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UNIT 3 This is my sister,The Analysis For The Unit,Teaching Analysis Teaching Time Teaching Aim Teaching Methods Teaching Material Teaching procedure,要充分理解教材的体系和主要内容,前言和目录是两个必读的部分。 前言告诉我们编书的意图、理论基础以及书的体系。 目录帮助教师对单元内容进行整体把握,了解最基本的教学要求。,Teaching Analysis,以教师的视点初看新教材: 信息量大,知识点的呈现符合交际原则,并呈螺旋形上升难度 操练充分,操练形式多样,相比较人教版教材更加重视听和写的训练,学生活动设置更加灵活新颖,但教师需对活动进行深加工使之更适合自己班级学情,如:是否大小班教学和学生已有的学习基础等。 3 画面丰富,卡通人物设计漂亮,能在第一时间吸引学生的注意力,激发学生了解所学知识的热望,符合学生的年龄特点和认知规律。,对教师的备课活动提出了更深更精的要求,教材以单元为单位,不再以课为单位,教师需根据学情对教材进行深加工和再整合,方能满足课时授课的需要。 5 对语法的传授和巩固将是教师所面临的新课题,新目标教材没有workbook及checkpoint 教师需对所教内容进行提炼。,Teaching Time,本单元可根据教学内容分为4个课时来完成 1. 词汇:father , mother , sister , brother , parents 等 句型:This is - - - / That is - - -/ These are - - -/ Those are Task for the first part : Introduce people and identify people。,2. 词汇: she he uncle aunt 等 句型: Is this - ? Is that - - -? Is he - / is she - - - Task : Help the Ss to ask in a correct way.,3. 词汇:The members of family tree . Task : 能根据已有知识进行简单的仿写练习 能具备简单的阅读能力,4 . Selfcheck summary about this unit some practice about the focus grammar,Teaching Aim,A.这一个部分的话题是:The family ,学生要学会介绍自己和他人并进行适当的询问。(听说) B. 学生将通过模仿学会写作此类短文的方法,并动手写作。(不同学生要有不同的要求。) (写) D. 帮助学生了解别国的家庭模式及家庭观念,养成尊老爱幼的道德习惯(德育),Teaching Method,对任务型教学的理解 1. 任务型教学是目前比较新的,也是比较流行的教学方法。要设计尽量真实的任务,让学生在完成任务的同时,体验语言,运用语言。 2. 任务型教学也仅仅是教学方法中的一种,我们的教学应该是多中教学发共同作用的。 3. 不是简单将教案里的step 1变成task 1就是任务型教学了。任务型教学要有很强的目的性,一切的课堂活动都是围绕目标展开的。本教材的学生充分体现这一点,但在实施过程中应考虑教学班实际,Task- Based language teaching,Teaching Material,充分利用多媒体教学手段,但不完全依赖。 2.充分利用学生本人 及家人的真实情境展开教学,如:朋友及家人的图片,歌曲的录像等,Part I,Teaching Aims: Task for the first part : Introduce people and identify people。 Teaching contents: 词汇: 在低年级词汇教学的过程,一定要教会他们按照音节来读和拼写单词, 因此没有将本单元出现所有有关家庭的词汇予以呈现) father , mother , parents, sister, brother , friend,grandfather ,grandmother ,grandparents 句型: This is - - - / That is - - -/ These are - - -/ Those are,Teaching activity: 1.Presentation and practise 2, sing a song about the family member 3,Report Time ( 给出句型,仿说) 4. Writing Time (根据report ,仿写),1.活动的设置强调合作的原则,营造宽容、友好的课堂气氛,让学生在宽松和谐的环境中进行交流和合作。 2.听力及课本中检测性活动也应要求学生独立完成。 3.任何一项活动的实施都应进行恰当的教学评价,a picture of my family,This is,This is my - - -,grandmother,grandfather,mother,father,sister,brother,brother,Its me,These are my - - -,grandparents,parents,brothers,This is my friend .,These are my friends,That is my friend .= Thats my friend,Those are my friends,Talk about your own picture ( 讨论一下你的家庭照片 ),Four students a group,(四人一组),Report,Hello ! Everyone This is a picture of my family This is my - - - , his name is - - - That is my - - - , her name is - - - These are my - - -,对于英语的初学者,应注意语言的模仿功能,有利于养成学生用英语思维的习惯。,Students Activity,Finish 1a 1b 1c 2a 2b in Section A,Do it by yourself,(独立完成),此项活动的设置是为了活跃课堂气氛,练习刚才所授句型,增强语言的实用性。