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高考英语全面 复习十四 Units 45,晨背佳作,经典试题,(2009年高考浙江卷)5月1日,高二(3)班的学生志愿者Li Yue和Zhang Hua去阳光敬老院(Sunshine Nursing Home)开展志愿者活动(送水果、打扫、聊天等)。假如你是校英语报的记者,请按下列要点用英语写一则100120个词的新闻报道。 1时间、地点、人物、活动; 2老人们的反应; 3简要评论。,晨背佳作,经典试题,注意:报道的标题和记者姓名已给出(不计词数)。 Student Volunteers Brought Sunshine to the Elderly _ _ By Chen Jie,School Newspaper,晨背佳作,范文选登,Student Volunteers Brought Sunshine to the Elderly On May Day,Li Yue and Zhang Hua,students from Class Three,Grade Two,went to Sunshine Nursing Home and did some voluntary work.Upon their arrival,Li Yue and Zhang Hua were warmly welcomed,and respectfully,they presented the elderly with flowers and fruits.Then,they started working at once,cleaning the windows and sweeping the floor.Everything done,they sat in the yard chatting with the elderly people.,晨背佳作,范文选登,When it was time for the volunteers to leave,the elderly people thanked them for their kindness.They said it was such a beautiful day that they would remember it forever. Li Yue and Zhang Hua were very happy.What they did brought joy to others and enriched their own lives. By Chen Jie,School Newspaper,Unit 4 Astronomy:the science of the stars 天文学:恒星科学,考纲知识预览,重点单词,1 n系统;体系;制度 2 n学说;理论 3 n球体;地球仪;地球 adj.全球性的;全世界的 4 adj.猛烈的;激烈的;强暴的 n暴力 5 n大气层;气氛 6 prep.不同;不像 7 adj. 有害的 vt. & n损害,伤害,global,system,theory,globe,violent,violence,atmosphere,unlike,harmful,harm,考纲知识预览,8 vi.& vt.乘;增加 9 vi.存在;生存 n存在 10 adv.因此;于是 11 n谜;难题 vt.& vi.(使)迷惑;(使)为难 12 adj.温和的;文雅的 13 n物理学家 n物理学 adj.物理的;身体的,multiply,exist,existence,_,thus,puzzle,gentle,physicist,physics,_,physical,考纲知识预览,14 n气候 15 vi.& vt.碰撞;坠落 16 n& vt.拉(力);拖;牵引力 17 vi.& vt.(使)浮动;(使)漂浮 n漂浮物 18 n质量;团;块;大量;群众,climate,crash,pull,float,mass,考纲知识预览,重点短语,1 及时;终于 2 下蛋 3 产生;分娩 4 轮到某人;接着 5 阻止;制止,in time,lay eggs,give birth to,in ones turn,prevent.from,考纲知识预览,6 挡住(光线) 7 感到高兴;感到振奋 8 既然 9 突发;爆发 10 密切注视;当心;提防,block out,cheer up,now that,break out,watch out,考纲知识预览,重点句型,1What it was to become was uncertain until between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago when the dust settled into a solid globe. 【精提取】 What it was to become是what引导的主语从句,what在从句中作become的宾语。,考纲知识预览,【巧应用】 使大家惊奇的是他竟没有参加会议。 _ _ _ _ _he didnt come to the meeting. 答案:What surprised everybody is that,2The earth became so violent that it was not clear whether the shape would last or not. 【精提取】 whether.(or not)引导的从句还可充当宾语、表语、同位语等。 【巧应用】 他是否能成功地通过驾驶考试还不确定。 It is uncertain_ _ _ _passing the driving test_ _. 答案:whether hell succeed in; or not,考纲知识预览,3This produced a chain reaction, which made it possible for life to develop. 【精提取】 which引导非限制性定语从句,指代主句整个概念,也可代指单个先行词。 【巧应用】 杰克开车太快,这是危险的。 Jack drove too fast,_ _ _. 答案:which was dangerous,考纲知识预览,4We watched,amazed as fire broke out on the outside of the spaceship as the earths gravity increased. 【精提取】 amazed是形容词化的过去分词,在此处作状语用。 【巧应用】 他躺在床上,醒着。 He _ _ _ _,_. 答案:lay on the bed,awake,名师一线讲坛,1.exist vi. 存在;生存 (1) (2),名师一线讲坛,The laidoff workers mainly exist on bread and tea. 下岗工人主要靠面包和茶生存。 There exists a good way to solve the existing problem in geography.有一个解决现存地理问题的好办法。 Do you know when the new Marriage Law came into existence?你知道新婚姻法是什么时候实施的吗?,_,名师一线讲坛,情系考场,1People do not now believe in the_of ghosts. Abirth Bevidence Cexistence Doccurrence 解析:选C。