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图表类作文写作方法,基础写作,Basic writing,下面的柱状图(bar chart)显示了不同年龄段孩子与父母谈心的情况。 Time spent in talking with parents,根据上图信息,请以“Heart-to-Heart Talks with Parents”为题,用英语写一篇100120个词的短文。要求如下: 1. 简要描述图中信息; 2. 说明原因(如忙于学习或工作、缺少共同话题); 3. 谈谈你的看法。,Heart-to-Heart Talks with Parents,As is shown in the bar chart, children spend less time having heart-to-heart talks with their parents when they grow older. For example, while the 7-9 age group spends as many as 6 hours per week on average, the 16-18 age group spends only half the time. There are two major reasons for this: both parents and children are too busy working or studying, and there arent many topics of common interest for them to talk about. In my opinion, children should let their parents know more about what they are interested in. At the same time, parents should spend more time talking with their children and sharing opinions with them. Only in this way can they better understand each other.,根据所给图表,用5句话写一篇题为“电影与电视”的短文。 短文须包括以下要求: A. 电影观众人数呈逐年下降趋势; B. 电视观众人数越来越多(原因:方便、经济、选择范围); C. 然而还是有人喜欢看电影(原因:气氛、娱乐)。 参考词汇: decrease v. 下降 atmosphere n. 氛围 entertainment n. 娱乐 film goer/TV watcher电影/电视观众,(a): Number of TV watchers (b): Number of film goers,Number of People (in thousands),A,B,参考范文: 1 From the table, we can see that film is giving way to TV in our city. 2For example, in 1992, there were less than 10 thousand TV watchers, more than 80 thousand film goers, while in 2002, we had about 1 million TV watchers but only about 10 thousand film goers. 3The number of film goers is decreasing and that of TV watchers is increasing. 4Televisions are quite common nowadays and so more and more people turn to TV because it is convenient and cheap and watchers have a wide range of programs for them to choose from. 5At the same time, there are still some people who prefer films because they like the atmosphere in the cinema as well as the entertainment,此类题目基本不要求考生对写作内容进行发挥,主要将所给信息用个句子完整准确连贯的表达出来. 实际上就是翻译,连词成句,扩句成文主要考查同学们三方面的能力: 信息处理或整理的能力; 如信息之间能否合并为逻辑 关系或处理先后顺序等 B. 组词造句能力; 如内容和语言表达的准 确性和合适性 C. 连句成文能力; 信息内容的完整性和连贯性,基础写作的特点:,审题 列要点 依要点, 拟草纲, 组织成句. 构篇章,扩句成文. 检查润色 书写,基础写作解题步骤:,2004 2007年人民饮食习惯变化表,1) 是以表格形式,将统计的数据或被说明的事物直接用表格形式体现出来.,侧重于数据的排序。,图表类作文的形式及特点:,%,20,40,60,80,100,1995,2000,2005,State-owned,private,美国近年住房产权的变化情况,2)表示数据的大小或数量之间的差异的柱状图,侧重于数据的对比.,近年来看电影与看电视的人数变化情况。,(a): Number of TV watchers (b): Number of film goers,Number of People (in thousands),A,B,3) 表示数据变化的曲线图,侧重数据的变化过程.,A Percentage of Average Family Expense in 2000,B Percentage of Average Family Expense in2007,Housing 25%,other 57%,Housing 32%,other 46%,Food drink 22%,Food drink 18%,4) 表示总体内部结构变化的扇形图。,2000与2007年平均家庭开支情况变化表.,侧重内部结构数据的变化.,第一、 开门见山地点明本图表所反映的主题(1句) 第二、 分析描写数据间的主要差异及趋势(3句) 第三、 归纳总结或发表评论(1句),图表作文的一般结构:,前提: 结合写作内容.,1.The graph/chart/table above the above graph/chart, it can be seen that. 3. (正如) is shown in the graph, . 4. has been shown from the table that,第一步:,shows,From,As,It,图表类说明文的写作步骤,开门见山地点明本图表所反映的主题, 即conclusion.,常使用的词汇有:,(图表/数据):,table, chart, graph,figure(数据) ;,动词:,describe, tell, show, represent ,常用句型:,第二步:分析数据间的主要差异及趋势,然后描写(在描写数据间变化及总趋势特征时,可采用分类式或对比式以支持主题,并阐明必要的理由)。注意层次。 