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1. 杭州概貌 杭州历史悠久,自秦设置县治以来,已有2200多年历史。杭州是华夏文明的发祥地之一,是五代吴越国和南宋王朝两代建都地,是我国七大古都之一,被13世纪意大利旅行家马可波罗赞叹为“世界上最美丽华贵之城”。 近年来,杭州先后获得联合国人居奖、国际花园城市、全国绿化模范城市、国家森林城市、中国人居环境奖、中国大陆最佳商业城市、中国最具幸福感城市、中国城市总体投资环境最佳城市、最值得向世界介绍的中国名城、中国电子商务之都、中国创业之城、中国最佳旅游城市、中国十佳宜居城市、中国十大休闲城市等全国性乃至国际性荣誉称号。连续六年被美国福布斯杂志评为“中国大陆最佳商业城市”,连续六年被瞭望东方周刊评为“中国最具幸福感城市”榜首。1. A Snapshot of HangzhouHangzhou City has a history of over 2,200 years since the county administration was established here in the Qin Dynasty. It is one of the cradles of Huaxia (China) Civilization. As one of Chinas seven ancient capitals, Hangzhou was the capital of Wuyue State (907-978 A.D.) of the Five-Dynasties and also the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279 A.D.). In the 13th century, the Italian traveler Marco Polo recommended Hangzhou as “the most splendid and luxurious city in the world”. Over the recent years, Hangzhou has won a wide range of national and even international honors. Among them are the UN-Habit Scroll of Honor Awards Winner, International Garden City, National Model Green City, the State Forest City, China Environmental and Habitat Scroll of Honor Awards Winner, Forbes Top Cities for Doing Business on the Chinese Mainland, Chinas Happiest Cities, Best Investment Environment Cities of China (World Bank), A Famous Chinese City That Should be Introduced to the World, Chinas Capital of E-Commerce, the Entrepreneurial City in China, Best Tourism City of China, Chinas Top Ten Livable Cities, and China Top Ten Leisure Cities. In particular, Hangzhou was rated for six years in a row as Forbes Top Cities for Doing Business on the Chinese Mainland by Americas Forbes Magazine, and ranked NO.1 as Chinas Happiest City by Oriental Outlook magazine for six consecutive years. 2. 西湖传说 相传,天河(即银河)边住着一条玉龙和一只金凤。他们费尽心力,把一块石头啄磨成了一颗闪闪发光的明珠。王母娘娘羡慕这颗明珠的美丽,派人把它偷走了。玉龙、金凤发现后向王母娘娘索还,遭到拒绝。争执中,明珠从天上掉落,立即变成波光粼粼的一倾湖水。玉龙与金凤则变成了玉皇山和凤凰山,永远守护着这颗明珠。 2. West Lake Folklore: the Birth of Xihu (West Lake) Legend has it that there lived a dragon and a phoenix by the Milky Way. They did whatever they could to burnish a rock into a giant pear. The Goddess Wangmu ( Xi Wangmu, or Mother Queen of the West), tempted by the charm of the pearl, had it stolen. The dragon and the phoenix woke up only to see the pearl gone. They traced it all the way to the Goddess who rejected their claim. In their scrambling, the pearl fell off to hit the earth and transformed into a glittering lake, which is now known as West Lake. And the dragon and the phoenix turned into the Yuhuang (Dragon) Hill and the Fenhuang (Phoenix) Hill guarding the pearl of West Lake. 3. 西湖揽胜 西湖是杭州的灵魂。山不高而逶迤朦胧,水不深而风采多姿,更有众多名胜点缀其间。人文与自然在这里完美地融合在了一起。西湖三面环山,东面紧靠杭州城。水域由天然岛屿和苏堤、白堤划分成五个相互连通的大小湖面。在湖中岸边,分布着四十多处主要名胜,重点文物古迹三十多处。其中的“西湖十景”和“西湖新十景”,以及飞来峰石窟造像、六和塔等景观尤为著名。3. Highlights / A Snapshot of the West Lake Scenic AreaWest Lake is the soul of Hangzhou. Hills nearby are misty and meandering, and the Lake and brooks are colorful and charming. Dotted with diverse attractions, West Lake is an ideal marriage of nature and culture. With hills on three sides, the Lake merges into the city proper of Hangzhou on the eastern side. Rather than one single vast expanse of water, the Lake is further divided into five sections by an islet and two causeways, namely Sudi (Su Causeway) and Baidi (Bai Causeway). Scattered by the lakeside are 40-some tourist attractions and 30-some historic sites; among them, the best-known are West Lake Top Ten (Highlights), West Lake New Top Ten (Highlights), Grotto Carvings (at Peak Flying From Afar by Lingyin / Souls Retreat Temple), and the Liuhe (Six Harmonies) Pagoda. 