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吉林工程技术师范学院Jilin Teachers College of Engineering and Technology毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学 院: 机电工程学院 专 业: 工业设计 班 级: 机4-6班 姓 名: 张维涛 学 号: 27 2008年6月 机电工程学院毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译评价表 专业 工业设计 班级 机4-6 姓名 张维涛 学号 27 毕业设计(论文)名称工业设计与市场 指导教师武立艳检查时间外文翻译检查项目外文翻译检查项目及参考标准序号项目参考标准1内容相关性外文资料内容与本人毕业设计(论文)内容相关性好,有明显的参考价值2翻译数量翻译汉字达3000字以上;按要求将指定原文全部译完,没有遗漏3翻译准确度没有重要误译,忠实原文,准确传达原文内容4基本翻译技巧遵循翻译的基本原则,能灵活处理一般性翻译技巧和具体句型翻译的关系、概念的直译与意译之间的关系5语法水平没有基本的语法错误,用词准确6通顺程度译文通顺,符合汉语表达习惯指导教师评语 指导教师签字: 年 月 日注:毕业设计(论文)完成后此表装订入毕业设计外文翻译中。吉林工程技术师范学院毕业设计外文资料译文现代工业设计概论1.1 现代工业设计概念有始以来,无论男人还是女人,所做出的每一件物品都是经过设计而成的。换句话说,当人产生了一些基本直觉,并与之相连接而产生某些想法时,人们就要决定物体应该是什么样儿。这就是设计的初始思维。 那么,什么是“设计”呢?正是它的名字使许多人产生了混淆,当然由于人们的年龄、民族、宗教、社会经济地位和职业的不同,设计则对不同的人意味着不同的意义。“设计“是那些关注日常事物的人产生构思的活动。毫无疑问,它是世界上最古老的职业。但是,它只是随着工业设计生产的出现而产生的。后来,成为了专业人士以独立方式构造自己,并发展自己的现代主义运动。世界的历史是对物体的设计的历史,而且对物体的研究清晰地反映了社会所发生的变化。正是设计和产品的革新引起了社会的变革。人类自诞生以来,为了生存总有需求和不断增长的欲望,这是永远不会终止的。设计就是要研究人民的欲望,通过工业产品满足人们的欲望,并创造新的产品提高人们的生活水平。因此,设计必须符合人的需要和心理需求,并使人能够接受。在现代社会中,工业设计一直起着提高人类生活水准和推动社会物质文明发展的重要作用。设计是一种创造性行为,它要根据对现实的观察,对未来的想象,独特地去创造性地设想和构思。创造性是指突破当前已有对象的格式,甚至功能,而发明一种崭新的形态。设计来源于市场的需求,并是市场的产物。它与市场紧密相连,毫无疑问,没有市场的需求,就没有工业设计;反过来,设计又促进了市场的繁荣和发展。设计在人们的经济生活中起着至关重要的作用,它贯穿于产品发展的自始至终,而不仅是最后阶段的的装饰作用。工业设计正快速变成关键的财富。它是一个商业策略和行为,是获取产品和服务增值的方式,是建立和扩展商标的有利武器,是赢得全球市场的重要商务工具。因此,工业设计的存在条件是现代社会,服务对象是现代的人类,它与现代技术有着不可分割的密切关系。1.2 工业设计研究领域1.2.1 视觉传达设计是通过人的视觉来传达信息、理念和意图的设计。以往常指平面设计,如广告宣传品、印刷品、文字、商标、编织印染设计等。随着现代数字技术的飞速发展,现代工业设计中的视觉传达设计还包括了动态的三维广告设计、数字媒体设计,以及各种数字图形图像设计。1.2.2 产品设计这是一个工业设计的主要研究领域,是工业设计为社会创造巨大价值的重要活动。它主要包括如下范围:(一) 消费产品设计消费产品是一个与人类生活密切相关的领域,主要有家用与功用的各种电器(彩电、冰箱、洗衣机、音响、摄像机、照相机、灯具等)设计,家用/功用机具与工具设计等。(二) 交通设施设计交通设施设计是一个充满竞争和高水平的设计领域,也是一个快速发展的设计领域。特别是在进入WTO后的中国对各种各样的汽车(大、小轿车,面包车,卡车,旅行车等)、摩托车、飞机、轮船和自行车的设计正在中国如火如荼地开展。(三) 商用机械设计 医疗器械、计算机、包装机等是此领域的研究对象。(四) 工作机械设计一些大型的工作设备,如机床、通讯设备、印刷机、动力装置、农用机械等也是工业设计中的重要研究对象。1.2.3 环境设计包括建筑设计、室内环境设计、城市规划等。这是与视觉传达设计和产品设计密不可分的设计领域,因为工业设计是一个综合了人-机-环境的系统设计。三个设计领域彼此互相联系、贯穿和合作。1.2.4 信息设计随着现代数字技术的飞速发展,工业设计又一个新研究领域出现了,即:“信息设计”。1.3 现代工业设计的特征1.3.1 时代性科学技术的进步为人类提供了日新月异的新材料、新工艺和新技术,极大的促进了社会的发展。而现代工业设计必须适应时代的前进,使设计具备强烈的时代感,才能符合人类的需求,进一步激励社会的进步。回顾工业设计的发展史,就是一个不断采用新材料和新工艺的历史。从蒸汽机的发明产生了工业设计的萌芽开始,到电的广泛使用,以及电动机取代蒸汽机而导致了汽车工业的革命;直到现代网络数字计算机技术又为工业设计提供了一个全新的平台。工业设计只有紧跟着时代的发展,才能发挥更强大的作用。现代工业设计的时代性除体现在采用新材料和新工艺外,还体现在设计必须满足人们随时代发展而不断变化的精神需求,即人们审美的新境界。随着人们物质生活水平的提高,人们对产品的形态、色彩、风格等产生了新的需求和接受标准。现代工业设计必须能跟踪人们的这种变化,设计出反映时代特征的产品。1.3.2 创新性创新是设计的核心,是工业设计永远不变的主题。创新是指人们通过大脑对已有事物的观察和分析,运用敏锐的想象力和扩散性思维,突破常规概念而对新事物进行的探索,以形成不同于当前事物的新理念和新构思。国际化的市场竞争日趋激烈,科学技术的发展速度也异常迅猛,没有创新的设计讲究不会有生命力,最终将被市场淘汰。1.3.3 市场经济性工业设计是市场经济的产物,也是市场繁荣的促进力。它是企业去赢得全球市场的一个策略、商业行为和必要方式。因此,工业设计必然要以它能产生的市场经济效益为出发点,以提高生产力为它的根本目标。没有经济效益做出的工业设计是不会有生命力的。只为少数人欣赏的设计不能成为市场经济的推动力,自然也不会有竞争力。1.3.4 科学与艺术结合性工业设计是将科学与艺术二者综合运用到设计对象中,从而开发出既具有强大的功能,又具有现代艺术美感、为人们所喜爱的产品。这要求工业设计师不是简单的应用科学技术,或施展个人的艺术天分,而是要将两者融合到一起,设计出宜人且实用的产品。1.3.5 人-机-环境系统性工业设计不像工程设计,后者仅考虑设计对象机器本身的功能设计,而工业设计是将设计对象放在一个包括人和环境的大系统中进行考虑。