,Writing Time,Exchange each others family photo , try to introduce your friends family and try it down with your friend . 交换彼此的家庭照片,试着介绍你朋友的家庭, 并写下来。,Two students a group ( 两人一组),评价:可先进行组内评价(4人一组),再选择有代表性的进行班级评价,summary,(小结),this that is these those are,brother is brothers are,?,that is = that s,Exercises,补全对话,每空一词。 Kate: Hello, Han Meimei! Han Meimei:_, Kate!_ _ _? Kate: Im fine, thanks. Han Meimei: Who are they? Kate: Oh, _ _my father and _ _ my mother. Han Meimei: Good afternoon. Father: _ _. Nice to meet you. How do you do? Han Meimei: Nice to meet you, too. _ _ _ _? Mother: _ a seat, please! Han Meimei: Thank you.,Homework,1 背诵今天所学的单词。 2 回家向你的父母用英语介绍你的家庭 3 再完善你的写作练习,准备下节课的 report,Part II,Teaching Aims: Task : Help the Ss to ask in a correct way. Teaching contents: 词汇: she he uncle aunt 等 句型: Is this - ? Is that - - -? 及肯否回答 Is he - / is she - - - Teaching activity:,大量的利用学生感兴趣的人物进行一般疑问句的及其回答的操练,通过游戏的方式避免了枯燥的知识点练习,Report Time,Make a short report about your family or your friends family . 通过照片给我们介绍一下你的家庭 或你朋友的家庭,Is this LiuXiang ? Yes, he is,Is that Caiyilin ? No, she isnt . She is SunYanzi,isnt = is not,A Guessing Game,猜猜他/她是谁?,?,S: Hello!Miss Jing Is he - - - ? Miss Jing : Yes , he is. No , he isnt,S: Hello!Miss Jing Is she - - - ? Miss Jing : Yes , she is. No , she isnt,Group Match,Write your mothers ,fathers or your friends name on the blackboard . The other students guess who the person is . ( 在黑板上写出你爸爸,妈妈或朋友的名字,其他学生猜这个人是谁),猜猜他/她是谁?,Guess Who ?,She is not my mother .,He is not my father,She is my mothers sister,He is my fathers brother,She is my aunt,He is my uncle,Summary,1. She he 的使用 2. 一般疑问句的变化 回答应注意什么问题,Exercises,(略),homework,(略),Take out your family photos and ask and answer about the photos . (拿出你的家人照片, 两人一组对照片进行问答.),Part III,Teaching Aims: Teaching contents: Teaching activity:,Running Dictation,Revision,This is a photo of my family . This is my father. This is my mother. These are my parents . This is my sister , Mona . This is my brother , Tony. I love my family .,有利于学生参照,并进行口头表述。帮助学生养成良好的口头表达习惯,使他们形成一定的英文思维能力,提高他们表述的逻辑性。 帮助训练他们笔头的行文能力。 使他们的文章不至于松散没有结构。 这也是牛津教材的一大特点。这很有利于学生构建自己的知识体系。,son,daughter,Family Tree,grandfather / _,father/_,uncle/ _,daughter( _),_ _/ (brother),daughter / ( cousin ),grandmother,mother,aunt,sister,son,Listen to the tape and finish 2a 2b in section B,Read the letter and try to draw a picture of Emmas family. ( 阅读3a 的一封短信,试着画出爱玛的一家人。 ),Take out the photo of your family and write a letter about it . (拿出你的家庭照片,根据已阅读的短信和Running dictation的内容写一封短信谈谈这幅照片,Writing Time,Groupwork,Put the photos and the letters on the board. Put them in different places. The other students will match the photos with letters,将照片和短信挂起来。 打乱顺序摆放。 其他学生将照片和短信匹配。,Byebye,The Analysis For The Unit


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