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,1.能正确理解对话内容,初步朗读。 2.初步掌握句型 Clever people can see the clothes.Foolish people cant see them. 3.正确运用对话中的日常交际用语。 4. 让学生明白为人要诚实,待人要真诚。,Teaching aims:,The Kings New Clothes,睢宁菁华实小 周飞,小组内说关于所给图片的内容, 可以使单词、短语或者句子。 15秒钟尽量不间断,不重复!,Game:Non-stop talking,Im your new techer . My name is Linda. I like new very much. I have many beautiful clothes. I think you are lovely and .,Something about me,clothes,clothes,clever,Quick response,Say something about the king,Can you think about an English name for the story? (请你说说故事的英文名),The Kings New Clothes,Watch and answer,Who are they in the story?,The Kings New Clothes,我能说出文中2-3个人物,得一颗。,我能说出文中4-5个人物,得两颗。,Who are they in the story?,two tailors (裁缝),two bad men,people,Watch and answer,我能说出文中2-3个人物,得一颗。,我能说出文中4-5个人物,得两颗。,food English,foolish,Foolish,a. 好学的,b. 愚蠢的,(欺骗),我能圈出正确答案,得两颗。,clever,Because the king doesnt want to be _.,foolish,No one wants to be foolish.,P8,我能判断正确,得一颗。,我能判断正确并能说出理由,得两颗。,T,T,F,F,F,P8,我能判断正确,得一颗。,我能判断正确并能说出理由,得两颗。,Read,like - liked visit-visited show- showed walk -walked look - looked shout - shouted point - pointed laugh - laughed 两个特殊的 am/is - was are - were,一般过去时:,A magic box,Guess,A magic box,Whats in the magic box?,There is a /an_in the magic box. There are some_in the magic box.,A magic box,There are some pictures of people.,Who are these people?,Look and match!看一看,连一连,Lets talk!,She was Helen last term.,She is Helen this term.,Lets talk!,He was Liu Tao last term.,He is Liu Tao this term.,Lets talk!,They were Mike and Miss Li last term.,They are Mike and Miss Li this term.,a、 be动词在一般过去时中的变化:was/were.其中Checkout time中的circle and say进行了重点操练。 b、规则动词的一般过去时的四种变化:(1)直接+ed; (2)以不发音的e结尾+d;(3)辅音+y结尾的,变y为i,+ed;(4)末尾是辅音字母加一个元音字母和一个辅音字母的重读闭音节,应双写末尾的辅音字母,再+ed。(其中后两种变化,教材中并没有现。) like - liked visit-visited show- showed walk -walked look - looked shout - shouted point - pointed laugh - laughed,动词在一般过去时中的变化:,规则动词过去式+ed的发音规律: 清碰清读作/t/,碰浊读作/d/,元音之后要读/d/,/t/d/之后读/id/。,like - liked live - lived visit-visited show- showed walk -walked look - looked shout - shouted point - pointed laugh - laughed 两个特殊的 am/is-was are-were,/t/ /d/ id/ 在黑板上归类的规则动词过去式,Be honest! 做诚实的你 Be yourself!做真实的你,Deep thinking! (深度思考),check and read the story.,He lived in a big castle.,我能读出课文并理解它的意思,得一颗。,我能有感情的朗读课文、理解它的意思, 并能注意语音、语调,得两颗。,check and read the story.,check and read the story.,check and read the story.,我能读出课文并理解它的意思,得一颗。,我能有感情的朗读课文、理解它的意思, 并能注意语音、语调,得两颗。,Read and write 书P8,我能正确完成题目,得一颗。,new clothes,happy,see,boy,Read and write 书P8,Homework,1. Read the story fluently and try to retell it. 熟读故事并且尝试复述。 2. Look up the diffence among the words or the phrases try on,fit, in,wear by yourselves. 自己查阅以上画线短语或单词的不同含义及用法。,The Kings New Clothes,Written in 183


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