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Unit 2The environment.单词语境记忆1.be under debate在争论2.the recycled water 回收利用的水3.be willing to help others 乐于助人4.on the decrease 在减少5.to your own measure 按照你自己的尺寸6.a range of flowers 大量的鲜花7.on duty 在值班8.be particular about food 对食物挑剔9.require a certain length of work experience 需要一定的工作经验10.raw material 原材料.词性转换与派生记忆1.consultant n.顾问consult vt.& vi.查阅;请教;商议2.production n.产量;生产produce vt.& vi.生产,制造product n.产品;产物3.responsibility n.责任,职责responsible adj.应承担责任的4.belief n.看法;信念believe vt.相信5.environmental adj.环境的environment n.环境6.operate vt.& vi.经营;动手术operation n.操作;经营;手术operator n.操作员;话务员7.arrival n.到来,抵达;到达者arrive vi.到达8.impress vt.使印象深刻impression n.印象impressive adj.给人印象深刻的9.illegal adj.非法的legal adj.合法的illegally adv.非法地10.appreciate vt.欣赏,赞赏;感激;领会appreciation n.欣赏11.electrical adj.电的,用电的electric adj.电的;用电的;能发电的electricity n.电;电学;电流electrician n.电工12.consume vt.消耗,耗费;消费consumer n.消费者,用户,顾客consumption n.消费13.absorb vt.吸收;理解;使全神贯注absorbed adj.全神贯注的;一心一意的;被吸收的absorption n.专注;吸收联想记忆1.前缀“re-”动词集锦recycle回收利用retell 复述recall 回忆起refresh 使恢复活力review 回顾;复习rebuild 重建2.可怕的“自然灾害”名词一览flood 洪水typhoon 台风tsunami 海啸tornado 龙卷风sandstorm 沙尘暴earthquake 地震eruption (火山)喷发hurricane 飓风3.速记“环境”相关词environment n. 环境environmental adj. 环境的pollution n. 污染waste n. 废料,垃圾atmosphere n. 大气层natural adj. 自然的haze n. 雾霾fog n. 雾4.动词变名词的“不规则变化”consumeconsumption消费receivereception接待describedescription描述explainexplanation 解释pronouncepronunciation发音repeatrepetition重复1.After the flood was over,people flooded into the city.洪水过后,人们涌入城市。2.Its a custom to pay for tax in the customs.在海关交税是一个传统。3.We should pay attention to quality rather than quantity.我们应该关注质量而非数量。1.open the floor自由发言2.cut back on 减少,削减,缩减3.use up 用尽4.run out (of) 用完,耗尽5.clean up 打扫(或清除)干净6.queue up 排队等候7.pick out 找出,挑选8.under way 进行中9.in/with regard to 关于,至于10.let off 排放11.in particular 尤其,特别12.do ones part 尽自己的职责13.rely on.for. 依赖提供14.ask around 四处打听15.blame.on. 把归咎于16.put.in danger 把置于危险之地词块记忆1.a business development consultant企业发展顾问2.hide from their responsibilities逃避责任3.present their views陈述他们的观点4.make a final decision做最终决定5.chemical waste化学废物6.water pollution水污染7.keep the Earth clean and healthy保持地球清洁、健康8.environmental protection环境保护9.solar energy太阳能10.eco-friendly washing powder环保型洗衣粉11.upon the arrival of spring春天一到12.economic development经济发展1.With me are Ms Lin Shuiqing,from the Green Society,and Mr Qian Liwei,a business development consultant.和我一起的,一位是来自绿色地球协会的林水清女士,另一位是商业发展顾问钱力伟先生。2.The worlds population has grown by six times what it was in 1800.世界人口比1800年已经增长了六倍。3.I liked it when you told that joke.我喜欢你讲的那个笑话。4.Therefore,the more petrol and electricity we consume,the more carbon we are letting off.因此,我们消耗的汽油和电越多,排放的碳就越多。5.On taking off his jacket,they found a tortoise.一脱下他的夹克上衣,他们就发现了一只陆龟。6.There is no doubt that the world climate has been changing in recent years.毫无疑问,在最近几年里,世界气候一直在变化。.单词拼写1.“If you build it they will come” is a misleading belief (信念).