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提分专练(十一).完形填空Access to electricity has always been limited for people living in Nuevo Saposoa, a remote village in Peru. However, things went from bad to worse in March 2015 _1_ a flood damaged the power station in the area. The villagers were _2_ to turn to kerosene (煤油) lamps, which are not only expensive but also _3_ because of the poisonous matter they give off._4_, the researchers and students at the Universidad de Ingenieray Tecnologa (UTEC) in Lima, Peru heard about their _5_ situation and came up with a creative solution. They _6_ a lamp that can be powered by plants and soil, both of which can be found _7_ in the Amazonian rainforests where the village is located. Called Plantalmparas, the _8_ draws energy from a plant growing in a wooden box and uses it to _9_ an LED bulb.While that may sound complicated and even impossible, it is quite _10_. The waste produced by plants undergoes oxidization (氧化作用) in the soil, which produces electrons (电子). The UTEC team placed electrodes (电极) inside the soil to _11_ the energy and store it in the lamps batteries for _12_ use. The researchers say a single charge can light an LED bulb for two hours enough _13_ for people to get their evening chores done. The university _14_ ten such lamps to Nuevo Saposoa in October 2015. So far, they have been a huge _15_! Elmer Ramirez, UTECs professor, believes the plant powered lamps could also help improve the lives of thousands of other _16_ rainforest communities, 42% of which have no access to _17_.This is not the _18_ time the students and professors of UTEC have come up with a(n) _19_ solution to a problem. In 2014, to deal with Perus severe _20_ pollution they created a large advertising board that could be used as an air purifier (净化器) as well!语篇解读:本文是说明文。秘鲁UTEC大学的师生为了解决偏远乡村用电难的问题发明了一种利用植物和土壤供电的灯。1A.afterBthoughCunless Duntil解析:选A根据本句中的“from bad to worse”可知,在洪水毁了当地的发电站“后(after)”, Nuevo Saposoa村用电难的问题更加严重。2A.advised BtaughtCasked Dforced解析:选D没有电,村民们“被迫(forced)”使用煤油灯。3A.disappointing BinconvenientCstrange Ddangerous解析:选D根据本空后的“the poisonous matter”可知,使用煤油灯很“危险(dangerous)”。4A.Fortunately BSuddenlyCCertainly DUsually解析:选A根据下文内容可知,“幸运的是(Fortunately)”,UTEC大学的师生们想出了一个好主意帮助村民。5A.real BembarrassingCbad Dunstable解析:选C根据上文内容可知,Nuevo Saposoa村的村民无电可用,情况很“糟糕(bad)”。6A.bought BdesignedCdiscovered Drepaired解析:选B根据本空后的“a lamp that can be powered by plants and soil”可知,他们“设计出(designed)”一种利用植物和土壤供电的灯。7A.in detail Bin timeCin harmony Din abundance解析:选D只有制作新型灯的材料容易获得,这项发明才有可能得到广泛使用。故此处in abundance(大量地)符合语境。8A.village BlampCrainforest Dsoil解析:选B根据本空前的Called和本空后的“draws energy”可知,这种“灯(lamp)”名叫Plantalmparas,从植物中获取电能。9A.light up Bmake upCgive up Duse up解析:选A本空前的it指代本句中的energy,表示这种灯利用从植物中获得的电能“点亮(light up)”LED灯泡。10A.widespread BstraightforwardCwellknown Dlaborsaving解析:选B本句开头的While表示对比或相反的情况,因此这里指尽管从植物中获取电能听上去很复杂,甚至不可能,但其实并“不难(straightforward)”。11A.waste BsaveCproduce Ddirect解析:选C根据本空前的“placed electrodes (电极) inside the soil”可知,UTEC大学的团队把电极放进土壤就是为了“发(produce)”电。12A.additional BfreeCregular Dlater解析:选D根据本句中的store可知,把电能存进电池里是为了“以后的(later)”使用。13A.energy BspaceCtime Dbrightness解析:选C根据本空前的“two hours”可知,两个小时的“时间(time)”足够人们完成夜间琐事了。14A.distributed BsoldClent Dreturned解析:选A根据上文内容可知,UTEC大学的师生发明这种新型灯就是为了帮助Nuevo Saposoa村的村民,所以他们完成发明后给该村“分发了(distributed)”十个这种灯。15A.success BchallengeCchange Dsurprise解析:选A根据下句中的“could also help .”可知,这些灯很“成功(success)”,所以UTEC大学的教授认为它们也可以被推广到其他地方。16A.nearby BsmallCremote Dancient解析:选C解析见下题。17A.education BelectricityCtechnology Dentertainment解析:选B根据上文内容可知,UTEC大学的师生为了解决偏远乡村Nuevo Saposoa村用电难的问题才发明了这种灯,因此这里指将这种灯推广到其他用“电(electricity)”难的“偏远的(remote)”乡村。18A.best BfirstCaccurate Dnormal解析:选B解析见下题。19A.clever BsimpleCtemporary Dimmediate解析:选A根据下句内容可知,这不是UTEC大学的师生“第一次(first)”想出这么“聪明的(clever)”点子。20A.noise BwaterCair Dvehicle解析:选C根据本句中的“an air purifier (净化器)”可知,这个也可以充当空气净化器的广告牌是用来应对秘鲁严重的“空气(air)”污染的。.