即 facts and reasons,增长/减少的表达:,表示上升的动词:,rise,increase,climb,go up , ;,表示上升的名词:,rise,increase, ;,表示下降的动词:,fall,decline,decrease,drop,go down, ;,表示下降的名词:,fall,decline,decrease,drop, ;,表示平稳:,remain steady/unchanged,常用句型:( Facts) 1.There was a great /slight increase /rise in 2.There has been a sudden/slow/rapid fall/drop in 3.The rate dropped slightly from 38%into 31% in 4. By comparison with,it decreased/increased/fell fromto 5. Statistics show a 20% rise/reduction in traffic accidents compared with last year. 6. The population owning mobile phones increased by 10% in 1999.,倍数的表达:,five times as many as,doubled,four,more,1.The number /rate has nearly _ (是的两倍), as against that of last year. 2.The number is that of.(是的5倍) =The number is times than in(比多倍),Reasons: 1. The reason is that 2. One may think of the change as a of 3. The change in largely results _ the fact that .This brings the important fact that . .is the key (因素)in . It is because of _ ,result,why/for,from,out,factor,that,常用表达: in a ,/ in short,(简而言之) / _ speaking(总的来说) 2. summary, it is important 3. From what has been discussed above, we can (得出结论)that 4. _(很明显地), if we want to, it is necessary _(毫无疑问) attention must be paid to I _(建议)the government take effective measures to _, I think(就我来看) the “golden week” should remain, for,Obviously/Apparently,draw the conclusion,In,word,generally,There is no doubt that,第三步:,suggest,Personally,归纳总结或发表评论。,2007年广东高考基础写作真题回放,上周, 我们以 “谁是你的偶像” 为题, 在2600名学生的中进行了一次调查( survey). 以下是调查数据:,根据以上数据, 写一篇短文, 包括以下内容; 调查时间, 调查问题以及调查对象 男女生在以明星为偶像方面的差异; “父母” 在男女生偶像中的排序差异; 男女声在以伟人为偶像方面的异同; 你的偶像及理由 只能使用5个句子表达全部内容; 文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称. 句子结构准确; 信息内容完整; 篇章结构连贯.,写作内容:,写作要求:,评分标准:,确定类型 2. 确定体裁 3. 确定主体时态 4. 确定主体人称,一、审题:(四确定),第三人称,一般现在时,说明文,图表型,我的偶像是, 因为.(选择其中的一种的代表),二 列要点,调查时间, 调查问题以及调查对象 2.男女生在以明星为偶像方面的差异; 3.“父母” 在男女生偶像中的排序差异; 4.男女生在以伟人为偶像方面的异同; 5.你的偶像及理由,上周, “谁是你的偶像”, 2600名学生,48%男生以体育明星为偶像, 50%女生以影视明星为偶像,“父母”在男生中排第4, 在女生中排第2.,18%男生以伟人为偶像, 18%女生以伟人为偶像.,三 依要点, 拟草纲, 组织成句.,1. 上周,我们在2600名学生中做了个关于 “谁是你的偶像” 的调查. 2. 50%女生以影视明星为偶像, 而48%男生以体育明星为偶像. 3. “父母”在女生偶像中排列第二, 而在男生偶像中却排列倒数第二. 4. 男生在选择以伟人为偶像的百分比跟女生选择的百分比一样. 5. 我的偶像是, 因为.,1. 上周,我们在2600名学生中做了个关于 “谁是你的 偶像” 的调查. 2. 50%女生以影视明星为偶像, 而48%男生以体育明星为偶像. 3. “父母”在女生偶像列表中排列第二, 而在男生偶像列表中却排列倒数第二. 4. 男生在选择以伟人为偶像的百分比跟女生选择的百分比的一样. 5. 我的偶像是, 因为,Last week, we did a survey among 2,600 students on “Who is your idol”.,50% of the girls choose film and TV stars as their idols, but 48% of the boys choose sports stars.,“Parents” is the second in the girls list, but the second from the bottom in the boys list.,The percentage of the boys who choose “great figures” is the same as the percentage of the girls.,My idol is , because .,四 构篇章,扩句成文.,Last week, we did a survey among 2,600 students on “Who is your idol”. 50% of the girls choose film and TV stars as their idols, but 48% of the boys choose sports stars. “Parents” is the second in the girls list, but the second from the bottom in the boys list. The percentage of the boys who choose “great figures” is the same as the percentage of the girls. My idol is , because .,注意: 文章的结构,句子的连贯性.,Last week, we did a survey among 2,600 students on “Who is your idol”. 