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Lecture 7 Translation Assignments and Presentation English,翻译作业,The final part of the paper highlights the areas for potential application of thermomechanical treatments and emphasizes the need for information to facilitate design of suitable forming equipment (for exploiting the potential of thermomechanical treatments over a range of temperature) as a means of producing various product forms enhanced property combinations. 文章的最后部分着重论述形变热处理可能应用的领域,并强调指出:为了便于设计适宜的成形设备,作为生产具有优异综合性能的不同形状产品的工具,需要获得相关的信息,而这种成形设备可用来发挥在一系列温度下形变热处理的潜力。,Scientists are confident that all matter is indestructible(不可毁灭的). Many chemical reactions need heat to make them take place. Machine parts of irregular shape can be washed very clean by ultrasonic. The expression of the relation between force, mass and acceleration is as follows.,参考译文: 科学家们都深信,所有的物质都是不灭的。 许多化学反应的发生都需要热。 形状不规则的机器零件可以通过超声波来清洗干净。 力,质量和加速度之间的关系表示如下。,He is a stranger to the operation of the electronic computer. Generally speaking, methane (甲烷)series are rather inert(惰性的). One of the outstanding properties of carbon atoms is its ability to share its electrons with other carbon atoms.,参考译文: 他对计算机的操作是陌生的。 总的来说,甲烷系的烃惰性很强。 碳原子的一个显著特征是它能够与其它碳原子共用电子。,Sodium(钠) is very active chemically. Methane is less than half as heavy as water. The different hydrocarbons in crude(天然的) oil boil at different temperatures.,参考译文: 钠的化学特性很活泼。 甲烷的重量不到水的一半。 原油中不同烃的沸点不同。,Twins can forms either during plastic deformation or in annealing(退火) treatment . The previous one is well known as mechanical twins, while the latter is termed as annealing twins. Mechanical twins tend to take place in cases of rapid deformations or deformation at low temperature. Twins occurs in specific crystallographic(晶体的、晶体学的) plane and in certain crystallographic direction, which is highly dependent on crystal structure of materials.,参考译文: 孪晶可在塑性变形过程中或塑性变形后的退火处理过程中产生。前一种类型的孪生就是熟知的机械孪生;后一种类型的孪生被称作退火孪生。机械孪生易于发生在快速变形或低温变形时。孪生也发生在特定的晶体学平面和特定的晶体学方向上,其与晶体结构有关。,Slip(滑移) and twining constitute the main two types of plastic deformation of materials. The process of plastic deformation produced by dislocation motion is termed as slip. Plastic deformation is permanent deformation of materials, which results movement of dislocation when subjected to external force. Slip takes place on certain dislocation in specific plane. Slip system is groups of slip plane and slip direction, the number of which depends on the crystal structure . The start of dislocation is determined by relative orientations of external force axis with respect to slip plane and slip direction.,参考译文: 滑移和孪生是材料两种主要塑性变形方式。材料通过位错运动式形产生塑性变形的过程称为滑移。塑性变形是材料发生的永久性变形,在微观尺度上,是材料受到外加剪切应力时所引起的位错滑运动。滑移在发生在特定的晶体学平面内的位错上。滑移系是滑移面和和滑移方向结合,滑移系数量取决于材料的晶体结构。位错的启动取决于外加应力轴与滑移面和滑移方向的相对取向。,II. Presentation English,1. Beginning the Speech,1). Opening Remarks 开场 Good morning, everyone. I appreciate the opportunity to be with you today. I am here to talk to you about Good morning, everyone. I am very happy to have this chance to give my presentation. I am very happy/glad/pleased to be here.,2). Introducing the Subject and the outline of the Presentation引入话题 a. Background Information Let us start with I think it would be best to start out by looking at a few slides. May I begin with a general outline of this project? The first point Id like to make is the historical background of the invention.,b.Topic Today, I am going to give a talk on My