4. 白居易与白堤白居易(公元772846年),唐代著名诗人,曾任杭州刺史。在位时积极兴修水利,筑堤防洪,成绩卓著。白堤就是其中一条。白堤起于断桥,止于平湖秋月,全长约一公里。后人为纪念白居易,称为白堤。堤上杨柳桃树相间,一到春天,桃红柳绿,风景如画。4. The Bai CausewayBAI Juyi (AD 772-846), a famous Chinese poet of the Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907), held mayor of Hangzhou from 822 to 825 A.D. Throughout his reign, Mayor BAI completed a number of embankment projects to prevent floods and to secure irrigation, and the BAI Causeway is a monument to the accomplishment of his government. The Bai Causeway, so named as to commemorate / honor Mayor Bai Juyi, runs from the Broken Bridge in the east and to the site of Autumn Moon over Calm Lake in the west; it is about one kilometer long. Spring finds the Bai Causeway a postcard when peach flowers and green willows contend alternately. 5. 断桥残雪 断桥位于白堤东端,是西湖诸桥中名气最大的。传说许仙和白娘子在此相会,更为断桥平添一份浪漫。断桥并非残桥,其“断”传说与许仙和白娘子“缘断”有关。断桥风光,堪称西湖一绝。每当冬雪过后,堆琼砌玉,残雪印骄阳,银装素裹中折射出白素贞凄美的爱情故事,令人叹为观止。难怪明代画家李流芳会说,“从断桥一望,销魂欲死!”5. Lingering Snow at the Broken Bridge The Broken Bridge, the best-known of the bridges surrounding West Lake, is located at the east end of the Bai Causeway. Legend has it that Lady White Snake and Xu Xian encountered, or rather reunited here, which adds a romantic touch to the attraction. The Broken Bridge is not physically broken; it is so named as to epitomize the disrupted love between the broken hearts of Lady White Snake and her husband Xu Xian. The scenery at the Broken Bridge is a gem of West Lake. On a winter day after heavy snow, it presents a stunning scene as the glistening snow conjures up the bitter-sweet love / romance / tragicomedy of Lady White Snake. No wonder Li Liufang, a famous painter of the Ming Dynasty (AD1368-1644), sighed, “The view from the Broken Bridge is as tragic as ecstatic.” 6. 蛇亦有情 相传,白蛇精白素贞和婢女青蛇精小青化作两个美丽的女子来到西湖,寻找千年前的救命恩人。在西湖断桥,白素贞与转世投胎的恩人、凡间男子许仙因借伞相识,继而相爱并结为夫妇,一同开设保和堂药店,济世利民。金山寺老和尚“法海”固守人妖两界的礼教,一心“除妖”,说服许仙遁入空门,拆散美好姻缘。白娘子一怒之下与法海斗法,水漫金山,生灵涂炭,结果被镇于雷峰塔底,终日诵经赎罪。后其子许仕林高中状元,前来祭塔,其母白素贞才恢复自由。和梁山伯与祝英台一样,白蛇传传说也是汉民族四大民间传说之一。尽管白素贞是“蛇妖”,但善良的人们却一直把她看成美丽、善良、痴情的仙女。这段传说也就真正成为了仙凡殊途而挚爱永恒的经典。6. True Love Knows No Boundary Legend has it that a white she-snake demon, named BAI Suzhen, reunited with her savior, a young scholar named XU Xian, by the Broken Bridge. The white she-snake, better-known as Lady White Snake, was rescued by a shepherd boy a thousand years ago. After a millennium of hard practice and magical meditation, the snake was sophisticated enough to transform into a beautiful lady. Together with her maid Snake Green, the beautiful snake, now in the name of BAI Suzhen, followed the reincarnation of her savior to West Lake and encountered by the Broken Bridge the reincarnated shepherd boy, now a young scholar named XU Xian who practiced medication. As was predestined (of karma), they fell in love with each other and got married soon. The happy couple opened a medicine store (pharmacy) to