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,What color is it?,blue,red,brown,black,orange,green,white,yellow,purple,What color is it? Its,black and white,V,S,Y,W,Z,U,X,T,1b,Whats that?,Its black.,Its V.,Its red.,What color is it?,Whats this.,What color is it?,Its Z.,Whats this? (这是什么?) Whats that? (那是什么?) 以上用来提问物体。如果提问人,要用Who。 如:Whos that? 那是谁? 2. color是美式英语的拼写,英式英语常拼写为colour. n. 颜色 v. 涂色 3. What color is? 用来询问颜色,意思是“某物是什么颜色的?”通常用“Its + 颜色”来回答。(Its 可以省略) What color is this ruler? - Its blue. (或Blue.) 4. black and white意思是“黑白相间”,一种颜色+and+另一种颜色,表示这两种颜色夹杂在一起。 The jacket is yellow and blue.,China,Japan,England,red,and,yellow,white,and,red,blue,red,and,white,考眼力,WHO HAS GOOD EYES?,blue,black,yellow,red,green,black,black,white,red,Say what colors they are. (说说五环的颜色),blue,black,red,yellow,green,blue ,Europe欧洲,yellow,Asia亚洲,black,Africa非洲,green,Australia澳洲,red,America美洲,1. 日依山尽, 河入海流。 2.日出江花 胜火,春来江水 如 。 3.等闲识得东风面,万 千 总是春。 4.满面尘 烟火色,两鬓苍苍十指 。,诗,境,色,话,white,red,red,yellow,green,blue,black,purple,grey,H,B,u,x,A: Whats this (that)? B: Its . A: What color is it? B: Its .,Lets ask and answer,A: Whats this in English? B: Its a/an A: Spell it, please. B: A: What color is it? B: Its .,a red apple,A: Whats this in English? B: Its,A: What color is it? B: Its,red,an apple,A: Spell it, please? B:,a-p-p-l-e,A: Whats this in English? B: Its .,A: What color is it? B: Its .,Yellow,a key,A: Spell it, please. B: .,k-e-y,a,yellow,key,A: Whats this ? B: Its a ,A: What color is it? B: Its,a green map,A: Spell it, please. B: ,a red cup,a brown jacket,a blue ruler,a purple quilt,a yellow key,a green pen,Fill in the blanks,Exercise,The key is_.,yellow,The ruler is _.,The pen is _.,green,black,red,red,green,yellow,星期六下午,Dale 到Eric家玩。两人就铅笔盒里钢笔的英文名称、拼写及颜色展开了一段对话。 Dale: Good afternoon, Eric. Eric: Good afternoon, Dale. Dale: Whats this in English? Eric: Its a pen. Dale: Spell it, please. Eric: P-e-n. Dale: What color is it? Eric: Its green.,编对话,apple,an,red apple,a,A: Whats this in English? B: Its an apple. A: Spell it, please. B:A-P-P-L-E, apple.,A:What color is it?,B:Its red.,The apple is red.,5. The key is yellow. 钥匙是黄色的。 the 表示特指,是定冠词,可译作“这个,那个,这些,那些”等。 定冠词用于所有名词前,用来特指某人(物)或 某些人(物)。 定冠词the的用法: 用来指上文提到的人或物。如: I have a pen. The pen is green. 用来指谈话双方都知道的人或物。如: What color is the key?,请用a、 an、the填空。,a、 an均用于单数的可数名词前,表示一个(只、把) 。 the用于所有名词前,用来特指某人(物)或某些人(物)。用来指上文提到的人或物。或用来指谈话双方都知道的人或物。 I have(有) ruler. ruler is blue. Its pen. pen is black. This is orange. orange is orange. -Whats this? -Its quilt. -What color is quilt? -Its white.,a,The,a,The,an,The,a,the,课外补充,a black sheep,害群之马,败家子,black tea,骗子,black leg,红茶,2. a white night ( ) A.黑色的夜 B.不眠之夜 C.灯火通明,3. a blue Monday ( ) A.高兴的星期一 B.幸运的星期一 C.倒霉的星期一,1. a green hand ( ) A.老手 B.新手,生手 C.脏手,A,B,C,Starter Unit1-3 复习,A H J K,B C D E G P T V Z,F L M N S X,I Y,O,Q U W,R,eI, e , aI , i:,ju:,Dont forget,and,u,a:,字母所含的元音音素归类,冠词a, an的用法,a用在辅音音素开头的单数可数名词前, an用在元音音素开头的单数名词前。如 果名词前有修饰语, 则以其第一个因素 是元音还是辅音而决定用a或an.,a book an English book an eraser a nice eraser,用 a 或 an 填空。