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初中英语词汇教学策略,Strategy of Vocabulary Teaching In Junior High,词汇学习的重要性: 词汇是语言的三大要素(语音、词汇、语法)之一,是语言的基本材料,其中又属词汇最为重要。词汇掌握的多少,是反映学生英语水平的标志之一。 词汇是学好英语的基础,词汇关过不了,对语句的理解记忆就会很吃力,而不用说文章阅读和语法理解,因此学习英语必须首先突破词汇关。,语言学家Wilkings说: “Without grammar, very little can be conveyed. Without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed.”,教育部制订的英语课程标准指出: “在英语课程实施中, 帮助学生有效地使用学习策略, 不仅有利于他们把握学习的方向、采用科学的途径、提高学习效率, 而且还有助于他们形成自主学习的能力, 为终身学习奠定基础。”,英语课程标准对学习的认知策略作了包含以下内容的目标描述: “借助联想学习和记忆词语; 对所学内容能主动复习并加以整理和归纳;注意发现语言的规律并能运用规律举一反三。”,在教学建议中又指出, “教师应做到: 引导学生结合语境, 采用推测、查阅或询问等方法进行学习; 引导学生运用观察、发现、归纳和实践等方法, 学习语言知识, 感悟语言功能。”,08中考词汇新变化: 英语词汇由去年的1100左右,增加到1600左右。在试题易、中、难考试比例上有所调整,2008年中考英语为6:2:2,而2007年是6:3:1。考生要注重培养词汇的积累和语言运用能力。,在传统的英语教学中,词汇教学存在着两大误区: 词汇意义教学的误区和词汇识记教学的误区。 词汇意义教学的误区主要表现在完全脱离句子和文章内容孤立地讲解词义。,词汇教学法应遵循的几个原则 (一)情境性原则。 (二)音、形、义相结合的原则。 (三)词不离句 ,句不离篇。 (四)眼脑口手耳并用。 (五)词不离文化内涵。,国外研究表明,人们通过语言形式从听觉获得的知识能记忆15%;从视觉获得的知识能记忆25%;把听觉和视觉结合起来,能够记忆的内容可达65%。,How to help the students understand?,How to help the students think?,How to help the students use?,Remember,Tell me and I will forget. Show me and I understand. Involve me and I remember!,Methods of Vocabulary Teaching,通过游戏教单词 知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。 心理学家研究认为,兴趣可增强记忆,兴趣是人对事物的积极而持久的认识倾向,它与大脑皮层中思维活动的兴奋中心相伴随。”玩是孩子的天性,让孩子们在“玩中学,学中玩”游戏便是一种集知识性与趣味性为一体的娱乐方式,也是孩子们偏爱的一种学习方式, 要想调动他们学习的积极性,在词汇教学中更要采取活泼多样的形式,来减轻学生对单词厌烦和焦虑心理,教师只有帮他们清除了这些心理障碍,孩子们的各方面能力才会有所提高。,猜词游戏1 通过多媒体播放不同的实物图( 如交通工具) , 甲生背向屏幕, 乙生看图用英语来描述, 甲生根据乙生的描述猜测是什么交通工具并拼写该单词。 这种游戏可以激发学生的学习兴趣及竞争意识, 培养学生用英语描述单词的能力, 还可以培养学生的协作精神。,猜的游戏2 学习过关于人的体貌特征及服装词汇:big/small eyes, long/short hair, tall/thin, red skirt, white shirt , black pants 等, 可设计这样的竟猜活动: 一是给学生时间准备, 描述自己的一位同班同学, 然后让单个学生站起描述, 如, He is a boy,he is tall, he has two small eyes, he has short hair, he is wearing a blue T- shirt and black shoes. 其他同学边听边在班里用目光搜寻, 眼脑并用, 猜是哪位同学。,猜的游戏3 让一位同学到前面, 在纸上写下一位同学的名字交给老师, 其他同学不能看见。其他学生通过提问一般疑问句来猜是哪位同学: Is he a boy ? Is he /she tall? Does he/she wear a red coat? Does he/she have a small nose?,猜词游戏4 What is it ? 一队的学生描述一件东西,如:“It has four legs. Its made of wood. Its used for sitting.另一队学生作答:“Its a chair.” 这种猜测游戏可锻炼学生的思维能力。,游戏5 “Whats missing?” 此游戏训练学生认读和记忆字母的能力。老师从字母表中抽出任意五张字母卡片,展示一分钟后,合起来抽走一张,再让学生辨别,并快速说出抽走了哪个字母。随着游戏的深入,老师提供的字母卡片数可逐步增加,而学生看卡片的时间可相对缩短。,游戏 6 数词记忆 “ Who has number ?” 写些数词卡片,根据所教数词的多少,卡片上分别写上从1到25,从25到100,从100到1000和超过1000以上的数词。当教师指卡与学生背诵、做游戏时,就用数字代替他们的各字。就像他们的英文名字一样,使用多了就记熟了,这个游戏锻炼学生们的记忆能力。,游戏7 Add-on 例1 学生1:“I see a living room.” 学生2:“I see a living room and a kitchen.” 学生3:“I see a living room a kitchen and a bathroom.” 如此类推。 例2 学生1:“I like milk.” 学生2:“I like milk and pie.” 学生3:“I like milk, pie and cake.”