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pGEXe23(scFv)PE40融合基因的构建及其在大肠杆菌中的表达 作者:王慧,韩苇,颜真,张英起 【关键词】 单链抗体 关键词: 单链抗体,免疫毒素,基因表达 摘 要:目的 在大肠杆菌中表达抗原癌基因c-erbB-2表达产物p185的单链抗体e23(scFv)/假单孢菌属外毒素活性片段PE40免疫毒素的融合蛋白,为乳腺癌、胃癌等多种c-erbB-2呈过量表达的恶性肿瘤的免疫治疗奠定基础. 方法 去除克隆在真核表达载体pLNCX中的e23(scFv)PE40基因5端编码信号肽的核苷酸序列,并将改建后的融合基因克隆到原核融合表达载体pGEX-4T中表达. 结果 序列测定表明.改建后的抗p185e23(scFv)/PE40序列正确.融合基因经IPTG诱导表达4h后,经SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分析,在Mr 90000处出现一条新生蛋白带,表达量约占菌体总蛋白的15%. 结论 成功改建并在原核中表达了抗p185e23(scFv)/PE40融合蛋白. INTRODUCTION The c-erbB-2oncogene is located in17q21,and en-codes185ku(p185)transmembrane receptor(HER2)that belongs to the epidermal growth fac-tor receptor family and has intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity 1-4 .HER-2gene is activated by amplifica-tion and overexpression of its protein product,which leads to its constitutive activation resulting in unregulated cell growth,then processes tumorigenic or transforming activity 5-6 .It has been reported that HER2is overexpressed in25%30%of breast cancers,urinary bladder cancer and gastric carcino-ma.The study of breast cancer suggests that c-erbB-2has a direct role in the pathogenesis and clini-cal aggressiveness of c-erbB-2overexpressing tu-mors 7,8 .The patients with c-erbB-2positive have higher risks of metastasis and recurrence,shorter non-tumor life span and total life span 9-13 .The anti-p185humanized monoclonal antibody Herceptin can effectively kill several c-erbB-2positive cell lines and dramatically inhibit the growth of xenograft overexpressing c-erbB-2in nude mouse.As a re-sult,Herceptin had been approved by FDA of U S A to be used in the first line chemotherapy as an ad-junctive agent in c-erbB-2positive metastasis breast cancers in September,1998 14 .In our study,we re-constructed a single-chain chimeric immunotoxin termed e23(scFv)PE40.In e23(scFv)PE40,the variable domain of the light chain of mAb e23was attached through a peptide linker to the variable do-main of the heavy chain,which in turn was fused to domainandof PE.Then we expressed this immunotoxin successfully in a prokaryotic fusion protein expression vector pGEX-4T. MATERIALS AND METHODS Materials pLNCX-e23(scFv)PE40that consisted of e23,an anti-p185single chain variable fragment(scFv)and PE40was presented by Professor Yang An-Gang.Our laboratory preserved pBluescprit cloning vector and pGEX-4T fusion protein expres- sion vector.Wizard TM Plus Miniprep DNA Purifica-tion System was bought from Promega Company.NucleoTrap Gel Purification Kit was bought from Clontech Company.Restriction endonuclease and enzymes used in DNA cloning were obtained from Takara.Anti-PE40serum was the product of Sig-ma.Other agents were qualified for laboratory use.Methods Construction of fusion gene To delete the signal peptide coding sequence of pLNCX-e23(scFv)PE40,4fragments of the VL5sequence of e23(scFv)were designed and synthesized by Shanghai Sangon Biotechnology limited Company and an EcoRI recognition site was inserted into the begin-ning of the adapter.The sequences were shown be-low: EcoRI initiation code DISSUSSION We intended to express e23(scFv)PE40in prokaryote,which can be used in breast,gastric and other c-erbB-2positive cancers as a adjunctive a-gent.The expression of GST-fusion e23(scFv)PE40present a feasible way to get e23(scFv)PE40. REFERENCES: 1Tang ZQ,Zhang YS,Corbley M J,Tong TJ.Cell aging of hu-man diploid fibroblasts is associated with changes in responsive-ness to epidermal growth factor and changes in HER-2expres-sion J.Mech Aging Dev,1994;73:57-67. 2Philip GK,Sun US.Therapy of an animal model of human gas-tric cancer using a combination of anti-erbB-2monoclonal anti-bodies J.Cancer Res,1992;52:2771-2776. 3Michael FP,Carlos CC.Expression of the HER2/neu proto-oncogene in normal human adult and fetal tissues J.Onco-gene,1990;5:953-962. 4Chen SY,Yang AG.Potent antitumour activity of a new class of tumor-specific killer cells J.Nature,1997;385:78-80.5Jiang K,Tong TJ.Research on the Relationship between erbB-2and the Malignant Phenotype as well as Proliferation Regulation of Gastric Cancer Cells J.Zhongguo Shengwu Huaxue Yu Fenzi Shengwu Xuebao(Chin J Biochem Mol Biol),1998;14:457-462. 6Clay BS.Target Toxin as Anticancer Agents J.Cancer Sup-pl,1994;74:1006-1011. 7Jiang K,Tong TJ.Progress in the research of c-erbB-2proto-oncogene J.Natl Med J Chin,1996;76:158-160. 8Wang WG,Tong TJ.The expression of c-erbB-2on apoptotic process J.Zhongguo Shengwu Huaxue Yu Fenzi Shengwu Xuebao(Chin J Biochem Mol Biol),1998;14:290-293. 9Zhao ZG,Zhang LL.Amplification of the oncogene c-erbB-2in transitional cell carcinoma of bladder J.Di-si Junyi Daxue Xuebao(J Fourth Mil Med Univ),2000;21(4):482. 10Bi F,Zhang XY,Fan DM,Hui HX,Wanh CJ.Computer de-sign of anti-c-erbB-2ribozymes J.Di-si Junyi Daxue Xuebao(J Fourth Mil Med Univ),1997;18(1):6-8. 11Hao XB,Zhang YH,Qiu FH,Zhang LC,Han XZ,Yin Y,Tao QY,Hao XK.Influence of c-erbB-2gene on growth properties of mouse fibroblast J.Di-si Junyi Daxue Xuebao(J Fourth Mil Med Univ),1997;18(1):23-25. 12Bi F,Zhang XY,Hui HX.Construction and identification of the eucaryotic expression vector PDOR-AE of c-erbB-2antisense RNA J.Di-si Junyi Daxue Xuebao(J Fourth Mil Med Univ),1997;18(6):593-595. 13Jin Y,Yang LJ,Tipoe GL.The quantitative observation of overexpression of Neu/c-erbB-2in benign and malignant epithe-lia of cheek mucosa J.Di-si Junyi Daxue Xuebao(J Fourth Mil Med Univ),1996;17(6):462-266. 14Joan A,Jose B.Trastuzumba,a humanized anti-HER2mono-clonal antibody,for the treatment of breast cancer J.Drug Today,1999;35(12):931-946. Biography:WANG Hui(female,born in1974in W


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