机器是由人来操作控制的,因此,在设计机器时,要从机器使用者的角度考虑,对机器所处的环境进行分析,使人、机、环境成为一个协调的系统,才能提高机器使用的效率。这是与工程设计的重要区别,即工程设计只是设计机器而工业设计是去设计人机和环境的系统。1.1 Concept of Modern Industrial DesignEvery single thing made by man or woman has been designed since the beginning of time. In other words, some thought, usually combined with basic instinct, has occurred in the decision-marking process to decide how the object should work and how it should look. It is the initial thought of design.But what is design? Its very name causes confusion to many people and certainly means different things to them depending on their age, race, creed, socio-economic position and occupation.Design is a human activity centered on the conception of everyday objects. It is doubtless one of the worlds oldest occupations. But it was only with the advent of industrial production. Later, it became the modernist movement that the profession began to structure and develop itself in an autonomous way. The history of the world can be documented by the design of objects and the study of these objects gives a clear message about the changes that were taking place in society. It is the very design and innovation of products that induced change in society.Since appeared, persons have been continuously having requirements and increasing desires for living, which will never stop. Design is to study on these desires, to satisfy the hopes with industrial products, and to create new products in order to improve peoples life lever. Therefore design must accord with human demands and psychological requirement in order to be accepted by human being. At the modern society, industrial design has been playing the important role of increasing the lever of humans life and driving the development of humans physical civilization.Design is a creative activity to uniquely dream up and conceive based on the observation to the reality and the imagination to the future. Creativity is meant to invent a kind of fully new modality by breaking thought the current form, even function of objects.Design was originally form the market needs and has been a result of market. Design has been tightly connected with the market since it was born. It is no doubt that these is no Industrial Design without the markets demands. Inversely, design accelerates the boom and development of the market. Design plays a very important role in human economic life. Design runs through from the beginning to ending of product development, and is not only decoration at the final stage. Industrial Design is rapidly becoming a key treasure. It is a commercial strategy and activity, an approach to obtain increments on product and service, a powerful weapon for establishing and expanding the brands, and an important commercial tool to with the global market. Therefore, the existent condition of Industrial Design is modern society and the serving objects is modern human beings. Industrial