如此类推。 (这个游戏结合图片、实物来做,看谁坚持说得时间最长、说的词汇最多,培养学生口头表达能力、复述能力和单词的贮存量。),游戏8 练习物主代词的用法 这个游戏找5至6 个学生上黑板前做: 学生1:“My name is .” 学生2:“His Her name is , my name is .” 学生3:“His name is, her name is,my name is” 如此类推。,体态语 教学heavy, carry, high, reach, tooto时, 老师可用双手用力搬讲桌, 面部露出很费力的表情对学生说: Oh, the desk is too heavy to carry. 事先放一把尺子在黑板的上面, 老师伸长手臂, 踮起脚尖去拿尺子, 但仍然摸不到, 这时对学生说: The ruler is too high to reach. 学生通过观察老师的动作和表情就能理解单词的意思。,英语词汇的形象教学 vivid teaching method 词汇呈现的次数和讲授的方法是词汇教学中两个重要因素。一般认为, 所学的词汇在短期内复现的次数越多, 记忆效果越好。但是, 一英国语言学家却持不同的观点。他认为, 人们对某一事物记忆的好坏取决于对该事物认知层次的深浅。学习词汇只要呈现一次或两次, 其记忆效果会比呈现多次好。他主张, 教师应力求使学生记牢第一次出现的词汇, 不要多次训练。在他看来重要的是如何呈现词汇,不是复现的次数。换言之, 词汇教学不取决于复现的次数, 关键在于呈现的方法、技巧。,look,look after look into look up look down look back look up and down,归纳演绎法策略 归纳和演绎是两种主要的推理形式。 归纳 是学习者在学习的过程中,根据一系列的事实概括出一般原理,即由个别到一般的推理过程。(人们在归纳时往往加入自己的想法,而这恰恰帮助了人们的记忆。) 演绎 则是由一般原理推出个别情况下的结论,即由一般到个别的推理过程 。从普遍性结论或一般性事理推导出个别性结论的论证方法。 (the deductive method ),easy fat heavy fun noisy study beatify play stay,drive drove driven , strike stroke striken ; strive sleep keep swimswam swum, sink sank sunk .,go went gone undergo stand understand wear wore worn tear bear,Word puzzles, What has a bed but never sleeps, a mouth but never speaks? What fruit is never found singly?,Word puzzles, What has a bed but never sleeps, a mouth but never speaks? (A river) What fruit is never found singly? (A pear),Erasing words,T writes ten difficult words on the Bb, and give students one minute to memorize the words. Then T will erase the words one by one, and Ss will remember them. After erasing all the words , T will dictate the students these words.,直观教学法 direct-viewing teaching method 1)利用实物介绍新词汇。如:Look,this is a watch.(用手指着手表) 2)直接介绍讲解词汇,让学生重复。如:介绍新单词thigh ,T:(Pointing to thigh ). Look,this is my thigh. Can you say it?学生重复说thigh两遍。 wrist tea , bag , book , ruler , 3)利用图片介绍词汇,如:racket bat,下定义法 (Definition) 如: 1) breakfastthe first meal of a day. 2) A noun is the name of a person, plac e or thing. 3) holiday:time off from work 4) invite:ask someone to dinner or a party 5) housework:work done around the home 6) afternoon:between 12:00 and 6:00 in the daytime 7) exam:an important school test 8) entrance:place where you go in,描述呈现法 method of description and presentaion 如,板书ambulance一词,说:An ambulance is like a car or a bus. it takes sick people to the hospital. usually there are doctors or nurses on an ambulance.if you call 120, an ambulance will come at once.,Synonym clues (or ,like, similarly,also ) Doctors believe that smoking is detrimental to your health. They also regard drinking as harmful. 2)Like her younger sister who is gregarious, Alice also likes to make friends.,让学生熟悉构词法特征, 触类旁通、举一反三。 