treat the sick and help the poor. However, a sorcerer Buddhist monk named Fa Hai from Jinshan Monastery discovered the fact that BAI was a demon by nature. As a hardened guardian of feudal ethics, Fa Hai believed that snakes and human beings belonged to two different worlds and he took it his mission to eliminate Bai Suzhen. Fa Hai managed to convert the husband to Buddhism in order to separate the mortal from the celestial being. Now that the happy marriage was gone, Lady White Snake summoned all her magic powers to challenge the monk to win her husband back and to justify their love. Unfortunately, their fights ended up submerging Jinshan Monastery at the cost of hundreds of lives. The snake herself was imprisoned in the base of Leifeng Pagoda by south of West Lake, meditating upon Buddhist scriptures to compensate for her sins and to save herself. Years later, her son Xu Shilin paid a tribute to Leifeng Pagoda after he won the first place in the imperial national examination, setting free the imprisoned, traumatic mother. Like The Butterfly Lovers, the legend of Lady White Snake is one of the four household folklores in China. Although a demon, Lady White Snake is deemed as a beautiful, kind and love-committed goddess by Chinese people. Embedded in the tale is the belief that true love knows no boundary, be it the impenetrable wall between celestial beings and human beings. 7. 西泠印社 西泠印社创立于清光绪三十年(1904),是我国现存历史最悠久的文人社团,也是海内外成立最早的金石篆刻专业学术团体。西泠印社以“保存金石,研究印学”为宗旨,被冠以“天下第一社”之美称。西泠印社社址坐落于西湖景区孤山西麓, 南至白堤,西近西泠桥,北邻里西湖,占地七千余平方米。社址内包括多处明清古建筑遗址,园林精雅,景致幽绝,人文景观荟萃,有“湖山最胜”之誉。7. The Xiling Seal-Engravers Society Founded in 1904 (or the 30th year of Emperor Guangxus rein during the Qing Dynasty, AD 1636-1911), Xiling Seal-Engravers Society is the oldest living association created by Chinese literati. Committed to “Preserving seal-cutting and conducting research into the art”, the Society is crowned as the No. 1 society in China. It is also the earliest among the worlds professional, academic societies for epigraphic practice and study. It is located within the West Lake scenic area at the west foot of Solitary Hill and bordering the Xiling Bridge in the west, scattered north of the BAI Causeway for some 7,000 square meters. With ruins reminiscent of architectures of the Ming and the Qing dynasties, the site is a monument of fine marriage of architecture and culture to traditional Chinese gardening. It is reputed as “the gem of West Lake and hills nearby”. 8. 梁祝化蝶 相传祝英台女扮男装,与梁山伯在杭州万松书院同窗三载,情深意重。临别时,英台假托为妹做媒,嘱咐山伯早去迎娶。不料,山伯赶往祝家却被告知英台已被父亲许配给太守之子。山伯悲痛欲绝,归家后一病不起,抑郁而终。英台出嫁,花轿绕至山伯坟前祭奠,一时风雨大作,坟墓爆裂,英台纵身跃入,与山伯化作一双蝴蝶。这段传说是中国四大民间故事之一,被称为东方的“罗密欧与朱丽叶”。虽然“梁祝”是一个“杯具”,但祝英台不畏世俗教条、至死不渝的爱情信念在化蝶的传说中口口相传,成为万世佳话。万松书院已经成为杭州最热闹的周末相亲会所在地。8. The Butterfly Lovers Legend has it that ZHU Yingtai, a girl disguised as a gentleman, went to The Wansong Academy in Hangzhou to study. There she fell in love and shared a dorm with one of her classmates named LIANG Shanbo who did not have a clue that ZHU was a girl. Before going home, Yingtai told Shanbo that she would like to make a match between Shanbo and her sister: actually, herself. Shanbo came to the ZHUs to propose, only to find Yingtai was arranged by her father for a marriage with the son of the local prefectural