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Unit 4Pygmalion.阅读理解(2018北京海淀区期末)Is Technology Moving Too Fast?Differing fundamentally from the prior technologies such as telephone, television and automobile, which are better known as lock-in, the new technologiescomputers,biotechnology and nanotech(纳米技术)are self-accelerating. This means that the products of their own processes enable them to develop even more rapidly.Since they drive almost whole sectors of society, creating unstable,unpredictable and unreliable conditions, there is a growing public concern that perhaps what civilization needs is a NOT-SO-FAST button.Supporters of technological determinism make a strong case for letting self-accelerating technologies follow their own life cycle. Rapid development in computer technology, they point out, has separated robotics and the Internetto the great benefit of industry and human communications.Besides, it isnt so easy for a free society to put the brakes on technology.Even if one country decided to abandon the next technological revolution, another country, would gladly take it up.However, there are comforting situations in which technology may brake itself.In the aging population of the developed world, many people are already tired of trying to keep up with the latest cool new tech. Youth-driven tech acceleration could be interpreted as simple youthful stupidityshort-sighted and short-lived. The market for change could dry up, and lock-in might again become the norm. Stress and great tiredness make powerful decelerators.Change that is too rapid can be deeply divisive. If only elite (精英) can keep up, the rest of us will grow increasingly puzzled about how the world works. We can understand natural biology,complex as it is, because it holds still. But how will we ever be able to understand quantum computing (量子计算) or nanotechnology if its complexity keeps accelerating away from us?Constant technological revolution makes planning difficult, and a society that stops planning for the future is likely to become a fragile society. It could experience violent economic unrest. It could slip into wars fought with cruel new weapons. Its widespread new technologies could fail in massive or horrible ways. All these constant, worrying small failures could weaken the whole social progress.With so many powerful forces in play, technology could hyper-accelerate to the stars with astonishing rapidity, or it could stop completely. My expectation is that it will do both,with various technologies proceeding at various rates. The new technologies may be self-accelerating, but they are not self-determining. They are the result of ever renegotiated agreement with society. Because they are so powerful, their paths may undergo wild swings, but I think the trend will be toward the dynamic middle:much slower than the optimists expect, much faster than the pessimists think humanity can bear.1.Which of the following views do supporters of technology self-acceleration hold?A.The society is free to make the technology go more slowly.B.The high rate of computer tech is of great benefit to human.C.Robotics has developed less rapidly than computer technology.D.Self-accelerating technologies promote international cooperation.2.According to the passage, what may slow down the accelerating technology?A.A carefully planned society. B.The simple youthful stupidity.C.Peoples stress and exhaustion.D.The rapid change of the market.3.Whats the authors purpose in writing the passage?A.To guide the new technologies for a safe acceleration.B.To confirm the public concern about new technologies.C.To explain the threats in technological self-acceleration.D.To relieve the public fear for technology acceleration.4.Which of the following shows the development of ideas in this passage?CP:Central pointP:PointSp:Sub-point(次要点)C:Conclusion语篇解读:技术飞速进步到底是好事还是坏事?