the seasons in pairs.e.g.,S1: It is summer. Summer is hot. I can swim.S2: It is summer. Summer is red. I can eat ice cream.I在情景中学会如何来描述天气,并进行情景对话。Module 3 Things around usUnit 1 SeasonsPeriod 2Language focus:1. Using nouns to identify seasons. e.g., autumn, winter, spring, summer2. Using adjectives to describe conditions. e.g., cool, cold, warm, hot,3. Using the simple present tense to state facts. e.g., Winter is cold. I drink cola.Learning skills:Listening1. Identify the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciation. e.g., spring, summer, autumn, winter2. Understand the key pattern. e.g., Autumn is cool.3. Understand the characteristics of seasons.Speaking1. Use modelled sentences to communicate with other students.2. Pronounce the key words correctly. e.g., spring, summer, autumn, winter, warm, hot, cool, cold3. Use the key pattern to describe seasons e.g., Autumn is cool.4. Maintain an interaction by providing information.Materials:Students Book 1B, pp. 26 and 29Workbook 1B, pp. 26, 27, 28 and 29, Parts A, B, C, D and TaskCassette 1BFlashcards 1B(spring, summer, warm, hot)Wall picture 1BProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-task PreparationActivity 1Show the wall picture of Students Book page 26 to the students. Ask them to say the rhyme together. Then have them talk about the pictures.Activity 2Show the cards of the four colours (red, white, green, yellow) to the students to elicit the other two seasons from them. Have them guess what season is red, white, green or yellow.e.g.,S: Spring is warm. I see flowers.T: Yes. In spring, I see flowers. I smell flowers. I sing a song.e.g.,T: Red. What season is it?S1: It is summer.Ss: Summer is red/hot.T: White. What season is it? It is winter. Winter is white. Winter is cold.复习以前学过的知识,为后面的学习伏笔。TaskprocedureActivity 1Have the students listen to and repeat the rhyme on Students Book page 26. Activity 2Ask the students to repeat the sentences after you.Activity 3Ask the students to do Part B Look, write and say on Workbook page 27. Then have them talk about it. For the more able students, they can make sentences using . is hot/cold.Activity 4Ask the students to do Part A Listen and number on Workbook page 26. Then have them talk about the pictures in pairs.Then show a flashcard of a season and ask the students to say a sentence using the pattern . is . as quickly as possible.e.g.,T(Shows a flashcard of spring)Ss: Spring is warm.e.g.,T: I smell flowers.Ss: I smell flowers.Divide the class into groups. Ask them to say sentences and do the corresponding actions.e.g.,Ss: In spring, I see flowers. I smell flowers.S1: (Smells the flowers)e.g.,S1: The ice cream is cold.S2: The fish is hot.Ask the students do Part C Listen and check on Workbook page 27. Then ask them to do it verbally in pairs as quickly as possible.e.g.,S1: The egg is hot.S2: The juice is cold.e.g.,S1: It is spring. It is green. It is warm. In spring, I see flowers. I smell flowers. I sing a song.S2: It is summer. It is red. It is hot. In summer, I drink some juice通过实物、图片和媒体情景,掌握有关季节类、天气类和服装类的单词,并通过儿歌加以巩固。Post-taskactivitiesActivity 1Have the students do a survey of their favourite seasons and why they like them.Activity 2Have the students do Part D Listen, colour and guess on Workbook page 28. Then ask them to use the picture to talk about the season.Activity 3Workbook page 29Activity 4Divide the class into groups of six. Give each group a piece of paper. Ask the students to draw the season they like best and introduce that season to their group.a picture of springa picture of springa picture of springa picture of springS1S2e.g., S: I like spring. It is green. I can see green trees.e.g., It is spring. It is warm. It is green. I can see green trees.Have the students work in pairs and do Task Colour one of the pictures and talk about it on Workbook page 29. Then choose several pairs to talk about the pictures in class.e.g.,S1: It is spring. The tree is green.S2: .e.g.,S1: I like spring. It is warm. It is green. I can see green trees.S2: .I在情景中掌握句式“How is the weather?”,并通过儿歌和对话进行巩固。、复习旧知的同时。巩固今天所学的内容。