What a bright sun! (形容词和名词对比) Its sunny. (n.+ yadj.) The sun is shining brightly. (adj.+ ly adv.) What a strongwind! Its windy. The wind is blowing strongly.,在目的词与关键词之间建立想象链。实践证明,使用关键词法策略能够使英语学习者对生词进行深加工和记忆,比较容易形成长时记忆。例如, shampoo radar series engine hacker pudding motor AIDS tire Gobi typhoon golf coolie tycoon copy shock humor tofu clone gene carnation salad system media bowling ,在目的词与关键词之间建立想象链 shampoo 香波 radar 雷达 engine 引擎 hacker 黑客 motor 马达 AIDS 艾滋(病) Gobi 戈壁 typhoon台风 coolle 苦力 tycoon 大款 shock 休克 humor 幽默 clone 克隆 gene 基因 salad 色拉 system系统 media 媒体 bowling 保龄(球) series 系列 pudding 布丁 carnation 康乃馨,利用反义词(Antonym clues ) (yet, but ,unlike, however, while ,notbut, instead, on the contrary, in contrast, rather than) 在英词中表示相对的概念的词汇经常可以遇见。如学过big以后,当学到small时,可以指 出Small means not big. different:not the same 如: tall short high low dirty clean 再如,板书relaxed一词,并说:Im not nervous at all. Im very relaxed.,Illustration 1) Your uncles and your aunts daughters or sons are your cousins. 2) My fathers father is my grandfather. 3) a regulation is an official rule or order. 4) Illustration means to use a sentence or picture to explain the meaning.,Where is the ruler?,Its in the pencil-case.,Revision,利用因果关系: consequence Xiao Li has not taken his lunch, so he is hungry. I have drunk a lot of water, so I am not thirsty now.,Common sense,In old days, when girls from rich families were married, they expected to bring with themselves a large quantity of dowry.,Meaning focus,Word networks,Gift,Paper,Birthday,father,mother,Friend,shop,wrap,Friendship,Happy,利用联想找规律 Association method 如由tree联想到branch, leaf, green,yellow, colour, flower等。,教师应注意培养学生联想的能力。例如教 furniture 一词时,教师不应只给出中文“家具”,而是应该利用学生学过的词进行讲解,如: A desk is furniture,a table is furnitrue, a bed is furniture,a cupboard is furniture. What does the word “furniture“ mean?,关联词群(联想词群) 如:教fruit时,指出这是水果的总称,为让学生联想到有关水果的词,教师在 黑板上表示关联词群 transportation people stationary food,关联词群(联想词群),newspaper comic taxi chalk pen train book car ballpen ship magazine pencil,newspaper magazine book comic ship car train taxi chalk pen ballpen pencil,语义联想策略 1) 由某一个词联想到与其词义相近或相同的旧词,如复习employ(雇佣) 时,回忆以前学过的与其词义相近或相同的近义词或同义词hire (雇佣) ,即employ hire。 2) 由某一个词联想到与其词义相反的旧词,如学习employ (雇佣) 时,回忆词义与其相反的旧词dismiss (解雇) ,而hire (雇佣) 这个词的反义词则是fire (解雇) ,即employ dismiss ,hire fire。 3)某一个词联想到与其同类的词,如学习master (硕士) 时,联系到以前学过的doctor (博士) 、bachelor (学士) ,从而构成同类词种属组块。,关联词群指意义或形式上有关联的一组词, 意义关联词 如: chair,table,couch,stool 等。形式关联词 如: walking,cleaning ,sitting,reading 等。,一组关联词: skiing boating skating surfing sports diving water-skiing cycling swimming,激趣法 madam(夫人, 女士), eye 比较法 如: brought bought, shirt skirt, mouth month, quite quiet message masage,形近词集中在一个句子里辨异 以避免学生误写、混写 。 