Design has the indiscerptible close relation with the modern technology.1.2 Research Fields of Modern Industrial DesignIn terms of the objects, traditionally, Industrial Design can be divided into the following three fields.1.2.1 Visual Communication DesignVisual Communication Design is a design to deliver information, ideas and intention through the human vision. In the past, it commonly involved the planar designs such as advertisement, presswork, texts, labels, printing and dyeing. As the modern digital techniques has been greatly advancing, the Visual Communication Design in the Modern Industrial Design should include the three dimensional dynamic advertisement designs , digital media design, and various digital graphic and image design. 1.2.2 Product DesignProduct Design is the main research area of Industrial Design and the important activity to create the vast value for society.It mainly includes the following ranges: Consumable DesignConsumable Design is a field related nearly to the human life, including designing numerous home and public electric appliance ( color television , refrigerator, washing machine, sound instrument, video camera, picture camera, lamp and lanterns ), designing home / public mechanic devices and tools, and so on. Transportation DesignTransportation Design is a design field in some high levels with great competition and is a fast developing design field. Especially in China entering WTO, various designs on automobiles ( bus, car, microbus, truck, van ), motorcycles, airplanes, ships and bicycles are outspreading like a raging fire. Commercial Machine DesignMedical instruments, computers, and packaging machines are some of the important objects of the Commercial Machine Design. Working Machine DesignIt is to design some larger working facility such as machine tool, communication instrument, printing machine, power device and agricultural machine.1.2.3 Environment DesignIt includes architectural design, interior design and city planning. It is a design area tightly connected to the Visual Communication Design and Product Design because the modern industrial design is a systematic design integrating the human being, machine and environment.1.2.4 Information DesignA new research field, Information Design, is coming up with the rapid development of the modern digital media technology.1.3 Features of Modern Industrial Design1.3.1 Epoch FeatureThe progress of science and technology has been providing the new materials, and new methods and new technology with the changes day after day, and has been boosting the social development greatly. In order to adapt to the epoch advancement, the modern industrial designer must make the design to possess a strong epoch sense in order to meet the human demands and to promote the development of the society. The history of Industrial Design was a developing history to apply newer materials and newer techniques continuously. At