Post-task activitiesActivity 1a picture of springa picture of springa picture of springa picture of springS1S2Module 3 Things around usUnit 2 WeatherTasks in this unit:1. Begin an interaction by talking about the weather.2. Begin an interaction by greeting someone politely.Language focus:1. Using the key words in context. e.g., sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy2. Using formulaic expressions to describe weather. e.g., Its sunny.3. Asking questions to find out specific information about weather. e.g., How is the weather?Language skills:Listening1. Identify the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciation. e.g., sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy2. Understand formulaic expressions describing weather. e.g., Its sunny.3. Understand the key pattern. e.g., How is the weather?4. Understand formulaic expressions making suggestions. e.g., Lets go to the beach.Speaking1. Use formulaic expressions to describe weather. e.g., Its sunny.2. Use the key pattern to ask about weather. e.g., How is the weather?3. Pronounce the key words correctly. e.g., sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy4. Use formulaic expressions to make suggestions. e.g., Lets go to the beach.5. Use modelled phrases and sentences to communicate with other students.Scheme of work:PeriodCore contentsExtensionMaterialsGrammar andexpressionsVocabulary1sunny cloudyrainy windyI like . days.SB: pp. 30, 31 and 33WB: pp. 30 and 31,Parts A and B2How is the weather?Its .weatherSB: pp. 30, 31, 32 and 52WB: pp. 32, and 33,Parts C, and TaskModule 3 Things around usUnit 2 WeatherPeriod 1Language focus:1. Using formulaic expressions to describe weather. e.g., Its sunny.2. Using the key words in context. e.g., sunny, cloudy, rainy, windyLanguage skills:Listening1. Identify the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciation. e.g., sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy2. Understand formulaic expressions describing weather. e.g., Its sunny.Speaking1. Use formulaic expressions to describe weather. e.g., Its sunny.2. Pronounce the key words correctly. e.g., sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy3. Use modelled phrases and sentences to communicate with other students.Materials:Students Book 1B, pp. 30, 31 and 33Workbook 1B, pp. 30 and 31, Parts A and BCassette 1BFlashcards 1B(sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy)A spinner(four kinds of weather are on the four parts of the round spinner)A survey tableProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-task PreparationActivity 1Activity 2Show the pictures of the sun, clouds, rain and wind to the students to elicit the adjectives.Activity 3Have the students look at the picture on Students Book page 33 and listen to the song to elicit the new words.Have the students listen to a simple weather report while you show the flashcards to them and talk about the weather.e.g., T: It is sunny. It is cloudy.e.g.,T: Look! We see the sun in the sky. It is sunny. I like sunny days.e.g.,T: It is sunny. The children dont like rainy days. They like to play on sunny days.复习以前学过的知识,为后面的学习伏笔。TaskprocedureActivity 1Have the students repeat this rhyme after you.Activity 2Use the spinner. When it stops, say the corresponding weather word and ask the students to repeat it after you.Activity 3Have the students do Part A Listen and tick on Workbook page 30. Activity 4Show some pictures which can be used to indicate weather conditions, such as the sun, raincoat, wind and a kite. In groups have the students classify the pictures and identify the weather.e.g.,Sunny, sunny, sunny days. I like sunny days.Rainy, rainy, rainy days. I like rainy days.Cloudy, cloudy, cloudy days. I like cloudy days.Windy, windy, windy days. I like windy days.e.g.,T: (Spins the spinner) Its sunny.Ss: Its sunny.Then check the answers and have the students do it verbally in pairs.e.g.,S1: Its rainy.S2: Its e.g.,S: (Puts the pictures of raindrops and raincoat together)T: You can see raindrops and a raincoat. How is the weather?S: Its rainy.通过实物、图片和媒体情景,掌握有关季节类、天气类和服装类的单词,并通过儿歌加以巩固。