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Text B Holding Hands,3. given: prep.,taking sth.(true) into account,考虑到公司上半年业绩不佳,我们决定暂缓这次投资。,_ in the first half of the year, we decided that the investment be left aside.,Given that she is interested in children, I am sure teaching is the right career for her.,Given the companys poor achievement,Usually, I am sensible with money, as I have to be, _.,我花钱通常是很明智的。考虑到自己挣得不多,必须这样做。,given that I dont earn that much,Synonyms: considering; in consideration of; saving; in mind,Review about Text A,原因状语从句 常用引导词:because, since, as, for 特殊引导词:seeing that, now that, in that, considering that, given that.,My friends dislike me _ Im handsome and successful. _ everybody has come, lets begin our conference. The higher income tax is harmful _ it may discourage people from trying to earn more. _ he is no more than 12 years old, his height of 1.80 m is quite remarkable.,because/ for,Now that,in that,Considering that,1. 难以名状,defy definition,2. 大胆的想法,adventurous thoughts,3. 异性,the opposite gender,4. 长期计划,a long-term plan,5. 或多或少,more or less,6. 安定的生活,a settled life,7. 互相让步,give and take,8. 在基础上,on the foundation of,9. 意见一致,a meeting of minds,10. 传统派,the traditional school,11. 培养爱情,nurture love,Useful Expressions,13. 质朴的外表,the unpretentious looks,14. 一个久远的年代,a bygone era,15. 随大流,jump on the bandwagon,16. 心灵的契合,mental compatibilities,17. 把归咎于,blame on,18. 弄清楚,figure out,19. 扭曲的情感,distorted emotions,20. 确定重点,set priorities,21. 履行承诺,honor ones commitments,12. 短暂的爱,short-lived love,22. 终身不渝的关系,life-long bonds,Useful Expressions,After Reading,Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given.,Words Exercise,4. The old man has a deep _ for the town where he grew up. 5. Lack of space is the main _ on the firms business expansion. 6. They _ the accident _ the driver.,affection,restraint,blamed,on,acquire affection await defy forge haste indulge interact originate via restraint blameon,After Reading,Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given.,Words Exercise,7. She has _ a good knowledge of English by self-study. 8. True friendship can only be _ through trials and tribulations. 9. In his _ to leave, he almost forget to say goodbye to the host.,acquired,forged,haste,acquire affection await defy forge haste indulge interact originate via restraint blameon,acquire affection await defy forge haste indulge interact originate via restraint blameon,Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given.,Words Exercise,The forest fire spread so fast that it _ any attempt to control it. Language teachers should know how to _ with their students in class. She had never expected that so much hard work was _ her at her new post.,defied,interact,awaiting,After Reading,Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given.,Words Exercise,10. I frequently send messages to my friends _ my mobile phone. 11. She always _ in idle daydreams. 12. The style of architecture _ from the Ancient Greece.,via,indulges,originated,acquire affection await defy forge haste indulge interact originate via restraint blameon,Passage B,yield: v. 1. produce (friut or crop) 2. stop resisting, give in; 屈服,投降 3. give up, stop controling or taking responsibility; 放弃 4. bring money or profit 产生(收益) 5. break or move position because of force or pressure; 断裂,移位 Eg. 1. Carmen yielded to general pressure and grudgingly took the child to a specialist. 卡门屈服于普遍的压力,不得已带孩子去看了位专科大夫。 2. The long cruel winter came to an end at last, yielding to a gentle warm. 漫长的严冬终于接近尾声,被柔和温暖的气候所取代。 3. It yielded a profit of at least $36 million. 它带来了至少三千六百万美元的利润。 4. The small chair yielded under his weight. 那个小椅子被他压垮了。,Passage B,yield: n. 1. the amount of food produced on an area of land or by a number of animals. 产量 2. the amount of money or profit produced by an investment. (投资的) 利润; 收益 Eg. 1. New technology was applied to improve the yield of the crop. 我们采用了新的技术以增加农作物的产量。 2. The high yields available on the dividend shares made them attractive to private investors. 股息股能获得的高收益使它们对私人投资者们很有吸引力。