(2018江苏高考任务型阅读)2.Large quantities (数量) of waste water were poured into rivers without being cleaned in the past.3.It is known that the British are rather particular (讲究的) about table manners.4.If we recycled (回收利用) more waste,there wouldnt be so much pollution.5.His arrival (到来) brought complete silence to the classroom.6.Most people have come to accept the need for conservation (保护) of natural resources.7.It is believed that social progress is normally a matter of struggles and conflicts (冲突).8.Every city in China is doing its best to take measures (措施) to fight against pollution.9.Non-renewable energy has been decreasing (减少),so saving energy is so urgent and important.10.Many companies have to reduce their production(产量) because of the economy crisis.词性变化练习1.I want to express my appreciation (appreciate)to all of my friends for their support.2.Class means a persons economic (economy) position in society.3.A citizen should be filled with a sense of responsibility (responsible)for the nation.4.You dont have to sacrifice environmental (environment)protection to promote economic growth.5.The visitors were impressed with the beauty of the West Lake.They said the natural beauty left a deep impression on them.(impress)6.We didnt know how to operate the machine,so we asked the operator to stop it when it was in operation.(operate)7.Experts advise consumers not to buy more groceries until theyve already been consumed.This is called rational (合理的) consumption.(consume)8.Absorbed in his writing,the writer always forgets to eat and drink.His absorption in work is admirable.(absorb).选词填空open the floor,queue up,pick out,do ones part,under way,run out of,cut back on,clear up1.Every day we can queue_up at the bus stop to go to work to put the low-carbon lifestyle into practice.2.Its reported that investigation into the cause of the accident is under_way.3.Written in haste,the words in the paper were hard to pick_out.4.So many places of interest does Beijing offer that most visitors simply run_out_of time before seeing them all.5.This concludes our presentation.I would now like to open_the_floor to questions.6.We should all,therefore,do_our_part to stop polluting the air and help save the world.7.Ill send a housemaid to your room and have it cleaned_up for you at once.8.To make both ends meet,the couple had no choice but to cut_back_on some unnecessary spending.完成句子1.On_seeing_the_snake,the girl was very frightened.一看到那条蛇,小女孩就十分害怕。 2.There_is_no_doubt_that smoking can seriously damage our health.毫无疑问,吸烟会严重损害我们的健康。3.I dont_like_it_when you dont say what you mean.我不喜欢你口是心非。4.The new building now is four_times_what_it_was_in_the_past.现在的这座新大楼是过去的四倍大。5.In_front_of_our_house_stands_a_tall_tree with a history of 1,000 years,which is protected by the government now.在我们房子的前面有一棵1 000年树龄的大树,现在已经被政府保护起来了。 核心要点突破1.operate vt.经营,管理;操作 vi.动手术;运转;见效,起作用 (1)operate ongive/perform an operation on给动手术(2)operation n. 运作;经营;手术bring/o operation 使运作/转;实施come/go into operation 实施,开始生效in operation 在运行/转中,起作用(3)operator n. 操作人员;技工单句语法填空Having seen the X-ray,the doctor decided to operate on the patient.Its announced that the new regulations will come into operation next Sunday.佳句背诵 This machine is very easy to operate.Anybody can learn to use it in a few minutes.(辽宁高考单选)这台机器很容易操作。任何人几分钟就学会。2.quantity n.数量a large/small quantity of大/少量的(large) quantities of 大量的in quantityin large amountsin large quantities 大量地单句语法填空/句型转换We can offer you a better price if you can buy it in quantity.A large quantity of good earth is_washed (wash) away in this area every year.Large quantities of good earth are_washed (wash) away in this area every year.佳句背诵 A large quantity of people tend to consult consumption ratings whatever they purchase.