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Toys and culture,Children already lobbying for tacky Christmas toys? Its not their fault 孩子们正在要求俗气的圣诞礼物么?这不是他们的错,The first 1950s Barbie dolls had two careers: fashion model and bride. So what do British toy shops say about the state of the nation today?,芭比娃娃在50年代最初出现时有两个身份:时尚女郎和新娘。那么英国玩具店就如今的国情到底要说些什么?,the British are generous(慷慨的),Parents buy many more toys for their offspring than do their continental counterparts(海峡那边的国家). Britain is Europes biggest toy market, followed by France and Germany, according to Frdrique Tutt, an analyst at NPD EuroToys(市场调查公司) . British parents buy an average of 41 toys per year, which is almost a toy per week. In Spain, by contrast, children receive few toys outside the Christmas season.,In favouring entertainment over education,But, Britons seem highly susceptible(影响) to media conglomerates marketing campaigns. About one-quarter of toy sales in Britain are licence-driven(特许经营 ), which means they are based on characters from Disney films or television series such as the popular “Peppa (粉红猪 ) Pig” and “Fireman Sam”. The proportion(比例) in Germany is just 14%.,German parents are bigger on engineering. Last year building sets accounted for 13.4% of German toy sales compared with only 8.6% in Britain. Germany is the biggest European market for Lego, the Danish maker of colourful bricks. Mediterranean countries are more traditional.,德国父母更倾向于工程类玩具。去年拼装类玩具占德国玩具销售的13.4%,相比较英国是8.6%。丹麦制造的彩色积木乐高在欧洲的最大市场是德国。地中海国家更加传统。,Lego has been thriving in Britain, as it has everywhere else. The firms building sets are expensive, but they give parents lots of “play value”, which means children play with them for a long time without getting bored.,乐高玩具在英国销售兴隆。


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