,_ map _ pen _ ruler _ orange _ jacket _ apple(苹果) _ book(书) _ egg(蛋) _ English map _ desk(书桌),11._ eraser(橡皮檫) 12._ picture(图片) 13._ old man(老人) 14._“ S” 15._“ M” 16._ “D” 17._ “U” 18._“A” 19._ “H” 20._ “R”,a,a,a,an,a,an,a,an,an,a,an,a,an,an,an,a,a,an,an,an,HB CD BBC P NBA kg S M L UFO CCTV UN,硬黑 激光唱片 英国广播公司 停车场 (美国)全国篮球协会 千克 小号 中号 大号 不明飞行物 中国中央电视台 联合国,Read and remember,Name list Boys Bob ,Dale ,Eric ,Frank Girls Alice , Cindy , Grace , Helen,写出下列中文或英文译文。,1. cm _ 2. 厕所 _ 3. VIP _ 4. HB _ 5. IQ _ 6. P _ 7. 联合国 _ 8. 不明飞行物 _ 9. 世贸组织 _ 10. S _ 11. 体育课 _ 12. USA _,厘米,WC,重要人物,硬黑,智商,停车处,UN,UFO,WTO,小号,P.E.,美国,13. 光盘 _ 14. BBC _ 15. 中央电视台 _ 16. NBA _ 17. kg _ 18. p.m. _ 19. 中华人民共和国 _ 20. CAAC _,CD,英国广播公司,CCTV,(美国)全国篮球协会,千克,下午,PRC,中国民航,Greet people,-Hello! -Hello! /Hi! -Good morning! -Good morning! -Good afternoon! -Good afternoon! -Good evening! -Good evening!,-Good morning, Bob! -Good morning, Eric! -Good afternoon ! -Good afternoon ! -Good evening ! -Good evening !,-Hi, Alice ! -Hi, Cindy ! -Hello ! -Hello !,-How are you ? -Im fine, thanks. How are you? -Im OK./Im very well.,-How are you? -Fine, thank you/thanks. -Im fine, thank you/thanks. -Im OK. -Whats this in English? -Its a/ an . -Spell it, please. /How do you spell it? -P-E-N -What color is it/the? -Its red.,What is this in English? 这个用英语怎么说?,What is = whats,this(反义词) that,What is that in English?,语言前介词一定要用in,in Chinese,Whats this in English?,Its a quilt.,Its an orange.,Its a pen.,Its a jacket.,Its a ruler.,Its a key.,red,yellow,white,black,purple,green,blue,brown,What color is it? Its ,orange,a black jacket,a blue quilt,a white ruler,a red key,The is,-Whats this in English? -Its a key. -Spell it, please. -K-E-Y. -What color is it? -Its red.,Practice,关于缩写与全称,it is=its I am=Im you are=youre,注意: Am与 not 不能缩写 this与 is不能缩写,一. 选择每组字母不含相同元音的一个或 每组单词划线部分读音不同的一个。,A. K B. T C. D D. V A. N B. E C. L D. M A. H B. I C. J D. K A. B B. D C. N D. G A. F B. S C. T D. X A. sit B. this C. bike D. milk A. apple B. eraser C. name D. late A. desk B. pencil C. bell D. evening A. go B. no C. not D. phone A. great B. please C. read D. teacher,A,B,B,C,C,C,A,D,C,A,二. 按字母表顺序写出下列字母的左邻右舍。,1. _Dd_ 2. _Rr_ 3. _Ll_ 4. _Tt_ 5. _Pp_ 6. _Uu_ 7. _Xx_ 8. _ Hh_,1.Cc Ee 2. Qq Ss 3. Kk Mm 4. Ss Uu 5. Oo Qq 6. Tt Vv 7.Ww Yy 8. Gg Ii,三. 请将26个字母按所含元音音素归类。,Aa,Bb,Ff,Ii,Qq,Rr,Oo,Hh Jj Kk,Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt Vv,Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz,Yy,Uu Ww,四.判断下列字母是否含有相同的元音因素。 有的打“T”,没的打“F”。,6. fa ( ) 7. GC( ) 8. AG ( ) 9. bg ( ) 10. bd ( ),1.AH( ) 2.EF( ) 3.BD( ) 4. gf ( ) 5. ec( ),T,F,T,F,T,F,T,F,T,T,五.判断下列每组字母是()否()为同一字母的大小写。,1.Ii ( ) 2.Ij ( ) 3.Mm ( ) 4.Mw ( ) 5.Jj ( ) 6. Pq ( ) 7. Kh ( ) 8. Li ( ) 9.Bd ( ) 10.Qp ( ) 11. Ef ( ) 12.Gg ( ) 13. Bb ( ) 14. Oc ( ),六.判断下列每组字母和单词是()否()含有相同的元音发音。,七. 按要求写出下列词的相应形式。,1.hi(同义词)_ 2.no(反义词)_ 3.are(同音字母)_ 4.I am(缩写形式)_ 5.u(同音词)_ 6.to(同音词)_ 7.its(完整形式)_ 8.this(对应词)_,11.a(同义词)_ 12.Ii (同音词)_ 13.thats(完整形式) _ 14.my name is(缩写形式) _ 15. what is (缩写形式) _,hello,yes,Rr,Im,you,too,it is,that,an,I,that is,my names,whats,八.为左栏中的句子在右栏中找到适当的回答。