(2018江苏高考书面表达)无论买什么,很多人倾向于参考消费排名。名师指津 含quantity的短语作主语时,其谓语动词与quantity的单复数保持一致。3.impress vt.使印象深刻;盖印;使铭记,使牢记(1)impress sb with sth某事给某人留下印象impress sth on/upon sb/ones memory 使某人铭记某事be impressed with/at/by. 对有深刻印象(2)impression n. 印象;印记leave/make a(n).impression on sb 给某人留下的印象(3)impressive adj. 给人深刻印象的;感人的单句语法填空Even so,she impressed the world with her courage and strong desire to succeed.The professor impressed the importance of having a sense of humor on his students.It is especially important to make a good first impression (impress) at a job interview.佳句背诵 Last week,a group of international students who visited our school,were impressed with our tea-drinking culture.(2018江苏高考书面表达)上周,一伙国际学生参观了我们学校,对我们的喝茶文化有深刻印象。4.decrease vt.& vi.& n.减少(1)decrease to减少到decrease by 减少了(2)on the decrease 在减少(a) decrease in sth 某物减少单句语法填空The traffic accidents in the city decreased by 30% last year.Its reported that the number of violent crimes is on the decrease.佳句背诵 This switch has decreased pollution in the countrys major lakes and reservoirs.(2018全国卷语法填空)这种转变降低了该国主要湖泊和水库的污染。名师指津 decrease to 后接数字,表示“下降到”;decrease by 后接分数、百分数或其他表示数量的词,表示“下降了”,有同样用法的词还有grow及increase。5.measure n.措施,方法;尺度 vt.测量;估量,判定linking verb(指尺寸、长、宽、高等)量度为take measures (to do sth)采取措施(做某事)make.to ones measure 按某人的尺寸做单句语法填空He was so fat that all his clothes had to be made _to his measure.The new bridge,measuring (measure) twice as long as the old one,is due to be completed next month.佳句背诵 The number of them is less than 1,000,so I hope you can take some effective measures to protect them.(重庆高考写作)它们的数量少于1 000,因此我希望你们能采取有效措施保护他们。名师指津 measure作名词表示“措施”时,常用其复数形式。作动词表示“有长/宽/高”时,为不及物动词,不用于被动语态和进行时,若此意义的短语作后置定语,要用现在分词形式。6.range n.(变动)范围,幅度;一系列;分类;射程;山脉 vt.& vi.(在一定范围内)变化;包括;排列,排序(1)in/within range of 在范围内beyond/out of range (of) 超出/不在(的)范围a wide range of 许多(2)range from.to. 从到变化/不等range between.and. 在之间变动单句语法填空The national park has a large collection of wildlife,ranging (range) from butterflies to elephants.When driving on highways,the driver must control his or her speed within/in the range of 60 km/h and 120 km/h.佳句背诵 After class students take part in a wide range of activities in the stadium.(2018全国卷书面表达)课后同学们在体育馆参加许多活动。7.appreciate vt.欣赏,赞赏;感谢;领会,理解(1)I will/would appreciate it if.如果,我将非常感激appreciate (ones/sb) doing sth 感激(某人)做某事(2)appreciation n. 欣赏;感谢express/convey/show.appreciation to sb 对某人表达的感谢单句语法填空Id appreciate your writing (write) me back as soon as possible.Here I sincerely express my appreciation (appreciate) for helping me find the lost suitcase.佳句背诵 I would appreciate it if you could give me a chance to work as a volunteer.(2018浙江高考书面表达)如果你能给我机会当志愿者,我将感激不尽。8.particular adj.专指的,特指的;特别的;讲究的,挑剔的(1)be particular about对讲究/挑剔in particular 尤其,特别(2)particularly adv. 尤其,特别单句语法填空The boy likes anything to do with nature in particular.We are particularly (particular) grateful to him for his timely help.佳句背诵 She has already tried her best.Please dont be too particular about her job.(江西高考单选)她已经尽力了,请不要对她的工作太挑剔。9.absorb vt.吸收(气体、液体、热、光等);理解;使全神贯注(1)absorb knowledge/information掌握知识/信息absorb ones attention 吸引某人的注意o. 把吸入(2)absorbed adj. 被吸引住的,入迷的get/be absorbed in. 全神贯注于be absorbed into. 并入,融入,吸纳单句语法填空/一句多译It takes a few minutes to absorb alcohol into the bloodstream.一缕微弱的光线从墙上的小孔中透过来,他专心致志于读书中。