50% of the girls choose film and TV stars as their idols, but 48% of the boys choose sports stars. “Parents” is the second in the girls list, but the second from the bottom in the boys list. The percentage of the boys who choose “great figures” is the same as the percentage of the girls. My idol is , because .,指文章语意的通顺和语言形式的紧密衔接并符合一定的逻辑关系。 要使文章前后衔接紧密,可采用以下方法:,1.恰当使用关联词. 2.巧妙使用意思有联系的词或语句 3.适当使用过渡性语句,文章的连贯性,1.恰当使用关联词, 如:but, when,so,if,because,so that等。,1) People have found mobile phones very convenient _they can get in touch with each other whenever and wherever they like. 2) This village used to be very small and poor _it has changed a lot since 1978 . 3) Id like to know _we are allowed to cancel our tickets booking _we can not make the tour for our personal reason.,if/ whether,if,because,but,2.巧妙使用意思有联系的词或语句 如:First, Second, Third, Soon, most excitingly, Whats more, whats worse, As a result等。,All the school-age children can study here._, they enjoy free education in it. The birds dodo were killed for food on a large number. _, they died out at last. Eating sugar is bad for our teeth. _, it may make us fat.,As a result,Whats worse,Whats more,3.适当使用过渡性语句 如:The reasons are as follows. Every coin has two sides. All roads lead to Rome. As the result/survey shows. We can draw an conclusion.等,Now in the country areas, there are many children out of school. _. First,most families are too poor to send their children to school . Second, some parents think there is no need for their daughters to go to school. Third, ,The reasons are as follows,Television is not only a convenient source of entertainment, but also a comparatively cheap one. But_, television also has disadvantages, such as its effects on young people.,every coin has two sides,3.适当使用过渡性语句 如:The reasons are as follows. Every coin has two sides. All roads lea to Rome. As the result/survey shows. We can draw an conclusion.等,四 构篇章,扩句成文.,Last week, we did a survey among 2,600 students on “Who is your idol”. _50% of the girls choose film and TV stars as their idols, but 48% of the boys choose sports stars. _ “Parents” is the second in the girls list, but the second from the bottom in the boys list. _the percentage of the boys who choose “great figures” is the same as the percentage of the girls. _My idol is , because .,The result shows that,Furthermore,However,As for myself,五 检查润色,Last week, we did a survey among 2,600 students on “Who is your idol”. _50% of the girls choose film and TV stars as their idols, but 48% of the boys choose sports stars. _ “parents” is the second in the girls list, but the second from the bottom in the boys list. _the percentage of the boys who choose “great figures” is the same as the percentage of the girls. _my idol is , because .,prefer/ favor,The result shows that,Whats more,while,However,As for myself,that,Last week, we did a survey among 2,600 students on “Who is your idol”. The result shows that 50% of the girls choose film and TV stars as their idols, while 48% of the boys favor sports stars. Whats more, “parents” is the second in the girls list, but the second from the bottom in the boys list. However, the percentage of the boys who choose “great figures” is the same as that of the girls. As for myself, my idol is , because .,六 书写,Last week, we did a survey among 2,600 