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世界著名建筑Famous architecture in the world.1、巴黎四大建筑:(巴黎凯旋门 Triumphal Arch ,埃菲尔铁塔 Eiffel Tower,卢浮宫 Louvre 巴黎圣母院 Notre-Dame Cathedral)巴黎凯旋门 Triumphal Arch凯旋门是欧洲纪念战争胜利的一种建筑。The Triumphal Arch is the European memorial victory in the war of a building.始建于古罗马时期,当时统治者以此炫耀自己的功绩。Founded in ancient Rome period, then rulers to show off his own merits.后为欧洲其他国家所效仿。For other European countries after follow suit.常建在城市主要街道中或广场上。The main streets in the city of chang or square.用石块砌筑,形似门楼,有一个或三个拱券门洞,上刻宣扬统治者战绩的浮雕。With rocks laying shaped like one or two, three GongQuan openings, engraved exaggerates the anaglyph ruler record.面对香榭丽舍大街,法国皇帝拿破仑波拿巴(1769-1821)为纪念奥斯特利茨战争的胜利而建立,1806年8月15日奠基,1836年7月29日落成。Facing the champs elysees, the French emperor napoleon Bonaparte (1769 - to commemorate the AoSiTe 1821) established the victory of the war and Bates, 15 August 1806, 1836 held on July 29 was completed.它是欧洲100多座凯旋门中最大的一座。It is Europe more than 100 seats. One of the biggest in the arc DE triomphe设计师是沙勒格兰CHALGRIN。Stylist is sand le grand CHALGRIN.四面各有一门,门上有许多精美的雕像,门内刻有跟随拿破仑波拿巴远征的286名将军的名字,门上刻有1792年至1815年间的法国战事史。All around each have one door, and there are many beautiful statues, gate inscribed with napoleon Bonaparte 286 generals of the expedition name, the door is engraved with 1792 to battle between 1815 French history.外墙上刻有取材于17921815年间法国战史的巨幅雕像。External wall engraved with drawn from 1792 to 1815 civil wars between the French giant statue.埃菲尔铁塔 Eiffel Tower埃菲尔铁塔是一座于1889年建成位于法国巴黎战神广场上的镂空结构铁塔,高300米,天线高24米,总高324米。The Eiffel Tower is a built in 1889 in Paris on the warlord square tower, hollow structure high 300 meters, antenna 24 metres high, total height 324 meters.埃菲尔铁塔得名于设计它的桥梁工程师居斯塔夫埃菲尔。The Eiffel Tower takes its name from the bridge engineer design it in Steve Eiffel.铁塔设计新颖独特,是世界建筑史上的技术杰作,因而成为法国和巴黎的一个重要景点和突出标志。Novel design is unique, the Eiffel Tower in the history of architecture technology world, so it becomes a masterpiece of French and Paris, a key scenic and prominent symbol.1889年,法国大革命100周年,巴黎举办了大型国际博览会以示庆祝。In 1889, the 100th anniversary of the French revolution, Paris held large international exposition to mark the occasion.博览会上最引人注目的展品便是埃菲尔铁塔。The most compelling expo exhibits is the Eiffel Tower.它成为当时席卷世界的工业革命的象征。It become swept the world was the symbol of the industrial revolution.浪漫的巴黎人给铁塔取了一个美丽的名字“云中牧女”。Romantic Paris Eiffel Tower to took a beautiful name - the cloud MuNv.法国人说,埃菲尔铁塔是“首都的瞭望台”,事实的确如此。Frenchman said, the Eiffel Tower is the capital of the watchtower, which is true.它设有上、中、下三个瞭望 从艾菲尔铁塔上观巴黎美景台,可同时容纳上万人,三个瞭望台各有不同的视野,也带来不同的情趣。It sets up, middle, down from three looked out on the Eiffel Tower in Paris on view platform, can accommodate scenery tens of thousands, three watchtower each have different field of vision, also bring different appeal.卢浮宫 Louvre卢浮宫,是世界上最古老、最大、最著名的博物馆之一。The Louvre, is the worlds oldest and largest, one of the most famous museum.位于法国巴黎市中心的塞纳河北岸(右岸),始建于1204年,历经800多年扩建、重修达到今天的规模。