the beginning, the invention of the steaming engine gave the birth of industrial design bud. Later, the expanded uses of electricity and the electromotor replacing the steaming engine conduced the evolution of the automobile industry. Now the modern webbased digital computer technology provides a bran-new platform for Industrial Design. Industrial Design must keep in step with times in order to bring into play more powerful roles.The epoch feature of the Modern Industrial Design consist in applying the new materials and new techniques, also in meeting the humans spirit requirements continuously changing with the development of the times, i.e. the humans new aesthetic bourn. As the level of human life is enhancing, people have had more demands for the shape, color and style. Modern industrial design must follow up the changes and create the products reflecting the epoch feature.1.3.2 Creativity Creativity is core of design and is the everlasting subject of Industrial Design.Creativity is the observation and analysis to the existing objects through human mind, and also is the exploration to the new objects by using the sharp imagination and diffusible thinking, and by breaking through some general ideas so to form a new idea and conceiving.Since the competition in the world market has become more and more impetuous day by day, and science and technology have been developing more rapidly, design without creativity does not possess the life force and will be washed out by the market at the last.1.3.3 Market EconomyIndustrial Design is a product of the market economy and also is a stimulative force to flourish the market. It is a strategy, a commercial action and a necessary way for an enterprise to win the world market. So Industrial Design must take the economic benefit obtained in the market as the start point, and take the enhancement of productive capability as its fundamental purpose.Without the economic profit Industrial Design has no life force. The design only enjoyed by few persons can not become impetus to the market economy, of course, can not possess the competitive power.1.3.4 Combination of Science and ArtIndustrial Design is to synthetically apply both science and technology to design the objects so that to create the products enjoyed by most people with both powerful functions and modern aesthetics. It is required for the industrial designers to not only use scientific techniques or their personal art talent, but also merge them together in order to design the delightful and usable products.1.3.5 Human-Machine-Environment SystemNot like Engineering Design that is to only design machine functions, Industrial Design is to put the design objects into a system including human and environment. Machines are operated and controlled by the human being. Therefore, when designing machines, industrial designers should also consider from the point of view of the machine-user, analyze