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中考英语押题卷(四)(时间60分钟 满分100分)班级_ 姓名_ 分数_ 一、单项填空(共15小题,计30分)选择最佳答案。1.Mike is such _friendly boy. He gets along well with his classmates.A. a B. an C. the D./2. Dont_ the waste paper. We can collect and recycle it.You re right. Everyone should be a greener person.A. blow away B. put away C. throw away D.take away3. I know Old Joe lives _.We are supposed visit him from time to time. Then he wont feel _.A. alone, alone B. lonely, lonely C. lonely, alone D. alone, lonely4.My father has made a _ that he will buy a camera for me.A. suggestion B.secret C.problem D.decision5. Xiao Ming, youll be late for school_you hurry up. A. after B. though C. unless D.if6. Calligraphy(书法) is a traditional Chinese art. More and more kids are becoming_in itA.interest B.interested C.interesting D.interests 7. Neither he nor I was playing computer games at this time yesterday. We _trees in the neighborhood.A. were planting B. plantedC. are planting D.plant8. The TV play Journey to the West is _ interesting _I would like to watch it again.A. such; that B. too; to C. so; that D.enough; to9. When l was on my way home, it suddenly started to rain_.A. heavily B.quickly C.hardly D.hard10. Do you know the Color Run, a five-kilometer race?Yes. So far it_into quite a few cities in our country.A. comes B. came C. has come D.had come11. fine weather it is! Lets go on a picnic!A.What a B.What C.How D.How a12.Dad, Ive signed for the box. Whats in it? Im not sure. It _ be a present from your uncle.A. need B. must C. mayD. will13. Can you guess _? The south. She prefers rice to noodles.A. how old she is B. what she does C. where shes from D. who she is14. Mary used to be a manager in a company, but she gave up _ job when she became a mother.A. she B. hers C. her D. herself15. Mr Jackson hasnt decided this weekend.A. where he will have a picnic B. where will he have a picnicC. where he had a picnic D. where did he have a picnic二、阅读理解(共25小题,计25分)A One day, little Roy was ill. So his mother took him to the clinic( 诊 所 ). A doctor examined him and said, “Well, boy, there is something wrong with you. Im afraid you need to get injections( 输 液 ) twice a day. Then you will feel better soon. A nurse will give you the injection later.” Roy thought it would hurt so he was afraid.His mother wanted to comfort him, “Sweetie, dont be nervous. Im here. If youre brave, Ill take you to the zoo on weekends. I promise!”“Great! Mum, I love animals!” said Roy.Just then a young nurse came and said to him with a smile, “I am going to give you the injection now, Roy. Where do you want it? Left arm or right arm?”But Roy got scared again. He thought for a while and asked, “Nobody has let me choose that before. Must I choose now?”“Yes, Roy,” the nurse replied, “Where do you want it?”“Well, ” Roy answered in a low voice, “I want it in your left arm, please.”根据文章内容,判断句子正误.正确的用“A”表示,错误的用“B”表示。16. Roys mother took him to the clinic because of his illness.17. The doctor told Roy he needed to get injections twice a day.18. Roy thought the doctor would hurt him so he was afraid.19. His mother promised to take him to the zoo on weekdays.20. Finally, the nurse gave the injection on her left arm.BNo one knows when the first kite was made. The first record of a kite was more than 2,000 years ago in China. Han Xin, the leader of an army, wanted to bring down a king. He decided to dig a tunnel (隊道)into the kings palace. He flew a kite over the wall of the palace to make sure the length (长度)of its string (线).In this way, he could determine how long the tunnel should be.His men in the tunnel took the kite string with them. When they reached the end of the string, they knew to dig up.Kites have been flown in Japan for hundreds of years. In the 1700s, kites were flown in autumn to give thanks for a good harvest. They were also flown to send good wishes to couples who had their first son. Today in Japan, kites are often flown as part of a celebration, such as the beginning of a new year. And kite festivals are held each year in many parts of the country.Kites have been used for scientific purposes in the western world. In 1752,Benjamin Franklin tied a key to a kite and flew it in a storm to find out that lightening was a form of electricity. In the 1890s,Lawrence Hargrave invented the box kite to test ideas about flight. From 1898 until 1933,the United States Weather Bureau (气象局) used box kites to collect weather data. The Wright brothers also experimented (试验)with kites. What they learned helped them make the first airplane flight in 1903.阅读短文,选择最佳答案。21. Why did Han Xin want to dig a tunnel?A. To pull down the palace. B. To fight against the king.C. To search for the kings treasure. D. To find out the length of the kite string.22. What does the underlined word “determine” in Paragraph 1 probably mean in Chinese?A.测定 B.选择 C.了解 D.考察23. One of the purposes of flying kites in Japan is_.A. to give thanks for a good harvest in summerB. to express good wishes to the first-born daughterC. to celebrate the beginning of a new yearD. to hold kite festivals all over the country24. When did the United States Weather Bureau begin to use box kites?A. In 1752. B. In 1898. C. In 1903. D. In 1933.25. What would be the best title for the text?A. The History of Kites B. The Experiments of KitesC. The Invention of a Kite D. The First Record of a Kite C根据短文内容,从方框中选出恰当的单词或短语填空,使语意通顺完整。第一个方框供26-30小题选用,第二个方框供31-35小题选用。每个选项只能使用一次,每框有一项剩余。A.never B.If C.forget D. best E. Unless F. getA.know B.help C.why D.them E.wrong F.howEveryone loves to talk to a polite person, but sometimes it is difficult to be polite to others. 26 you want to be a polite person, the following advice might help you. Keep a smile. I dont know why we always 27 to smile in front of others. There are even people who 28 say hello to others with a smile. You wont 29 humble (卑微的) if you smile first when you meet someone. A sweet smile is the 30 way to show your kindness.Say “sorry”, “please” and “thank you”.