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Starter Unit 1,Starter Unit 1,Good morning!,A,B,C,D,E,F,Now, lets meet some new friends. 现在我们来认识几位新朋友。,Alice,Bob,Cindy,Dale,Eric,Frank,Grace,Helen,This is 这位是,is this?,Dale,Grace,Cindy,Frank,Bob,Eric,Helen,Alice,Who,这位是谁?,This is,Boys name: _ _,Bob Dale Eric Frank,1a,Writing,Write down the names in the picture.,Girls name: _ _,Alice Cindy Helen Grace,Good morning, Helen !,Hi, Bob!,Good morning, Alice!,Good morning, Cindy !,Hello, Frank! Hello, Eric!,Good morning, Dale!,Cindy,Bob,Helen,Eric,Frank,Dale,Alice,Grace,Alice,Bob,Cindy,Dale,Eric,Frank,Grace,Helen,A,a,B,b,C,c,D,d,E,e,F,f,G,g,H,h,Look at the letters and read:,Look and copy.,Writing,2c,Hh,Cc,Ff,Ee,Gg,Dd,Aa,Bb,BC,BA,BEC,AD,CBA,CAAC,GOOD,CBC,BAG,BED,EGG,BBC,Game,Cc,Ff,Ee,Gg,Dd,Aa,Bb,Hh,BC,BA,AD,BBC,CBA,BCB,BAG,BED,BBC,EGG,GOOD,CAAC,0.08秒的挑战说出字母,Writing,Write the missing big letter or small letter for each pair.,2d,g,A,c,F,h,D,b,E,Talking,Talk about what these letters mean.,2e,HB,CD,BBC,Hello!,Hello!,Hi!,Hi!,Good morning!,Good morning!,morning,afternoon,evening,Guess:,evening,afternoon,evening,morning,7:00 am,19:00,15:00,Good morning!,Good afternoon!,Good evening!,When you meet your friend in, you can say,Listening,2,3,Listen and number the pictures1-3.,3a,Listen to the conversation.,3c,Listening,19:10,Finish the dialogue (请你来配音),Good evening. How are you? Im OK,Good evening. Im fine, thanks. How are you?,Good morning!,Good morning.,How are you?,Im fine, thanks. How are you?,Im OK./Im fine, too.,8:00 am,Good afternoon!,Im fine, thank you! And you?,How are you?,Im fine, too.,Good afternoon,3:00pm,根据所给时间进行对话练习,( 1 ) 9:00 a.m.,( 3 ) 8:00 p.m.,( 2 ) 3:00 p.m.,Writing,Write the names of the children on page S1. Then write the names in alphabetical order.,4a,_ _ _ _,_ _ Alice _,Alice _ _ _ _ _ _ _,Cindy,Bob,Helen,Eric,Dale,Frank,Grace,Bob,Cindy,Dale,Eric,Frank,Grace,Helen,Listening,4b,Listen and repeat.,A,E,Read the letters and words in column 1. Then try to read the new words in column 2.,Reading,4c,A,E,Listen and sing the song.,Singing,4d,Good morning! Good morning! How are you? Im fine, thanks. How are you? Im OK.,Good afternoon! Good afternoon! How are you? Im
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