(福建高考书面表达)A weak ray of light came in through a small hole in the wall and he absorbed_himself_in_his_reading.A weak ray of light came in through a small hole in the wall and he was_absorbed_in_his_reading.佳句背诵 Absorbed in practising English,I have developed fluency in spoken English.(2018浙江高考书面表达)我专心于练习英语,我的英语口语非常流利。10.responsibility n.责任,职责(1)have the responsibility to do. 有责任/有义务做bear/take the responsibility for 承担对的责任,为负责a sense of responsibility 责任感(2)responsible adj. 有责任的,应负责任的be responsible for 应对负责;对有责任单句语法填空The government plans to make new laws forcing parents to take more responsibility for the education of their children.Last but not least,its everyones responsibility to_make (make) good use of water.佳句背诵 He is responsible for his work and glad to help students any time.他对他的工作很负责并且乐意随时帮助学生们。11.cut back on 减少,削减,缩减cut down on削减,减少,缩减cut off 切断(供应);中断(电话通话等)cut down 砍倒cut out 删除;裁剪cut up 切碎;伤心cut in 插嘴;干预完成句子It is our duty to try to cut_back_on production and reduce the amount of things we make and buy.尽量削减生产,减少制造和购买物品的数量是我们的责任。We were_cut_off in the middle of our telephone conversation because my cell phone was out of power.我们在电话里谈到一半,电话就断了,因为我的手机没电了。It is bad manners for you to always cut_in when other people are talking.别人谈话时你老是插嘴是不礼貌的。佳句背诵 Immediate actions should be taken,like stopping cutting down trees to better the environment.(江苏高考书面表达)应当马上采取措施,像停止砍伐树木来使环境变得更好。12.run out (of)用完,耗尽run short of缺乏;快用完run into 撞进;遭遇;达到run across 偶然遇到;穿过run after 追求;追赶;追逐完成句子/句型转换I unexpectedly ran_across him in the street the other day.前几天我在街上出乎意料地遇见了他。The boys money ran out so he had to ask his parents for help.The boy ran_out_of his money so he had to ask his parents for help.佳句背诵 Food supplies in the flood-stricken area are running out.We must act immediately before theres none left.(重庆高考单选)洪水灾区食物供应快用完了。我们必须在没有剩余之前立即行动。名师指津 辨析run out,run out of,give out,use uprun out用完,耗尽,不及物动词短语,其主语通常为时间、食物、金钱等run out of用完,及物动词短语,其主语一般为人give out耗尽,用完,不及物动词短语,其主语通常为物use up用光,用完,及物动词短语,其主语一般为人选用上述词语填空According to the rule of the competition,we have to use_up/run_out_of all the items before the time runs_out.However,it is a long and tiring process.As a result,that day,long before I ran_out_of/used_up the time given by the judge,my strength had given_out.What a disappointment!13.pick out 找出,挑选;辨认出,区分;领会,弄明白一词多义 写出下列句中pick out的含义She was picked out from dozens of applicants for the job.挑选There were so many people at the conference that I couldnt pick him out.辨认出Having read the passage many times,I finally picked out its main idea.领会pick up拿起,捡起;收拾,整理;(偶然)学会;用车接;收听到;好转;感染pick off 摘掉;摘下来完成句子It is surprising that your brother picked_up Russian so quicklyhe hasnt lived there very long.令人惊奇的是,你弟弟如此快就学会说俄语了他在那儿生活的时间并不长。14.I liked it when.I liked it when you told that joke.(教材原句)我喜欢你讲的那个笑话。句中like是及物动词,it是形式宾语,真正的宾语为when引导的从句。(1)英语中在表示喜爱、憎恶之类的动词后面常常不直接加宾语从句,而要用形式宾语it,然后再加宾语从句,这样的动词有:appreciate,enjoy,like,dislike,love,hate,prefer等(2)一些动词短语后面也常用it作形式宾语然后加宾语从句,常见的动词短语有:depend on,rely on,see to (确保)等Teenagers hate it when their parents go through their things.青少年讨厌家长翻他们的东西。People dislike it when you throw rubbish everywhere.人们不喜欢你到处扔垃圾。Please see to it that you bring enough money when you travel.当你旅行时,请务必带够钱。15.the比较级.,the比较级.Therefore,the more petrol and electricity we consume,the more carbon we are letting off.(教材原句)因此,我们消耗的汽油和电越多,排放的碳就越多。句中运用了“the比较级.,the比较级.”