六年级上册英语教案unit 1 meeting the bingo kids北师大版_第1页
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Unit 1 Meeting the BINGO Kids 教案本单元主要是要求学生能够用一般过去时和将来时描述学校与日常生活中的事情,并能与同学进行简单的交流。并能激发学生进一步了解其他国家同龄孩子学习和生活情况,并尝试通过多种途径或交流自己学习和生活的情况,培养学生的国际意识。Teaching Aims:1. The students can describe the picture.2. The students like to learn English.3. The students can be writing and reading.Teaching Emphases:1. How can use past tense.2. How can use “will” to describe some matters.Teaching Difficulties:1. How to use past tense.2. How to understand the story and read the story.Teaching processes:Step 1:Review:T: Prepare one songs and have the children settle down from their exciting vacation experiences and get ready for the new term. Have the children try to talk about their experiences of summer vacation.S: Try to talk about it.Step 2:To review what has been learned last semester.Step 3:Set the scene:T: Ask the children if they can tell you the names of any school subjects in English.S: Try to talk about.T: Have the children look at the pictures for the story.S: Look at the pictures.Step 4:Pre-story activity:T: Have the children look at the pictures and read dialogues on the pages and have the children talk about what they can see in each picture and what they think is happening.S: Try to talk about.T: Play the tape of the story for a few times. Have the children listen to the tape. Ask some questions.S: Listen to the tape and try to answer the questions.Step 5:Tell the story:T: Have the children look at the pictures .The teacher tells the story to the children.S: Listen and look at the picture.T: Have the children read the text by themselves.Step 6:Learn the new words:T: Have the children open their books at page4. Draw their attention to the top half of the page. Point to the picture and ask: “What can you see in the picture?”S: Open the book and answer the question.T: Model the word and have the children repeat. Use the same procedure with the other words in the picture.S: Read the words after the teacher.T: Let student read the words again.S: read the words.T: Let students listen to the tape and point the new wordsS: listen and point. Repeat after the tape.Step 7:Listen to this:T: Have the children look at the pictures at the bottom of the page. Explain that each of the pictures.S: Look at the picture.T: Play the tape and have the children match the pictures.S: Listen to the tape and match.T: Play the tape again. Have the children repeat after the tape.S: listen and repeat.Step 8:Talk together:T: Have the children open the books at page 5 and look at the picture on top of the page.S: Open the books look at the picture.T: Read the text and ask the children repeat.Step 9:Words you know:T: Point to each drawing and orally elicit the subject name and have the students write.S: Write the words.T: Check the answer by having students volunteer to write the answer on the board.S: Check the answer.Step 10:Read and find out:T: Have the children read the text and try to find the answer “Do you know what activities American children do after school?”S: Read the text and find the answer.T: Have the children read the text again more carefully and then work in pairs to check the answer.S: Read the text again work in pairs.T: Ask students to work in pairs and discuss the activities they do after school.S: Work in pairs.Step 11:Listen and match:T: Have the children open their books at page7. Have the children understand the phrases.S: Look at the pictures and read the phrases.T: Play the tape and have the children try to match.S: Listen the tape and try to match.T: Check the answer by calling out the sentences number and choosing individual students to provide the answers.S: Check the answer.Step 12:Find the antonyms:T: Have the children pay attention the words and tell them how to do this exercise.S: Look at the words and try to do it.T: Check the answer. Have the children read these words.S: Read these words loudly.T: Have the children make some sentences use these words.S: Write the sentences.Step 13:T: Ask a question “Whats your favorite subject” have the children answer the question.S: Try to answer the question.T: Ask another question “Why do you like it?” Have the children answer the question.S: Try to answer the question and review the words.Step 14:Focus the grammar:T: Tell the students how to use the grammar and have them do some exercise.S: Try to understand and do them.T: Have the children check the answer with the partner.S: Talk about the answer.T: Ask some students speak out their answers and check them.S: Check the answer correctly.T: Have the children read them loudly.S: Read the sentences.Step 15:Read and answer:T: Have the children look at the picture and ask them “What are they?”S: Try to answer the question in Chinese.T: Ask another question “Where can you see pyramids?”S: Read the text and try to find the answer.T: Have the children read the text again and do the exercise.S: Read the story and do exercise.T: Check the answer then ask some students answer the question.S: Check the answer.T: Have the children read the text again and find some words that they dont understand.S: Read again and find them.T: Explain these words.Step 16:Complete the dialog:T: Tell the children they will complete the dialog use the correct form.S: Try to complete the dialog.T: Check the answer and have the children do a pair work.Step 17:Perfect your pronunciation:T: Tell the students they will listen the words and find the different one. Play the tape and have the children do the exercise.S: Listen to the tape and try to do exercise.T: Play the tape again and have the children cross the word that is different.S: Listen and do them.T: Have the children check the answer in pairs.S: Check the answer.T: Play the tape again and have the children repeat.S: Repeat the words.Step 18:Chant and sing:T: Play the tape and have the children just listen to the song.S: Just listen.T: Play the tape again and have the children try to sing it.S: Try to sing. (two times)Step 19:BINGO Kids quiz:T: Have the children read them and try to choose the correct answer.S: Read them and try to do them.T: Check the correct answer.Step 20:Do some exercise:T: Play the tape and have the children try to complete the blanks.S: Listen and try to do them.T: Play the tape again and have the children check the answer.S: Listen again and check the answer.“师”之概念,大体是从先秦时期的“师长、师傅、先生”而来。其中“师傅”更早则意指春秋时国君的老师。说文解字中有注曰:“师教人以道者之称也”。“师”之含义,现在泛指从事教育工作或是传授知识技术也或是某方面有特长值得学习者。“老师”的原意并非由“老”而形容“师”。“老”在旧语义中也是一种尊称,隐喻年长且学识渊博者。“老”“师”连用最初见于史记,有“荀卿最为老师”之说法。慢慢“老师”之说也不再有年龄的限制,老少皆可适用。只是司马迁笔下的“老师”当然不是今日意义上的“教师”,其只是“老”和“师”的复合构词,所表达的含义多指对知识渊博者的一种尊称,虽能从其身上学以“道”,但其不一定是知识的传播者。今天看来,“教师”的必要条件不光是拥有知识,更重于传播知识。T: Have some students speak out their answers and have the children correct the answer.要练说,得练听。听是说的前提,听得准确,才有条件正确模仿,才能不断地掌握高一级水平的语言。我在教学中,注意听说结合,训练幼儿听的能力,课堂上,我特别重视教师的语言,我对幼儿说话,注意声音清楚,高低起伏,抑扬有致,富有吸引力,这样能引起幼儿的注意。当我发现有的幼儿不专心听别人发言时,就随时表扬那些静听的幼儿,或是让他重复别人说过的内容,抓住教育时机,要求他们专心听,用心记。平时我还通过各种趣味活动,培养幼儿边听边记,边听边想,边听边说的能力,如听词对词,听词句说意思,听句子辩正误,听故事讲述故事,听谜语猜谜底,听智力故事,动脑筋,出主意,听儿歌上句,接儿歌下句等,这样幼儿学得生动活泼,轻松愉快,既训练了听的能力,


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