



Unit1 Topic3 SectionD 教学设计. Material analysis本节课是一节复习课,主要活动是grammar, functions 和1部分的短文。Grammar引导学生总结指示代词this/that/these/those的区别和用法。Functions指引学生总结Sections AC所学的询问年龄、班级、年级以及识别物体和表示感谢的表达法。另外,还将复习介绍他人基本信息的表达法。最后,通过Project的活动要求学生运用所学知识与同伴交流个人基本信息,并能对所了解的信息进行记录。II. Teaching aims Knowledge aims 引导学生掌握并应用本话题所学习的黑体词汇并能正确朗读白体词并知其大意,如junior, junior high school等; 引导学生用英语熟练表达询问有关年龄、年级和班级等个人信息、辨认物体、感谢和回谢的方式:How old are you? How old is she? What class are you in? Im in Class four, Grade Seven. What grade are you in? Whos that? Whats this in English? Whats that in English? Its a/ an Is this /that a/an ?Thats OK. Youre welcome. What are these? What are those? They are Are these/those ? Yes, they are. No, they arent. 引导学生正确运用特殊疑问词what, where, who引导的特殊疑问句。 Skill aims 能听懂有关询问年龄、年级和班级等个人信息、辨认物体、感谢和回谢的简单句对话或叙述; 能运用图文就表示询问有关年龄和班级个人信息、辨认物体、感谢和回谢的基本情况的话题进行简单的交流; 能正确地朗读对话,并能注意语音语调; 能写出自己或他人的基本情况,如姓名、年龄、年级、班级、电话号码等。 Emotional aims 使学生积极合作,参与课堂活动,大胆实践,培养友好互助的精神; 使学生乐于接触并了解异国文化。. The key points and difficult points引导学生正确使用表示询问有关年龄和班级等个人信息、辨认物体、感谢和回谢等的表达方法。. Learning strategies 运用表格能帮助学生分析、理解和掌握教学内容。. Teaching aids 录音机、教学挂图、闪卡和黑板。. Teaching proceduresStepInteraction patternsStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction(6minutes)1. The whole class work.2.The whole classwork, pair work and individual work.1.Students answer, “Hi! Good morning. Nice to meet you, too.”2.Do Grammar. Answer the question, “Its a book.” together;Students answer the question, “Thats an eraser.”;Students answer the question, “They are pens.”;Some students ask and answer in pairs using the objects on the desk;Do Grammar by themselves. Then check the answers in Grammar.1.The teacher greets with students “Hello! Good morning. Nice to meet you.”2.Show a book and ask, “Whats this in English?” Let students answer the question;Point to an eraser on the desk and ask, “Whats that in English?” Let students answer the question;Show some pens to students and ask, “What are these?”;Show some objects on the desk, then let some students come to the blackboard and ask and answer in pairs; Let students do Grammar by themselves.Presentation(13minutes)1.The whole class work and individual work.2.Pair work and the whole class work.1.Do 1. Listen to the teacher carefully and try to get the main idea of the passage; Then read the passage by themselves;One student come to the blackboard and fill in the table, while others do it in their books; Students read the passage and try to check the answers in the table.2.Do Functions. Answer the questions in pairs; Look at the blackboard and follow the teacher to review the key sentences.1.Show a picture of a student and introduce him to the whole class using the sentences: “He is my good friend. He is He is from China. He is twelve years old. He is in Class Four, Grade Seven. His telephone number is ”(老师解释:friend 意为朋友);Then give students 2 minutes to read the passage in 1 carefully;Draw a table, and let one student fill in the table; Then let students read the passage again and try to check the answers in the table;At last, show the answers to the whole class.单靠“死”记还不行,还得“活”用,姑且称之为“先死后活”吧。