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情态动词测试热点,情态动词的两大特点:,1、 没有人称、数的变化,2、不能单独作谓语,必须与不定式 一起构成谓语,can 1)表“能力” He could speak four foreign languages when he was young, but now he can speak only one.,如果表示过去经一番努力做成了某事, 须用was/were able to 而不用could.例如: There was a big fire in the house, but he was able to escape. With the help of old paintings and photographs, the people of St. Petersburg were able to bring back the beauty of their culture and history.,2) 表“推测” 用于否定和疑问句,意为“(不)可能” 。 例如: Where can he be? Where can he have gone? Can it be Mr Wang?,以上各句均不能用 may来表“推测” 意义-可能,It cant be the headmaster.Hes gone to Shanghai. 比较:It may not be the headmaster.,(不可能),(可能不是),3) 表“允许”,意为“可以”。例如: Can I have another cup of tea? Can he leave the room before you return? You cant smoke here.,在疑问句中可以用could 表示更加委婉 的语气。例如: Could I ask you something, if you are not too busy? Yes,_. No,_.,怎么回答?,you can,Im afraid not,例 You could use my bike if you like.,在表“允许”这一意义上, may 的用法与can相似。例如: May I stop work a little earlier tonight? Might I trouble you for a light? Yes, of course you may.(不是might) Or-,Right or wrong?,Yes, you can.,No, you cant. No, you mustnt.,典型错误: May he be in the library?,Can he be in the library?,May the teacher have finished correcting our papers?,改为,改为,Can the teacher have finished correcting our papers?,2. Must / (have to ) 1)表“义务”,意为“必须”,否定式为 neednt 或not have to. 例如: -Must we hand in our homework before supper? -Yes, you must./No, you neednt/dont have to.,2) 表“推测”,意为“肯定” “准是”, 只用于 肯定句,不用于否定和疑问句。例如; It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet.,3)表“坚持”,意为“非得”;“偏偏要”。 例如: Why must you make so much noise? Must you leave so soon?,典型错误: Must his parents be expecting him at home now?,改为,Can his parents be expecting him at home now?,He mustnt have passed the exam; he did not work hard at all.,改为,He cant have passed the exam;he did not work hard at all.,注意:mustnt “不可以, 不允许,不应该”,3. shall 1)用于第二、三人称作主语的陈述句,表示说话人的意愿,如允诺、威胁或命令等。例如: You shall remain here until all your papers are collected.(命令) You hope to destroy us one by one. You shall fail.(警告) You shall get the ticket tomorrow.(允诺) He shall be punished.(威胁),2)用于第一、三人称作主语的疑问句,即 Shall I/we/he/they do sth?表示提出意见或建议,(征询听话人的意见)。 例如: Shall I do the cleaning? Shall the boy wait outside or come inside? What shall we do this evening?,4. will 1)用于各种人称,表示愿望。意为“愿意”。例如: A man who wont work can never expect to succeed.,这一含义可以用于if 条件句。例如: The professor is having a meeting. If you will wait, you can see him.,2) 用于各种人称,表示倾向,习惯。意为 “(总是)会”,“老是”。例如: The boy will sit for hours without moving a bit.,would 表示过去的倾向或习惯,与used to do 相似。例如: When he lived in the country, he would get up early and take a long walk in the woods.,3)表示请求或询问,用于第二人称疑问句,would的语气比will委婉 Will you lend me your pen? Would you please pass me the ruler?,5. need 表“义务”,意为“需要”。用作情态动词时,只能用于否定和疑问句。肯定句中须用作实义动词。,典型错误: One need take care of oneself.,One needs to take care of oneself.,Such a small boy neednt a ticket.,Such a small boy doesnt need a ticket.,改为,改为,-1)Need he hand in his homework now?= -2)Does he need to hand in his homework now? -1)No, he neednt. -2)No, he doesnt.,6. dare 表“勇气”,意为“敢”。用作情态动词时, 只能用于否定句,疑问句和条件句。肯定句中须用作实义动词。例如: -Dare you go near the dog? -No, I dare not/darent. If you dare speak to me like that,you will be sorry.,典型错误: The girl dare go out alone at night.,改为,The girl dares to go out alone at night.,另: I dare say 习语,“可能,或许” Youre tired, I dare say.,Dare she say what she thinks? = Does she dare to say what she think?,dare有过去式形式,即dared.例如: Dared he come last night? No, he dared not(come).,7.had better=had best +动词原形 “最好” 否定结构为:had better(best)not You had better stay at home. Youd better not wake me up.,8.would rather +动词原形 “宁愿” 否定结构为 would rather not I would rather stay at home. I would rather not tell you that news.,9. Should/ought to,表示“应该, 应当”; 表示推测或可能,“按理说应该” Students should follow teachers advice. Mary should be here by now. 2) 表示说话人的某种情感,如惊奇,愤怒,遗憾,意外等. The gentleman should be so rude.,Ought to 语气强,表责任,义务等 Oughtnt we give him a chance to have another try? 