如: 1.He brought me three new pens but I bought some a few days ago. 2.It s quite quiet in the room.,同音异形异义词比较, 音、形、义兼顾。如: 1.Im going to buy a book by bike.Bye! 2.Their coats are over there。 读音相似、容易混淆的音近词( 如wore与were, close与clothes等) 对比、辨异并操练。例如: 1.ard: Its not hard to make a card in the yard. 2.ound: We heard a soundand found a round plate on the ground.,通过句型教单词 如:water这个词,在讲授时可以借助一些教具或动作,如花洒、浇水的动作和喝水的动作等,这些都必须是学生熟悉的行为,再呈现以下的句子。 如:(1)Im very thirsty, I want to drink some water. (2) The flowers are dry, I must water them every day. (3) There is some water in the bottle., we can drink it. 从语境中我们可猜测出(1)、(3)句中的water 是水,(2)句的是浇水的意思,从中我们也可以知道water 不同的词性和用法。,通过上下文来教单词 学习umbrella时,可以用下面这段文字: Its raining and I want to go out. I dont want to get wet. I havent a raincoat but I have an umbrella. Ill put up my umbrella. The rain is coming down on my umbrella but it isnt coming on me. My umbrella is protecting me from catching rain. Now the rain has stopped. Ill take my umbrella down., An umbrella is very useful when it is raining. 把umbrella放段落中学习,不但教会了学生这个单词,而且培养了学生的思维能力,Dragon chain,Method 1 pennoodle English hot Method 2 (cardplaying) picture + words/phrases,Favourite words,T asks Ss to write down his or her favourite word and tell your classmates why you like it. T asks Ss to write down his or her favorite words (one or two) and tell your partners why you like it (them),Guess: My favorite food!,猜猜我最喜爱的食品!,Miming T write some words on the Bb . Each student chooses one word to perform it, and the other students will guess which word he or she performs.,模拟、示范动作或面部表情 如: LookI am opening the door. I am writing some words on the paper. sad happy,举例 法 如:教lazy 这个词时,就可以说: He always gets up very late.He never cleans his room.He doesnt like to work.He is very _. 这样通过一个例子使学生既练习句子,又清楚、准确地领会了单词lazy的意思及其怎样灵活运用。,利用构词法知识 如:学生先学了 write 和 person 这两个词,在学到 writer 这个词的时候就可以说 A writer is a person. It comes from“write”. A writer is a person who writes books.,遇到符合构词法的就适时点拨, 以引发学生的兴趣。 例如: 合成词“1+1=1” bed(床)+room(房间)bedroom(卧室), basket(篮子)+ball(球)basketball (篮球) ; 派生词加前、后缀, 如: visit(v.参观)+orvisitor,含义易混词串句 1.If you can speak Chinese, please say it in Chinese. 2. Atall man is high up in the tree. 多义词串句追踪记忆。 call The new teacher first called our names, then said, “Im Li Xin. You may call me Mr Li. If you have any questions to ask me, please give me a call.That is you may callme.”,同时使用几种方法介绍词汇 如:Look,he is smiling. Now look at me.I am smiling,too.(用面部 表情smile ) We smile when we are happy(作手势让学生重复) 学生:smile. 老师:Good,what does it mean?,利用构词法知识 利用构词知识扩展词汇。教师要尽早教学生一些构词法方面的知识,特别是常用的前缀、后缀和词根等。这样学起新词来就省时省力。可以通过推理思考,使有限的词汇化为无限的生成词汇的能力。 常见的前缀如: un-,re-, mis-, over-,auto-, super-,dis-, im- 等。 