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,形容词、副词 语法复习(4),一,形容词与副词 的定义,1,Ten strong young Chinese,2,the first beautiful little white Chinese wood bridge,副词/形容词的词序 限定词(all, both, those, your)+数词形容词( first, three, next)+描绘性形容词(beautiful, fine, kind)+大小(large, small, big)、长短(long, short)、高低等形体性形容词+新旧(new, old)+颜色(red, green)+国籍(Chinese)+材料(iron, stone)+被修饰的名词 The first beautiful little white Chinese wood bridge,顺口溜:1,县官行贿杀国才,Check point1 :副词/形容词的词序 1. The _ house smells as if it hasnt been lived in for years. 2004江苏 A. little white wooden B. little wooden white C. white wooden little D. wooden white little,2. _ students are required to take part in the boat race. 2004浙江 A. Ten strong young Chinese B. Ten Chinese strong young C. Chinese ten young strong D. Young strong ten Chinese,3. _ to take this adventure course will certainly learn a lot of useful skills . (NMET2000). A. Brave enough students B. Enough brave students C. Students brave enough D. Students enough brave,形容词与副词的比较级结构 越来越富 越来越美 越来越温暖 有趣,Richer and richer More and more beautiful Warmer and warmer More ad more intresting,在形容词比较级前用much, far, a lot, a great deal, even, still, twice, three times, 25%, 3/5, a bit, a little, rather, slightly等程度状语,或用an inch, one kilo, two miles, an hour 等表示计量的程度状语。 This room is much brighter than that one. Im spending a lot more time on English than before. This book is even more useful than that one. The book is two inches thicker than that one. This year well produce 75% more colour TV sets than we did last year.,比较级前的修饰语,二,熟悉形容词、副词的比较结构,Check points: 1).asas 与一样 2).not so/asas 与.不样 3).too+原级(to do )太而不可能 cant /never be too +adj.+to do无论都不过 4).比较级than 比. 5).the+比较级(of two )二者之中最. 6).the +最高级of/in/among 7).the morethe more越.就越,Check point2:比较级的结构,1.比较级+ than + 比较对象 2. as + 原级 + as + 比较对象 not +as/ so +原级 + as + 比较对象 He is as tall as you. There are as many students in our class as in your class. Maths is as important as physics. This river isnt as/so deep as that one.,Check point2:比较级的结构,当此结构中出现名词时, 通常将名词放在比较级结构中 I havent seen as old a car as this. =I havent seen a car as old as this for year. 3.降级比较用“less形容词、副词原级than 从句”意为“没比.” He runs less fast than me,4.(1)no +比较级than 表示所比较的两种事物都有与形 容词或副词相反的意义。 You are no taller than me =you are as short as me. not +比较级than.表示前后两者都肯 定, 但“前者不如后者” You are not taller than me.你不比我高. (肯定两者都高,但前者没有后者高),(2).no less than +数词 “居然有,竟然有;不下 于之多;多达”表示一种惊奇的情绪,相当于 “as much/many as ” not less than+数词 “不少于;至少.” (客观数字) (3)no more than +数词 “仅仅;只有” 数量之少 not more than +数词 “至多;不超过.” (客观数字),(4). more than There are more than three thousand students in our college. Its more than prettyits beautiful. 不仅仅 She more than kept her promise. (他非常遵守他的诺言) Its more blue than green. (与其说它是绿的,不如说它是蓝的) He is more a writer than a reporter. 与其说他是记者,不如说是作家。,16. He couldnt catch up with the thief though he had kept running, for he was _ a child. A. more than B. no more than C. not less than D. no less than,17. How beautiful she sings! I have never heard _. A. the better voice B. a good voice C. the best voice D. a better voice,比较级中用否定词no, never, nothing或否定句中表示最高级含义。 I have never seen a nicer picture. I couldnt agree more .,Check point3:比较级表示最高级,中国是亚洲最大的国家。 China is the largest country in Asia. China is larger than any other country in Asia. China is larger than any of the other countries in Asia. China is larger than the other countries in Asia.,比较级表示最高级的结构,the other + 复数名词 1.比较级+than+ any other + 单数名词 any of the other +复数名词 2.比较级+ than + anything/ anyone else She loves music better than anything else. (= She loves music best. ) He works harder than anyone else in his class. 3. 比较级中用否定词no, never, nothing或否定句中表示最高级含义。 I have never seen a nicer picture. I couldnt agree more .,21. We are working in different companies, and he earns _ money as _. A. as three times; I B. so three times; me C. three times as; mine D. three times as much; I,22. After the new manager came, this factory produced _ goods last year as in 1991. A. twice as many B. as twice many C. as many twice D. twice many as,23It is reported that the United States uses energy as the whole of Europe . NMET2004 A. as twice B. twice much C. twice much as D. twice as much,Check point6:倍数的表示法,1. 数字 + times + 比较级 + than This room is three times larger than our classroom. 2. 倍数 + times + as + 原级 + as 3. 倍数+ times + the size(length) of 4. 分数+ of + Our classroom is one third of this room.,但: as much as 与表示数量、时间、价格、距离、等计量单位的名词连用时,往往不表示比较而是构成一个形容词词组,意为“重达,多达,高达,深达” On Sports Day,during the relay race, you will use as much as 650 calories an hour.,24. I have become _and _ in playing football. A. much; much interesting B. more; more interested C. more; more interesting D. much; more interested,Check point7.用“比较级+and+比较级”的结构来表示事物本身程度的增长,译为“越来越”,The weather is getting colder and colder. The city is becoming more and more beautiful. She felt herself becoming more and more nervous.,25.The _you work, the _ points youll get in the exams. A. few; little B.


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