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,The Difference between Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine -第六组,李时珍和白求恩,MAIN CONTENT,Introduction of Chinese medicine and Western medicine,Integration of traditional and western medicine,Part one: Introduction of Chinese medicine and Western medicine,Introduction of Western medicine,Based on the physiology, pathology(病理)and microbiology(微生物) to conduct experimental research.,one,Two,Use of modern scientific findings and advanced technology for a microscopic(微观的) investigation.,Three .Pinpoint the causes of diseases, pathological change and severity of diseases,Introduction of Chinese medicine,1: Based on the tradition ideology of Unity of heaven and mankind(天人合一), such as Yin &Yang(阴阳), Five Xing(五行), Organs & Systems(脏腑), Six “pulses”(六经) and so on .,2: Used to apply “Four Diagnosis” (四诊), “Eight Principles“(八纲), based on mainly experience.,3: Clinical Observation(临床观察) of negative and positive dynamic of the body, classify the disease into a whole body or regional diseases,Part two: The explanation of the pathological,Pathological interpretation of Western Medicine,Pathogenesis (发病学),Genetic disease,Microbial (微生物)infection,Explaining pathological phenomena in Chinese medicine,Overusing body resulting in ill,Evil Wonding(邪气致病),Changes in yin and yang,Part three: Diagnostic Method,Diagnostic Method of CM,LOOK(望) SMELL(闻) ASK(问) PALPATE(切),Diagnostic Method of WM,Physical methods: CT (Computerized Tomography)、MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) Chemical methods: Laboratory examination、 blood test,Comparison of diagnostic methods,Respective advantages,PRECISE (WM),SIMPLE (CM),手太 阴肺经,手少 阴心经,手太阳 小肠经,足少 阴肾经,手阳明 大肠经,足阳 明胃经,足太 阴脾经,足太阳 膀胱经,手厥阴 心包经,足厥 阴肝经,足少 阳胆经,手少 三焦经,Part four: Treatment way,一、Pharmacotherapy(药物疗法): through the oral administration medicine, to adjust masculine and feminine elements of organism .,Chinese Medicine,“覆盆子 ”,二、Acupuncture (针灸)。 Stimulating the human body vein with the needle(针), to adjust vitality(气血), the channels and collaterals(经络) and the internal organs function.,三、Massaging (推拿)。 Through serves with each technique in human body , or coordinates certain specific body activity, to prevent and control illness., Internal Medicine,Western Medicine,pill,injection,surgery or surgical operation,Vaccination(疫苗疗法) Physiotherapy(物理疗法) Nutritional therapy(营养疗法) Exercise therapy(体育疗法),Treatment way,Before illness,Entirety,Drug,After illness,Part,Surgery,Part five: integration(结合) of traditional and western medicine,one new way understanding medicine by Unifying the traditional Chinese medicine 、Chinese medicine knowledge and the method with the western medicine 、western medicine knowledge and the method.,definition,Advantage,The traditional Chinese medicine is treats the symptoms and the causes, but the curative effect is slow relatively. the western medicine curative effect is quick, but mostly isnt a permanent cure, Moreover the side effect cant be ignored. the union of Chinese and West , may treat the symptoms and the causes, and the curative effect is also quick.,Derivative topic,Beauty and health,Derivative topic,skin structures,-角质层 stratum corneum -透明层 stratum lucidum -颗粒层 stratum granulosum -有棘层 spinous layer , -基底层 stratum basales,kind of skin,neutral skin dry skin oily skin mixed skin Skin problem solving,Suncare,SPF PA,防晒:植物提取,物理性防晒,保护皮肤不被紫外线晒黑,晒伤,有效防御UVA,UVB。清爽不油腻。,SPF和PA(防晒系数) SPF是指对UVB的防护效果。 SPF防晒系数是指对UVB的防御指数。 SPF系数正常皮肤晒红时间=防晒时间,即平常晒太阳20分钟,皮肤会发红者,擦SPF15的产品,可将发红时间延缓至300分钟。 PA指的是对UVA的防护效果。PA+表示延缓皮肤晒黑时间2-4倍;PA+延缓4-8倍;PA+延缓8倍以上,SPF值应用:,(15分钟) 8-12:一般肤色的; 15-25:肤色白皙的; 15以下:上班族; 30以上:野外游玩或游泳的,但游泳的最好用防水型的,平时则尽量少用因为此类型多为油包水乳化型,涂在脸上有种不透气的油腻感,使皮肤呼吸不畅。 晒后修护: 冷敷清洁不要化妆不要剥皮补水及维生素C重度要到医院诊治,health cultivation(养生),Yin-Yang,Healthy is due to an internal balance of yin and yang. Food are the best one to restore the harmony of yin and yang .,The Five Elements,Human beings ,both physically and mentally,are connected with nature.,点击添加标题,Correspondence between Nature and Human Body,The green food,点击添加标题,Green bean,Green tea,The green food,点击添加标题,kiwi fruit,Green vegetables,The red food,点击添加标题,Red bean,apples,The red food,点击添加标题,Chinese Dates(红枣),strawberry,The red food,点击添加标题,haw apple(山楂),Carrot(胡萝卜),The yellow food,点击添加标题,soybean,Pumpkin(南瓜),The yellow food,点击


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