,Passage B,manipulate: v. 1. operate something that requires skill; 熟练操作,巧妙处理 2. use or control event or situation for ones own benefit, or cause it to develop in the way one want; 操纵(事态,局势) 3. skillfully force or persuade people to do what they want 控制(某人),Eg. 1. Shes always borrowing my clothes and manipulating me to give her vast sums of money. 她总是向我借衣服,并控制我,让我给她大笔的钱。 2. She was unable, for once, to control and manipulate events. 她曾一度无法控制和操纵事件。 3. He quickly learned how to manipulate the controls of a plane. 他很快学会了操作飞机的操纵装置。,Key Words (B),Expressions for Text B,Key Words (B),1. It was a point of pride that he gave our newborn daughter her first bath. (Para. 5),2) Make a sentence with the italicized structure.,It was a point of pride that we first presented this story to the world.,1) Translate this sentence into Chinese.,大女儿的第一个澡就是他给洗的,这让他倍感骄傲。,Difficult Sentences,2. Within an hour, when the nurse checked him with her stethoscope, there was nothing left for me to do but close his bright green eyes and lay my hands on his for the last time, in the quiet peaceful corner of our bedroom. (Para.10),2) Make a sentence with the italicized structure.,When my boss lost his temper, there was nothing left for me to do but stand there listening in silence.,1) Translate this sentence into Chinese.,一个小时的时间里,护士用听诊器做了检查,剩下我唯一能做的事就是合上他那双明亮的绿色眼睛,在我们卧室恬静的一隅里最后一次把我的手放在他的手上。,Sentences,3. For seven-and-a-half months, my grief for my husband had been frozen within me like an icy presence that would not yield. (Para. 12),2) Paraphrase the sentence.,In the seven and a half months after my husbands death, I had managed to bury the grief for him deep down in my heart as if it had turned into ice that would not melt.,1) Translate this sentence into Chinese.,7个半月里,对丈夫逝去的悲伤如同冰凌雪块封存在心中,不曾融化。,Sentences,4. It was as though his fathers long, graceful hands clasped mine once again. Still reassuring me. (Para. 13),2) Paraphrase the sentence.,Even though he had died, my husbands way of expressing love through his long and elegant handclasp had been passed down to our son, which was a lasting comfort to me.,1) Translate this sentence into Chinese.,仿佛他父亲那双长长的、雅致的手再次握住了我的手,令我依然感到安心平静。,Sentences,moist a. usu. apprec slightly wet一般褒潮湿的,微湿的,This plant grows in a moderately moist environment.,I like the air just as moist and warm as that in a tropical area.,Key Words for Text B - moist,engaged a. having agreed to marry 已订婚的,John got engaged to her when travelling last winter.,They announced to the assembled guests that they were engaged to be married.,Key Words for Text B - engaged,engage sb in conversation,pursue vt. try to achieve sth.; continue steadily with; carry on 努力实现,追求;继续从事,进行,She is pursuing her studies at the same university as her brother did five years ago.,She pushed herself to pursue a musical career.,Key Words for Text B - pursue,pursinuit of sth,fascinate vt. attract and hold the interest or attention of 强烈地吸引,把迷住,The idea of traveling around the world has always fascinated her.,The audience was fascinated by their superb performance.,Key Words for Text B - fascinate,be fascinated by,grace n. U a fine and attractive quality in movement or form (动作、体态的)优美;优雅自然,She declined the invitation with grace.,She was a beautiful girl with the grace and poise of a natural model.,Key Words for Text B - grace,delicacy n. U the quality of being delicate 细致;精致,Repairing damaged nerves is an operation with great delicacy.,The delicacy of roses makes them unfit for an extreme climate.,Key Words for Text B - delicacy,bathe vt. AmE have a bath美洗澡,It is unwise to bathe immediately after a meal.,It was the noon halt, and we decided to bathe in the cool, inviting stream.,Key Words for Text B - bathe,haircut n. an occasion of having the hair cut 理发,The barber gave him a shave and a haircut.,If I have time tomorrow, I think Ill get a haircut.,Key Words for Text B - haircut,towel vt. rub or dry with a towel 用毛巾擦(擦干),Do towel the children down very thoroughly, or they might catch cold.,I toweled my son down very thoroughly, because he was wet to the skin.,Key Words for Text B - towel,maximum n. (pl. maximums or maxima) the largest number, amount, etc. 