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写作实践 Peoples Attitudes Towards Cloning / 作文序号:13601 提交时限: 2011-12-05 12:00:00.0 至 2011-12-11 23:59:00.0,大学英语四六级,作文分析,四级历年真题,2003.01论说文:It Pays to Be Honest 2004.06 -应用文:A Brief Introduction to A Tourist Attraction (导游词) 2005.01 -应用文:A Campaign Speech(演讲词) 2005.06 -叙议文:An Incident 2005.12 -论说文:Should the University Campus be Open to Tourists? 2006.06-应用文: Write a Poster Recruiting Volunteers 2006.12论说文:Spring Festival Gala on CCTV 2007.06应用文:Welcome to our club(欢迎词) 2007.12论说文:Electives to choose 2008.06论说文:Recreational Activities 2009.06 论说文:Free Admission to museums 2009.12 论说文:Create a green campus,六级历年真题,2003.01论说文: It Pays to Be Honest 2003.06论说文(图表):Changes of Ownership of Houses in China 2004.01论说文: Reduce Waste on Campus 2004.06 叙议文: 设想你买了一本英文词典,发现有这样那样的质量问题,书店的服务态度又不好,因此给报社编辑写信 2005.01 应用文: Your Help Needed 1,对病人的简单介绍:目前的病情和家庭情况 2,目前的困难:无法继续承担医疗费用,需要护理 3,希望捐助,联系方式 2005.06论说文: Say No to Pirated Products 2006.01应用文:A Letter Declining a Job Offer 1.对公司提供职位表示感谢 2.解释为何不能接受所提供职位的原因 3.希望予以谅解,并表达对公司的良好祝愿. 2006.06论说文:国外旅游 2007.06论说文: The Importance of Reading Classics 2007.06论说文:Should One Expect a Reward When Doing a Good Deed?,六级历年真题,2008.01论说文:Digital Age 数字化时代 2008.06论说文:Will E-books Replace Traditional Books? 2009.01论说文:How to improve students mental health ? 2009.06 论说文:Free admissions to museums 1. 越来越多的博物馆对公众免费开放 2.有人认为是会造成不利影响, 3.我的看法是 2010.01 论说文:Should Parents Send Their Kids to Art Classes? 1. 家长送学生参加各种艺术班 2. 有人支持,有人反对 3. 作为大学生,我的观点,1 论说文(共32篇,76) 对比观点:(共11篇)0806 0612,0512,0006,9906, 9806, 9606, 9601, 9501, 9301, 9201 问题解决:(共11篇)0912 0906 0812 0301, 0101, 0001, 9706, 9506, 9406, 9206, 9006 现象阐述:(共7篇)0712 0606(new), 9901, 9801, 9101, 9401, 9306 名言:(共1篇)9701 图表:(共2篇)0206,9106 2 应用文(共9篇,22) 0706, 0606(old), 0506, 0501, 0406, 0401, 0306, 0201, 0106 3 记叙文(共1篇,2)0309,90年6月到09年12月的37篇写作考题-按文体分类,1 校园生活(共10篇,27) 0912 0806 0706, 0606(old), 0506, 0501, 0406, 0401, 0309, 0306, 0201, 0106 2 校园热点话题(共12篇,32) 0606(new), 0512, 0206, 0101,0006, 0001, 9706, 9601, 9506, 9406, 9306, 9206 3 社会热点话题(共8篇,22) 0906 0812 0712 0612,9806, 9801, 9606, 9401, 9106, 9101, 9006 4 永恒话题(共7篇,19%) 0301, 9906, 9901, 9701, 9501, 9301, 9201,90年6月到07年6月的37篇写作考题-按主题分类,命题趋势: 2001年1月以前: 说明文、论说文为主,少有应用文 2001年6月-2007年6月: 应用文为主(书信、演讲词、海报告示) 说明文、论说文、记叙文为辅 2007年12月以来及未来趋势: 时效性强的论说文、 与学生生活及未来就业有关的应用文(如 求职函、投诉函及对投诉函的回信等),分析,CET应试技巧,写作,写作,考试中观点和语言之间的关系 观点为语言服务 观点简单,不超过三分钟的构思 语言要卓越,观点要简单,评分三部曲 判断文章是否切题 层次性和连贯性要求居中必须出现相应的连接词 语言错误量,作文中的观点问题 评委评分第一步先看文章是否切题,决定了一定要树立一个正确的观点 注意点 将中文提纲改造成英文时,将其中的疑问句改成陈述句 注意中文提纲关键词的翻译 作文中难句不要超过1/3, 因为可读性不强,长短相间,错落有致,英文写作技巧,(1)注意篇章结构,合理布局 开始部分(opening paragraph)说出文中的要点、核心问题。 正文部分(Body paragraphs)围绕主题开展叙述、讨论。 结尾部分(concluding paragraphs)对全文的总结和概括。 要做到全文中心突出、段落之间必须是有机地联系,内容完整、连贯。前后呼应,祛除与主题无关的内容.,英文写作技巧,(2)确定主题句 主题句是对全文的概括,是文章的主旨。它能在文章中起到“画龙点睛”的作用。通常主题句出现在一篇文章的开头,而后,全文对主题句所提出的内容进行解释,扩展。 写主题句应注意以下几点: 归纳出你要写的文章的几个要点 提炼出一句具有概括性的话 主题句应具有可读性,抓住、吸引读者。,(3)巧用连接词 要想使文章有整体性、连贯性,就要学会正确使用连接词 1表示罗列增加 1)first, second, third, last 2)firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally 3)the first, the second, the third, the last 4)in the first place, in the second place, in the third place, lastly 5)to begin with, then, furthermore, finally(推荐) 6)to start with, next, in addition, finally(推荐) 7)first and foremost, besides, last but not least(推荐) 8)most important of all, moreover, finally 9)on the one hand, on the other hand(适用两点的情况) 10)for one thing, for another thing(适用于两点的情况),英文写作技巧,(4)掌握常用句型:根据情况,使句子多样化,文章灵活多姿 1.使用一些强势句式,如强调句、感叹句、倒装句等,增强语句的表现力。短语优先。 