“Sorry” , “please” and “thank you” are the most ignored (被忽略的) words. When you need someones 31 , do say “please” to him. If someone has helped you, dont forget to say “thank you”. If you have done something 32 , accept it and say “sorry”. These simple words could show 33 polite you are.Avoid arguments (避免争论)If you dont agree with others on something, youd better speak softly. Listen to others carefully and try to understand 34 . If the person that youre speaking to is getting rude, keep quiet for a few seconds. Then he will 35 that you are not interested in arguments.DAmerican and British people both speak English of courseBut sometimes it does not seem like the same languageIn fact, there are some important differences between British English and American English 36 Often, Americans dont say each word separatelyThey say several words togetherAmericans may say “I dunno” instead of “I dont know”Or they may say “Whaddya say?” instead of “What did you say?” However, the British are more careful in their speechThey usually say all the words and keep them separateSound is not only the difference between British English and American EnglishWords sometimes have different meanings too 37 Americans drive trucks, but in England people drive lorries 38 In England, if you are going to telephone your friends, you “phone them up”In America, you “give them a call”There are also some differences in grammarFor example, Americans usually use the helping verb “do” when they ask a questionThey say “Do you have a storybook?” But the British often leave out the helping verb 39 Most languages are like thisLanguages change over timeWhen people live in separate places, the languages change in different waysThis is what has happened to English 40 Many people in Canada speak French but their French is very different from the French of France根据短文内容, 从方框中选出五个句子填入文中空缺处, 使短文内容完整正确。A. English is widely used in China.B. It can also happen to other languages, such as French.C. For example, the vocabulary for cars and driving is very different.D. They say “Have you a storybook?”E. Many expressions are also different in the two countries.F. First of all, they sound very different.三、词形转换(共8小题,计8分)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 41. You should learn to make a ( decide) by yourself. 42. Did you hear anything (usual) in the next door?No, I was chatting online with friends. 43. Bad luck! My watch doesnt work wellTake it easy. It just needs (repair). 44. The librarian was at me and seemed friendly. (smile) 45. She _(study) English in the school since she left her hometown.46. It is _ (polite) to talk loudly in public places like a library. 47. Thanks for all the _ ( member) hard work! More and more people have learned how to keep kids from danger now. 48. Ann was so close to the winner, but the (two) place made her feel pretty good too. 四、短文填空(共7小题,计7分)用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词。My seventh grade English teacher was named Mr. Forest. He had dark hair and a bushy(浓密的) beard. All of the student liked him because he picked out really good stories for us 49 (read) in class. Well, we all liked him until he 50 ( return) our graded homework. When he gave back my paper, it looked like it 51 (cover) in blood. He 52 ( check) everything and made comments with a red pen .There were so many marks and comments that you couldnt even tell what I had written. Mr.Forest wanted me 53 ( fix) everything.At that time, I was sure Mr. Forest didnt understand anything about being in the seventh grade. Why was he was strict with us? It seemed unfair! when I got older. though, I realized I was getting fewer and fewer of those red marks in my homework. By the time I got to high school, I was already a pretty good writer.Now l am a teacher and l put red marks of my own on students papers. I dont understand their problems. But I do it so that my students can be the best. 54 (learn)is like building a house. If you dont have strong bricks on the bottom, the home 55 (stand) . If Mr. Forest had not been so strict with me with his red pen, I wouldnt be who I am today.五、阅读表达(共5小题,计10分)Stephen Hawking was born in England in 1942. He is one of the most well-known scientists on space and time in the world. Hawking is researching how the universe began and how it ends. He is called the King of the Universe.When he studied math and science at Oxford University, he became seriously ill, which made him unable to speak or breathe without the help of machines. Till now, he cant move or feed himself and he is helped to dress, eat and wash by a nurse. However, he has a wheelchair with a special computer, with which he can communicate with others.In spite of all these difficulties, he refused to give up his hope of living and went on to study at Cambridge University after graduating from Oxford University. In 1965, he got a Doctors Degree of philosophy(哲学). Because of his serious illness, it was difficult for him to draw diagrams or to write. So he started to think in pictures. With this new way of thinking, he is respected by people in the world. Then in 1988, he wrote his first important book, A Brief History of Time. It has been sold more than 5.5 million copies in 33 different languages. He was once invited to China to give lectures. His self-confidence and humorous conversations impressed us deeply.From Hawkings unusual experiences , we learn that nobody should lose hope, no matter how bad the situation is .As he once said, “Life is not fair, you just have to do the best you can in your own situation.”根据短文内容,回答下列问题:56.Is Hawking one of the most famous scientists in the world?_57.Why was Hawking unable to speak or breathe without the help of machines?_58.When did Hawking get a Doctors Degree of philosophy?_59.Whats the name of Hawkings first important book?_60.What can we learn from Hawkings unusual experiences? _六、书面表达(计20分)上周你班召开了


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