最大值;最大量,The classroom holds a maximum of 50 people, not one more.,The speed limit is 40 miles an hour. Dont exceed this maximum.,Key Words for Text B - maximum,minimum n. (pl. minimums or minima) the smallest number, amount, etc. 最小量;最低限度,Repairing your car will cost a minimum of $200.,Passengers may only take aboard the aircraft a minimum of hand luggage.,Key Words for Text B - minimum,complaint n. C (about, against) a statement of dissatisfaction, unhappiness, pain, etc. 常与about或against连用诉苦的话;怨言;牢骚,Even though his workload is heavy, he never makes any complaints.,Weve received a lot of complaints of bad workmanship.,Key Words for Text B - complaint,manipulate vt. work with skilful use of the hands(熟练地用手)操作,Though he is just seven, he can manipulate the computer rather skillfully.,A clever politician knows how to manipulate his supporters.,Key Words for Text B - manipulate,marketing n. U the branch of business concerned with advertising, publicity (宣传), etc. 市场学;销售业务,The ranges of his business include the production and marketing of automobiles.,Mr. Smith takes care of marketing and publicity.,Key Words for Text B - marketing,agonizing a. causing great pain or anxiety 引起痛苦(焦虑)的,Tim was hurt in the traffic accident suffering from agonizing pain.,All the people are yearning for an early end to this agonizing situation.,Key Words for Text B - agonizing,overjoyed a. extremely pleased; full of joy 极为高兴的,非常开心的,She was overjoyed to get a letter from her son who is now working in Africa.,They will be overjoyed to find you safe and sound.,Key Words for Text B - overjoyed,clip vt. cut with scissors or another sharp instrument, esp. in order to make shorter or neater (用剪刀等)修剪,I like to clip pictures out of newspapers and keep them in a big box.,The dogs fur was clipped short for the show.,Key Words for Text B - clip,file vt. rub or cut with a file 锉,He tried to file the nail sharp.,He filed the wood smooth.,Key Words for Text B - file,dresser n. AmE a chest of drawers (衣柜), used esp. for clothing, often with a mirror on top 美带镜衣柜,He folded the clothes and carefully put them in the dresser.,Lydia stood looking at herself in the mirror of the yellow bedrooms dresser.,Key Words for Text B - dresser,grief n. U great sorrow or feelings of suffering 悲痛,忧伤,She went nearly mad with grief after the child died.,A flash of grief came upon her when she heard the news.,Key Words for Text B - grief,icy a. extremely cold; covered with ice 冰冷的;结满冰的,冰封的,He urged me to drive carefully on the icy roads.,It is difficult to keep ones balance on an icy pavement.,Key Words for Text B - icy,presence n. the fact of being in a particular place 存在;出席,到场,He never seems at ease in my presence. Why is he so afraid of me?,Jane had done a lot of preparatory work before the presence of the president.,Key Words for Text B - presence,yield vi. (to) fml or lit give up control (of); surrender 常与to连用正式或文放弃;投降,屈服,We love peace, yet we are not the kind of people who yield to any military threat.,Since you wont yield to persuasion, well try what force can do.,Key Words for Text B - yield,undo vt. unfasten (sth. tied or wrapped) 解开,松开,打开,He bent down and undid his shoelaces.,Winston undid the bit of string that held the parcel together.,Key Words for Text B - undo,resemble vt. not in progressive forms; no pass. look like or be similar to sb. or sth. 不用进行式;无被动态像;类似,She resembles her father in facial features, but shes not at all like him in character.,The boys resemble in that they both have ginger hair and round faces.,Key Words for Text B - resemble,graceful a. attractively and usu. effortlessly fine and smooth; full of grace 优美的;文雅的,So graceful was the ballet dancer that she just seemed to glide.,Despite her great age, she was very graceful indeed.,Key Words for Text B - graceful,fit into find or have sufficient space or room for sth. in a place找到或尚有足够的地方容纳某物,Our bedroom is so small that we cant fit into another chair.,She folded the letter so that it would fit into her bag.,Key Expressions for Text B - fit into,in the course of during 在期间;在过程中,They hope to see those famous ancient buildings in the course of their brief stay in London.,My heart beat thick in the course of the interview.,Key Expressions for Text B - in the course of,reach for sth. stretch out (ones hand) in order to touch, grasp or take sth. 