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课下能力提升(二十三).根据提示写出单词的正确形式1More and more people advocate (主张) the environmental protection concept of lowcarbon.2The_monument (纪念碑) is in honour of a scientist.3Its a pity if we cannot compromise (折中) on it.4Women are only asking to be given equal status (法律地位) with men.5The company is planning to enlarge (扩大) its production scale.6The best way to deal with an impolite person is to ignore (ignorance) him.7Under your guidance (guide), they will improve a lot.8Wash your hands thoroughly (thorough) with hot soapy water before handling any food.9The teacher was angry with your_absence (absent)10The speaker said that he was feeling highly honoured (honour) as one of the guests invited to the press conference.选词填空go through, remind sb. of sth., at the mercy of, in return, be honoured for, in the absence of, consist of, be ignorant of1I dont want to be at_the_mercy_of him because I want to have my own life.2I forgot the name of his company. Can you_remind_me of it?3Can I invite you for dinner_in_return for your help?4Just let it go. He is going_through a very difficult time.5Our professor is_honoured_for his knowledge and kindness, so we all respect him very much.6In_the_absence_of firm evidence, the prisoner was set free.7The accident happened because he was_ignorant_of the safety measures.8The team consists_of ten students who share the same interest.完成句子1他们比赛获胜的消息很快传遍了整个学校。The news that_they_had_won_the_game_soon spread over the whole school.2我口袋里碰巧有点钱。There_happened_to_be some money in my pocket.3这些照片使我们想起了在校园里一起度过的那些快乐的时光。The photos reminded_us_of the happy days which we spent together on the campus.4我们庆祝母亲节是对母亲表示感谢和敬意。We celebrate Mothers Day in_honour_of_our mothers.5我们应该对罪犯严厉打击,毫不留情。We should be tough with criminals and dont have_mercy_on them.完形填空One afternoon I touredanartmuseumwhilewaitingformyhusbandtofinishabusinessmeeting. I was looking forward to a quiet _1_ of the splendid artwork.A young _2_ viewing the paintings ahead of me _3_ nonstop between themselves. I watchedthemamoment and decided the lady was doing all the talking. I admired the mans _4_ for putting up with her _5_ stream of words. _6_ by their noise, I moved on.I met them several times as I moved _7_ the various rooms of art. Each time I heardhercontinuous flow of words, I moved away _8_.I was standing at the counter of the museum gift shop _9_ when the couple approached the _10_. Before they left, the man _11_ into his pocket and pulled out a white object. He _12_ it into a long stick and then _13_ his way into the coatroom to get his wifes jacket.“Hes a _14_ man,” the clerk at the counter said. “Most of us would give up if we were blinded at such a young age. During his recovery, he made a promise his life would go on as it was. So, as before, he and his wife come in _15_ there is a new art show.”“But what does he get out of the art?” I asked. “He cant see.”“Cant see! Youre _16_. He sees a lot. More than you and I do.” the clerk said. “His wife _17_ each painting so he can see it in his head.”I learned something about patience, _18_ and love that day. I saw the patience of a young wife describing paintings to a person without _19_ and the courage of a husband who would not allow blindness to _20_ his life. And I sawthelovesharedbytwopeopleasI watched this couple walk away arm in arm.1A.viewBtouchCwander Dstare解析:选Aview“观看”;touch“触摸”;wander“漫步;闲逛”;stare“凝视”。在美术博物馆肯定是欣赏这些艺术品,所以答案选A。2A.lady BcoupleCman Dclerk解析:选B根据下文中的them一词可推断是两个人,所以答案选B。3A.discussed BarguedCscreamed Dchatted解析:选Ddiscuss“讨论”;argue“争论”;scream“尖叫”;chat“聊天”。根据语境可知答案选D。4A.attempt BindependenceCpatience Dwisdom解析:选C根据下文put up with “忍受”可知此处是说“我”佩服的是这位先生的耐心。所以答案选C。5A.constant BvividCcasual Dtemporary解析:选A根据上文nonstop可知此处填constant,意为“不停的”。6A.Adopted BAttractedCDisturbed DGuided解析:选C因为他们在艺术博物馆里不断地聊天说话,所以是“我”受到了打扰。所以答案选C。7A.from BtoCtowards Dthrough解析:选Dmove through意为“穿梭”。此处指穿梭在各个美术室之间。所以答案选D。8A.anxiously BquicklyCurgently Dsensibly解析:选B根据语境可知作者受到打扰,所以一听到他们聊天就赶快离开,所以答案选B。9A.commenting BbargainingCmeasuring Dglancing解析:选B根据前文“the museum gift shop”可推断在商店应该是讨价还价。所以答案选B。10A.exit BentranceCfront Dlift解析:选A根据下文“Before they left”可推断他们要离开,所以来到出口。答案选A。11A.slid BreachedCheld Dbent解析:选Bslide“滑行”;reach“到达”,reach into ones pocket意为“伸进某人的口袋里”;hold“握住;抓住”;bend“弯曲”。此处是说他把手伸进口袋,拿出了一个东西。所以答案选B。12A.unfolded BmadeCbrought Dstrengthened解析:选A在口袋里放着的东西应该是折叠好的,拿出来后就展开,所以答案选A,意为“展开;打开;推开”。13A.led BfoundCfelt Dforced解析:选Cfeel ones way意为“摸索前进”。所以答案选C。14A.generous BroughCsmart Dbrave解析:选D根据最后一段“the courage of a husband .”,可知这是一个勇敢的人。generous“慷慨的,大方的”;rough“粗野的”;smart“聪明的”。所以答案选D。15A.wherever BwhateverCwhenever Dwhichever解析:选C根据语境可知是指每次有新的画展他们都会来。所以答案选C。16A.upset BsillyCequal Dwrong解析:选D根据前后语境可知是说作者错了,所以答案选D。17A.decorates BdrawsCshares Ddescribes解析:选D因为他看不见,妻子会为他描述每幅画。decorate“装饰”;draw“画画”;share“分享”。所以答案选D。