topic today will deal with c. Outlining I shall first talk about . and then touch on. and finally discuss . My presentation will be given in four parts. The first part deals with . The second part relates to. The third part concerns . And the last part discusses d. Purpose/Objective The purpose of this presentation is to.,1). Announcing the Beginning of the Speech Text To begin with, I would like to talk about a principle. I think it would be best to start out by looking at some pictures. The first thing I would like to talk about is the definition of the terms which I11 use in my presentation.,2. Developing the Speech Text,2). Shifting to the Next Main Point Well, lets move on to the next point. We will now come to the second problem. So much for the methodology of our experiment. I would now like to shift to the discussion of the results. The next point Id like to talk about is That brings me to my second point.,3). Resuming the Topic Let s come back to what I said in the first part of my speech. Getting back to the subject of the problem of theoretical considerations we can find that. I want to return to the first part of my presentation. 4). Introducing the Supporting Materials Lets go through the following points very rapidly.,5). Explaining the Contents on the Slides This slide demonstrates . On this slide, you can see. This curve in this slide shows. This figure in this slide exhibits. This table on this slide presents.,1). Summarizing In conclusion, In closing, To sum up 2). Concluding In conclusion, I would like to point out the following aspects. Id like to leave you with the following conclusion.,3. Ending the Speech Text,3). Closing Thats all, thank You. Thats the end of my presentation. So much for my speech, thank you. Thank you for your attention. Thank you for your listening.,Making Presentations on International Conference,Topics to Be Discussed,Opening A Presentation,Introducing yourself,Im here today to My purpose today is to My goal for this presentation is to The aim of this presentation is to The reason why Im here today is to,作者 单位 日期,标题,以最恰当、最简明的词语反映报告中最重要的特定内容的逻辑组合,要求简明精炼、具体确切。 中文20字,英文10单词; 避免应用不常见的缩略词、首字母缩写、字符、代号和公式等; 少用结构助词或修饰词。,Backgrounds,目前国内外研究的现状(1520年) 取得了哪些成果 存在的不足或需要改进之处 引出自己的研究,选题依据,和现有技术、方法对比,指出自己研究的优势; 提出问题,开门见山。 交代背景,提供依据。 阐明意义,突出价值。 点题收口,简明扼要。,具体内容,1. 实验材料 2. 实验过程 3. 结果和讨论 4. 结论,Material & Methods,主要说明研究所用的材料、仪器、方法及基本过程,为报告的科学性提供依据,便于他人重复。必须指出:不能被重复验证的研究结果是不能为科学界所公 认的。,文本,运用关键字或标题作提示,不是解说(最基本、最主要、最精炼) 清晰易懂是演示文稿的首要目标,避免信息过多 文本一定要大小适中,有足够的对比度 “KISS”的原则(Keep it simply simple)一张勿多过6行字,若为英文则每行不应超过6个字,数据与数字,数字决定着报告的可信度,给出证据,表格,精确、鲜明地表达数据,有助于分析对比 制表通则:项目完整、突出重点、表文对应、线条简洁、 排列规则、符号规范、注释明确,一个表格一个中心内容,表格的类型,按结构形式分类:有线表、无线表和系统表等; 按具体内容分类:数据表、统计表、流程表等; 按表中数字来源分类:观察数据和导出数据; 按表的作用分类:表达十分精确和显示变化趋势。,图,Diagrams are roadmaps for following the meaning of figures 一张图胜于千言万语,直观、形象、生动 谈数字、谈统计,最高明的方法是化抽象为具象,将数字制成图表,图,数量关系图(曲线图、直方图、圆形百分比图)、示意图、实物图、工程图、 SEM、TEM照片、XRD等 目的明确、简明易懂、准确美观,说明图表的意义要简单明了(注意:表示整个图所代表的意义要用动词“show”,而表示图中各部分的要用“represent” ),比 较 事 实,和前人比较、和同行比较、和自己比较(不同条件) There are important differences between A and B There are great distinctions between A and B There are obvious contrasts between A and B We can see discrepancies between A and B We find great differences between A and B,为错误向观众致歉,Im sorry for the delay; it will only take a moment to flip the slide; I apologize for the technical difficulties; Please pardon the err


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