the environment where machines are, make the human, machine and environment into a coordinate system so that to increase the benefits of machines.This is the important difference from the engineering design which just designs machine and ID is to design a system of human, machine and environment.IX毕业设计(论文)手册(工科专业)学生姓名: 张维涛 指导教师: 武立艳 专 业: 工业设计 班 级: 机 4-6 吉林工程技术师范学院教务处制二八年五月15毕业设计(论文)任务书题 目: 数字娱乐产品设计之硬盘MP4设计 机电 系(分院) 工业设计 专业 机4-6 班学 生 姓 名: 张维涛 学号: 27 指 导 教 师: 武立艳 职称: 讲师 教 研 室 主 任: 崔亚新 系(分院)主任: 周广文 任务书下发日期: 2008 年 1 月 10 日吉林工程技术师范学院教务处制一、 题目内容与要求1.题目名称: 数字娱乐产品设计2.设计内容:(1)产品外形的设计(2)产品材料的选择及技术的使用(3)产品色彩的设计3.设计(论文)资料要求:(1)对所承担的毕业设计题目要作深入全面的了解,充分作好前期工作准备,如深入进行相关调研,收集资料等,对设计方案应在指导教师的指导下作反复深入的推敲,使方案尽可能完善,通过毕业设计,对工业设计以及相关的规范,模型制作方法,表现形式和工作步骤更加熟悉和了解,毕业设计应充分体现艺术性和科学性的统一,运用所学的知识在功能上,形式上,人机工程学,色彩,材料等诸多方面综合考虑。(2)设计报告一份 光盘一张(含设计报告、设计说明、全套图纸) 全套图纸(含三视图、效果图、尺寸图)运用计算机绘图 论文一份(3)运用3D,犀牛等三维绘图软件进行计算机绘图(4)外文资料翻译(与设计题目相关的内容)一篇二、毕业设计(论文)的期限 自 年 月 日至 年 月 日三、毕业设计(论文)进度计划起止日期工作内容备注第一周第二周第三、四周第五周第六周第七周第八、九周第十周市场调研收集相关资料、数据、信息根据市场调研的结果进行产品设计的方案构思,设计草图的构思确定设计方案,进行深入展开设计人机分析、色彩分析、材料分析绘制尺寸图、三视图、效果图整理设计报告书、制作展板(如有需要进行模型制作)外文翻译、准备答辩四、参考文献1、何晓佑、谢云峰,人性化设计,江苏美术出版社2、曹方、邬烈炎,现代主义设计,江苏美术出版社3、沈祝华、米海妹,设计过程与方法,山东美术出版社4、周美玉,人机工程学,北京理工大学出版社5、简召全,工业设计方法学,北京理工大学出版社6、程能林,工业设计概论,机械工业出版社7、何晓佑,产品设计程序与方法,中国轻工业出版社8、吴翔,产品系统设计,中国轻工业出版社9、边守仁,产品创新设计,北京理工大学出版社10、马丽、胡海涛,工业造型设计,北京理工大学出版社 指导教师(签字): 毕业设计人(签字): 本科生毕业设计(论文)开题报告题 目 数字娱乐产品设计之_ 硬盘MP4设计_ 院(系)_机电工程学院_专 业_工业设计 _ _班 级_机4-6 _ _姓 名_张维涛_ _指导教师_武立艳_ _开题时间_ 2008.4.1 _ _吉林工程技术师范学院教务处制一、 课题研究意义随着科技的发展,越来越多形形色色的数码产品涌入我们的生活,成为我们不可或缺的生活必备品。电脑、收音机、MP3、MP4、数码相机、DVD等等数码产品的出现,使我们的生活变的更加丰富多彩,绚丽多姿。回顾新产品诞生的历史,我们发现已经适应了拥有数码产品的生活,一旦离开了这些产品,我们的生活将会变的无所适从,所以数字娱乐产品的研究与设计,将会带给人们不一样的潮流感受,人类的进步表现在设计的进步。硬盘MP4产品的出现,是市场的必然趋势,是随应人们的生活需要而出现的。因此一款好的MP4产品将带给人们生活更加的便利与和谐,这也是我设计的初衷。二、 研究方案此款硬盘MP4设计,采用双旋转设计,左右部分均可进行360度旋转,方便自拍与观看电影。此款MP4灵感来源于诺基亚3250手机,它的键盘部分可以进行270度旋转,所不同的是此款MP4左边摄像头部分与右边键盘部分均可进行360度旋转,将产生3种形态,即:影音模式,自拍模式与普通模式。(普通模式为左前为音箱,右前为键盘;影音模式为左前与右前均为音箱;自拍模式为左前为摄像头,右前为键盘。)为实现左右部分的360度旋转,灵感来源于耳机插孔与耳机的设计,所以采用无线滚轴设计,旋转力度适中,并在MP4底部设计了卡槽自锁键,方便用户旋转定位。三、 设计(论文)课题评议 考核主持人签字: 年 月 日四、考核组成员姓 名职称、职务专业工作单位参加开题报告的总人数:毕业设计(论文)指导教师评阅意见题 目数字娱乐产品设计之硬盘MP4设计成 绩系(分院)机电工程学院专业年级工业设计2004级学生姓名张维涛指导教师评语指导教师签名:年 月 日注:优(90分以上);良(8089);中(7079);及格(6069);不及格(60以下)毕业设计(论文)指导教师评定成绩标准评分项目评价内涵与标准分值工作表现1学习态度学习态度认真,工作作风好,遵守纪律,按指导教师要求按时独立完成各项工作(从日程安排表、考勤记录等方面进行评价)72科学实践、调研结合本专业培养目标,较好地了解生产实践活动的基本过程、原理、方法,或进行科学实践、调研活动,积累实践经验,为毕业设计(论文)撰写提供良好的背景,达到提高理论与实际相结合的目的83题目工作量工作量饱满(从任务书要求、论文实际完成情况等方面进行评价)10能力水平4查阅文献资料目标明确,范围合理,除广泛涉猎本学科、本专业领域外,还能适当延伸至与选题相关的其他领域,方法、手段运用得当,符合选题需要;收集的文献翔实可靠,能够比较全面地占有相关领域的资料,对设计(论文)的写作进行强有力的支撑(从文献的数量、种类、发表年代等方面进行评价)65综合运用知识能力设计(论文)反映能学生比较系统地运用相关学科的理论知识与技能解决实际问题,培养良好的独立工作能力和创新精神,具有一定的深度、广度76初步的科学研究能力能根据任务要求很快进入设计角色,充分利用现有的软、硬件条件,提出多种可供选择的设计方案,并从中确定最佳方案57计算能力能够进行本专业要求的计算,理论依据正确,数据处理方法及结果正确。58外文运用能力根据选题需要,阅读、翻译一定量的本专业外文文献资料,有外文参考文献。(从外文摘要水平、外文参考文献等方面进行评价)79计算机应用能力独立操作使用软件,运用计算机进行计算、编程、录入、排版并使用
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