governor. With a broken heart, Shanbo went home and fell ill, and soon died in despair. On her big day, Yingtai paid her respects to Shanbo at his tomb. All of a sudden, there came a clap of thunder and the tomb cracked open. Yingtai leapt into the grave amidst a storm. After it cleared up, a pair of beautiful butterflies emerged (the spirits of Shanbo and Yingtai) from the tomb and flew away. The story is one of Chinas four household romances, now also known as the Oriental Romeo and Juliet. True, the folklore is a tragedy, and yet it is a romance told and retold from generation to generation. ZHU Yingtai has become a symbol of ideal, pure love because of her unwavering belief and bravery against feudalistic dogma, even at the cost of life. And The Wansong Academy has turned out Hangzhous most popular place for weekend blind dating where parents of busy-and-big singles come to try their luck for their workaholic sons and daughters who are too busy to date. 9. 岳庙 岳飞(公元11031142)是南宋著名的军事家。在抗金战争中功绩卓著,后遭奸臣秦桧陷害致死。21年后,被追封为鄂王。岳庙位于栖霞岭南麓,始建于南宋嘉定十四年(公元1221年)。现存格局于清代重建后形成,具有典型的南宋建筑风格。岳王庙正对西湖。正门上书“岳王庙”,寄托炎黄子孙对精忠报国良将岳飞的敬仰之情。9. General YUE Feis Shrine YUE Fei (AD 1103-1142) was a noted military strategist of the Southern Song Dynasty. He achieved great success in anti-JIN wars. Unfortunately, he was thrown into jail on a fabricated charge and murdered by QIN Hui, the treacherous Prime Minister. 21 years after his death, YUE Fei was entitled to King YUE of Henan. General YUE Feis Shrine (or Tomb and Temple) was first constructed in 1221 during the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279 A.D.). The present site is mainly the heritage of the architecture rebuilt in the Qing Dynasty (1636-1911 A.D.), typical of a Southern Song garden. Situated at the southern foot of Qixia Hill, the Shrine faces Yue Lake, a part of West Lake to the south which is currently the site of the Impression West Lake Show. Over the double-tiered entrance gate hangs a vertical board decorated with dragon and phoenix, the ancient symbols of power as well as auspiciousness, which announces in gold print against a black backdrop: “King YUEs Temple”. It is a shrine devoted to general YUE Fei for his loyalty to his motherland. 10. Shangri-La Hotel (Hangzhou) The legendary Shangri-La Hotel, Hangzhou stands on the beautiful north shore of Hangzhous famous West Lake, overlooking Solitary Hill Island and the graceful Xiling Bridge, in a setting that offers guests scenic grandeur, unsurpassed comfort and secluded tranquility. Guests of this Hangzhou hotel will enjoy spacious guest rooms and an array of recreational facilities during their stay. Combined with the exceptional level of service, Shangri-La Hotel, Hangzhou is the premier choice amongHangzhou luxury hotels. Shangri-La Hotel Hangzhou is known throughout the region for its elegance and gracious service that is well above the offerings of other Hangzhou hotels. The hotels 382 architecturally distinctive and spacious guestrooms and suites-all equipped with complimentary broadband Internet accessare neatly spread across two hotel wings and three detached villas. The newly renovated and expanded Horizon Club Lounge, and the hotels Business Centre, offer comprehensive business services that meet the needs of demanding business travelers. The hotels health club and recreational services are the regions finest. Rent a bicycle and ride along the lake and the paths winding through the 40-acre property. Or swim in the elegant indoor pool before indulging in a massage. Whatever your pleasure, your stay at the Shangri-La Hotel, Hangzhou will complement the tranquil beauty of historic West Lake. 10. 