2.句式多样,复杂得体。在写作中应避免使用相同长度的相同句型,而应注意句式的变化,以 简单句为基础,配合适当的并列句和复杂句。简单句可长可短,通常要加些附属成分,如分词短语、介词短语、副词短语、不定式动词短语,以及节缩成分。 3. 少用重复词,5个常用单词的替代 Think claim / suggest / believe / advocate / maintain / suppose Good beneficial / profitable / helpful / sound / decent / positive Bad harmful / detrimental / hazardous / negative Advantage merit / virtue / benefit / profit / pro Disadvantage demerit / drawback / flaw / shortcoming / con / cost,下列五个句子的基本概念一样,但是句式不同,内容重点也有些差别:,(1) The goats grazed peacefully in the farm and were unaware of the approaching hunter. (并列分句1+2) (2) Grazing peacefully, the goats in the farm were unaware of the approaching hunter. (现在分语短语+简单句) (3) In the farm, the goats grazed peacefully and were unaware of the approaching hunter. (介词短语+并列分句(1)-(2) ) (4) There were goats grazing peacefully in the farm, unaware of the approaching hunter. (简单句+形容语短语) (5) As the goats grazed peacefully in the farm, they were unaware of the approaching hunter. (原因副词从句+主句),Rewrite the following sentences into one sentence. The young pilot was on his first overseas training. He felt very uneasy.,(a) The young pilot on his first overseas training felt very uneasy. (b) The young pilot felt very uneasy during his first overseas training. (c) The young pilots first overseas training made him feel very uneasy. (d) Extreme uneasiness seized the young pilot on his first overseas training. (e) The young pilot was on his first overseas training, feeling very uneasy. (f) It being his first overseas training, the young pilot felt very uneasy.,(g) Being on his first overseas training, the young pilot felt very uneasy. (h) The young pilot was on his first overseas training and felt very uneasy. (i) The young pilot, who was on his first overseas training, felt very uneasy. (j) When the young pilot was on his first overseas training, he felt very uneasy. (k) As the young pilot was on his first overseas training, he felt very uneasy. (l) The young pilot was on his first overseas training, so that he felt very uneasy.,英语写作要诀,Agreement:主语和谓语在人称、数上的一致,关系代词与先行词的一致。 Ambiguity:尽量不去使用可能引起歧义的词语或句子。 Brief:文章“简为贵”,要抓住要点,简明扼要。 Coherence:文理通顺,前后连贯。 Development:主题的发挥应当充分、合理、正确。,英语写作要诀,Division:词汇、句子、段落要分配使用得当,划分要清楚,避免使用重复字句和种子片段。 Figures:正确合理使用各类修辞格式。 Inflated diction:不使用做作的语言。 Key:用适当的关键词突出主题,每段都应有主题句。,Logical:内容要符合逻辑。 Message:信息要新鲜、确实、可信。 Omit:合理删除多余的不必要部分。 Proposition:主张、观点、论述要清楚肯切、合情入理。 Punctuation:正确适时使用标点符号。,Relevant:文章一定要切题。 Sentence pattern:句型要尽量多样化。 Strait:开门见山,直来直去。 Style:文体恰切,适合内容要求。 Tense:动词时态要正确一致变化合理。 Theme:选题得当,主题突出。,写作实践 例文: Peoples Attitudes towards Cloning 相关链接,Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Peoples Attitudes towards Cloning. You should write at least 120 words according to the given information below:,1.有些人认为克隆有助于 ; 2.有些人认为克隆弊大于利 ; 3.我的观点。,. Writing,(各抒己见类),Views on Something,有人认为该事物 理由是,2. 也有人认为该事物,3. 我的看法,(划线部分可替换),写作模式(各抒己见类),1) Almost everyone would agree that the birth / appearance / arrival / development of sth. 2) But this agreement ceases to exist just when it comes to(议论的主题) (Para. I) Or Nowadays, the issue onis highly debatable, and ideas vary from person to person.不同的人有不同的观点。(不要用different people 。),Back,下一页,(划线部分可替换),3) Many / Some people contend / believe / argue that (一方观点) 4) They base their contention / belief / argument on the grounds that (理由I) 5)Besides, as they often point out, . (理由II) 6)Yet others react to the issue / matter the other way around and hold / assert that the opposite is just reasonable / more acceptable. (另一方观点) 7) From their angle of view, (理由I) 8) And even worse, as they claim, (理由II) (Para. II),Back,上一页,下一页,Some would claim that ,while some others may suggest 一些人认为另一些人认为 Some would claim.,while the idea is still held by some others. Idea倒装,句子更好看。