Located in downtown, Paris, France, north of the Seine right), founded in (1204 years, after retaking the reach 800 years expansion, the scale of today.卢浮宫占地面积(含草坪)约为45公顷,建筑物占地面积为4.8公顷。The Louvre area (including lawn) for about 45 hectares, building area is 4.8 hectares.全长680米。Full-length 680 meter.它的整体建筑呈“”形,分为新、老两部分,老的建于路易十四时期,新的建于拿破仑时代Its overall building the u-shaped new and old, are divided into two parts, old built in Louis xiv period, new built in napoleon.宫前的金字塔形玻璃入口,是华人建筑大师贝聿铭设计的。Palace pyramidal glass entrance before, it is Chinese building great master -i.m design.同时,卢浮宫也是法国历史上最悠久的王宫。Meanwhile, the Louvre is also the history of Frances oldest palace.与卢浮宫有关的电影有卢浮魅影等。The movie is related with the Louvre museum the Lou float phantom of the opera, etc.据统计,目前卢浮宫宫殿共收藏有 古罗马艺术馆40多万件来自世界各国的艺术珍品。According to statistics, at present the Louvre Palace Museum of ancient Rome were has a collection of over 40 million pieces of art treasures from all over the world.博物馆分为以下六个馆:东方艺术馆、古希腊及古罗马艺术馆、古埃及艺术馆、珍宝馆、绘画馆及雕塑馆。The museum is divided into the following six hall: eastern art galleries, ancient Greek and Roman art museum, the ancient Egyptian art museum, ZhenBaoGuan, painting hall and sculpture gallery. 巴黎圣母院 Notre-Dame Cathedral巴黎圣母院大教堂是一座位于法国巴黎市中心、西堤岛上的教堂建筑,也是天主教巴黎总教区的主教座堂。Notre-Dame Cathedra is at the center of Paris, the west embankment downtown church architecture, is Catholic Paris total the bishop of block to appear.圣母院约建造于1163年到1250年间,属哥特式建筑形式,是法兰西岛地区的哥特式教堂群里面,非常具有关键代表意义的一座。Built in Notre Dame 1163 years about 1,250 years of gothic form, is the French island of gothic church district, very key inside a representing significance.始建于1163年,是巴黎大主教莫里斯德苏利决定兴建的,整座教堂在1345年全部建成,历时180多年。Founded in 1163 years, archbishop of Paris is morris DE sully decided to build, the whole church built, in all the 1345 diachronic 180 years.巴黎圣母院是一座哥特式风格天主教教堂,是古老巴黎的象征。Notre Dame DE Paris is a gothic style Catholic church, is ancient symbol of Paris.它矗立在塞纳河中西岱岛的东南端,位于整个巴黎城的中心。It XiDaiDao stands in the river Seine in Paris, where the center of the city.它的地位、历史价值无与伦比,是历史上最为辉煌的建筑之一。Its status, historical value is unmatched, history of one of the most magnificent buildings.该教堂以其哥特式的建筑风格,祭坛、回廊、门窗等处的雕刻和绘画艺术,以及堂内所藏的1317世纪的大量艺术珍品而闻名于世。The church with its gothic style of the building, and the altar, corridors, Windows and doors of the place such as sculpture and painting art, and hall inside the hidden 13 17th century a large art treasures world famous.虽然这是一幢宗教建筑,但它闪烁着法国人民的智慧,反映了人们对美好生活的追求与向往。Although this is a wonderful religious buildings, but it flashing French peoples wisdom, reflects people pursuit of a better life and yearning.雨果在巴黎圣母院比喻它为石头的交响乐。Hugo in Notre Dame DE Paris analogy the stone of the symphony.2、莫斯科圣巴西利亚大教堂 Holy Brasilia Cathedral16世纪中期 ,伊凡四世建立了这座标志性的建筑。The middle of the 16 century, YiFanSiShi established the landmark building.俄罗斯的圣巴西尔大教堂是莫斯科甚或全俄罗斯最具体而微的象征,也是俄罗斯最具代表性的纪念建筑。Russias holy ba silvia cathedral is Moscow or even all the symbol of Russias most ground, also be Russias most representative memorial building.3、美国 “自由女神” Statue of Liberty.