杭州香格里拉饭店杭州香格里拉饭店坐落在杭州著名的西湖北岸,俯瞰孤山及优雅的西泠桥,饭店景观宏伟、仿如世外净土,带给您无限舒适享受。杭州香格里拉饭店以优美迷人的环境及殷勤周到的服务而闻名。酒店由两栋主楼和三套独立别墅组成,共382间客房和套房,空间宽敞,建筑富有特色,均提供宽带上网服务。酒店豪华阁贵宾廊全新装修,空间更加宽敞,另有商务中心可提供完善的商务服务,满足更高要求的商务旅客需求。酒店还拥有本地区最高档的健身俱乐部和休闲服务。客人可租用一辆自行车,沿西湖周边游览,或是在占地40英亩的小路间穿行。客人可在酒店典雅的室内游泳池享受水中乐趣,之后在专业按摩中尽情放松。无论您选择哪种方式,入住杭州香格里拉饭店,都会令你完美享受西湖古老静谧的美景。11. 楼外楼 杭州西湖著名菜馆“楼外楼”,有着160多年的历史,素以“佳肴与美景共餐”驰名中外。曾来此用餐的既有以故总理周恩来、孙中山先生,也有鲁迅、郁达夫等文化界人士,更有西哈努克亲王及前捷克斯洛伐克总理等国家元首。楼外楼坐落在西湖孤山南麓,与众多西湖景点平湖秋月、杭州美术馆、放鹤亭、西泠桥、六一泉、浙江博物馆等融为一体,交相辉映。楼外楼创建于公元1848年(清道光二十八年)。“楼外楼”取自南宋诗人林升题临安邸中的三个字。“楼外楼”的菜点是杭州菜的代表。杭州菜素以精细、清爽、讲究时令为人称道。因其亲近自然、注重健康和创新,杭州菜在中国各菜系中独树一帜。较为著名的杭州菜点有西湖醋鱼、龙井虾仁、宋嫂鱼羹、蜜汁火方、东坡肉和西湖莼菜汤。11. Lou Wai Lou Restaurant Lou Wai Lou, otherwise Tower beyond Tower, arguably Hangzhous most renowned restaurant, dates back to 1848 in the Late Qing Dynasty. By virtue of birth, the restaurant boasts the godsend of “a feast for the tongue and the eyes” as it offers both fine Hangzhou dishes and a delightful view to West Lake. Among the visitors were outstanding statesmen like the late premier Zhou Enlai and Dr. Sun Yat-sen, Chinese literati Lu Xun and Yu Dafu, as well as foreign state heads such as former Czechoslovakia Prime Minister and Prince Shihanouk. Lou Wai Lou Restaurant is situated at the south foot of Solitary Hill in West Lake. It is in harmony with other West Lake attractions nearby, say, Autumn Moon Over the Calm Lake, Hangzhou Gallery, Crane Pavilion, the Xiling Bridge, Liuyi Spring and Zhejiang Provincial Museum. First built in 1848, the 28th year of the rein of Emperor Dao Guang of the late Qing Dynasty, the Restaurant is named by taking three characters from a household Chinese poem by Lin Sheng, a poet of the Southern Song Dynasty. The first two lines of the poem read: Mountain beyond mountain and tower beyond tower, Could song and dance by West Lake be halted anyhow?Dishes at Lou Wai Lou Restaurant are representative of Hangzhou cuisine, which is loved for its fine ingredients, elaborate preparation and refreshing taste. Hangzhou gastronomy distinguishes itself from other cuisines in China for its healthy and natural style. Most recommended menus / signature dishes are: West Lake Fish (Carp / Bream / Perch) in Sweet and Sour Source, Shelled Shrimps with Dragon Well Green Tea, Sister Songs Fish Broth, Honey Ham, Dongpo Pork and West Lake Water Shield Soup. 12. 市树与市花香樟与桂花,这两种散发着沁人心脾清香的植物,被杭州市民选为自己的市树与市花。香樟既是景观树,又是风水树、祖宗树,寓意长寿、吉祥如意。而桂花在杭州已有近千年的栽培历史,尤其是杭州满陇桂雨的桂花更是闻名遐迩,形成了“新西湖十景”之一的“满陇桂雨”。12. City Tree and City Flower of HangzhouThe camphor tree (of East Asia) and sweet osmanthus flowers (or fragrant flowers), two kinds of sweet plants, are the city tree and city flower of Hangzhou. Given its aesthetic appeal in landscaping, the camphor tree used to play a crucial role in the practice of Fengshui and in commemorating ancestors in ancien


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