不要用somethe other这样只有两种可能性,太绝对。,Back,上一页,下一页,(划线部分可替换),9) I am of / adhere to / stick to the opinion / view / truth that anything new, including, can bring human society fortunes / merits / advantages or misfortunes / demerits / disadvantages, all depending on . (我的看法) 10) On the one hand, (理由I) 11) But on the other hand, . (理由II) 12) In short, the key / solution to the problem is always controlled in (结论句),Back,上一页,下一页,赞成某个观点: As for me,I side with the former /latter. 中立观点: As far as I am concerned, I believe both views have their own merits and drawbacks. . is like a double-edged sword 双刃剑 can be neither absolutely perfect nor purely harmful,Back,上一页,下一页,1) Almost everyone would agree that the birth of Dolly, as the first clone of an adult animal, has opened a new way of seeing the creation of life for the world. 2) But this agreement ceases to exist just when it comes to whether cloning will bring fortunes or misfortunes to human society.,Reference model: Peoples Attitudes Towards Cloning,Back,上一页,下一页,3) Many contend that the merits of cloning will outrun its demerits. 4) They base their contention on the grounds that cloning is the most effective method of saving the rare wild lives from dying out. 5) Besides, as they also point out, cloning can help provide better ways to treat some serious or deadly sicknesses, such as diabetes, and Parkinsons disease. 6) Yet others react to the issue the other way around and hold that the opposite,Back,上一页,下一页,is just reasonable. 7) From their angle of view, cloning will threaten the ecological balance by destroying the natural reproduction through the enjoyment of sexual love between the male and the female. 8) And even worse, as they reveal, cloning will bring greater disasters to human society if it is used in creation of individuals with extreme genetic qualities, like terrorists, desperate scoundrels, and war manias.,Back,上一页,下一页,9) I stick to the opinion that anything new, including cloning, can bring human society fortunes or misfortunes, all depending on how it is exploited. 10) On one hand, it will be an inestimable blessing to the human world if it is applied to reproduction of best dairy cows or other choice domestic poultries. 11) But on the other hand, it will form a big threat to human society once it is abused in copying those hostile toward humanity. 12) In short, the solution to the problem is always within mans reach.,THE END,上一页,Peoples Attitudes towards Cloning,To clone or not to clone? That is a highly controversial question. Some people assume that as an amazing technological breakthrough in science, cloning is helpful for solving some problems. For instance, with the help of cloning technology we could breed and thus preserve(保护)such endangered wild life as giant pandas(大熊猫)and golden monkeys (金丝猴).,For another example, cloning may provide cures for many deadly diseases and a key to prolonging human life(延年益寿). Apart from these, scientists may increase the yield(产量)of grain crops(粮食作物)to eliminate(根除)world hunger. Therefore they favor cloning.,However, some people are aware that the costs of cloning can outweigh(胜过)their benefits. They argue that it may cause moral confusion, ethical issues, legal problems, and social challenges. While we work wonders, we may create monsters (怪物) away from the moral