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综合英语Unit7,大学体验英语综合教程4,17.Another major source of income for todays future retirees is also evaporating: Employers arent talking as much responsibility for there employees retirement as they used to. 未来的退休者的另外一个主要经济来源也将消失:雇主们对雇员的退休承担的责任了已不及以前那样多了。,responsibility ri,spnsbilti n. 责任 责任感,责任心 职责;义务;负担 可靠性,可信赖性 短语 responsibility for 责任 ; 负责 executive responsibility 执行职责 Delegating Responsibility 授权 ; 代表职责,employee ,emplii:; emplii: n. 雇员,雇工,受雇者亦作employe,employ 词组 employee turnover 员工流动;职工离职 employee benefits 职工福利 employee stock ownership 员工股份持有制 employee stock ownership plan (美国国内税务署批准的)职工股票所有权计划 employee involvement 员工参与;员工投入,18.More than twice ai many employers offered pension plans in 1984 as in 1995,according to a survey by watson wyatt worldwide,a pension consulting firm. 据一家养老金咨询公司沃森-瓦特全球公司的调查,1984年为雇员提供养老金的雇主是1995年的两倍。,consulting knslti adj. 与专业咨询有关的;咨询的;任专职顾问的,management consulting 企业管理咨询;经常咨询 consulting service 咨询服务 consulting company 咨询公司,顾问公司;点子公司 consulting firm 咨询公司 business consulting 商业咨询;管理咨询;工商咨询,accord k:d vt. 使和谐一致,使调和;使符合;使适合;调 调解争端 把给与,把赠给;授予;给予(欢迎、称颂等);让与:,accord with 同相符合;与一致 in accord with 同相符合;与一致 with one accord 一致地 out of accord with 同不一致 accord development 和谐发展,19.Smaller companies have dropped pension plans as costs have rise,says Chuck Bardwell at Watson Wyatts Houstou office,and even the large companies pension benefits arent as rich as they used to be. 沃森-怀亚特全球公司的查克?斯莫尔说由于成本的增加,许多小公司已经取消了养老金计划。甚至大公司的养老金福利也远不及以前那么多了。,company kmpni n. 伙伴关系,同伴;陪伴 一群人 ,社交聚会,集会 ,客人,宾客;来访者 ,社交界,group of companies 公司集团;联合企业 companies registry 公司注册处;公司登记 registrar of companies 公司注册官;企业监管局 companies act 公司法(英国颁布的法令,benefit benifit n. 利益,好处;帮助;恩惠 义演;义卖;义赛 environmental benefits 环境效益 employee benefits 职工福利 tangible benefits 显著实惠,有形利益 benefits package 一揽子福利;福利套餐 reap the benefits of 获得益处,20. On the flip side,employees aret as wiling to stick around long enoug to qualify for a satifactory pension.They may fear getting laid off or they may just be restless. 另外一方面,雇员们也不愿意待足够久而去获取一份丰厚的退休金。他们可能担心被解雇或觉得不稳妥。,employee ,emplii:; emplii: n. 雇员,雇工,受雇者亦作 employe,employ employee turnover 员工流动;职工离职 employee benefits 职工福利 employee stock ownership 员工股份持有制 employee stock ownership plan (美国国内税务署批准的)职工股票所有权计划,restless restlis adj. 烦躁不安的;焦虑的 受骚扰的;得不到休息的 不安静的;不安宁的;静不下来的 好动的;多变的;永不满足的 例句 Flower Gardeners begin to restless when February arrives . 当二月到来时,花卉园丁们就开始烦躁不安。,小组共同,21.Life is moving so fast,with the modern couple spending so much of their time on work and raising their children,that they often dont look up until theyre 50.By then it can be too late .says Booker. 布克尔说道:“生活的步伐是如此之快,而现在的夫妇花了太多时间在他们的工作和抚养孩子上了,以至于他们往往到了50岁才抬头看看自己所处的形势。但到那时就为时以晚了。“,raising reizi vt. raise的变形:n. 举,抬 高地;高岗 (布等的)起毛;拉绒 【语音学】升调 浮雕装饰,凸面加工 stock raising n. 畜牧业 fund raising 经筹措资金 raising fund 经筹集资金 raising a child 养育孩子;抚养孩子,modern mdn ad


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