不同的人有不同的看法。技术决定论者认为应该顺其自然,但也有人认为技术会自我刹车。答案及剖析:1.B细节理解题。从第二段中的Rapid development in computer technology.has separated robotics and the Internetto the great benefit of industry and human communications.可知,计算机技术的快速发展将机器人技术和互联网分离,二者对工业和人类通信有巨大益处。2.C细节理解题。根据第四段可知,在发达世界的老年人口中,许多人厌倦了去追求新技术。不断追求新技术会给人带来压力。压力和疲惫会成为强大的减速器。3.D推理判断题。从第三段的转折起,作者开始陈述技术会自动刹车的理由。这正好可以缓解第一段中所说的公众普遍的担心,即技术过快发展会给社会带来不安、不可预测性、不可靠性等种种不利状况。4.D细节理解题。第一段大意为:公众普遍担心技术过快发展会给社会带来不安、不可预测性、不可靠性等种种不利状况。第二段大意为:技术决定论者提出有力证据,证明可以让技术按照自我生命周期发展。第三段是转折段作者认为技术可以自我刹车。下面三段解释原因。第四段大意为:压力和疲惫形成强大的减速器,可以减缓技术的快速发展。第五段大意为:技术变化过快会使公众分化,精英们理解并拥抱新技术,余下的公众处于茫然之中。第六段大意为:持续不断的技术革命会让做计划变得困难,停止计划的社会是一个脆弱的社会,最终会减缓社会的进步。第七段是总结段技术的发展速度最后会比乐观者认为的慢,会比悲观者认为的快。因此D项清晰展现了文章整体结构。.七选五(2018广东肇庆第二次统一检测)Tips on Impressing an Audience1.Read aloud to kidsVolunteer to read books to children at a library or daycare center.1. You might speak like a favorite movie star for one or imitate a cartoon character for another.“Performing” books can help you learn to describe different characters and to speak with energy and enthusiasm.2.2. Play “Freeze” with friends. Two players start acting out a scene from a movie, TV show or story. When something in the scene reminds another player of a scene from a different story or show, that person says “Freeze!”and replaces one of the actors.3. The other actor tries to follow along until someone else in the group thinks of another scene and says “Freeze!” Continue playing as long as you can keep up the creativity.3.Project your voiceAn important skill for speaking in front of an audience is speaking loudly and clearly so that your voice will be heard.4.Lie on the floor with a small paper plate balanced on your stomach. Take a few deep breaths. Watch the plate rise when you inhale (吸气) and sink when you exhale(呼气).Breathe again, exhaling longer and trying to make the plate sink lower. As you do this, feel your muscles tightening up.5. Try to make the plate sink fast as you shout. Do this a few times daily to build up those muscles and help you push out sound.A.Play an acting game.B.Take another deep breath and shout “ha”.C.The new player begins acting out the new scene.D.Gain confidence by practicing as much as possible.E.To do this, you need to develop and use the correct muscles.F.This fast-paced game improves your ability to think on your feet.G.Practice before you read, giving each character a different personality.答案:1-5GACEB.完形填空(2018江西南昌二模)“I have a letter for you ,”my friend Kirsten told me on the phone.