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The development and redevelopment of urban villages in ShenzhenBuilding up a link between the physical and socio-economic evolution of urban villages in Shenzhen and the citys planning and development practice. A systematic investigation on the multiple dimensions of the characteristics of urban villages in Shenzhen. Examination of the policies of urban village redevelopment in Shenzhen and their implementation. Implications for policy-making and urban planning associated with urban villages in Chinese cities.Benefits from a renewable energy village electrification systemMore than 100 years after Edisons life changing discovery, 1.62 billion people around the globe still live without light, in dark and smoke filled homes. The remote and impoverished Himalayan villages of upper Humla, in north-west Nepal, belong to some of the 2.4 billion people who still depend on the use of traditional biomass for their daily energy services such as cooking, heating and light. These activities on open fireplaces have a direct chronic impact on the health and extremely low life expectancy of the women and children along with devastating deforestation. There is a strong relationship between prosperity and access to electricity. The more remote and isolated communities in Nepal generally live in great poverty. Eighty percent of Nepals 28.5 million people live in rural areas, with around half of these so remote, that neither a road, nor the national grid is ever likely to reach them. While Nepal has no fossil fuel resources, it is a country that is rich in renewable energy resources such as hydropower and solar energy. These abundant and locally available renewable energy resources can be tapped into with appropriate locally developed technologies. Generating and storing electrical energy derived from these rich local energy resources can provide for appropriate and sustainable lighting, which brings potential health, education, social and economic benefits to the people who have previously lived in homes with excessive indoor air pollution. This paper describes the living conditions of some villages in upper Humla, and the possible benefits of a simple village electrification system that provides basic lighting for the homes and the consequent improvements in the living conditions of the villagers.Reproduction and family building strategies in early modern Japan: Evidence from two northeastern farming villages县、乡、镇家居建筑适用性与经济性设计 Drawing data from the local population registers called “ninbetsu-aratame-cho, this study examines the patterns and covariates of reproduction and family building in two farming villages in northeastern Japan in 17161870. Marriages in these villages were very early and universal for both sexes, but reproduction within marriage was very low, due in part to curtailment of reproduction at relatively young ages, but also to long intervals between recorded births. Stopping and spacing of family building were achieved primarily by an extensive use of sex- and parity-specific infanticide, which enabled peasant couples to control the size and gender-sequence of their progeny. Womens positions within their household and in the village also influenced their family building processes. Peasant couples in these preindustrial Japanese farming villages were active planners of their reproductive life.The social and psychological impact of the chemical contamination incident in Weston Village, UK: a qualitative analysis新农村建设与人民幸福生活的快速推广和普及This paper contributes to the literature on community response to the announcement of well-established chemical contamination close to their homes. It describes a study of residents views of chemical contamination on a close and long-standing community in the context of impacts on everyday life. This followed the discovery early in 2000 that houses in Weston Village, in the County of Cheshire, England, were contaminated by the chemical hexachlorobutadiene which was seeping from a sealed chemical waste quarry owned by Imperial Chemical Industries, one of the worlds largest chemical companies. Qualitative methods were used for the study. A total of 23 people from the village were interviewed in 15 focused, semi-structured interviews. This study highlights the importance of attention to secondary, community-level and interpersonal-level health impacts in the face of epidemiological uncertainty.Studies on hill agro-ecosystems of three tribal villages on the Eastern Ghats of Orissa, India山间建筑The sustainable indigenous agro-ecosystems of India, a majority of which are degraded or destroyed, need protection. The main objective of this study was to analyse the traditional agro-ecosystems from structural and functional point of view and their interactions with other biophysical and socio-economic characters with a view to offer possible solutions. Analysis of traditional agro-ecosystems of three tribal villages, inhabited by Kondhs of Eastern Ghats of Orissa, India, revealed that cultivated land occupied 66% of the total land area. This covered valley, shifting and home garden cultivation. Under valley, rice (Oryza sativa L.) showed the maximum productivity (24Mgha1) among the crops. Minor millets and redgram (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) were cultivated under shifting cultivation in one of the villages. Vegetables and spices were the main crop under home garden. In valley agriculture human and draught power were the major inputs of energy, while in shifting cultivation human labour was the only source. Out of the total agricultural yield, 52.5, 90.6 and 75.9% were consumed in the villages of Rajikakhola, Nediguda and Badruguda, respectively. When agriculture, forest and animal husbandry sectors were taken together the average share of agricultural sector to the total consumption in the villages was 68.4%, the rest being contributed by forest, while the contribution of animal husbandry was almost