闻名世界的自由女神像,被誉为美国的象征。The world famous statue of liberty, was regarded as the symbol of America.它高高地耸立在纽约港口的自由岛 上,象征着美国人民争取自由的崇高理想。It is high in New York port standing on liberty island, a symbol of the American people freedom of lofty ideal.创作这一艺术杰作的是19 世纪后期的一位才华横溢的雕塑家,他的名字叫弗雷德里克奥古斯特巴托尔迪。To write this art is the late 19th century a brilliant sculptor, his name is Frederick auguste BaTuoErDi. 4、美国白宫 The White House美国白宫是美国总统官邸,在美国首都华盛顿,是一座白色的二层楼房。The White House is the presidential palace, in Washington, is a white two-storey building.1792年始建,从1800年以后成为历届总统的官邸,1902年美国总统罗斯福首先使用“白宫”一词。Established in 1792, from 1800 years later become presidentss official residence, in 1902 President Roosevelt first to use White House one word.后成为美国政府的代表.。Later became the American representative of the government.美国白宫美国白宫是总统和政府办公的场所。The White House is the White House is President and government office place.1812年英国和美国发生战争,英国军队占领了华盛顿城后,放火烧了包括美国国会大厦和总统府之类的建筑物。In Britain and America in 1812 war, British troops occupied on fire after HuaChengDuCheng, including the Capitol and the buildings such as the presidential palace.过后,为了掩盖被大火烧过的痕迹,1814年总统住宅棕红色的石头墙被涂上了白色。Later, in order to cover the flames, 1814 traces of the Presidents house, palm red coated with stone walls were white.从那以后,人们就把它称为“白宫”。From then on, people would call it the White House. 5、悉尼歌剧院 Sydney Opera House悉尼歌剧院位於澳洲悉尼,是20世纪最具特色的建筑之一,也是世界著名的表演艺术中心,已成为悉尼市的标志性建筑。The Sydney opera house in Sydney, Australia is located in the 20th centurys most distinctive architecture, and also one of the world famous performing arts center, has become the iconic Sydney.该歌剧院1973年正式落成,2007年6月28日被联合国教科文组织评为世界文化遗产,该剧院设计者为丹麦设计师约恩乌松。The opera house in 1973, formally inaugurated on June 28, 2007 by UNESCO as world cultural heritage, this theater designers for Danish stylist, about grace uriah loose.悉尼歌剧院坐落在悉尼港的便利朗角(Bennelong Point),其特有的帆造型,加上悉尼港湾大桥,与周围景物相映成趣。The Sydney opera house is located in Sydney convenience lang Angle (Bennelong Point), its unique sails Sydney harbour bridge, plus the modelling with surrounding scenery, sceneries.悉尼歌剧院的外观为三组巨大的壳片。The Sydney opera house appearance into three groups huge shell pieces.歌剧院整个分为三个部分:歌剧厅、音乐厅和贝尼朗餐厅。Opera house whole consists of three parts: GeJuTing, concert hall and benitez lang restaurant.据设计者晚年时说,他当年的创意其实是来源于橙子,正是那些剥去了一半皮的橙子启发了他。According to the designers, he said that his creative is actually comes from orange, it is those stripped the skin oranges half inspired him.悉尼歌剧院在公元1973年10月20日正式开幕。The Sydney opera house in the 1973 October 20 officially.开幕式邀请了英国女皇伊丽莎白二世亲临现场。Opening ceremony invited British queen Elizabeth ii came to the spot.澳大利亚指挥家唐斯挥棒首演了普罗科菲耶夫的战争与和平,这是悉尼歌剧院的首场演出。Australia swing the conductor downs profeta kofi annan and premiered his war and peace, this is the opening performance of the Sydney opera house.6、大本钟 Big Ben大本钟是由埃德蒙德格林斯罗普勋爵设计,并由爱德华登特及他的儿子弗雷德里克建造的。Big Ben is by Edmund green design, and Lord, by Edward dent and his son Frederick built.