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选修7 Module 1 Basketball,第一板块 重点单词 1. hold vt. 保持; 抓住; 容纳; 举行; 持有 hold back 抑制, 阻止, 退缩, 隐瞒 hold on 坚持, 不挂断电话 hold on to 紧紧抓住, 保留,hold up 举起, 阻挡 take/get hold of 抓住,【即时训练】写出黑体部分的含义 Its lightweight, its flexible, andmore important it holds its shape. ( ) Their destination is the Fiery Food and BBQ Festival which is held over a period of three days every March. ( ),保持,举行,I held my camera tripod(三脚架)in both hands to form a barrier as the bear rushed into me. ( ) While space may hold many wonders and explanations of how the universe was formed or how it works, it also holds dangers. ( ),抓住,持有,2. attend v. 上(学); 照顾; 参加 attend to 照顾, 专心于, 处理(to为介词) attend school/college/church 上学/上大学/做礼拜,【即时训练】完成句子 (2016全国卷)I have just found that I have to _that afternoon. 我刚刚发现那天下午我必须参加一个重要的会议。,attend an important meeting,And I even joined the local fishing club and started _the monthly meetings. 我甚至也加入了当地的垂钓俱乐部, 同时也开始参加 每个月都举行的会议。,attending/to attend,By now paramedics had arrived, and were _ _the injured woman. 到现在护理人员已到达, 正在照顾那位受伤的妇女。,attending,to,句式升级 The teacher came up to me. The teacher reminded me to attend the lecture tomorrow. 用现在分词作伴随状语合并上面两个句子 _ _.,The teacher came up to me, reminding me to attend,the lecture tomorrow,【易混辨析】,3. appoint v. 任命, 委派; 约定 (1)appoint. . . to be/as. . . 任命为 appoint sb. to do sth. 指派某人做某事 (2)appointment n. 任命; 指派; 约定, 约会 make an appointment with sb. 与某人约会 keep an appointment 守约 break an appointment 失约,【即时训练】用appoint的适当形式填空 You can sign up for an _on the sign-up sheet outside the door. Next morning she was waiting at my apartment at the _time to take me to Disney World.,appointment,appointed,4. defend vt. 防守, 防护, 辩护 (1)defend sb. from/against 保卫抵御 defend oneself 自卫, 自行辩护 (2)defence n. 防守; 防御; 辩护 in defence of 保卫; 为辩护,【即时训练】完成句子 The traveler may fire at a wild beast to _in case he is attacked. 万一受到攻击, 旅行者可能会向野兽开火来自卫。,defend himself,More soldiers will be sent there to _the city _any possible attacks from the enemy. 将会有更多的士兵被派往那里去保卫这座城市抵御 受到敌人的任何可能的攻击。,defend,against,5. deserve v. 应得; 值得; 应受 deserve to do sth. 应该做某事; 值得做某事 deserve doing/to be done 值得(被)做; 应当(被)做 deserve (ones) consideration/attention 值得(某人的)考虑/注意,【即时训练】完成句子 By mentioning the Swiss study, the author intends to tell us that e-waste _/ _. 通过提到瑞士所进行的研究, 作者试图要告诉我们电 子垃圾应得到充分利用。,deserves to be made good use of,making full use of,I felt that the punishment was not justified, and I believed I _. 我觉得这个惩罚不合乎情理, 我相信我应该再得到一 次机会。,deserved a second chance,【知识拓展】 在deserve, require, want, need四个动词之后常用动名词的主动形式或动词不定式的被动式表示被动意义。,第二板块 常考短语句式 1. draw sb. s attention to引起某人注意(某事物) pay attention to. . . 注意 catch/attract ones attention 引起某人的注意 fix/focus/concentrate ones attention on/upon. . . 将注意力集中于,bring sth. to ones attention 使某人关注某事 turn ones attention to. . . 将注意力转移到,【即时训练】完成句子 Uses of Prezi in listening and speaking courses _speaking more fluently. Prezi软件在听说课程中的应用引起了学生们对更 流利说话的重视。,draw students attention to,The honey guide gives a loud cry that _ _of both passing animals and people. 向蜜鸟发出很大的叫声来吸引经过的动物和人的注 意。 (2014全国卷)A boy on a bike _. 一个骑自行车的男孩引起了我的注意。,attracts the,attention,caught my attention,2. be based on 根据, 以为基础 (1)base. . . on/upon 以为基础/根据 (2)basic adj. 基本的, 基础的 basis n. 基础, 根据 on the basis of 根据, 在的基础上 on a regular basis 定期地, 经常地,【即时训练】完成句子 This suggests that British attitudes towards accent have deep roots and _class prejudice. 这表明英国人对口音的态度有其很深的根源, 并且是 基于(对不同)阶级的偏见。,are based on,Whatever we do, we must _the guidance of correct theories. 无论做什么, 我们都要将我们的工作建立在正确理论指 导的基础之上。 _, the film was an instant hit soon after it was released. 这部基于真实故事的电影一经发布就马上取得了成功。,base our work on,Based on a true story,3. But _he deserves the title “outstanding player of his generation”. 但是毫无疑问, 他无愧于“一代杰出球员”这一称号。 (1)There is no doubt that. . . 毫无疑问 without doubt 毫不怀疑 in doubt 怀疑的, 不能肯定的, 可怀疑的,there is no doubt that,(2)doubtful adj. 怀疑的 be doubtful about sth. =doubt about sth. 怀疑,【即时训练】单句语法填空 The research lacks solid evidence, and therefore, its conclusions are _(doubt).,doubtful,完成句子 This doesnt mean we are becoming either more or less intelligent, but _the way we use memory is changing. 这并不意味着我们正变得更聪明或更不聪明, 但是毫 无疑问我们使用记忆的方式正在发生变化。,there is no doubt that,If _, declare it to Customs. 如果有疑问, 请向海关申报。,in doubt,【知识拓展】,(2)It is no wonder that. . . (=No wonder that. . . )难怪; 怪不得 It is no use/good doing sth. 做某事没有用处/好处,【要点拾遗】 typical adj. 典型的, 具有代表性的 be typical of是典型的; 是的特点 It is typical of sb. to do sth. 做某事是某人的特点; 某人一向/总是做某事,【即时训练】单句语法填空 Light _(typical) travels in a straight line. His child


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