,1. Hello! 2. Good morning. 3. How are you? 4. Spell it, please. 5. What color is it? 6. Whats this in English?,A. Im OK, thanks. B. J-A-C-K-E-T. C. Its black. D. Its a map. E. Good morning. F. Hello!,1.F 2.E 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.D,八. 看图并补全对话.,1. -_,Bob. -Hello, Alice . _ are _? -Im _, _ you. _ _? -_ OK.,Hello,How,you,OK,thank,And you,Im,2. -Whats _ _ English? -Its _ _. -_ it, please. -K-E-Y. -What _ is it? -Its _.,this,in,a key,Spell,color,yellow,九. 补全对话, 请根据上下文将对话补完整。,A: Good _! B: Good evening! A: _ are you? B: Im _, _. And you? A: Im OK. A: Excuse me._ this in English? B: _ _ eraser(橡皮檫).,evening,How,fine,thanks,Whats,Its an,A: _ _, please? B: E-R-A-S-E-R. A: _ _ is it? B: _ white. _ a _ _. A: Thank _. B: Youre welcome. (不用谢),Spell it,What color,Its,Its white,you,eraser,十. 把下列单词连成句子,注意大小写和标点符号。,1.morning, good 2. a, it, is, map 3. yellow, its 4.is, in, what ,English, this 5.color, what, it, is 6.I, fine, you, thank, am,Good morning. It is a map. Its yellow. What is this in English? What color is it? I am fine, thank you.,十一. 连词成句, 注意句子首字母和标点。 Dale, name, Hello, my, is _ color, is, what, it _ morning, Helen, good _ is, this, what, English, in _ to, nice, you, meet _,Hello, my name is Dale!,What color is it?,Good morning, Helen!,What is this in English?,Nice to meet you!,十二. 按要求改变下列句型。,1. This is a map.(就划线部分提问) 2. My bike is black. (就划线部分提问) 3. Im fine. (就划线部分提问) 4. He is my father. (就划线部分提问) 5. He is a teacher.(就划线部分提问) 6. Mike is OK. (就划线部分提问),Whats this?,What color is your bike?,How are you?,Who is he?,What is he?,How is Mike?,十三.选择填空.,1.-_!Nice to meet you. -Hi, nice to meet you, too. A. What B. Hello C. Bye 2.-Whats this _ English? -Its a pen. A. in B. on C. at 3. -_do you spell the word “pen”? -P-E-N. A. How B. What C. Which,B,A,A,4.-Whats this in English? -_ A. OK. B. Its an map. C. Its an orange. 5. -Spell the word, please. -_ A. Its a map. B. Yes, it is. C. K-E-Y. 6. -Whats this? -Its _ orange and white jacket. A. / B. an C. a,C,C,B,7._ in English? A. What this B. Whats this C. How are you? 8. -_ it, please. -J-A-C-K-E-T. A. This B. What C. Spell,B,C,9.( ) Good afternoon,_! A. Wangxiaohua B.Wang Xiaohua C. Wang Xiao Hua D.Wang xiaohua 10.( ) -Good evening! A.Good morning ! B.Good afternoon! C.Hi! D.Good evening! 11.( ) -_! -Good morning! A.Good evening! B.Good afternoon! C. Good night! D.Good morning! 12.( ) -_? -Im OK. A. How is you B. How is your C. How are you D. How are your 13.( )英语26个字母中,能够单独成单词的两个字母是_? A. I , N B. A, I C. A , L D. A ,B,B,D,D,C,B,14.( ) 下列哪组字母在顺序上是正确的? A.achedbfg B.abcdefhg C.abcdefgh D.abcedhfg 15.( ) -Is that _English car? -No, its _Chinese car. A. a / an B. an / a C. a / a D. an / an 16.( ) - Whats this? -_is _. A.This/an orange B.It / an orange C.It / a orange D.This / a orange 17.( ) Whats this _Chinese(中文)? A. in B.of C.on D./ 18.( ) -Nice to meet you. -_. A. Fine,thank you. B.Me, too C. Hello D.Yes,C,B,B,A,B,19.( ) Whats that? -_. A. This is a ruler B. Its yellow D. Its “S”


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