任务型阅读(2019南京三模)What Can We Learn from Amish People?Many people think of the Amish as living without modern technology.These communities, mainly located in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana, go without cars, TVs, computers, phones or even the electricity needed to run so many of 21st century devices.But what researchers who have studied them have found is what the Amish have a surplus of: good health in late life.The average American life expectancy is currently just under 79 years.Back in 1900, it was only 47, but for early20th century Amish it was already greater than 70.Over the decades, most Americans have caught up in overall life expectancy, but the Amish still have a significant edge in latelife health, with lower rates of cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and more.So how do they do it?Start with lifestyle.Amish communities are agrarian, with no modern farm equipment, meaning all the work has to be done by hand.In 2004, the American College of Sports Medicine fitted Amish volunteers with pedometers to determine how much physical activity they performed.The results were dramatic.Amish men took 18,425 steps a day and women 14,196 steps, compared with nonAmish people who are encouraged by doctors to shoot for at least 10,000 steps and typically fail.Including other forms of manual labour lifting, chopping, sowing, planting the Amish are six times as active as a random sample of people from 12 countries.One result of this is that only 4% of Amish people are obese, compared with 36.5% of the overall US population.Amish children are about onethird as likely as nonAmish to be obese, according to a 2012 study in PLOS One.This means 50% lower rates of Type 2 diabetes.The near absence of tobacco in the Amish community some men do smoke cigars results in a 63% lower rate of tobaccorelated cancers, according to a 2004 study of Ohios Amish population.The Amish also had rates of all cancers that were 40% lower than the rest of the Ohio population.Cardiovascular disease is one area in which the Amish dont have an edge, with bloodpressure and heartdisease rates slightly higher than those of other populations.Some of this might be attributed to the Amish diet, which is heavy on pancakes, eggs and sausage for breakfast; and meat, potatoes, gravy and bread for dinner.Working the farm can burn off those calories, but all the fat and salt and carbs still have a bad effect.The most powerful weapon in the Amish longlife arsenal, however, may be genes.The Amish population in the US is about 318,000, descended from just 200 families that immigrated in the 1700s.They mostly marry within their own communities, which means the genes that existed when their ancestors got to America have remained.That can be a dangerous thing if bad genes are hidden in the mix but a good thing if the genes are sound.While no community is without genetic problems, the Amish seem to have gotten a lucky draw.In a study released last November, researchers announced the discovery of a gene in an Amish community that seemed to be associated with an average lifespan 10% longer than that of people without the gene.While much of the Amish advantage is unique to the Amish themselves, there is one longlife lesson they can teach everyone else.Almost all elderly people in the Amish community are cared for at home, by relatives.This isnt always realistic or possible in the nonAmish world, but when it is, it plays huger health dividends than medicine does.What Can We Learn from Amish People?OutlineSupporting detailsIntroduction to the AmishThe Amish (1)_ the average American by more than 20 years last century.The Amish in general enjoy better health than most people when they are (2)_Factors in the Amishs (3)_LifestylesThe Amish have to (4)_ by hand due to the lack of agricultural equipment.Thus they are more (5)_ active, taking more steps than the nonAmish people.Various forms of manual labour (6)_ that they suffer less obesity.(7)_ smoking contributes to lower rates of tobaccorelated cancers among the Amish.GenesThe Amish are able to (8)_ their good genes pure by marrying within their own communities.Problem with the Amishs lifestyleThe Amishs diet, (9)_ more fat, salt and carbs than needed, brings about high blood pressure and heartdisease rates.Lesson from the AmishThe power of family affection may go (10)_ that of medicine.答案:1.survived/outlived2.old/aging3favo(u)r/interest(s)4.farm/work/labo(u)r5physically6.ensure/guarantee7.Little/Less8.keep9.containing10.above/beyond.书面表达假设你是李华,在加拿大多伦多的维多利亚公园中学(Victoria Park CI.)学习。为了提高英语水平,你准备申请寄宿家庭。互联网上的一则广告引起了你的注意,但一些具体信息不明


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