students on “Who is your idol”. The survey shows that 50% of the girls choose film and TV stars as their idols, while 48% of the boys favor sports stars. As the data shows, “parents” ranks the second for the girls, but the fourth for the bys. However, the percentage of the boys choosing “great figures” is the same as that of the girls. As for myself, My idol is Thomas Edison, because his inventions has greatly changed our life.,Possible version:,基础写作 星期一, 我们开了个班会讨论 “上大学是高中生唯一的出路吗?” 以下图表是讨论结果.,Percentage,实战演练,Is it the only way out to go to college?,写作内容:,写作要求:,评分标准:,只能使用5个句子表达全部内容; 文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称. 句子结构准确; 信息内容完整; 篇章结构连贯.,根据以上图表数据, 写一篇短文, 包括以下内容; 1. 增长知识,提高素养(quality), 利于择业 2. 成功的路不只一条. 3. 学费(tuition)高,就业难. 4. 你的观点及原因.,确定类型 2. 确定体裁 3. 确定主体时态 4. 确定主体人称,一、审题:(四确定),第一人称/第三人称,一般现在时,说明文,图表型,二 列要点,讨论时间,讨论问题以及讨论地点. 星期一, 上大学是否是高中生唯一的出路, 班会课上. 2. 增长知识,提高素养(qualities), 利于择业 60%的同学认为要上大学, 3. 成功的路不只一条. 30%的同学认为上不上大学无所谓, 4. 学费(tuition)高, 就业难. 10%的同学不上大学, 5. 你的观点及原因. 就我来说, 因为,三 依要点, 拟草纲, 组织成句.,四 构篇章,扩句成文. 五 检查润色 六 书写,星期一我们在班会课上就 “上大学是不是高中生唯一的出路” 展开了讨论. 2.60%的同学认为高中生毕业后应上大学, 因为上大学不仅可以增长我们的知识, 提高我们的素养, 还有利于我们选择职业. 3.30%的同学认为, 成功的路不只一条, 我们不一定要上大学. 4.10%的同学认为, 大学学费高, 毕业后就业难度大, 不想要上大学. 5.在我看来, ,三 依要点, 拟草纲, 组织成句.,We had a discussion on “is it the only way out for senior students to go to college?” at our class meeting on Monday.,There are 30% of the students think that “All roads lead to Rome”, and think it is not important whether they go to college or not.,10% students think that they dont go to college for its high tuition and the difficulty of finding jobs after graduated.,60% of us consider it very necessary to go to college because it can help us to improve our knowledge as well as our quality, which will be an advantage to find a good job.,On Monday, we had a discussion about whether it is the only way out for senior students to go to college at the class meeting. 60% of us consider it very necessary to go to college because it can help us to improve our knowledge as well as our quality, which will be an advantage to find a good job. 30% of the students hold the view of “all roads lead to Rome”, thinking it doesnt make any difference whether they will go to college or not. However, the others confirm they dont go to college for its high tuition and it is hard for college graduates to find jobs. In my opinion, we can receive a better education at college so that we can make greater contributions in the future.,现在越来越多的人们开始意识到受到好的教育是很重要的.,Now people in growing numbers are beginning to realize that,Now people in growing numbers are beginning to realize that its important to be well educated.,2) With the rapid growth of, have become increasingly important in our daily life.,With the rapid growth of intelligence technology, computer has become increasingly important in our daily life.,3)One of the hottest topics many people talk about now is,One of the hottest topics many people talk about now is the 2008 Olympic Games to be held in Beijing.,2) 随着信息技术的快速发展, 电脑在我们日常生活中已经变得越来越重要了.,3) 现在人们热烈讨论的话题之一是将在北京举行的2008年奥运.,4) 至于说到我,我赞成前一种观点。所以,我的结论是,只要我们坚持正确的东西,改正错误的东西,我们就一定能成功。 As far as Im concerned


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