



Unit 1 This is me!Integrated Skillsl 教学目标1知识目标1)本课时的四会单词2)掌握本课的四会词组:dancing , swimming, age , looks , cute , hobby2能力目标1)培养学生“听”、“说”的技能 2) 能够谈论自己的同学和朋友l 重点难点1重点1) “听” 获取好朋友Kitty 和Amy信息。2) 谈论自己的同学和朋友。2难点1) “听”获取好朋友Kitty 和Amy的信息。2) 谈论自己的同学和朋友。l 教学过程Step I复习呈现Simon的图片,在教师与学生的复习性对话中引入新课。提出以下问题,板书画线部分生词,教师进行解释和带读:Who is she? She is Millie.Does she have good friends? Yes, she does. 教师补充答案:Millie has two good friends. They are Kitty and Amy. Step II 阅读1. 呈现Kitty的图片:Look at this girl! Who is she? What does she do? Do you want to know about her? Open your books at page13. Lets read the new article about her. 2. 在幻灯片上显示问题, 教师解释生词和短语。让学生快速浏览短文,查找答案。以下问题供参考:Who is she? (She is Kitty.)What does she like doing? (She likes dancing.)Is her hair long? (Yes, it is. )Step III 练习1. 告诉学生Millie 正在告诉她母亲关于她的同学帮助Millie 完成她的笔记教材第13页的A2部分:Do you want to learn more about Kitty and Amy? Please listen carefully to the conversation about Kitty and Amy. Help Millie complete the notes on page 13.2. 再放一次录音,让学生核对答案。学生彼此交流,教师最后与全班核对答案。3. 学生有了足够的信息就可以完成第14页A3部分的练习,教会学生运用从各种途径取得的信息来完成任务:Now you know something about Kitty and Amy. Can you use your notes to help Millie write an article about Kitty and Amy? Turn to page 14 and finish Part A3.4. 如有必要,再放一次录音。Step IV 听力1. 告诉学生Millie和Andy 正在与Kitty 交谈,让学生听她们的对话并回答问题:Now, Millie and Andy are talking with their classmate, Andy. Close your books. Listen carefully and answer the following questions. What grade is Kitty in? (She is in Grade 7.) Is Andy in Grade 7? (No, she isnt.)2. 打开书核对答案,解释有关短语。把全班同学分成两组朗读对话,然后再分成两人小组互相回答。鼓励同学们互相帮助,以书上的对话为范例谈论实际生活中自己的同学。3. 学生两人一组上台表演对话。教师及时表扬有创意的对话。 Useful expressions:Hello. How are you?Im fine, thanks. And you?Nice to meet you.Step V 练习1. 词语综合练习:1)How many are there in your school?There are six. Im in Grade 5.)Hi, Im g_ to meet you . Me too. 3)Do you know the girl over there? Yes, shes Sandy. She is a _ (可爱的)girl. 4) Are they new s_ from England?No, they arent . They are from America. They are my classmates. 5)After _ (放学后)you often read some books in your classroom, right?Yes. I like reading books about dogs. 2. 鼓励能力强的学生用已掌握的信息写一篇自己喜爱的运动明星的简报。Step VI家庭作业1. 记忆本课所学词汇、短语。2. 背诵或表演对话。3. 补充练习,翻译下列句子:1)我爱我的教室。I my new .2)这是我的新同学,西蒙。This my new , Simon.3)你的爷爷擅长体育运动吗? your grandpa good at ?No, he .4)现在他在一所新学校。Now he a new school.5)你在学校里有一些新朋友吗?有啊。他们来自北京。Do you any new friendsschool?Yes. They are Beijing.6)认识你很高兴。你也在四班吗?to meet you. you in Class Four, too?l 板书设计 Unit 1 Integrated kills This is Glad to meet you. Are you in Grade/Class? Oh, I s


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