结构。用法如下:(1)意为“越,就越”,主、从句的两个谓语是同时进行的,表示一方随另一方程度的变化而变化(2)从结构上看,第一个“the比较级”是表示条件的状语从句(在表示将来意义时,从句用一般现在时表示将来);第二个“the比较级”是主句(3)本结构可以用省略形式The more you practise,the better you will speak English.你英语练得越多,就会说得越好。The_less the teacher does,the_more the students do and the_more they will learn.老师做得越少,学生做得越多,他们学到的就越多。The more_difficult (difficult) the questions are,the less_likely(likely) he is able to answer them.问题越难,他回答出来的可能性就越小。 考纲词汇专练.多义词专练选择语境中词汇的含义1.operateA.操作B.见效,起作用C.动手术D.经营E.运转The state also cleared the way for companies to sell or rent out self-driving cars,and for companies to operate driverless taxi services.(2018北京高考阅读D)AThey operate three factories and a huge warehouse.DThe old woman has to be operated on her leg at once.CThe machine operates quite efficiently.EThe medicine will operate in ten minutes.B 2.floodA.n.洪水,水灾B.n.大批,大量C.vi.泛滥D.vt.(被)淹没E.vt.大量涌入F.vi.涌上心头Adults understand what it feels like to be flooded with objects.(2018全国卷阅读D)FFloods in Zhejiang this year caused a lot of deaths.AThree days of heavy rain flooded many Eastern cities.DIf a river floods,it is too full and spreads water over the land around it.CFloods of people come to the West Lake to admire the beautiful scenery every year.BLetters came flooding in from the viewers.E .微阅读写出加黑词汇在语境中的意义1.During my second year at the city college,I was told that the education department was offering a “free” course,called Thinking Chess,for three credits.(2018全国卷完形)学分2.False fire alarms are illegal and may lead to imprisonment.(2018天津高考阅读A)违法的3.These animals consumed large amounts of vegetation (植被),which reduced plant diversity in the park.(2017全国卷阅读C)消耗.微完形根据语境选出正确选项1.There existed an obvious _ between the accounts of the witness,so a judgement was not announced in court.The judges smart action left a deep _ on the the people present.A.association B.authorityC.conflict D.restrictionA.expression B.impressionC.contribution D.description答案CB2.So its our duty to try to cut back on production.We should try to find ways of _ our waste.Sometimes human beings are so _ that they are not satisfied with what they have,and we should take responsibilities to protect our environment.A.consuming B.recyclingC.absorbing D.pumpingA.greedy B.rawC.economic D.illegal答案BA.在空白处填入1个适当的单词或所给单词的正确形式热考常考1.On arrival (arrive) at the hotel,please call me as soon as possible.2.This hall to be built is four times what it was two years ago.3.Impressed (impress) by the young mans honest speech,they offered him a good post.4.Electronic cards are environmentally (environment) friendly,so why not use them?5.I hold the opinion that the passengers ought to queue up for the bus rather than rush to it in a crowd.6.I would like to express my appreciation (appreciate) and thanks to you all.7.Chinas first aircraft carrier,measuring (measure) about 304 metres,was handed over to the PLA navy in 2012.8.Deserts also created because people cut down trees and dug up grass.9.I hate it when you dont say what you are thinking.10.As a result of destroying the forests,large quantities of desert have_covered (cover) the land so far.用所给词的正确形式填空不规则变化1.When driven (drive) out of home by his stepmother,he decided not to be back forever.2.The last few years have_seen (see)environmental disasters on a grand scale,and experts are


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