negligible. Agricultural production can be stabilized through available rain water management, application of organic manure to agricultural fields and protection of the existing forests. Abandoned Podu (i.e. shifting cultivation) fields can be improved through agro-forestry practices.The village in the mind: Applying Q-methodology to re-constructing constructions of ruralityIn recent years rural studies have focused on the analysis of different notions of the rural and how they are constructed in expert discourses as well as in everyday life. Dealing empirically with such patterns of meaning, poses special challenges to social science. In this article I want to explore Q-methodology that approaches subjectivity in a particular way. Instead of beginning with the individual as it is done in case study approaches or with socio-demographic categories as surveys usually do Q-methodology attempts to put the focus of inquiry on the content of subjectivity itself, i.e. the integral views and their internal frame of reference. Q-methodology can be conceived as a hybrid of qualitative and quantitative methodology since it combines mathematical procedures like factor analysis with a genuine constructivist and interpretative approach to reality. An example of a study in which Q-methodology was applied is presented. The aim of this analysis was to explore the different views of village development and community life that existed in a municipality of the exurban hinterland of Hamburg. As a result of this study three distinct perceptions of rurality are identified: an idyllic, a reform-oriented and an anti-conservationist view. Based on a structured comparison of these three views it is shown how Q-methodology can contribute new perspectives and insights to the debate about social representations of rurality.The urban design of a Balinese town: placemaking issues in the Balinese urban setting城镇附属及公益设施和城镇建设规划This research considers the role of indigenous institutions and conceptions of space in the urban design process for producing culturally appropriate designs for Balinese towns. Employing a pluralistic approach (The Image of the City, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1960; Planning a Pluralist City: Conflicting Realities in Ciudad Guyana, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1976; House Form and Culture, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1969, Human Aspects of the Built Form, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1977), a case study of the town of Gianyar, Bali, Indonesia explores the popular accounts on the operative indigenous conceptions of space in contemporary Balinese urban settings. This exploration aims at providing a ground for reconnecting urban design proposals with their cultural context, thus promoting the spatially expressed localism originating from the diversity of cultures which is currently undermined by the highly standardized process of the Indonesian planning system. In particular, for the town of Gianyar, such an exploration provides a set of placemaking issues which is useful in devising urban design guidelines for achieving a town with more pronounced cultural identity. The research concludes that to achieve culturally appropriate places, the design process has to acknowledge the Balinese Hindu psycho-cosmic concept as the core principle in the design of Balinese townscapes. As such, the existing indigenous cosmic territory, which accommodates the relationship between human (microcosm) and environment (macrocosm), along with its adat law and institution, has to be incorporated in contemporary urban design processes. As a result, urban spatial organization, structure and form will significantly reflect the Balinese cultural identity.The impact of residential desegregation on social integration: Evidence from a South African neighbourhood社区环境与社会一体化This paper analyses the potential for social integration in post-apartheid urban South Africa by examining the lives of those already living in desegregated spaces. The case study is a low-cost state-assisted housing project situated in the wealthy southern suburbs of Cape Town. In this social housing project, named Westlake village, coloured and Black African (alongside a handful of white and Indian) residents were awarded state housing in 1999 as replacement for their previous homes (informal and formal), which were demolished to make way for a mixed land-use development, of which their new homes form a small component. Westlakes desegregation is found to extend beyond mere residential abode, affecting residents everyday lives to the extent that apartheids history and geography are superseded by other factors (such as proximity and affordability) in decision-making. Furthermore, integration at the everyday level of informal neighbourly mixing is prevalent. Although more formal cross-race friendships are rare, discussion reveals this as a consequence of Westlakes specific socio-historic identity rather than racial divisions per se. Empirical evidence is used to propose a continuum of social integration experience. This continuum addresses the form of integration, for example greeting in the street, visiting homes, inter-marriage; and also the spaces of integration, for example physical space (shared neighbourhood), economic space (common employment-type), social space (cross-race friendship), political space (common involvement in civic organisations) and cultural space (shared sense of belonging).Art in capital: Shaping distinctiveness in a culture-led urban regeneration project in Red Town, ShanghaiA techno-economic comparison of rural electrification based on solar home systems and PV microgridsConservation of Bangkok old townConservation of urban heritage contributes to the quality of life of people. Unfortunately, the urban heritage tends to be set aside from city development. The growing importance of locality in recent years invokes the public participation in