考查名词辨析。birth“出生”;evidence“证据”;existence“存在”;occurrence“发生”。句意:如今人们不信有鬼存在。由句意知应选C。,名师一线讲坛,2.mass n 团,块,堆;大量 a mass of或masses of大量的,大批的 the mass of大部分 in a mass大量地;大批地 the masses群众,大批人群 She has a mass of things to do. 她有一大堆的事情要做。,名师一线讲坛,The great mass of men consider themselves healthy. 大多数人都认为自己是健康的。 Sports fans came to the stadium in a mass before the game. 大批的运动爱好者在赛前就来到了体育馆。 The masses are often the makers of history. 创造历史的往往是群众。,名师一线讲坛,情系考场,2The young dancers looked so beautiful in their new clothes that we took_pictures of them. Amany of Bmasses of Cthe number of Da large amount of,名师一线讲坛,解析:选B。本题考查短语的用法区别。句意:这些年轻的舞蹈演员穿着漂亮的衣服,显得那么迷人,我们拍了许多她们的照片。many of“许多”,其后接复数名词,且名词前要有these,those,the,their等限定词;masses of“许多,大量的”,既可修饰可数名词,又可修饰不可数名词;the number of意为“的数量”,表“许多,大量的”之意时,要用a number of;a large amount of“许多,大量的”,用以修饰不可数名词。由题意可知选B。,名师一线讲坛,3.in time 及时;终于,总有一天 on time 准时;按时 in no time 立即;马上 at a time 一次;每次 at one time 曾经;一度 at times 有时 ahead of time 提前 take ones time 别着急;慢慢来,名师一线讲坛,You will succeed in time because you are always working hard.你迟早会成功的,因为你一直在努力工作。 The doctor came in time to save her life. 医生及时赶到救了她的命。 Dont recite all together;one at a time. 不要一起背诵,一次一个。 The boss ordered us to finish our task ahead of time. 老板命令我们提前完成任务。,名师一线讲坛,情系考场,3_, I lost heart in English learning,but my teacher often said to me,“Keep on studying hard, and youll succeed_.” AAt a time;in time BAt a time;on time CAt one time;in time DAt one time;on time,名师一线讲坛,解析:选C。考查由time 构成的固定搭配的用法。句意:曾经,我对英语学习失去信心,但老师常对我说:“坚持不懈的努力,最终会铸就你的成功”。at a time“每次”;at one time“曾经,一度”相当于once;in time“及时,迟早”,当“迟早”讲时相当于sooner or later;on time“按时,准时”。由句意知应选C。,名师一线讲坛,4(2009年江西景德镇模拟)Does he often ask you for help? Oh,no,only_. Aall the time Bat one time Cat a time Dat times 解析:选D。all the time一直;at one time曾经;at a time一次;at times有时。,名师一线讲坛,5I am afraid I cant return the book to you before Friday. _. ADont be afraid BBe careful CNot at all DTake your time,名师一线讲坛,解析:选D。句意:恐怕我不能在星期五之前把这本书还给你。慢慢来,别着急。Dont be afraid别害怕;Be careful小心,当心;Not at all一点也不;Take your timeto use as much time as you need without hurrying不用急,慢慢来。根据题意只有D项符合句意。,名师一线讲坛,4.in ones turn 轮到某人;接着 in turn 依次,轮流;反之,反过来 by turns轮流;交替地 take turns to do sth.轮流做某事 It is ones turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事 They all spoke at the meeting,each in his turn. 他们每个人都在会上轮流发言了。,名师一线讲坛,She asked everyone the same question in turn. 她依次向每一个人问同样的问题。 The shop assistants had to have their days off by turns. 店员要轮流休息。 It is your turn to read the text. 该轮到你读课文了。 The children were taking turns on the slides on the playground. 孩子们在操场上轮流滑滑梯。,名师一线讲坛,情系考场,6People try to avoid public transportation delays by using their own cars, and this_creates further problems. Ain short Bin case Cin doubt Din turn 解析:选D。in turn 在该题中的意思为“反之;反过来”。,名师一线讲坛,5.prevent.from. 防止某事发生 keep sb. from doing sth.使某人不能做某事 Once he has made up his mind, no one can prevent him from carrying out the plan. 一旦他下定决心,谁也阻止不了他执行这个计划。,名师一线讲坛,His advice kept me from making a serious mistake. 他的忠告使我免于犯严重的错误。 He kept me from sleeping. 他不让我睡觉。 比较:He kept me sleeping. 他一直让我睡觉。,名师一线讲坛,情系考场,7All possible means _.However,nothing can_him dying of lung cancer. Ahas tried;stop Bhave tried;keep Chas been tried;prevent Dhave been tried; stop,名师一线讲坛,解析:选D。