有时表示非常有可能. She ought to be home by now. If we start right now, we ought to be able to get there in time.,情态动词+have done/been 表示过去或已经发生的事情(有时带过去时间状语),1. must have done/been-肯定做过 He must have told you something about it yesterday.,2. should /ought to have done -本应该 You should have come earlier.,3. neednt have done-本来不必 You neednt have hurried yesterday. You had quite enough time.,could have done/been-本来可以做 He could have passed the exam,but he was ill at that time.,4. can/could have done/been-否定或疑问句中, (不)可能做过 *He cant/couldnt have had a good time at the party, for I saw he was silent all the time.,5. may/might have done/been-可能做过 Tom may/might have read the letter.,Have remembered?,Selected from情态动词100题练习 1 . You ought to have called her yesterday . Yes , I know I _ . A . ought to B . ought to have C . ought have done D . ought to have called 2 . Why did you keep it a secret from me ? I _about it . A . should be told B . ought to have been told C . should have told D . ought to be told,3 . The girl was frightened by the thief , and she stood there without _ speak . A . daring to B . daring C . dare to D . dared to 4 . _ the bike Smith had stolen ? A . Been B . Did C . Was D . Had 5 . He looks very tired . He _ to bed too late last night . A . must go B . must have gone C . could go D . didnt go,6. If you _ me, Ill give you some advice. A. listened to B. will hear C. will listen to D. will listen to,7. A lion _ only attack a human being when it is hungry. A. should B. can C. will D. shall,8. Mary looks pale. Did you tell her about the accident?-Yes, but I _ her. A. should have told B. should not tell C. would rather not have told D. would rather not tell,9. -Would you open the window,please? -Yes, I _ . A. will B. would C. do D. can,11. He studied hard and _ pass the examination. A. could be able to B. could C. was able to D. ought to,13. I saw him leave the office an hour ago. He _ at this time. A. mustnt be working B. cant be working C. cant work D. may not be working,15. Why _ you keep on troubling me with such questions while Im busy? A. could B. can C. must D. will,19. You are running a fever. You _to see the doctor. A. need go B. must have gone C. should go D. can go,20. I _ take the job. No one_ stop me. A. will; shall B. will; may C. should; will D. shall; may,21. The door _ lock. A. cant B. may not C. wont D. mustnt,22. In three months he _speak good English. A. can B. can be able to C. will be able to D. may be,23. -I sent him the dictionary by mail this morning. -You _ that ;hes coming tomorrow A. neednt have done B. didnt have to do C. neednt do D. mustnt do,27. Its nearly seven oclock. Jack _ be here at any moment. A. must B. need C. should D. can,30. Im surprised that he _ to help me when I needed his help. A. should refuse B. would have refused C. should have refused D. may have refused,42. This car looks like mine, yet it isnt. Whose _ it be? A. can B. could C. may D. must,48. “When _ he leave the hospital?” I asked the doctor. A. will B. shall C. can D. may,46. I cant think he _ tell me a lie. A. might B. could C. would D. should,59. I didnt hear the phone. I _asleep. A. must B. must have been C. should be D. should have been,67. -What has happened to Tom? - I dont know. He _ lost. A. could get B. might get C. can have got D. may have got,68. He _ you more help even though he was very busy. A. might have given B. might give C. may have given D. may give,69. -I stayed at a hotel while in New York. -Oh, did you? You _ with Barbara. A. could have stayed B. could stay C. would stay D. must have stayed,85. -There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well. -It _ a comfortable journey. A. cant be B. shouldnt be C. mustnt have been D. couldnt have been,99. Naturally, after I told her what to do. my daughter _ go and do the opposite. A. may B. can C. must D. should,Correct the following sentences -I wonder why he is late.-He can have missed the early bus.,may,2. Look what youve done! You should be more careful.,have been,3. Why can you always interrupt me?,must,4. I should have been here, but I cant find the time.,couldnt,5. You mustnt read that book if you dont want to.,neednt,6. -Well be ready to leave at six-Well, Ralph certainly must be back then.,should,7. Did you use play football at middle school?,use to,8. To finish the paper, I need look up more facts.,to,9. You had not better touch it. It may be dangerous.,You had better not touch it,10. Tom ought not to tell me your secret, but he meant no harm.,Tom ought not to have told me your secret, ,Compare: I didnt need to get up early yesterday, because it was Sunday. 表示过去的一个事实“没有必要做”,但是,表示理论上的可能性,can 可以用于肯定句。例如: Accidents can happen. It can be a very difficult thing for foreigners to learn Chinese.,could 可以用于肯定句表示可能性,可以 指对现在事情的更不确定的推测。例如: What he said could/may be right.,We can use coal to produce electricity for agriculture and industry. Good morning, can I help you? The road can be blocked up.,shall 用法讲解,Shall -v.aux. (过去时should)(shall 可缩写为 ll , shall not 常缩写为 shant, 美国人常用will代替) 1.用于主语为第一人称单复数, 表示单纯将来 将要, 会 I shall be forty on my next birthday.


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