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,Course Description课程介绍,Credits: 2 (2学分) Hours Arrangement: 3 hours per week(周3学) Course Prerequisite(前续课:) International Marketing国际商务营销 International Trade Practice and Management国际贸易实务 International Commercial Law 国际商法,PROGRESSIVE ASSESSMENT(总评分) Coursework assignment (30%)平时占30% 90 minutes examination (70%)期末考试占70%,Course setbook,Syllabus提纲,Week 2 Introduction to the Course and Chapter One : Globalization and International Linkages引言及第一章:全球化和国际化 Chapter 2 The Political, Legal, and Technological Environment政治、法律和技术环境 Week 3 Chapter 3 Ethics and Social Responsibility商业伦理和社会责任,Chapter 4 The Meanings and Dimensions of Culture文化的内涵与维度 Week 4 Chapter 5 Managing Across Cultures跨文化管理 Week 5 Chapter 6 Organizational Cultures and Diversity组织文化与多样性 Week 6 Chapter 7 Cross-Cultural Communication and Negotiation跨文化沟通与谈判,Week 7 Chapter 8 Strategy Formulation and Implementation战略制定与实施 Week 8 Chapter 9 Entry Strategies and Organizational Structures进入战略和组织结构 Week 9 Chapter 10 Managing Political Risk, Government Relations, and lliances管理政治风险、政府关系和联盟,Week 10 Chapter 11 Management Decision and Control决策与控制 Week 11 Chapter 12 Motivation Across Cultures跨文化激励 Chapter 13 Leadership Across Cultures跨文化领导 Week 12 Chapter 14 Human Resource Selection and Development Across Cultures跨文化人力资源选择与开发 Revision 、 examination复习考试,Globalization and International Linkages全球化和国际化,Chapter One,McGraw-Hill/Irwin,Copyright 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.,Globalization and International Linkages全球化和国际化,The specific objectives of this chapter are to学习目标 1. ASSESS the implications of globalization for countries, industries, firms, and communities.评估全球化对国家、产业、公司和社区的影响 2. REVIEW the major trends in global and regional integration.分析全球化和区域一体化的趋势 3. EXAMINE the changing balance of global economic power and trade and investment flows among countries.考察国家间经济实力、贸易和投资流动的动态平衡 4. ANALYZE the major economic systems and recent developments among countries that reflect those systems.分析反映这些体系的国家间的主要经济体系和最近的发展战略,International Management国际管理,International management involves国际管理包含 Applying management concepts and techniques in a multinational environment and应用管理的理念和技术于跨国经济环境之中 Adapting management practices to different economic, political, and cultural environments.针对不同的经济、政治和文化环境采取合适的管理实践 Multinational corporation (MNC)跨国公司 Operations in more than one country多国运作业务 International sales国际市场销售份额 Nationality mix of managers and owners不同国籍的管理者和所有者,The Worlds Top Nonfinancial MNCs Ranked by Foreign Assets, 2007,The Worlds Top Nonfinancial MNCs from Developing Countries Ranked by Foreign Assets, 2007,Globalization and Internationalization,Globalization全球化 Process of social, political, economic, cultural, and technological integration among countries around the world.世界上国家之间的社会、政治、经济、文化和技术整合一体化的过程 Hastened by受推动于 Offshoring离岸生产 Process by which companies undertake some activities at offshore locations instead of their countries of origin. 企业将某些行为转移到国外实施,而不是放在国内 Outsourcing外包 Subcontracting or contracting out of activities to external organizations that had previously been performed by the firm.企业将原来自身的一些行为以合约的形式交给别的企业去做,Globalization: Pros and Cons利弊,Benefits of Globalization全球化的好处 Wealth财富 Jobs工作 Technology技术 Lower prices廉价 Criticisms of Globalization批评意见 off-shoring of business service jobs to lower-wage countries离岸业务给低工资国家工作 growing trade deficits增大了贸易赤字 slow wage growth低工资增长率 environmental and social impacts环保和社会问题,Global and Regional Integration全球和区域一体化,Global Agreements全球协议 World Trade Organization (WTO)世贸组织 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)关贸总协定 Regional Agreements区域协议 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)北美自贸协定 U.S.-Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA)美国中美洲自贸协定 European Union (EU)欧盟 Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)东盟 Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA) 美洲自贸区,International Economic Power in the Global Economy全球经济中的国际经济实力,Shifting landscape due to经济呈现新面貌源于 Economic integration 经济一体化 Economic potential of emerging markets新兴市场国家的经济潜力 BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China,add South Africa) could be among the five most dominant economies by 2050到2050年金砖国家可能进入5个最突出的经济行列(巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国,加上南非),The Worlds Largest Economies 2005 and 2020 (Projected) Measured by GDP at Market Exchange Rates全球2005年最大经济强国以及依据现行市场汇率预测的2020年全球最大经济体,The Worlds Largest Economies 2005 and 2020 (Projected) Measured by GDP at Purchasing Power Parity依据购买力平价预测,Changing Demographics: Developing Countries on the Rise (ranked by size)人口变化:发展中国家正在上升(按规模排名),Trends in Trade and International Investments国际贸易和投资趋势,International Trade国际贸易 In 2009 merchandise and commercial services exports declined 商品和服务出口在2009年下降 Foreign direct investment (FDI) 直接投资 Investment in property, plant, or equipment in another country在其他国家的资产、厂房和设备方面的投资 Growing at healthy rate (全球贸易和投资)以健康的速率增长 Outpacing domestic growth in most countries(全球贸易和投资)在绝大多数国家超过了国内经济增长 Declined in 2009 due to the global recession 由于全球经济危机在2009年下降,World Merchandise Trade by Region and Selected Country, 2009 地区和国家商品贸易 (in U.S.$ billions or percent),World Foreign Direct Investment Inflows 世界FDI流入量 (in U.S.$ millions),World Foreign Direct Investment Outflows 流出量 (in U.S.$ millions),Global Economic Systems全球经济体系,Market Economy 市场经济P17 Command Economy计划经济P18 Mixed Economy混合经济P18,Economic Performance by Major World Region主要地区的经济表现,Established Economies发达经济体 North America北美 European Union欧盟 Japan日本 Emerging Economies新兴经济体 Central and Eastern Europe中东欧 China中国 Other Emerging Markets of Asia 亚洲其他新兴市场 India印度 Developing Economies on the Verge欠发达国家和地区 South America南美 Middle East and Central Asia中东和中亚 Africa 非洲,Economic Performance Established Economies发达经济体表现,North America北美 One of the four largest trading blocs in the world世界四大贸易集团之一 Combined purchasing power of U.S., Canada and Mexico approaches $12 trillion 美、加、墨综合购买力接近12万亿美元 Free-market-based economy is attractive to private firms自由市场经济吸引私人公司 United States美国 Foreign MNCs find U.S. a lucrative expansion market外国跨国公司发现美国是个盈利的扩张的市场 Foreign firms welcomed as investors in U.S. market美国市场欢迎外国公司投资 U.S. firms hold market dominance in many European markets; gaining market share in Asia 美国公司在欧洲市场的许多领域占据市场的主导地位;在亚洲获得市场份额,Economic Performance Established Economies,Canada U.S.s largest trading partner美国最大的贸易伙伴 Most of the largest foreign-owned Canadian companies are totally or heavily U.S.-owned大多数最大的加拿大外资公司是美国独资 Legal and business environment in Canada is similar to that in U.S.法律和商业环境美加相似 Mexico Strongest Latin American economy拉丁美洲最强的经济体 Very strong maquiladora industry非常强大的加工贸易产业 Trade with both Europe and Asia has increased与欧亚贸易增长 Now competitive with Asia for the U.S. market 与亚洲竞争美国市场,Economic Performance Established Economies,European Union Ultimate objective最终目标 Eliminate all trade barriers among member countries消除所有的贸易壁垒 Emergence of the EU as an operational economic union欧盟作为一个经济运行单位而出现 A unified Europe could become the largest economic market in terms of purchasing power in the world一个联合的欧洲可以成为世界购买力最大的市场 Foreign MNCs trying to gain foothold in EU 跨国公司试图在欧盟获得立足 Acquisitions, alliances, cooperative R&D efforts收购、联合、合作研发 Economic linkages between the EU and newly emerging Central and Eastern European countries在欧盟与中东欧新成员国间的经济联系 Challenge is to absorb