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2011学年七年级上英语期中测试题第一部分 听力部分 (20分)一、听力(本题有20小题,每小题1分,共20分)第一节:听对话,选出正确的图片。( )1. Whats this ? A. B. C. ( )2. Whats Marys telephone nuber?A. B. C. ( )3. Where is the watch?A. B. C. ( )4. What does Tom play every day? A. B. C. ( )5. Who is in the room ?A. B. C. Jim Linda Cindy第二节:.听小对话, 选择正确答案。( )6. Whats his first name? A. Peter. B. Jack. C. Tom.( ) 7. What are those on the table? A. Books. B. Keys. C. Hats. ( ) 8. What color is Tims jacket?A. Red. B.White.C.Green.( ) 9. Who is Ann? A. Peters friend.B. Ginas sister.C. Helens daughter.( ) 10. Does Jenny have a volleyball? A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesnt. C. I dont know. 第二节 听下面一段对话 回答11,12两题的问题。( ) 11. Whats this in English? A. a Chinese book B. an English book C. a math book( ) 12. whose book is it? A. Tonys B. Janes C. Marys 第三节 听下面一段对话 回答13、14、15三题的问题。( )13. Who likes basketball? A. Jack B. Gina C. Tom( )14. Who has a football? A. Jack B. Gina C. Tom ( )15.What does Tom like? A. football. B. basketball C. volleyball). 听短文 选择正确的答案( ) 16.Peter is _ years old. A. eleven B. twelve C. thirteen( )17. There are _ people in his family. A. five B. six C. seven ( )18. Peters parents are _ . A. teachers B. workers C. nurses( )19. _is only three years old. A. Peter B. Tom C. Tony( )20. _ are in the same school.A. Peter and Tom B. Tom and Tony C. Peter and Tony第二部分 读写做部分 (80分)二、单项选择(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分)( )21-_, Mr Green! -Good morning, Peter!A. Good morning B. Good afternoon C. Good evening D. Good night( )22._表示“联合国” A.UN B. UFO C.USA D.UK( )23-Whats _ name? -My name is Helen.A. my B. your C. his D. her( )24.- Whats this in English?-Its _ book. Its _ English book.A. a an B. an a C. the an D. a a( )25-_ is your jacket? -Its black.A. Where B. How C. What D. What color( )26- Is this your pencil?- _. Its Marys pencil. A. Yes,it isB. No, it isntC.Yes,it does D.No,it doesnt( )27.-Are your _ at home? -No, they arent. My father is at work and my mother is at school.A. grandparentsB. uncles C. parents D. aunts ( )28 I dont _ a tennis racket. But Kate _ one. A. has;have B. have;have C. have;has D. has; has ( )29. - _? - Q-U-I-L-T, quilt.A.What color is it? B. Whats that in English?C. How do you spell it, please? D. Where is my quilt? ( )30-I need a notebook and a pen. Can you _ them to me? A. take B. have C. play D. bring( )31. They watch sports show _ TV.A. in B. under C. for D. on( )32. Sandra has eight tennis rackets, _ he cant play tennis. A. or B. but C. and D. so ( )33 Lets play computer games. That sounds _. But I dont have a computer.A. good B. boring C. difficult D. well( )34. _ your keys, Jim. A. Here is B. Here are C. It is D. Thats( )35.-Your bedroom looks very nice!. - _.A. Thank you B. Oh, no C. No, dont say so D. Youre welcome三、完形填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)Hello, everyone. I am _36_ English girl. _37_ name is Ron. I have _38_ friends. They are Mary and Jenny. They are _39_. _40_ are all in Beijing now. Mary and Jenny _41_ a soccer ball. _42_ ball is very nice. I _43_ have a soccer ball. I have a volleyball. _44_ ball is nice, too. In the evening we _45_ TV.( )36.A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )37. A. I B. My C. Her D. Your( )38. A. one B. two C. three D. four( )39. A. parents B. brothers C. sisters D. my uncles( )40 A. They B. You C. She D. We( )41. A. see B. meet C. have D. take( )42. A. They B. My C. Your D. Their( )43. A. am not B. dont C. arent D.isnt( )44. A. My B. Her C. His D. Their( )45. A. watch B. see C. look D. look at四、阅读理解(本题有15小题. 每小题1分,共,15分) A This is a picture of Kate Greens family. In the picture we can see her grandparents, her parents, her brother Mike and her.Her grandparents are on the chair. Mr Green and Mrs Green are behind them. Mike is under the window. Kate is on the floor. Whats behind Kate? Its a cat. Its black and white.( )46 This is a picture of _ family.A. Kate Greens. B. Jenny Smiths C. Tim Browns D. Jack Whites ( )47.Mike is Kates _.A. father B. uncle C. brother D. son ( )48.Who is under the window?A. Kate B. Mike. C. Mrs Green. D. Mr Green.