前一句的主语是All possible means,means用all 修饰,看作是复数,后面的谓语动词要用复数形式并且用被动语态;后一句是“阻止某人做某事”,him 后省略了from,故选D。,名师一线讲坛,6.cheer up (使)高兴;使振奋;感到振奋 (1) (2) The support of the students cheered up the losing team. 学生们的支持使看来要输的队振奋起来。,名师一线讲坛,Cheer up,Mandy! 打起精神来,曼迪! Oh,Im all right,really. 噢,我很好,真的没事。 The good news cheered (up) everybody who heard it. 喜讯使每一个听到的人感到高兴。 We all cheered as the team came on to the field. 球队入场时我们都欢呼起来。,名师一线讲坛,情系考场,8Our football team will compete against the Japanese team this evening.Lets go and_,shall we? Acheer them up Bjoin them up Cadd them up Dpick them up 解析:选A。为他们加油用cheer them up。,名师一线讲坛,1.【教材原句】 Walking does need a bit of practice now that gravity has changed. 既然重力改变了,走路也确实需要练一练了。 【句法分析】 now that由于;既然,引导原因状语从句,有时that 可以省略。,名师一线讲坛,Now that I have nothing to do, I can enjoy music for a little while. 既然我无事可做,我可以享受一会儿音乐了。 Now you have grown up, you can make up your mind by yourself. 你已长大了,可以自己作决定了。,名师一线讲坛,比较网站,because,since,as,for,now that (1)because语气最强,一般指事情发生的直接原因,回答提问时,一般放在主句之后。 He was absent from the meeting because he was ill yesterday. 昨天他没参加会议是因为他病了。 (2)since语气较弱,指双方都明确的原因或众所周知的原因,侧重主句,从句表示显然的或已知的理由。,名师一线讲坛,Since you cant answer the question,Ill ask someone else. 既然你回答不出这个问题,我就问别人了。 (3)as语气比because弱,所引导的从句表示的是显而易见的原因和理由,从句一般放在主句前。 As there was no answer,we wrote him again.,名师一线讲坛,鉴于他没有回复,我们又给他写了封信。 (4)for是并列连词,表示推断的原因,或对前一分句补充说明理由。for表示这一用法时需放在两句之间。 It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet. 昨晚肯定下雨了,因为地面是湿的。,名师一线讲坛,情系考场,9_youve got a chance,you might as well make full use of it. ANow that BAfter CAlthough DAs soon as 解析:选A。句意:既然你得到了一次机会,不妨充分利用它。,名师一线讲坛,10(2008年高考北京卷)Did you return Freds call? I didnt need to_Ill see him tomorrow. Athough Bunless Cwhen Dbecause 解析:选D。根据语意看,后面的句子表示“没有必要的原因”,所以用because。,名师一线讲坛,2.【教材原句】 But when I tried to step forward,I found I was carried twice as far as on the earth and fell over. 而当我试着向前迈步的时候,我发觉我被送出去很远,步子的跨度竟是在地球上的两倍,因而我摔倒了。 【句法分析】 倍数的表达方式 (1)“A倍数形容词或副词的比较级thanB”,表示“A比B大(长、高、宽等)多少倍”。,名师一线讲坛,(2)“A倍数as形容词或副词的原级asB”,表示“A是B的多少倍”。 (3)“A倍数the size/height/length/width,etc.ofB”,表示“A是B的多少倍”。 (4)A倍数what从句 The output of cars in 2009 is 4 times greater than that of 2008.2009年小轿车产量是2008年的5倍。 My income is twice as much as yours. 我的收入是你的2倍。,名师一线讲坛,My house is twice the size of my parents 我的房子是我父母的两倍大。 There are 3 times more books in our library than in yours. 我们图书馆里的图书比你们的多三倍。 The production now is three times what it was ten years ago. 现在的产量是10年前的3倍。,名师一线讲坛,情系考场,11(2009年高考辽宁卷)Peters jacket looked just the same as Jacks,but it cost_ his. Aas much twice as Btwice as much as Cmuch as twice as Das twice much as 解析:选B。句意:彼得的夹克衫看起来与杰克的一样,但是却是他的价钱的两倍。考查倍数句型“倍数as原级as.”。,名师一线讲坛,12(2008年高考陕西卷)Ten years ago the population of our village was _that of theirs. Aas twice large as Btwice as large as Ctwice as much as Das twice much as 解析:选B。句意:十年前我们村的人口是他们村的两倍。population往往与large或small搭配,且形容词比较级的结构之一为:倍数as形容词原级as.。,名师一线讲坛,3.【教材原句】 The earth became so violent that it was not clear whether the shape would last or not. 地球(开始)变得激烈动荡,不知道这个固体形状是否会继续存在下去。 【句法分析】 (1)whether.(or not)引导的从句还可充当宾


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