former communist bloc countries挑战是吸收前共产集团国家 Financial crises in Greece and Ireland putting pressure on the euro 希腊和爱尔兰的财政危机给欧元带来了压力,Economic Performance Established Economies,Japan Huge economic success in 1970s and 1980s巨大经济成功 Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI)通商产业省 Keiretsus综合商社 Vertically integrated industries垂直的一体化企业集团 Holdings provide assistance needed in providing goods and services to end users(综合商社)各部门为最终消费者提供商品和服务资助 Decade long recession in 1990s十年长衰退 More competition from emerging economies来自新兴经济体的竞争 Poor management decisions欠缺的管理决策 Remains a formidable competitor in the Pacific Rim, North America, and Europe在环太平洋、北美和欧洲中仍然是一个强大的竞争者,Economic Performance Emerging Economies新兴经济体,Central and Eastern Europe中东欧 Russia俄罗斯 Dismantling of price controls and privatization取消价格控制和私有化 Membership in International Monetary Fund (IMF) controlling inflation加入国际货币基金组织利于控制通胀 Crime and political uncertainty犯罪和政治的不稳定 Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland捷克、匈牙利波兰 Privatization私有化 Inflation通胀 Political uncertainty 政治不稳定,Economic Performance Emerging Economies,China Real economic growth of 12 percent in 2007, 9 percent in 2008, and 11.5 percent in 2009高增长率 Savings glut in corporate sector企业部门产能过剩 Vast developmental needs巨大的发展需求 Unemployment concerns 失业忧虑 Attractive to investors despite political risk尽管政治风险仍吸引投资者 Product pirating is a major problem产品侵权是一主要问题 Currency value币值估价问题 Government policies favor domestic firms政府政策偏向于本国企业,Economic Performance Emerging Economies,South Korea南韩 Chaebols财阀 Very large family-held conglomerates大的家族联合大企业 Solid economy, moderate growth and inflation, low unemployment稳定的经济,温和的增长和通胀,低失业 Hong Kong香港 Part of Peoples Republic of China回归中国 Uncertainty about the role the Chinese government中国政府角色的不确定,Economic Performance Emerging Economies,Singapore新加坡 Success story成功典范 Leader and financial center for region地区领袖和金融中心 Taiwan台湾 Progressed from labor-intensive economy to one dominated by technologically sophisticated industries逐步由劳动密集型企业占主导地位发展到技术密集型企业占主导地位 banking, electricity generation, petroleum refining and computers银行、发电、石油加工和计算机行业,Economic Performance Emerging Economies,Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia泰国、马来西亚、印度尼西亚 Large population base大的人口基础 Inexpensive labor廉价劳动力 Considerable natural resources可供考虑的自然资源 Attractive to outside investors对外面投资者的吸引,Economic Performance Emerging Economies,India印度 Large population巨大的人口 Recent trend of locating software and high value-added services to this country boosting middle- and upper-class market for goods and services 近来出现的设立软件和高附加值服务业的趋势促进了中高级商品和服务市场 Attractive to U.S. and British investors吸引美英投资者 well educated, English speaking, technologically sophisticated workers良好的教育、讲英语、技术上的高端人员,Economic Performance Developing Economies on the Verge欠发达地区,South America南美 Hampered by foreign debt and severe inflation受限于外债和严重的通胀 But, intercountry trade is increasing但国家之间的贸易在增长 Countries looking to do business with U.S.依赖与美国的贸易 Brazil 巴西 Economy is now flourishing and attracting investment from MNCs经济目前繁荣且吸引跨国公司投资 Privatization and stable government私有化和稳定的政府,Economic Performance Developing Economies on the Verge,Chile智利 Uncertain future, but helped by trade agreements未来有不确定性,通过贸易协定的帮助(参与全球化) Argentina阿根廷 Abundant natural resources丰富的自然资源 Economic problems persist经济问题持续存在,Economic Performance Developing Economies on the Verge,Middle East and Central Asia中东和中亚 Large oil reserves大的石油储存 Highly unstable geopolitical and religious forces高的不稳定的地缘政治和宗教冲突 Plagued by continuing economic problems受持续的经济问题的困扰,Economic Performance Developing Economies on the Verge,Africa非洲 Considerable natural re


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