Post-taskactivitiesActivity 1Have the students do Part B Listen and judge on Workbook page 31.Activity 2Ask the students to do the survey on Students Book page 31. Then have them share their information in groups.Then have them practise it in groups. Choose several students to check it.e.g.,T: Its rainy. I like rainy days. True or false? If its true, please clap your hands. If its false, please stamp your feet.Ss: (Stamp the feet)e.g.,S1: I like sunny days.S2: I like cloudy days.I在情景中掌握句式“How is the weather?”,并通过儿歌和对话进行巩固。、复习旧知的同时。巩固今天所学的内容。Module 3 Things around usUnit 2 WeatherPeriod 2Language focus:1. Using formulaic expressions to describe weather. e.g., Its sunny.2. Asking questions to find out specific information about weather. e.g., How is the weather?Language skills:Listening1. Understand formulaic expressions describing weather. e.g., Its sunny.2. Understand the key pattern. e.g., How is the weather?3. Identify the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciation e.g., sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy4. Understand formulaic expressions making suggestions. e.g., Lets go to the beach.Speaking1. Use formulaic expressions to describe weather. e.g., Its sunny.2. Ask questions to find out specific information about weather. e.g., How is the weather?3. Use formulaic expressions to make suggestions. e.g., Lets go to the beach.4. Use modelled phrases and sentences to communicate with other students.Materials:Students Book 1B, pp. 30, 31, 32 and 52Workbook 1B, pp. 32 and 33, Parts C and TaskCassette 1BFlashcards 1B(sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy)MultimediaA map of ChinaWall picture 1BProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-task PreparationActivity 1Show the pictures of different weather conditions and have the students talk about them. Ask questions to elicit the new pattern.Activity 2Show the wall pictures of Students Book page 30. Have the students talk about the weather to elicit the new pattern from them.e.g.,T: Is it sunny?S1: No, it isnt.T: How is the weather.S2: Its cloudy.e.g.,T: (Shows the third picture) Look at the rain. How is the weather?S: Its rainy.T: (Shows the fourth picture) Look! The paper is flying. How is the weather?Ss: Its windy.复习以前学过的知识,为后面的学习伏笔。TaskprocedureActivity 1Students Book page 30Activity 2Have the students do Part C Listen and say on Workbook page 32.Activity 3Show the wall picture for Say and act on Students Book page 32Activity 4Have the students play the guessing game on Students Book page 31.Activity 5Have the students practise the dialogue on Students Book page 32 or make a new one in groups. Then ask several groups to act it out.Show the students the wall picture for Look and say on Students Book page 30.Have them repeat after the recording.Have them say the chant in groups and then ask them to make their own chant. Choose some groups to act out.Have the students listen to the recording. Then ask them to repeat after it.e.g.,S1: (Hides the picture) How is the weather?S2: Its windy.S1: No.S2: Its cloudy.S1: Yes, its cloudy.e.g.S1: Good morning.S2: Good morning.S1: How is the weather?S2: Its sunny.S3: Its warm.S1: Lets sing and dance.S2: OK.通过实物、图片和媒体情景,掌握有关季节类、天气类和服装类的单词,并通过儿歌加以巩固。Post-taskactivitiesActivity 1Show the students the wall picture for Look and say on Students Book page 30.Activity 2Show the map of China to the students. Activity 3Have the students do Task Listen and play a game on Workbook page 33.Activity 4Ask the students to do Project 3 Draw and say on Students Book page 52. Ask them to make dialogues in pairs. Choose several pairs to act their dialogues out.Put some symbols representing different kinds of weather on the map near different cities. Tell the students it is the weather for Sunday. Have them make a short dialogue in pairs.e.g.,S1: Its Beijing.S2: How is the weather on Sunday?S1: Its rainy. Divide the class into groups to play the game.Have them draw the weather and make a short dialogue about it.e.g.,S1: How is the weather?S2: Its sunny.I在情景中掌握句式“How is the weather?”,并通过儿歌和对话进行巩固。、复习旧知的同时。巩固今天所学的内容。Module 3 Things around usUnit 3 ClothesTasks in this unit:1. Begin an interaction by asking what people need.2. Maintain an interaction by providing information in response to factual questions.Language focus:1. Using nouns to identify clothing items. e.g., T-shirt, dress, shorts, blouse2. Using verbs to indicate needs. e


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