( )49. Where is the cat?A. On the floor. B. Under the window. C. Behind Kate. D. On the chair.( )50. What color is the cat?A. White and yellow B. Black and brown C. Yellow and white D. Black and white.BLost : My new bike. Its red.My name is Jimmy. Please call 6784-2190Found:Is this your ring?Please call Betty . Phone:8920-2311.Lost: My baseball. My name is Bruce.Please call 7085-2097.Found: Is this your backpack?Please call David. Phone:2912-0845.( )51.Who lost (丢失) a bike?A. Betty B. Jimmy C. BruceD. David( )52.Is the ring Bettys?A. Yes,it is.B. No,it isntC. Yes,this is.D. No,its Davids.( )53.What color is the backpack?A. RedB. GreenC. Black D.I dont know.( )54.Who can you call for the backpack?A. Betty B.Jimmy C.Bruce D.David( ) 55.Whats Bruces phone number?A. 6784-2190 B.8920-2311 C.7085-2097 D.2912-0845.CDave and Tony are good friends. They like sports. Dave likes tennis, basketball and soccer. He is good at playing soccer.Tony likes sports,too. He has a great sports collection. He has four tennis balls, eight tennis rackets, five basketballs, ten pingpong balls and nine soccer balls. But Tony doesnt play sports. He only watches the games on TV. Isnt it funny?( )56. Dave and Tony are _.A. friends B. brothers C. classmates D. cousins.( )57 Dave is good at playing _.A. tennis B. soccerC. basketball D. baseball( )58.Tony has a great _collection.A. book B. CD C. photo D. sports( )59. Tony has _ basketballs.A. 4 B. 8 C. 5 D. 9( ) 60. Tony doesnt _.A. have a friend B. play sports C. have a collection D. watch the games五、任务型阅读 (本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分) Peter,Cindy,Bob,Linda 和Tony在谈论各自所有,请阅读下列信息,选择相应图片。( )61.PeterI have a volleyball. I play volleyball every day.( )62 CindyI have a baseball. Look! Its under the table. ( )63. BobI have a nice jacket. Its white.( )64.LindaI have a lovely sister. Her name is Cathy. ( )65.TonyI have a computer. It can help me study EnglisA B C D E 六.问答句配对。(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分) B( )66 Good evening. A. Fine, thank you. ( )67 . Whats this in English? B. Yes, she does. ( )68 Whats her name? C. On the desk. ( )69 How old are you? D. Its an eraser. ( )70 . Does she like apples? E. Nice to meet you, too. ( )71. How are you? F. Good evening. ( )72. Where is my pen? G. Her name is Wang Lan. ( )73. Are they from Tonghua? H. Im thirteen. ( )74 Whats his telephone number? I. Yes, they are. ( )75. Nice to meet you. J. Its七.补全对话。(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分。)A: Hello, Grace. Nice to meet you!B: _76_ Tony.A: How are you?B: 77 .A: Me, too.B: Lets play computer games.A:_78_ I dont like computer games.B: 79 A: That sounds great. But where is your tennis racket?B: I dont have a tennis racket._80_A: Yes, I do. I have two. We can play tennis together.B: Great, lets go. A: Fine, thanks. And you?B: That sounds boring.C: Nice to meet you, too!D: Do you have one?E. Lets play tennis. 八根据句意及所给首字母或汉语完成句子。(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)81 I have a friend. H_ name is Gina.82 Mary is my uncles daughter. So she is my c_.83 -What color is your bag? -Its y_.84 -Wheres my baseball? -Sorry, I dont k_.85 -Lets play soccer. -I dont have a soccer b_.86. A set of _(钥匙) is on the desk.87. My backpack is _(在下面) the bed88. There are two _(草莓) on the table.89. I want _(一些) oranges.90. Jim _(喜欢) sports.九书面表达(共1小题,共计10分)假设你是Linda, 请根据表格提供的信息,写一篇短文介绍自己,文章不少于50词。 NameLinda Green AgethirteenFamilyfather, mother, and Linda Favorite foodFather: broccoli; mother: eggs; Linda:hamburgers Bedroom big, computer(on the desk), books(on the bookshelf) Sports collection1 basketball, 2 baseballs, 3 tennis rackets Hello, everyone. Im Linda Brown. 附加题一完形填空(10分)Mr White likes fish very much. He often 1 some fish in the shop in the morning and takes home 2 . But Mrs White often 3 her friends to their home to have lunch and eat fish. One day, when Mr White comes home 4 。 