18A.kindness BprideCcourage Denthusiasm解析:选C根据下文可知从这个故事中学到的是妻子对丈夫的耐心和爱心以及丈夫永不放弃的勇气。所以答案选C。19A.sight BsupportCexpectation Dconfidence解析:选A根据上文的blinded可知近义词是without sight,所以答案选A。20A.convey BchangeCappeal Devaluate解析:选Bconvey“传达,传递”;change“改变”;appeal“呼吁;请求”;evaluate“评价;评估”。根据语境选B。.阅读理解AWhats On?Print Your VoiceWe all know what our voice sounds like but what does it look like? How can the science of our voice be turned into art? Join us at the Print Your Voice workshop where your voice will be turned into personalized jewellery (首饰)Step into a special room to explore the soundwaves of your voice and create an individualized recording, saying whatever you like.Each visitor will then turn a blank silver pendant (饰坠) into a unique piece of art with the soundwaves of your recording.Suitable for ages 15.Date: Sunday 13 August, 10:00 am1:00 pm & 2:00 pm5:00 pm.Address: Powerhouse Museum, Harris Street, UltimoTickets: Adults: $50, Teens (ages 1517):$45Tel: 92170222Making Your FutureDiscover Western Sydney Universitys Maker Space and work through a 3D project in this handson workshop.See how 3D printing works and create your future just with the technology! Suitable for ages 16 and over.Date:Thursday 17 August, 2:30 pm6:00 pm.Address: Maker Space, Building Z, Western Sydney UniversityTickets: Free with bookingTel: 47360389Learn to Code (编码) with RoboticsRobots have become our close friends.In this workshop youll learn to write computer programs with them as you mix playing with learning.You will have the opportunity to use their creative minds to program basic robotic behaviors.Suitable for ages 13 and over.Date: Saturday 19 August, 10:00 am1:00 pm.Address: Canva Offices, 2 Lacey St, Surry HillsTickets: $15Tel: 21791713Science of CakeJoin scientist Subha Nasir Ahmad in a chat about some of the science of baking and see a cakedecorating show using techniques drawn from science.Pick up tips and tricks to improve your baking game as you observe an expert in action make a Sunny Bakehouse Cake.Suitable for ages 16.Date: Saturday 19 August, 9:00 am12:00 pm.Address: Thrive 360, 706/2 Huntley St, AlexandriaTickets: $50Tel: 338923911What can you get if you visit Powerhouse Museum on 13 August?AA small lovely robot.BA 3D printed recording.CA Sunny Bakehouse Cake.DA piece of personalized jewellery.解析:选D细节理解题。由Print Your Voice部分的“where your voice will be turned into personalized jewellery”和“Address: Powerhouse Museum”可知,8月13日到Powerhouse Museum参加活动的访客均可得到一份个性化的首饰。2What can visitors do when they attend Making Your Future?APlay with robots.BHave a free lunch.CExperience 3D printing.DMeet Subha Nasir Ahmad.解析:选C细节理解题。由Making Your Future部分的“work through a 3D project .See how 3D printing works”可知,参与该活动的人可以体验3D打印技术。3What number could you call if youre interested in computer programming?A92170222. B47360389.C21791713. D33892391.解析:选C细节理解题。由Learn to Code with Robotics部分的“youll learn to write computer programs”和“Tel:21791713”可知,如果你对电脑编程感兴趣,可以拨打此电话。4What do the four activities have in common?AAll are teenagerstargeted.BAll are sciencerelated.CAll charge for admission.DAll take place on the weekend.解析:选B推理判断题。由这四个活动内容介绍中的关键信息“the science of our voice”, “create your future just with the technology”, “Code with Robotics”和“the science of baking .using techniques drawn from science”可知,这四个活动都与科学有关。BAmong the seven wonders of the ancient architectural (建筑方面的) world, the pyramids in Egypt are the only ones still standing.For 1,000 years, they were the tallest buildings in the world. Built with prehistoric technology, they were an architectural mystery, as strange as the Sphinx (狮身人面像)No one really knows how they were built. The first historical record, by the Greek writer Heroditus, came 2,000 years later. Without hard facts, there have been many theories.Hollywood has mostly followed the examples from the Greek record: 100,000 slaves worked hard for 20 years. Others believe a very large slope snaked around the pyramids. An American recently put forward the theory that kites could have lifted the 2ton stones.Now Houdin, a French architect, says that after studying the pyramids for eight years, he has solved the mystery with the help of 3D computer animation (三维动画). He believes the pyramids were built from the inside out through an internal slope that goes around a central point. “This is completely new. Everyone before me thought that the pyramids were built from the outside, and only from the outside,” he said.Scholars of ancient Egypt are interested. “Its a theory which sounds reasonable. Scholars of ancient Egypt agree it ought to be tested, and it doesnt cause damage, so I wouldnt be surprised that within a year, we have the final answer,” said Bob Brier, a scholar at Long Island University.If that is the case, well know the truth about the pyramid


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