planning and conservation processes. The paper aims to address the issue in urban conservation through the case of Bangkok old town. The site has been designated as a conservation area with the master plan and a specific advisory board for around three decades. Though a number of palaces and religious buildings have been protected, there is still a need for recognizing the local heritage and the enhancement of public participation. The issues regarding heritage identification, standard used in conservation practices and excessive tourism development in Bangkok old town would be resolved by revisiting the master plan and improving the cooperation among stakeholders. Moreover, urban heritage should be considered as a basis for urban planning and projects.Aspects of childhood in rural Greece: Children in a mountain village (ca. 19001940)This essay examines childhood in a mountain village in central mainland Greece during the early 20th century and the interwar period. It gives an overview of an analytical case study conducted by the author within the context of the project “Historical Archives of Greek Youth” at the Greek National Research Center. The article draws on various sources, although principally on oral evidence. After a brief survey of the general and local socioeconomic context, it looks at childrens lives and socialization inside and outside the household, focusing on family economy and interfamilial relationships within the context of home, school, community, and play, and tracing the relations of these domains to family and household. It points to the existence of childhoods rather than childhood, defined by gender and the specific socioeconomic position of the family. It argues that rural mountain society in Greece did not see its future in agriculture and examines the extent to which school education of boys functioned as a means of family urbanization and social mobility. Children alternated between traditional social structures and urban living patterns.Destructive creation: fascist urban planning, architecture and New Towns in the Pontine MarshesThis paper examines the construction, architecture, planning and design of New Towns in the Pontine Marshes, south of Rome, in the 1930s, analysing the discourses which contributed to their shaping and settlement. It focuses specifically on the plans and architectural characteristics of the city of Sabaudia as the best example of fascist urban utopias in the area. The paper also moves beyond an analysis of architecture and planning to consider the human beings who were slated for occupying what were viewed as ideal, utopian fascist spaces. This is done through an investigation of Italys ruralization and internal colonization policies, which aimed to tackle a demographic problem defined through recourse to statistics and sociological analysis. These policies were animated by colonists, and their families, chosen by the regimes institutions to take part in the Pontine Marshes project. Italian fascisms structuring of a new urban environment, which stretched from grand systemic designs to the measurement of mosquito net dimensions in colonial houses bedrooms, justified the attempted social and political control of fascisms experimental urban subjects.Wastewater management integrated with farming an environmental systems analysis of a Swedish country townRecycling of plant nutrients in sewage products to arable land is considered to be a step towards a more sustainable society. Sewage sludge is the predominant sewage fertiliser product available today, but the use of sewage sludge in agriculture has been questioned as regards hazardous substances. In this respect, blackwater from separating systems seems to better fulfil agricultural requirements regarding fertiliser products. The objective of this paper was to analyse the environmental impact and resource use in a life cycle perspective for three systems, each including both wastewater handling and agricultural production. In the reference system, food waste disposers were installed in houses. Milled food waste and wastewater were treated in a wastewater treatment plant and the sewage sludge was used for producing a soil conditioner. In the sludge utilisation system, food waste from households was composted, wastewater was treated conventionally and sewage sludge was used in oat production. In the blackwater system, toilet water from low-flush toilets and milled organic waste were digested together and spread in growing oats. Data on the wastewater system were derived from simulations by the substance-flow model URWARE/ORWARE. The blackwater system required slightly more primary energy than the other two systems. In particular, construction of storage facilities contributed considerably to energy use. The emissions of greenhouse gases and SO2 were of the same magnitude for all three systems, while the eutrophying emissions were reduced significantly in the blackwater system. As regards NH3 and NOX, the emissions were highest for the blackwater system. High substitution of mineral fertiliser, optimal spreading technique and well-designed collection and storage facilities were important factors for the environmental outcome in the blackwater system.瑞士小城镇的废水、垃圾防污染系统Transformations in housing construction in rural areas of Polands Lublin regionInfluence on the spatial settlement structure and landscape aestheticsThe analysis presented here concerns the influence of housing construction on spatial systems and the physiognomy of rural settlements serving various economic functions. In addition, the study offers an assessment of the influence new construction is having on the living conditions experienced by country-dwellers and the appearance and aesthetics characterising rural settlements. Particular attention is paid to modern housing construction, which only began to flourish in Poland in the period of economic transformation. A basis for


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