大本钟在1859年被安装在钟楼上。Big Ben in 1859 were installed in the belfry.大本钟是世界上第二大的同时朝向四个方向的时钟。Big Ben is the worlds second-biggest toward four directions at the same time the clock.每个钟面的底座上刻着拉丁文的题词,“上帝啊,请保佑我们的女王维多利亚一世的安全。”Each faces engraved on the base of Latin inscription, oh god, please bless our queen Victoria I safety.作为伦敦市的标志以及英国的象征,大本钟巨大而华丽,重13.5吨,四个钟面的面积有两平方米左右。As a city the size of London to the signs and symbols of Britain, Big Ben enormous and luxuriant, heavy 13.5 tons, the area of four faces two square metre.大本钟从1859年就为伦敦城报时,根据格林尼治时间每隔一小时敲响一次,至今将近一个半世纪,尽管这期间大本钟曾两度裂开而重铸。Big Ben from 1859 city of London hour, for according to GMT on time every hour, now almost a century and a half, although during this Big Ben has twice cracked and recast.现在大本钟的钟声仍然清晰、动听。Now Big Ben bells still clear and enchanting.自从1859年投入使用后,英国政府每隔五年就要对大本钟实施维护,包括清洗钟体、替换大本钟的报时轮系和运转轮系等。Since 1859 put into use, the British government after every five years will Big Ben implementation maintenance, including cleaning ZhongTi, replacement of Big Ben time gear train and running gear train, etc.7、白金汉宫 Buckingham Palace白金汉宫是英国的王宫。Buckingham Palace is Britains palace.建造在威斯敏斯特城内,位于伦敦詹姆士公园(St. James Park)的西边,1703年为白金汉公爵所建而得名,最早称白金汉屋,意思是“他人的家”。Built in the city of Westminster, London (St James Park James Park). To the west of 1703 built for buckingham duke is named the earliest says buckingham house, meaning others home.1703年由白金汉公爵兴建,故称“白金汉宫”。1703 built by buckingham duke, it is called Buckingham Palace.这是19世纪前期的豪华式建筑风格,庞大的规模甚至比华丽的外表更加引人注目。This is early 19th century luxury type architectural style, the sheer scale than even more remarkable gorgeous appearance.1837年维多利亚女王即位后,正式成为王宫,此后白金汉宫一直是英国王室的府邸。1837 queen Victoria throne officially became the palace, then Buckingham Palace has been British royal family mansion.目前最令英国王室头痛的支出,是愈来愈庞大的宫室维修费。At present the most British royal headache to the spending, is getting huge palace maintenance.去年白金汉宫、温莎堡等宫室维修费尽管较前年减少,但仍逾1500万镑。Buckingham Palace, Windsor castle last year as the previous year reduce maintenance costs despite his, but still more than 15 million pounds.白金汉宫现有三处对外开放:一、禁卫军的换岗仪式 二、位在宫殿南侧的女王美术馆,馆内收藏王室的艺术珍品,1962年起对公众开放。三、皇家马厩Buckingham Palace existing three places open:1、the changing of the guard two prefects is in the south of the palace, 2、a queen gallery, the library collection royal art treasures, 1962 up open to the public.3、 the royal stables8、比萨斜塔 The Leaning Tower of Pisa比萨斜塔是意大利比萨城大教堂的独立式钟楼,于意大利托斯卡纳省比萨城北面的奇迹广场上。Pisa tower of Pisa cathedral in Italy, in Italy freestanding tower of Pisa Tuscan provinces in the square north miracle.广场的大片草坪上散布着一组宗教建筑,它们是大教堂(建造于1063年13世纪)、洗礼堂(建造于1153年14世纪)、钟楼(即比萨斜塔)和墓园(建造于1174年),它们的外墙面均为乳白色大理石砌成,各自相对独立但又形成统一罗马式建筑风格。The big lawn plaza dotted around a group of religious buildings, they are built in the cathedral (1063 years - 13 century), Baptist church built in 1153 years - (14th century), tower of Pisa) and (i.e. cemetery (built in 1174), they were milky white metope, from which swashbuckling libertine giacomo casanova their relative independent but form a unified Romanesque architecture style.