伸出(手)以触到、抓到或拿到某物,She reached into her bag for a coin and gave it to the beggar.,The lawbreaker was overpowered before he could reach for his knife.,Key Expressions for Text B - reach for sth.,in vain uselessly; without a successful result 白费地,徒劳无益地,All my work was in vain; I had to do it again.,Her father tried to persuade her to go back home with him, but in vain.,Key Expressions for Text B - in vain,Comprehension questions (Para. 1),Q1: What feelings did the husbands hands bring to the author?,A1: A feeling of being reassured. That is, the author felt safe and free from worries with her husband holding her hands.,Key to Text B CQ Para. 1.1,Comprehension questions (Para. 1),Q2: What can you infer about the husband from the phrase “the final days of his life”?,A2: Her husband must have died.,Key to Text B CQ Para. 1.2,Comprehension questions (Para. 2),Q1: What does “that time” (L.1 Para. 2 ) refer to?,A1: “The final days of his life” in the first paragraph.,Key to Text B CQ Para. 2.1,Comprehension questions (Para. 2),Q2: What was the husbands job?,A2: He was a college professor.,Key to Text B CQ Para. 2.2,Comprehension questions (Para. 2),Q3: Why does the author describe her husbands hands in such great detail?,A3: Through the detailed description, the author wants to tell us what kind of person her husband was. By recalling these details, she also shows her deep affection for her husband.,Key to Text B CQ Para. 2.3,Comprehension questions (Para. 3),Q1: What do you know about the husbands handwriting?,A1: It must be somewhat difficult for the average person to read.,Key to Text B CQ Para. 3.1,Comprehension questions (Para. 3),Q2: Why wasnt the handwriting difficult for his wife to read?,A2: Because she had grown used to it by reading letters from her husband the year when he was away at Bradley University pursuing a masters degree.,Key to Text B CQ Para. 3.2,Comprehension questions (Para. 4),Q1: What kind of person do you think the narrators husband was?,A1: He was a gentle, caring and graceful man.,Key to Text B CQ Para. 4.1,Comprehension questions (Para. 4),Q2: What could the narrator feel whenever her husband clasped her hands?,A2: She could feel pure and honest expressions of his love.,Key to Text B CQ Para. 4.2,Comprehension questions (Paras. 5-7),Q1: How did the husband help taking care of the family?,A1: He attended to all the details of childcare. He bathed them, gave haircuts and dried the daughters hair, etc. And he helped with the preparations for family travelling.,Key to Text B CQ Paras. 5-7.1,Comprehension questions (Paras. 5-7),Q2: Do you think the husband was a good father?,A2: Yes, he must be a loving father, helping taking care of the children with deep affection.,Key to Text B CQ Paras. 5-7.2,Comprehension questions (Paras. 8-9),Q1: What do you know about the husbands illness?,A1: It was probably cancer, because he had to have chemotherapy.,Key to Text B CQ Paras. 8-9.1,Comprehension questions (Paras. 8-9),Q2: Why would the husband reach for his wifes hands when he felt pain?,A2: He wanted to get comfort from his wife. Meanwhile, he wished to give her the “reassuring” feeling that he used to give her by clasping her hands.,Key to Text B CQ Paras. 8-9.2,Comprehension questions (Paras. 8-9),Q3: What does “the deepest, darkest moment” refer to?,A3: It most probably refers to the final days of the husbands life.,Key to Text B CQ Paras. 8-9.3,Comprehension questions (Paras. 8-9),Q4: Did the husband fear death?,A4: Everyone does. He was no exception. Thats why he asked his wife such questions as “how it is to die” and “if it hurts.”,Key to Text B CQ Paras. 8-9.4,Comprehension questions (Paras. 8-9),Q5: What did the wife do for him?,A5: To relieve his anxiety, she tried to assure him that he was going to heaven.,Key to Text B CQ Paras. 8-9.5,Comprehension questions (Para. 10),Q1: Why did the wife clip, file and whiten her husbands fingerna


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