



Module 1 Deep South My First Day at Senior High高效演练稳达标【基础巩固题组】. 完成句子1. I find the village is three times _ as that one after studying the map carefully. 认真研究了地图后, 我发现这个村庄是那个村庄的三倍大。2. I _ you are fit for the job. 我认为你不适合这个工作。3. I have been to Beijing. _. 我去过北京, 玛丽也去过。4. The new teacher _ his students. 这个新老师给他的学生留下了很好的印象。5. We must have _ life. 我们对待生活要采取积极的态度。6. I think he is lying. _, I dont trust him. 我认为他在撒谎。换句话说, 我不信任他。7. _ and you will make progress. 服从老师的指示, 你就会取得进步。答案:1. as large 2. dont think 3. So has Mary 4. left a good impression on 5. a positive attitude towards 6. In other words 7. Follow your teachers instructions. 单句改错1. The output of July was twice as many as that of January. _2. Tom can speak Chinese and so does his friend. _3. He is always looking forward to receive some presents. _4. He told us the amazed news in an excited voice. _5. The whole class is divided from three groups. _6. The English in the USA is different from it in England. _7. I played basketball very well, but I havent got time to play since last week. _答案:1. many改为much 2. does改为can 3. receive改为receiving 4. amazed改为amazing 5. from改为into 6. it改为that 7. played改为play【教材变形题组】. 教材与语法填空根据课文内容, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。I am Li Kang. Today is my first day at Senior High school and I 1. _ (write)down my thoughts about it. My new school is very good. The teachers are very enthusiastic. Every room has a computer with a special screen. The 2. _ (teacher)write on it. Theyre brilliant! The English class is 3. _ (real)interesting and our English teacher is a very enthusiastic woman 4. _ (call)Ms Shen. Her teaching method is nothing 5. _that of my teachers in Junior High school. We have fun. I dont think I will be bored in her class. We introduced 6. _to each other. Ms Shen gave us instructions and we worked by ourselves. We all like her attitude very much. The population of my new class is 7. _ (large)than that of my previous class in Junior High. And there are three times 8. _many girls as boys. In this class, everyone is hard-working. For our homework tonight, we have to write a description of the street 9. _we live. Im looking forward to 10. _ (do)it! 答案: 1. am writing 2. teachers 3. really 4. called 5. like6. ourselves 7. larger 8. as 9. where 10. doing . 教材与短文改错根据课文内容, 对下面材料进行修改。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。In Marshalls letter we have known something about the American school system. Secondary school in the US covers seven years, grades six to twelve. In the end of twelve grade, students receive the high school diploma. If a student wants to go to the college, he need a high school diploma. The school year is divided into two semesters, the first of that is September through December, and the second January through May. They have a longer summer vacation. They start school at 7: 50 am and finish at 3 pm. Marshall takes part all kinds of activitieshe plays football, basketball, volleyball, table tennis and he go to theater club. In his letter he asks Li Kang for some informations about the Chinese school system. 答案: 1. 第三句中的InAt2. 第三句中的twelvetwelfth3. 第四句中去掉the4. 第四句中的needneeds5. 第五句中的thatwhich6. 第六句中的longerlong7. 第八句在takes part后加上in8. 第八句中的gogoes9. 第九句中的asksasked10. 第九句中的informationsinformation. 教材与话题写作用本模块所学知识完成下列句子, 并按照逻辑连成短文。1. This is my first day in_. 今天是我上高中的第一天。2. I_my new school. My new school is_my previous school. 我对新学校印象深刻。新学校和我原来的学校一点也不一样。3. My English teacher is excellent. He is_and_his teaching. 我的英语老师棒极了。他很热情, 工作态度积极。4. His class is very interesting and I_having English class. 他的课非常有趣, 我总是期待着上英语课。5. I_after-school activities. _. 我参加课外活动。我的同学也是如此。答案:1. Senior High school 2. am impressed with;nothing like3. enthusiastic;has a positive attitude towards4. am looking forward to 5. take part in;So do my classmates 组篇公式: 将句3改成定语从句_【参考范文】This is my first day in Senior High school, which is nothing like my previous school. I am impressed with my new school. My English teacher is excellent, who is


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