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课时训练(九)Units 910(八上)(限时:30分钟).单项填空1.I think his unusual are very helpful to him.A.experiences B.hobbyC.meaning D.pot2.2018淮安 The girl has to her grandma because her parents are working in another city.A.look at B.look intoC.look through D.look after 3.2018呼和浩特 Dad,could you please teach English?Sure! But its more important to learn it by .A.my; yourself B.my; youC.me; you D.me; yourself4.She says that shell have to close the shop business improves.A.if B.or C.unless D.because5.She a letter from her teacher and she was very happy. A.accepted B.receivedC.played D.cried6.2018葫芦岛 The pollution in the sea is terrible!I believe the sea will be cleaner we take action now.A.though B.if C.unless D.until7.Miss Li, could you give me on English learning?Certainly. First you should speak English every day.A.any advices B.any suggestionC.some advice D.some advices 8.The students cant finish the work the teachers help.A.with B.withoutC.has D.have 9.Can you go to the movies with me, Helen?. When is it?A.Sure, Id love to B.Dont worryC.Thats too bad D.No, I dont know10.Ill go to Hong Kong for a trip next weekend.Great! A.Good luck! B.Have a good time!C.Best wishes! D.Glad to see you again.2018赤峰 完形填空At the beginning of the new school year, every child was given a job.It was 11 most exciting thing for the children in class.As some jobs were more interesting than 12, the children hoped to get one of the best.Rita was a kind and quiet girl.Last year she got the best job to look after the class dog.She did it 13.This year each child got one of the normal jobs, 14 preparing the books for the lessons, cleaning the blackboard or looking after one of the pets.But to Ritas 15, her job was very different.She was given a little box 16 some sand and one ant.Although the teacher explained that this ant was very special, Rita could not 17 feeling disappointed.“I will turn this little task into something great,” Rita said to 18.She started to study everything about the little ant, gave it the best food and made the box perfect.In the end the ant grew much bigger.One day, the teacher said that Ritas class had been chosen 19 to the tropical(热带的) rainforest with Doctor Martinez to study all kinds of insects in summer, because the class had cared for the little ant best.The class 20 joy.Everyone thanked Rita for being so patient.And children learnt that to be given the most important tasks you have to know how to have responsibility even in what seems the smallest tasks.11.A.a B.an C.the D.不填12.A.other B.othersC.the other D.another13.A.perfectly B.carelesslyC.sadly D.happily14.A.next to B.look likeC.as if D.such as15.A.surprise B.surprisedC.moved D.moving16.A.throughB.without C.with D.except17.A.think B.say C.tell D.help18.A.her B.herself C.him D.himself19.A.to go B.gone C.went D.going20.A.full B.was full ofC.was filled D.fill.2018日照 任务型阅读Your schooldays should be some of the best and happiest days of your life.How can you get the most from them, and make sure you do not waste this wonderful chance to learn?Be active about school.Dont say things are difficult or boring.Be interested in school life and your school subjects.Join in lots of activities.Be quick to put your hand up.Go round the school with a big smile.Expect to work.School is not a holiday camp.If you are not working, you are not learning, and you are wasting your time at school.Teachers cannot make everything enjoyable. 22 Do not say you will do things tomorrow.Tomorrow you have other things to do.If you get behind the class, it is very difficult to get back in front.Talk about problems. Sometimes they are only the result of misunderstanding. Dont be too embarrassed to turn to others. You are young.No one thinks you can do everything!Plan your time. Dont waste life lying in bed on Saturday morning.Go and play a sport, learn the piano, work on a project, read a book, practice English, or help someone with problems.There are always a lot of things to do.Follow my advice, and have a happy school life!21.Whats the result if you are not working at school? 22.Fill in the blank with proper words.(最多10词) 23.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 into Chinese. 24.How will you plan your time in school after reading the passage? (至少2条) 25.Please give a proper title to the passage. .补全对话A: Lily, what would you like to do at Lindas birthday party?B: Id like to sing some songs.A: 26.B: English songs. 27. A: Yes, Id love to. But I cant sing English songs.B: 28. A: Id like to play the piano.B: 29. A: I can also perform ballet.B: 30. A: No, I cant. But Li Hua can. He can also perform ballet very well.B: Im sure well enjoy ourselves. .词汇运用(A)根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。31.Can you help me (组织) the summer camp?32.Ill send you all the magazines (可得到的).33.We asked him to come, but he (拒绝).34.I dont think (巧克力) is good for our health. 35.Mr. Smith is busy. He is having an important (会议) in his office. (B)用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。36.Thank you for your (invite).37.Yesterday he did a lot of (prepare) for this meeting.38.I was (surprise) to hear him say so.39.Many people took part in the (open) ceremony of the new sports center.40.The young man has (understand) parents. He is lucky. .根据汉语意思完成句子41.如果你知道这个秘密,你应该尽量保守秘密。If you know this secret, you should try to . 42.他昨晚直到10点才离开。He 10:00 last night. 43.我盼望收到你的来信。Im you. 44.昨天他在测验中犯了一些粗心的错误。He in the test yesterday. 45.“你能和我一起去看电影吗?”“恐怕不行。我得做作业。”Can you go to a movie with me? . I have to do my homework. 参考答案.1.A2.D3.D考查代词辨析。根据teach sb.sth.可知第一空填me;learn by oneself为固定搭配,意为“自学”,故第二空应填yourself。故选D。4.C5.B6.B考查连词辨析。though虽然,引导让步状语从句;if如果,引导条件状语从句;是否,引导宾语从句;unless除非;如果不,引导条件状语从句;until直到为止,引导时间状语从句。根据前后句意可知此处表条件,可排除A、D项;后一句是前一句的条件且表示顺承关系,可排除C项。故选B。7.Cadvice是不可数名词;suggestion是可数名词;在表示征求对方建议并希望得到肯定回答的疑问句中,用some,不用any。故选C。8.B9.A根据“When is it?”可知是“乐意去”。故选A。10.B.主旨大意 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述的是新学年伊始,班里的每个孩子都领到了一份工作。去年做得非常优秀的Rita今年的任务是照顾一只蚂蚁。尽管她内心不太情愿,但她仍然把蚂蚁呵护得非常完美。因此她班里的同学可以去热带雨林游玩。文章告诉我们:不要轻视生活中的小事,如果你能把小事做得非常出色,或许会收到意想不到的效果。11.C考查冠词的用法。形容词的最高级most exciting意为“最令人兴奋的”,其前要用定冠词the。故选C。12.B考查不定代词辨析。other用作形容词,意为“其他的”,其后常跟名词;others用作代词,意为“其他”;the other表示“两者当中的另一个”;another意为“三者或三者以上中的另一个”。固定用法:someothers意为“一些其他”。故选B。13.A14.D考查固定短语的用法。根据后面所列举的各种工作可知选D。15.A考查固定搭配。to ones surprise意为“令某人吃惊的是”。故选A。16.C17.D考查固定搭配。cant help doing sth.意为“忍不住做某事”。故选D。18.B考查代词辨


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