让学生把一周看到或听到的新鲜事记下来,摒弃那些假话套话空话,写出自己的真情实感,篇幅可长可短,并要求运用积累的成语、名言警句等,定期检查点评,选择优秀篇目在班里朗读或展出。这样,即巩固了所学的材料,又锻炼了学生的写作能力,同时还培养了学生的观察能力、思维能力等等,达到“一石多鸟”的效果。2.Let students look at the blackboard and ask the questions according to the table in pairs; Write down the key sentences on the blackboard, then review the key sentences together.Consolidation(10minutes)1.Group workand pair work.1.One student interviews other three students in groups and make a table about the information; Then students ask and answer in pairs; Three pairs show their dialogues to the whole class.1.Give students two minutes to interview three students: Where is he/she from? How old is he/her? What class is he/she in? Whats his/her telephone number? Then make a table about the information; Then let students ask and answer in pairs with the information;After that, choose three pairs to show the short dialogues to the whole class.Practice(11minutes)1.Individual workand the whole class work.1.Do 2. Make a short passage about themselves;One student comes to the blackboard and writes the passage on the blackboard;Look at the blackboard carefully; Then check their own passages;Look at the name card and fill in the blanks by themselves;One student checks the answers; Listen to the teacher carefully.1.Let students look at their own information, then make a short passage about himself/herself; Choose one student to come to the blackboard and write the passage on the blackboard; Check the passage on the blackboard and point out the mistakes;Give students 1 minute to look at the name card in 2 and try to fill in the blanks;Choose one student to check the answers;Then let students pay attention to the use of capital letters.家庭是幼儿语言活动的重要环境,为了与家长配合做好幼儿阅读训练工作,孩子一入园就召开家长会,给家长提出早期抓好幼儿阅读的要求。我把幼儿在园里的阅读活动及阅读情况及时传递给家长,要求孩子回家向家长朗诵儿歌,表演故事。我和家长共同配合,一道训练,幼儿的阅读能力提高很快。Production(5minutes)观察内容的选择,我本着先静后动,由近及远的原则,有目的、有计划的先安排与幼儿生活接近的,能理解的观察内容。随机观察也是不可少的,是相当有趣的,如蜻蜓、蚯蚓、毛毛虫等,孩子一边观察,一边提问,兴趣很浓。我提供的观察对象,注意形象逼真,色彩鲜明,大小适中,引导幼儿多角度多层面地进行观察,保证每个幼儿看得到,看得清。看得清才能说得正确。在观察过程中指导。我注意帮助幼儿学习正确的观察方法,即按顺序观察和抓住事物的不同特征重点观察,观察与说话相结合,在观察中积累词汇,理解词汇,如一次我抓住时机,引导幼儿观察雷雨,雷雨前天空急剧变化,乌云密布,我问幼儿乌云是什么样子的,有的孩子说:乌云像大海的波浪。有的孩子说“乌云跑得飞快。”我加以肯定说“这是乌云滚滚。”当幼儿看到闪电时,我告诉他“这叫电光闪闪。”接着幼儿听到雷声惊叫起来,我抓住时机说:“这就是雷声隆隆。”一会儿下起了大雨,我问:“雨下得怎样?”幼儿说大极了,我就舀一盆水往下一倒,作比较观察,让幼儿掌握“倾盆大雨”这个词。雨后,我又带幼儿观察晴朗的天空,朗诵自编的一首儿歌:“蓝天高,白云飘,鸟儿飞,树儿摇,太阳公公咪咪笑。”这样抓住特征见景生情,幼儿不仅印象深刻,对雷雨前后气象变化的词语学得快,记得牢,而且会应用。我还在观察的基础上,引导幼儿联想,让他们与以往学的词语、生活经验联系起来,在发展想象力中发展语言。如啄木鸟的嘴是长长的,尖尖的,硬硬的,像医生用的手术刀样,给大树开刀治病。通过联想,幼儿能够生动形象地描述观察对象。1.Pair work and group work.要练说,得练听。听是说的前提,听得准确,才有条件正确模仿,才能不断地掌握高一级水平的语言。我在教学中,注意听说结合,训练幼儿听的能力,课堂上,我特别重视教师的语言,我对幼儿说话,注意声音清楚,高低起伏,抑扬有致,富有吸引力,这样能引起幼儿的注意。当我发现有的幼儿不专心听别人发言时,就随时表扬那些静听的幼儿,或是让他重复别人说过的内容,抓住教育时机,要求他们专心听,用心记。平时我还通过各种趣味活动,培养幼儿边听边记,边听边想,边听边说的能力,如听词对词,听词句说意思,听句子辩正误,听故事讲述故事,听谜语猜谜底,听智力故事,动脑筋,出主意,听儿歌上句,接儿歌下句等,这样幼儿学得生动活泼,轻松愉快,既训练了听的能力,强化了记忆,又发展了思维,为说打下了基础。1.Do Project. Students do it by themselves.How old are you?Whats your telephone number?Whats your name?Where are you from?What class are you in?;One student from every group shows the result.1.Give students three minutes to ask his/her partner five questions that they have learnt freely;


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