“I think its from your mother.” I was 1,since my mother had been 2 for seven years.A few weeks later Kirsten handed me the 3 dated Aug.30, 2002. Around then I was preparing for my pilot courses final exam at the 4 school. The students finished the training on 5 days.I was the first to 6.My mothers letter 7 after I left. Kirsten picked it up from my mail-box, to keep 8 she next saw me.9, a few days later, when it was her turn to leave, she 10 the letter among the piles of papers she 11 packed into boxes. It 12 there for a decade, during which my mother died. In 2013, when Kirsten 13 some dusty belongings from her flying school days,she 14 the letter.Its been two years since Kirsten gave me the letter which Ive carried on my long flights. But I havent 15it yet. When I told some friends this, they 16 their heads. They said they wouldnt have been able to wait a second. Of course, I 17How could I not?about her 18 in the envelope. Surely, I think, she had written to wish me luck, ask about my life and tell me the news from 19 to make me at ease. However, for now its 20 to look at her handwriting on the envelope, and to remember that until I open it, I know Ill hear from her once more.1.A.delightedB.confusedC.terrified D.moved2.A.backB.lostC.deadD.sick3.A.envelopeB.packageC.ticketD.stamp4.A.art B.sports C.flightD.military5.A.blessed B.hard C.particular D.different6.A.fleeB.leave C.abandonD.escape7.A.landedB.returnedC.disappearedD.delivered8.A.untilB.when C.unlessD.after9.A.Surely B.ThankfullyC.DoubtfullyD.Unfortunately10.A.removedB.misplaced C.hidD.unfolded11.A.slowly B.seriously C.hurriedly D.carefully12.A.appearedB.stood C.settledD.remained13.A.sorted through B.set down C.put down D.got through14.A.postedB.recalledC.found D.addressed15.A.receivedB.openedC.touchedD.replied16.A.nodded B.liftedC.shook D.lowered17.A.complainB.inquireC.worry D.wonder18.A.wordsB.interests C.puzzleD.secret19.A.networkB.abroadC.papersD.home20.A.appropriateB.enoughC.foolishD.polite语篇解读:在作者即将从飞行学校毕业的时候,母亲给她寄了一封信。信到的时候,作者已经离校。作者的朋友替她收了这封信。但是,由于意外,这封信在朋友那儿放了10年之后才到了作者手里。后来,作者一直随身携带这封信,但一直没有打开。作者感觉现在只要看到信封上母亲的字迹就足够了。答案及剖析:1.B根据后文的for seven years及for a decade,during which my mother died可知,作者的母亲去世七年之后,朋友打电话告诉作者有一封来自作者母亲的信,作者应该是感到很困惑。confused意为“困惑的”,符合语境。delighted意为“高兴的”;terrified意为“恐惧的”;moved意为“感动的”。2.C根据第三段中的It there for a decade,during which my mother died.可知,此处表示作者的母亲已经去世。dead意为“去世的”,符合语境。back意为“回到原处”;lost意为“丢失的;迷路的”;sick意为“生病的”。3.A根据第一段中的“I have a letter for you,”和空后的dated Aug.30,2002及第18空后的in the envelope可知,此处应表示朋友递给作者一个信封,信封上的日期是2002年8月30日。envelope意为“信封”,符合语境。package意为“包裹”;ticket意为“票”;stamp意为“邮票”。4.C根据空前的my pilot courses及第三段中的flying school days可知,此处表示作者要参加飞行学校的飞行员课程的结业考试。flight school意为“飞行学校”,符合语境。art意为“艺术”;sports意为“体育运动”;military意为“军队(的)”。5.D根据下一段中的I was the first to 和a few days later,when it was her turn to leave可知,作者和朋友在不同的日期离开,故此处表示学生会在不同的日期完成训练。different意为“不同的”,符合语境。blessed意为“神圣的;令人愉快的”;hard意为“困难的”;particular意为“特别的”。6.B根据下一句中的after I left可知,此处表示作者是第一个离开学校的。leave意为“离开”,符合语境。flee意为“逃离”;abandon意为“抛弃”;escape意为“逃跑”。7.A根据上文可知,十年后作者才从朋友手中拿到母亲的信。故此处应表示作者离开之后,她母亲的信才到达。land意为“抵达;到达”,符合语境。return意为“返回”;disappear意为“消失”;deliver意为“递送”。8.A根据语境可知,克丽丝滕从我的邮箱里把信取出来,想保留着它一直到她下次见到我(就把信给我)。until意为“直到”,符合语境。when意为“当时候”;unless意为“除非”;after意为“在之后”。9.D下文提到克丽丝滕因故没有及时把信给我,信在她那儿一直放了10年。故此处应表示,不幸的是,几天后,在她离开时。unfortunately意为“不幸地”,符合语境。surely意为“想必;必定”;thankfully意为“幸好;满怀感激地”;doubtfully意为“怀疑地”。10.B根据下一句可知,信在克丽丝滕那儿放了十年才被她发现。由此可推知,克丽丝滕在打点行装的时候,误把信放到了她的一堆文件里。misplace意为“把放错位置”,符合语境。remove意为“移走”;hide意为“藏”;unfold意为“展开;打开”。11.C根据克丽丝滕误把信放到她的一堆文件里及常理可知,她应是收拾行装匆忙才犯了这个错误。hurriedly意为“匆忙地”,符合语境。slowly意为“慢慢地”;seriously意为“严肃地;认真地”;carefully意为“小心地;仔细地”。12.D根据上文内容并结合选项可知,此处表示那封信在克丽丝滕那儿放了十年,在这期间作者的母亲去世了。remain意为“留存;留在某处”,符合语境。appear意为“出现”;stand意为“站”;settle


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