常见后缀有:-er,-or,-ist,-able,-1ess,-ful, -en, -ern, -ion, -ish,-ity, -ly,-ment,-ness,-some,-ward 等。,a.利用同根词:如教过use后,经过构词分析,学生就可以推测出useful,useless, user的词义来。教师就 可以说:“useful“ comes from“use“. It means “of use“. “Useless“ comes from “use“, too. It means “of no use“ or “not useful“. beauty-beautiful- beautify,b.利用前缀 如教retell,rewrite,学生已掌握了tell,write,要向他们解释前缀re的含义 是“again“的意思。在此基础上学生就能推测出retell, rewrite的意思来。教师就可以说“Retell“comes from “tell“. “Retell“ means “to tell again.“ enable,c.利用后缀 如在学生已学过China, Japan的基础上,指出后缀ese的含义,学生就很容易推 测出Chinese, Japanese的意思,d.利用分析合成词的方法 如在学生学过wait与room的基础上,就很自然推测出waiting-room, reading-room的含义来。利用这种方法可以扩大学生的词汇量。,重复使用新词汇 如:学习market(市场)这个词,教师围绕这个词连续提问问题,让学生回答,重复使用 这个词,使学生在语言环境中掌握这个词。如: Do you often go to the supermarket? Do you live near a supermarket? When does your mother go to the supermarket? What does she buy in a supermarket?,Memorizing,Look at Tommys room for three minutes. Now close your books and write down all the things you remember. 观察汤米的房间3分钟。然后合上书,写下你记住的所有物品。,1b,填字游戏 _ _ _ _ _ _,填字游戏 m e t h o d,词不离语音 教授单词,nose,hope,close,sofa,we,these,eve,be,nine,ride,hike,white,same,save,shake,place,赛一赛,cute,less,sex,well,chess,mix,milk,gift,fish,back,hand,fact,blank,clock,lost,god,shop,lunch,just,duck,much,赛一赛,词不离句 例如: The night is so still. He is still a child after all.,词不离句 在交际中展示和运用词汇,likes,dislikes,Does Ben/Jane like?Yes, he/she does. No, he /she doesnt.,Ben likes and He doesnt like or,词不离句 在交际中展示和运用词汇 运用对比法教授词汇,词不离句 在交际中运用熟悉和感兴趣的人教授词汇,Pan Changjiang is shorter than Liu Xiang,LiuXiang,Pan Changjiang,taller,funnier,heavier,younger,older,more outgoing ,more athletic, more handsome,词不离句 教授语法,( )1. The books belong to _. A. him B. his C. hes ( )2. -Whose T-shirt is this? -It _ be Johns. Its too small for him. A. must B. might C. cant ( )3. They look the same. They _ be twins. A. might B. must C. could ( )4. He _ be in the garden. He must be in the room. A. cant B. mustnt C. may not,Exercise I. Choose the right answers.,Exercises on Unit 5,通过上下文猜测词义。 上阅读课或布置课后阅读文章时,教师可先只介绍,讲解学生理解起来最困难的词,其他生词的词义要鼓励学生通过对上下文的理解去猜测。例如猜测下段话中划线的词的词意,(这些词都是虚构的),它们可能会是什么意思呢?,A country girl was walking along the snerd with a roggle of milk on her head,she began saying to herself. The money for which I will sell this milk will make me enough money to increase my trund of eggs to three hundred. These eggs will produce the same number of chickens,and I will be able to sell the chickens for a large wunk of moneyBefore long,I will have enough money to live a rich and fallentious life. All the young men will want to marry meBut I will refuse them all with a ribble of the head 1ike this. And as she ribbled her head,the roggle fe


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