course(道德航线). People may sacrifice (牺牲)more to gain little. What if evil (邪恶的)people conducted evil deeds(作恶)with cloning technology? How could police identify a criminal from a group of people with the same DNA? In a word, cloning can have some strong negative influences on human progress.,In my eyes, human beings should take a cautious attitude towards cloning. Cloning, like many other inventions and developments, is a double-edged sword(双刃剑). The tool is neutral, but our use of it is not. As a blessing(福音), it benefits us. As a curse(灾祸), it harms us. If it isnt a must for diverse reasons, we should be extremely careful about applying this technology. We can only hope that people, while making the best use of cloning, will find a satisfactory solution to the problems caused by it.,I. IELTS作文题目I You should spend no more than 40 minutes on this task. Some people believe that when a country begins to develop its science and technology, the traditional technology and methods are bound to die out. Therefore, the maintenance of the traditional technology and methods is futile. What do you think? You should write at least 250 words. You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience to support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.,II. IELTS作文题目II You should spend no more than 40 minutes on this task. Modern technology such as fertilizer and machinery can provide us cheap food. However it also brings some negative effects to the health of mankind. Whats your opinion? You should write at least 250 words. You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience to support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence., GRE作文题目 Present your perspective on the issue below, using relevant reasons and/or examples to support your views. “As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate .”,写作策略 应用文写作书信: 注意文体格式及语言特点 注意信封的写法 注意信内格式 信头 (Letter head writers name and address) 日期 (Date) 封内地址 (Addressees address) 开头称呼语 (Salutation) 正文 (Body) 结束敬语 (Complimentary close) 署名 (Signature),A Letter of Job Application Mr. Jim Wang June 10, 2008 105 Xingang Road (West) Guangzhou, 510275 Dear Mr. Wang, I noted with interest your advertisement for a PR manager in todays China Daily. You will see from the enclosed curriculum vitae that I am majoring in PR science at SundayYat-sen University and have won prizes in three consecutive years. You may also see that I had three months experience as assistant to a PR manager when I was a trainer clerk at a travel agency. My responsibilities there included all types of secretarial work, arranging and attending presentations, working with clients, solving problems that arose, and dealing with company affairs in the place of the manager when he was away. Although the school has promised me a teaching post after my graduation and I can do a good job of teaching, I feel that my prospects with the school would be limited and that there would be more scope for my talents with a more challenging and dynamic company. If you consider that my qualifications and experience are suitable, I should be available for interview at any time. Yours sincerely, (Signature) Encl.: curriculum vitae,英文写作技巧,2 表示时间顺序 now, at present, recently, after, afterwards, after that, after a while, in a few days, at first, in the beginning, to begin with, later, next, finally, immediately, soon, suddenly, all of a sudden, at that moment, as soon as, the moment form now on, from then on, at the same


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