比萨斜塔位于比萨大教堂的后面。The tower of Pisa is located in pizza cathedral behind.由著名建筑师那诺皮萨诺主持修建。By the famous architect, built PiSaNuo presided over the Norwich.作为比萨大教堂的钟楼,1173年8月9日开始建造时的设计是垂直竖立的,原设计为8层,高54.8米,它独特的白色闪光的中世纪风格建筑物,即使后来没有倾斜,也将会是欧洲最值得注意的钟楼之一。As the clock tower, Pisa cathedral on August 9, 1173 began to build the design is vertical, the original design for erect 8 layers, high 54.8 meters, its unique white flash medieval style, even if later no buildings tilt, will also is one of Europes most notable one of the tower.传说1590年,出生在比萨城的意大利物理学家伽利略,曾在比萨斜塔上做自由落体实验,将两个重量不同的球体从相同的高度同时扔下,结果两个铅球几乎同时落地,由此发现了自由落体定律,推翻了此前亚里士多德认为的重的物体会先到达地面,落体的速度同它的质量成正比的观点。Legend 1590 years, was born in Pisas Italian physicist Galileo, who had been in free fall Pisa on two different weights experiments, the sphere from the same height also dropped almost at the same time, the result two shot put, which found the ground, reverses the universality of free fall after the heavy objects that Aristotle would arrive first ground, speed of a falling body with it is proportional to the mass of point of view.9、古罗马角斗场 The Colosseum or Coliseum罗马角斗场在意大利首都罗马市内台伯河东岸,为古罗马的象征,被誉为“世界八大奇迹“之一。Roman battle in the Italian capital Rome city Tiber is the symbol of ancient Rome, east, known as the one of the eighth wonder of the world.角斗场建于公元72-79年,强迫8万名犹太俘虏作劳役,用工8年完成。Arenas built in AD 72 - in 79, forced eight million jewish prisoners for labor, labor eight years to complete.整个建筑占地2万平方米,周长527米,可容纳9万观众。The whole building covers an area of 20,000 square meters, the perimeter of 527 meters, can accommodate 9 million viewers.它是罗马帝国征服耶路撒冷后,为纪念皇帝威斯巴西安的丰功伟绩而建的,甚至一直影响着现代大型体育场的建筑。It is the Roman empire to conquer, to mark the emperor after Jerusalem baal wiese untidier office-mate Sian, even built has influenced modern stadium architecture.“大角斗场矗立,罗马便会存在。大角斗场倒塌,罗马就会灭亡。”(基督教颂书)Big arenas standing, roma will exist. Big arenas collapsed, the Roman will perish.(Christian book of praise.)古罗马的建筑艺术继承和发展了古希腊建筑艺术。Roman architectural art inherited and developed Greek architecture art.但是,与古希腊艺术“通过崇拜神来肯定自我”不同,古罗马艺术更倾向于崇拜现实的、世俗的人。But, and ancient Greek art through worshipping the gods to sure self is different, the Roman art more inclined to worship the reality, secular people.因此,其艺术风格上充满了人的意识与人的尺度。Therefore, its artistic style filled with peoples awareness and peoples scale.正是在这种“人性”的左右下,古罗马建筑借助更为先进的技术手段,在崇高的造型里融入了完美的功能性,成就了它“永恒之都”的称号。It is in this humanity under the aid, the Roman architecture around more advanced technology, the modelling of the noble in the perfect blend in functional, accomplished it eternal title.10、巴特农神庙 Parthenon Temple在希腊首都雅典卫城坐落的古城堡中心,石灰岩的山岗上,耸峙着一座巍峨的长方形建筑物,神庙矗立在卫城的最高点,这就是在世界艺术宝库中著名的帕特农神庙。In Athens, Greece the acropolis is castle on the mountainside, center, limestone, there is a towering rectangular buildings in the city of David, the temple stands high in the world, this
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