He 5 his fish. And Mrs White says their cat 6 the fish. Mr White is very 7 . He takes the cat 8 the shop near their house to weigh(称重量)the cat. He says, “You see my fish is one kilo, and this cat is 9 kilo, too. My fish is here. Then 10 is my cat?”( )1. A. sells B. buys C. sell D. buy( )2. A. supper B. in supper C. at supper D. for supper( )3. A. asks B. says C. lets D. has( )4. A. in the morningB. in the afternoonC. in the eveningD. at night( )5. A. dont see B. doesnt find C. isnt see D. cant find( )6. A. have B. eats C. finds D. sees( )7. A. hungry B. happy C. angry D. thirsty( )8. A. to B. from C. in D. at( )9. A. one B. two C. three D. four( )10. A. what B. where C. how D. who二阅读理解(5分)Mrs Green had a young dog which was very clever. It often helped her buy a newspaper. One winter evening, the dog went out to play. It was snowing heavily. Soon the ground became white. “ The dog never loses his way. Where is he now?” Mrs Green thought. She shouted his name.But still the dog didnt come back. So she telephoned the police and told them a lot about her dog. “ My dog is very clever. He always goes out and comes back soon. Sometimes he plays with his friend, Mickey. He can buy a newspaper. He almost talks.”The policeman was tired and said, “ I think youd better put your telephone down. Maybe he is trying to telephone you now.”1. The story happened _ . A. in summer B. in winter C. in autumn D. in spring2. The ground became white because _. A. some painted white B. There are some paper on it C. It snowed heavily. D. It is really very clean.3. The dog didnt come back because _. A. he lost his way. B. someone bought it. C. it was too clever. D. it went to the police.4. When Mrs Green telephoned the police, “He almost talks” She meant that _ A. his dog was silly. B. The dog is good at talking.C. The dog is as clever as a man. D. The dog sometimes talks.5 From what the policeman said “I think youd better put your telephone down. Maybe he is trying to telephone you now.” , Who do you think “he” means? A. Mr Greens husband. B. The thief who took the dog away. C. The lost dog. D. the policeman. 三用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。(5分)Stay come speak child teach class learn but same friendIm Bill Smith. I 1 from London and now I 2 English in a middle school. I have two 3 , a son and a daughter. They go to the 4 school. They can 5 Chinese with their friends. 6 I cant. Im 7 Chinese 8 every week. We like 9 in China. The Chinese people are 10 .七上英语阶段性测试听力材料及答案第一节: 听对话,选择图片,回答问题。每段对话,仅读一遍。1. M: Cindy, whats this?W: Oh, its V.2. M: Hi, Mary. Whats your phone number? W: My phone number is six seven one one four five six.3. M: Wheres my watch? W: Let me see. Its under the chair.4. W: Tom, do you have a soccer ball? M: Yes, I play soccer every day. 5. M: Where is Linda, Jim? W: Oh, she is in her room.第二节: 听对话,回答问题。每段对话,仅读一遍。 6. W: Whats your name? M: My name is Jack Brown. 7. W: What are those on the table, Mr Charles? M: They are hats. 8. W: Is Toms jacket white? M: No, his jacket is red. 9. W: Is Ann your sister,Gina? M: No, shes Helens daughter. 10. M: Does your sister Anna have a volleyball?W: No, she doesnt.第三节:听下面一段对话回答问题。听下面一段对话回答11,12两题的问题。W: Excuse me,Tony. Whats this in English?M: Its a book. Its a Chinese book. W: How do you spell Chinese?M: C-H-I-N-E-S-E.W: Thank you.M: Is this your Chinese book, Jane?W: No, it isnt. its her book.M: Is that girl Mary?W: Yes, its her book. 下面一段对话回答13-15三题的问题。W: Excuse me, Jack. Do you like football?M: Yes, very much.W: Do you have a football?M: Yes. How about you, Gina? Do you like football,too?W: No, I like basketball. But my brother Tom likes football, too.听短文选择正确答案My name is Peter .I come from the U.S.A. Im twelve years old. Im a student in Grade Seven. I have a big family. There are seven people in my family. We live in Beijing now. My parents are both English teachers in China. I have two brothers. They are Tom and Tony. Tom is a student, too. We are in the same school. Tony is only three years old. My g


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